/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "svc-records.hh" #include "misc.hh" #include "base64.hh" const std::map SvcParam::SvcParams = { {"mandatory", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::mandatory}, {"alpn", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::alpn}, {"no-default-alpn", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::no_default_alpn}, {"port", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::port}, {"ipv4hint", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::ipv4hint}, {"ech", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::ech}, {"ipv6hint", SvcParam::SvcParamKey::ipv6hint} }; SvcParam::SvcParamKey SvcParam::keyFromString(const std::string& k) { bool ignored; return SvcParam::keyFromString(k, ignored); } SvcParam::SvcParamKey SvcParam::keyFromString(const std::string& k, bool &generic) { auto it = SvcParams.find(k); if (it != SvcParams.end()) { generic = false; return it->second; } if (k.substr(0, 3) == "key") { try { generic = true; return SvcParam::SvcParamKey(pdns_stou(k.substr(3))); } catch (...) { } } throw std::invalid_argument("SvcParam '" + k + "'is not recognized or in keyNNNN format"); } std::string SvcParam::keyToString(const SvcParam::SvcParamKey& k) { auto ret = std::find_if(SvcParams.begin(), SvcParams.end(), [&](const std::pair& e) { return e.second == k; }); if (ret != SvcParams.end()) { return ret->first; } return "key" + std::to_string(k); } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::no_default_alpn) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create non-empty SvcParam for key '" + keyToString(key) + "'"); } } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key, const std::string &value) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::ech && d_key < 7) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create SvcParam for " + keyToString(key) + " with a string value"); } if (d_key == SvcParamKey::ech) { std::string d; // TODO check Base64 decode d_ech = value; return; } d_value = value; } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key, std::vector &&value) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::alpn) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create SvcParam for " + keyToString(key) + " with a string-set value"); } if (d_key == SvcParamKey::alpn) { d_alpn = std::move(value); } } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key, std::set &&value) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::mandatory) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create SvcParam for " + keyToString(key) + " with a string-set value"); } if (d_key == SvcParamKey::mandatory) { for (auto const &v: value) { d_mandatory.insert(keyFromString(v)); } } } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key, std::set &&value) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::mandatory) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create SvcParam for " + keyToString(key) + " with a SvcParamKey-set value"); } d_mandatory = std::move(value); } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key, std::vector &&value) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::ipv6hint && d_key != SvcParamKey::ipv4hint) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create SvcParam for " + keyToString(key) + " with an IP address value"); } for (auto const &addr : value) { if (d_key == SvcParam::ipv6hint && !addr.isIPv6()) { throw std::invalid_argument("non-IPv6 address ('" + addr.toString() + "') passed for " + keyToString(key)); } if (d_key == SvcParam::ipv4hint && !addr.isIPv4()) { throw std::invalid_argument("non-IPv4 address ('" + addr.toString() + "') passed for " + keyToString(key)); } } d_ipHints = std::move(value); } SvcParam::SvcParam(const SvcParamKey &key, const uint16_t value) { d_key = key; if (d_key != SvcParamKey::port) { throw std::invalid_argument("can not create SvcParam for " + keyToString(key) + " with an port value"); } d_port = value; } //! This ensures an std::set will be sorted by key (section 2.2 mandates this for wire format) bool SvcParam::operator<(const SvcParam& other) const { return this->d_key < other.getKey(); } const std::vector& SvcParam::getIPHints() const { if (d_key != SvcParamKey::ipv6hint && d_key != SvcParamKey::ipv4hint) { throw std::invalid_argument("getIPHints called for non-IP address key '" + keyToString(d_key) + "'"); } return d_ipHints; } uint16_t SvcParam::getPort() const { if (d_key != SvcParam::port) { throw std::invalid_argument("getPort called for non-port key '" + keyToString(d_key) + "'"); } return d_port; } const std::vector& SvcParam::getALPN() const { if (d_key != SvcParam::alpn) { throw std::invalid_argument("getALPN called for non-alpn key '" + keyToString(d_key) + "'"); } return d_alpn; } const std::set& SvcParam::getMandatory() const { if (d_key != SvcParam::mandatory) { throw std::invalid_argument("getMandatory called for non-mandatory key '" + keyToString(d_key) + "'"); } return d_mandatory; } const std::string& SvcParam::getECH() const { if (d_key != SvcParam::ech) { throw std::invalid_argument("getECH called for non-ech key '" + keyToString(d_key) + "'"); } return d_ech; } const std::string& SvcParam::getValue() const { if (d_key < 7) { throw std::invalid_argument("getValue called for non-single value key '" + keyToString(d_key) + "'"); } return d_value; }