# dnsdist `dnsdist` is a highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer. Its goal in life is to route traffic to the best server, delivering top performance to legitimate users while shunting or blocking abusive traffic. `dnsdist` is dynamic, in the sense that its configuration can be changed at runtime, and that its statistics can be queried from a console-like interface. All `dnsdist` features are documented at [dnsdist.org](https://dnsdist.org). ## Compiling from git Make sure to `autoreconf -vi` before running `configure`. ## macOS Notes Install dependencies from Homebrew: ```sh brew install autoconf automake boost libedit libsodium libtool lua pkg-config protobuf ``` Let configure know where to find libedit, and openssl or libressl: ```sh ./configure 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/libedit/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/libressl/lib/pkgconfig' make ```