if (-not (test-path env:MOZILLABUILD)) { echo "No MOZILLABUILD environment variable found, terminating." exit 1 } $mypath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $machpath = ($mypath -replace '\\', '/').substring(0, $mypath.length - 4) if ($machpath.contains(' ')) { echo @' The repository path contains whitespace which currently isn't supported in mach.ps1. Please run MozillaBuild manually for now. '@ exit 1 } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $args.length; $i++) { $arg = $args[$i] if ($arg.contains(' ')) { echo @' The command contains whitespace which currently isn't supported in mach.ps1. Please run MozillaBuild manually for now. '@ exit 1 } } & "$env:MOZILLABUILD/start-shell.bat" $machpath $args exit $lastexitcode