/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "circular_buffer.hh" #include "dnsname.hh" #include "iputils.hh" #include "lock.hh" #include "stat_t.hh" #include "dnsdist-protocols.hh" struct Rings { struct Query { ComboAddress requestor; DNSName name; struct timespec when; struct dnsheader dh; uint16_t size; uint16_t qtype; // incoming protocol dnsdist::Protocol protocol; }; struct Response { ComboAddress requestor; ComboAddress ds; // who handled it DNSName name; struct timespec when; struct dnsheader dh; unsigned int usec; unsigned int size; uint16_t qtype; // outgoing protocol dnsdist::Protocol protocol; }; struct Shard { LockGuarded> queryRing{boost::circular_buffer()}; LockGuarded> respRing{boost::circular_buffer()}; }; Rings(size_t capacity=10000, size_t numberOfShards=10, size_t nbLockTries=5, bool keepLockingStats=false): d_blockingQueryInserts(0), d_blockingResponseInserts(0), d_deferredQueryInserts(0), d_deferredResponseInserts(0), d_nbQueryEntries(0), d_nbResponseEntries(0), d_currentShardId(0), d_numberOfShards(numberOfShards), d_nbLockTries(nbLockTries), d_keepLockingStats(keepLockingStats) { setCapacity(capacity, numberOfShards); } std::unordered_map > > getTopBandwidth(unsigned int numentries); size_t numDistinctRequestors(); /* This function should only be called at configuration time before any query or response has been inserted */ void setCapacity(size_t newCapacity, size_t numberOfShards) { if (numberOfShards <= 1) { d_nbLockTries = 0; } d_shards.resize(numberOfShards); d_numberOfShards = numberOfShards; /* resize all the rings */ for (auto& shard : d_shards) { shard = std::make_unique(); shard->queryRing.lock()->set_capacity(newCapacity / numberOfShards); shard->respRing.lock()->set_capacity(newCapacity / numberOfShards); } /* we just recreated the shards so they are now empty */ d_nbQueryEntries = 0; d_nbResponseEntries = 0; } void setNumberOfLockRetries(size_t retries) { if (d_numberOfShards <= 1) { d_nbLockTries = 0; } else { d_nbLockTries = retries; } } size_t getNumberOfShards() const { return d_numberOfShards; } size_t getNumberOfQueryEntries() const { return d_nbQueryEntries; } size_t getNumberOfResponseEntries() const { return d_nbResponseEntries; } void insertQuery(const struct timespec& when, const ComboAddress& requestor, const DNSName& name, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t size, const struct dnsheader& dh, dnsdist::Protocol protocol) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < d_nbLockTries; idx++) { auto& shard = getOneShard(); auto lock = shard->queryRing.try_lock(); if (lock.owns_lock()) { insertQueryLocked(*lock, when, requestor, name, qtype, size, dh, protocol); return; } if (d_keepLockingStats) { ++d_deferredQueryInserts; } } /* out of luck, let's just wait */ if (d_keepLockingStats) { ++d_blockingResponseInserts; } auto& shard = getOneShard(); auto lock = shard->queryRing.lock(); insertQueryLocked(*lock, when, requestor, name, qtype, size, dh, protocol); } void insertResponse(const struct timespec& when, const ComboAddress& requestor, const DNSName& name, uint16_t qtype, unsigned int usec, unsigned int size, const struct dnsheader& dh, const ComboAddress& backend, dnsdist::Protocol protocol) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < d_nbLockTries; idx++) { auto& shard = getOneShard(); auto lock = shard->respRing.try_lock(); if (lock.owns_lock()) { insertResponseLocked(*lock, when, requestor, name, qtype, usec, size, dh, backend, protocol); return; } if (d_keepLockingStats) { ++d_deferredResponseInserts; } } /* out of luck, let's just wait */ if (d_keepLockingStats) { ++d_blockingResponseInserts; } auto& shard = getOneShard(); auto lock = shard->respRing.lock(); insertResponseLocked(*lock, when, requestor, name, qtype, usec, size, dh, backend, protocol); } void clear() { for (auto& shard : d_shards) { shard->queryRing.lock()->clear(); shard->respRing.lock()->clear(); } d_nbQueryEntries.store(0); d_nbResponseEntries.store(0); d_currentShardId.store(0); d_blockingQueryInserts.store(0); d_blockingResponseInserts.store(0); d_deferredQueryInserts.store(0); d_deferredResponseInserts.store(0); } /* load the content of the ring buffer from a file in the format emitted by grepq(), only useful for debugging purposes */ size_t loadFromFile(const std::string& filepath, const struct timespec& now); std::vector > d_shards; pdns::stat_t d_blockingQueryInserts; pdns::stat_t d_blockingResponseInserts; pdns::stat_t d_deferredQueryInserts; pdns::stat_t d_deferredResponseInserts; private: size_t getShardId() { return (d_currentShardId++ % d_numberOfShards); } std::unique_ptr& getOneShard() { return d_shards[getShardId()]; } void insertQueryLocked(boost::circular_buffer& ring, const struct timespec& when, const ComboAddress& requestor, const DNSName& name, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t size, const struct dnsheader& dh, dnsdist::Protocol protocol) { if (!ring.full()) { d_nbQueryEntries++; } ring.push_back({requestor, name, when, dh, size, qtype, protocol}); } void insertResponseLocked(boost::circular_buffer& ring, const struct timespec& when, const ComboAddress& requestor, const DNSName& name, uint16_t qtype, unsigned int usec, unsigned int size, const struct dnsheader& dh, const ComboAddress& backend, dnsdist::Protocol protocol) { if (!ring.full()) { d_nbResponseEntries++; } ring.push_back({requestor, backend, name, when, dh, usec, size, qtype, protocol}); } std::atomic d_nbQueryEntries; std::atomic d_nbResponseEntries; std::atomic d_currentShardId; size_t d_numberOfShards; size_t d_nbLockTries = 5; bool d_keepLockingStats{false}; }; extern Rings g_rings;