[flake8] # Don't even try to analyze these: exclude = # No need to traverse egg files *.egg, # No need to traverse egg info dir *.egg-info, # No need to traverse eggs directory .eggs, # No need to traverse our git directory .git, # GitHub configs .github, # Cache files of MyPy .mypy_cache, # Cache files of pytest .pytest_cache, # Temp dir of pytest-testmon .tmontmp, # Countless third-party libs in venvs .tox, # Occasional virtualenv dir .venv # VS Code .vscode, # There's no value in checking cache directories __pycache__, # Temporary build dir build, # This contains sdists and wheels of ansible-lint that we don't want to check dist, # Occasional virtualenv dir env, # Metadata of `pip wheel` cmd is autogenerated pip-wheel-metadata, # Let's not overcomplicate the code: max-complexity = 10 # Accessibility/large fonts and PEP8 friendly: #max-line-length = 79 # Accessibility/large fonts and PEP8 unfriendly: max-line-length = 100 # Allow certain violations in certain files: per-file-ignores = # FIXME: D100 Missing docstring in public module # FIXME: D101 Missing docstring in public class # FIXME: D102 Missing docstring in public method # FIXME: D103 Missing docstring in public function # FIXME: drop these once they're made simpler # Ref: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/744 # lib/ansiblelint/__main__.py:32:1: C901 'main' is too complex (12) lib/ansiblelint/__main__.py: C901 lib/ansiblelint/cli.py: D101 D102 D103 lib/ansiblelint/formatters/__init__.py: D101 D102 lib/ansiblelint/utils.py: D103 lib/ansiblelint/rules/*.py: D100 D101 D102 # FIXME: drop these once they're fixed # Ref: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/725 test/__init__.py: D102 test/conftest.py: D100 D103 test/rules/EMatcherRule.py: D100 D101 D102 test/rules/UnsetVariableMatcherRule.py: D100 D101 D102 test/TestAlwaysRunRule.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestAnsibleLintRule.py: D100 D103 test/TestBaseFormatter.py: D100 D103 test/TestBecomeUserWithoutBecome.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestCliRolePaths.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestCommandLineInvocationSameAsConfig.py: D100 D103 test/TestCommandHasChangesCheck.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestComparisonToEmptyString.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestComparisonToLiteralBool.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestDependenciesInMeta.py: D100 D103 test/TestDeprecatedModule.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestEnvVarsInCommand.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestFormatter.py: D100 D101 D102 test/TestImportIncludeRole.py: D100 D103 test/TestImportWithMalformed.py: D100 D103 test/TestIncludeMissingFileRule.py: D100 D103 test/TestIncludeMissFileWithRole.py: D100 D103 test/TestLineNumber.py: D100 test/TestLineTooLong.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestLintRule.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestNestedJinjaRule.py: D100 D103 test/TestMatchError.py: D101 test/TestMetaChangeFromDefault.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestMetaMainHasInfo.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestMetaTagValid.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestMetaVideoLinks.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestNoFormattingInWhenRule.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestOctalPermissions.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestPackageIsNotLatest.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestPretaskIncludePlaybook.py: D100 D103 test/TestRoleHandlers.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestRoleRelativePath.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestRuleProperties.py: D100 D103 test/TestRulesCollection.py: D100 D103 test/TestRunner.py: D100 D103 test/TestShellWithoutPipefail.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestSkipImportPlaybook.py: D100 D103 test/TestSkipInsideYaml.py: D100 D103 test/TestSkipPlaybookItems.py: D100 D103 test/TestSudoRule.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestTaskHasName.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestTaskIncludes.py: D100 D103 test/TestTaskNoLocalAction.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestUseCommandInsteadOfShell.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestUseHandlerRatherThanWhenChanged.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestUsingBareVariablesIsDeprecated.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestVariableHasSpaces.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 test/TestWithSkipTagId.py: PT009 D100 D101 D102 # flake8-pytest-style # PT001: pytest-fixture-no-parentheses = true # PT006: pytest-parametrize-names-type = tuple # PT007: pytest-parametrize-values-type = tuple pytest-parametrize-values-row-type = tuple