#!/bin/bash # This file is part of DAV-4-TbSync. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # $1 link to base web server : https://tbsync.jobisoft.de/beta # $2 local path of base web server : /var/www/jobisoft.de/tbsync/beta # $3 name of XPI : DAV-4-TbSync.xpi git clean -df git checkout -- . git pull version=$(cat manifest.json | jq -r .version) updatefile=update-dav.json sed -i "s/%VERSION%/$version/g" "beta-release-channel-update.json" sed -i "s|%LINK%|$1/$3|g" "beta-release-channel-update.json" sed -i "s/static getApiVersion() { return \"/static getApiVersion() { return \"Beta /g" "content/provider.js" echo "Releasing version $version via beta release channel (will include updateURL)" sed -i "s|\"name\": \"__MSG_extensionName__\",|\"name\": \"DAV for TbSync [Beta Release Channel]\",|g" "manifest.json" sed -i "s|\"gecko\": {|\"gecko\": {\n \"update_url\": \"$1/$updatefile\",|g" "manifest.json" cp beta-release-channel-update.json $2/$updatefile rm -f $3 rm -f $3.tar.gz zip -r $3 content _locales manifest.json background.js LICENSE CONTRIBUTORS.md tar cfvz $3.tar.gz content _locales manifest.json background.js LICENSE CONTRIBUTORS.md cp $3 $2/$3 cp $3.tar.gz $2/$3.tar.gz