menuSection(N_('Business Processes'), array( 'url' => 'businessprocess', 'icon' => 'sitemap', 'priority' => 46 )); try { $storage = LegacyStorage::getInstance(); $prio = 0; foreach ($storage->listProcessNames() as $name) { $meta = $storage->loadMetadata($name); if ($meta->get('AddToMenu') === 'no') { continue; } $prio++; if ($prio > 5) { $section->add(N_('Show all'), array( 'url' => 'businessprocess', 'priority' => $prio )); break; } $section->add($meta->getTitle(), array( 'url' => 'businessprocess/process/show', 'urlParameters' => array('config' => $name), 'priority' => $prio )); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Well... there is not much we could do here } $this->providePermission( 'businessprocess/showall', $this->translate('Allow to see all available processes, regardless of configured restrictions') ); $this->providePermission( 'businessprocess/create', $this->translate('Allow to create whole new process configuration (files)') ); $this->providePermission( 'businessprocess/modify', $this->translate('Allow to modify process definitions, to add and remove nodes') ); $this->provideRestriction( 'businessprocess/prefix', $this->translate('Restrict access to configurations with the given prefix') ); $this->provideJsFile('vendor/Sortable.js'); $this->provideJsFile('behavior/sortable.js'); $this->provideJsFile('vendor/jquery.fn.sortable.js');