path: root/test/sanity/code-smell/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/sanity/code-smell/')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/sanity/code-smell/ b/test/sanity/code-smell/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ca5f5ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sanity/code-smell/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+import contextlib
+import fnmatch
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+def assemble_files_to_ship(complete_file_list):
+ """
+ This looks for all files which should be shipped in the sdist
+ """
+ # All files which are in the repository except these:
+ ignore_patterns = (
+ # Developer-only tools
+ '.azure-pipelines/*',
+ '.github/*',
+ '.github/*/*',
+ 'changelogs/fragments/*',
+ 'hacking/backport/*',
+ 'hacking/shippable/*',
+ 'hacking/tests/*',
+ 'hacking/ticket_stubs/*',
+ 'test/sanity/code-smell/botmeta.*',
+ 'test/utils/*',
+ 'test/utils/*/*',
+ 'test/utils/*/*/*',
+ '.git*',
+ )
+ ignore_files = frozenset((
+ # Developer-only tools
+ 'changelogs/config.yaml',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/ansible-profile',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'hacking/test-module',
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'test/support/',
+ '.cherry_picker.toml',
+ '.mailmap',
+ # Generated as part of a build step
+ 'docs/docsite/rst/',
+ 'docs/docsite/rst/index.rst',
+ # Possibly should be included
+ 'examples/scripts/',
+ 'examples/scripts/',
+ 'examples/scripts/',
+ 'examples/scripts/',
+ 'examples/DOCUMENTATION.yml',
+ 'examples/play.yml',
+ 'examples/hosts.yaml',
+ 'examples/hosts.yml',
+ 'examples/inventory_script_schema.json',
+ 'examples/plugin_filters.yml',
+ 'hacking/env-setup',
+ 'hacking/',
+ ))
+ # These files are generated and then intentionally added to the sdist
+ # Manpages
+ manpages = ['docs/man/man1/ansible.1']
+ for dirname, dummy, files in os.walk('bin'):
+ for filename in files:
+ path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
+ if os.path.islink(path):
+ if os.readlink(path) == 'ansible':
+ manpages.append('docs/man/man1/%s.1' % filename)
+ # Misc
+ misc_generated_files = [
+ ]
+ shipped_files = manpages + misc_generated_files
+ for path in complete_file_list:
+ if path not in ignore_files:
+ for ignore in ignore_patterns:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, ignore):
+ break
+ else:
+ shipped_files.append(path)
+ return shipped_files
+def assemble_files_to_install(complete_file_list):
+ """
+ This looks for all of the files which should show up in an installation of ansible
+ """
+ ignore_patterns = tuple()
+ pkg_data_files = []
+ for path in complete_file_list:
+ if path.startswith("lib/ansible"):
+ prefix = 'lib'
+ elif path.startswith("test/lib/ansible_test"):
+ prefix = 'test/lib'
+ else:
+ continue
+ for ignore in ignore_patterns:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, ignore):
+ break
+ else:
+ pkg_data_files.append(os.path.relpath(path, prefix))
+ return pkg_data_files
+def clean_repository(file_list):
+ """Copy the repository to clean it of artifacts"""
+ # Create a tempdir that will be the clean repo
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as repo_root:
+ directories = set((repo_root + os.path.sep,))
+ for filename in file_list:
+ # Determine if we need to create the directory
+ directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ dest_dir = os.path.join(repo_root, directory)
+ if dest_dir not in directories:
+ os.makedirs(dest_dir)
+ # Keep track of all the directories that now exist
+ path_components = directory.split(os.path.sep)
+ path = repo_root
+ for component in path_components:
+ path = os.path.join(path, component)
+ if path not in directories:
+ directories.add(path)
+ # Copy the file
+ shutil.copy2(filename, dest_dir, follow_symlinks=False)
+ yield repo_root
+def create_sdist(tmp_dir):
+ """Create an sdist in the repository"""
+ create = subprocess.Popen(
+ ['make', 'snapshot', 'SDIST_DIR=%s' % tmp_dir],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ )
+ stderr = create.communicate()[1]
+ if create.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception('make snapshot failed:\n%s' % stderr)
+ # Determine path to sdist
+ tmp_dir_files = os.listdir(tmp_dir)
+ if not tmp_dir_files:
+ raise Exception('sdist was not created in the temp dir')
+ elif len(tmp_dir_files) > 1:
+ raise Exception('Unexpected extra files in the temp dir')
+ return os.path.join(tmp_dir, tmp_dir_files[0])
+def extract_sdist(sdist_path, tmp_dir):
+ """Untar the sdist"""
+ # Untar the sdist from the tmp_dir
+ with, sdist_path), 'r|*') as sdist:
+ sdist.extractall(path=tmp_dir)
+ # Determine the sdist directory name
+ sdist_filename = os.path.basename(sdist_path)
+ tmp_dir_files = os.listdir(tmp_dir)
+ try:
+ tmp_dir_files.remove(sdist_filename)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Unexpected could not find original sdist in temp dir
+ raise
+ if len(tmp_dir_files) > 1:
+ raise Exception('Unexpected extra files in the temp dir')
+ elif len(tmp_dir_files) < 1:
+ raise Exception('sdist extraction did not occur i nthe temp dir')
+ return os.path.join(tmp_dir, tmp_dir_files[0])
+def install_sdist(tmp_dir, sdist_dir):
+ """Install the extracted sdist into the temporary directory"""
+ install = subprocess.Popen(
+ ['python', '', 'install', '--root=%s' % tmp_dir],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ cwd=os.path.join(tmp_dir, sdist_dir),
+ )
+ stdout, stderr = install.communicate()
+ if install.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception('sdist install failed:\n%s' % stderr)
+ # Determine the prefix for the installed files
+ match ='^creating (%s/.*?/(?:site|dist)-packages)/ansible$' %
+ tmp_dir, stdout, flags=re.M)
+ return
+def check_sdist_contains_expected(sdist_dir, to_ship_files):
+ """Check that the files we expect to ship are present in the sdist"""
+ results = []
+ for filename in to_ship_files:
+ path = os.path.join(sdist_dir, filename)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ results.append('%s: File was not added to sdist' % filename)
+ # Also changelog
+ changelog_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(sdist_dir, 'changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.[0-9]*.rst'))
+ if not changelog_files:
+ results.append('changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.*.rst: Changelog file was not added to the sdist')
+ elif len(changelog_files) > 1:
+ results.append('changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.*.rst: Too many changelog files: %s'
+ % changelog_files)
+ return results
+def check_sdist_files_are_wanted(sdist_dir, to_ship_files):
+ """Check that all files in the sdist are desired"""
+ results = []
+ for dirname, dummy, files in os.walk(sdist_dir):
+ dirname = os.path.relpath(dirname, start=sdist_dir)
+ if dirname == '.':
+ dirname = ''
+ for filename in files:
+ path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
+ if path not in to_ship_files:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, 'changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.[0-9]*.rst'):
+ # changelog files are expected
+ continue
+ # FIXME: ansible-test doesn't pass the paths of symlinks to us so we aren't
+ # checking those
+ if not os.path.islink(os.path.join(sdist_dir, path)):
+ results.append('%s: File in sdist was not in the repository' % path)
+ return results
+def check_installed_contains_expected(install_dir, to_install_files):
+ """Check that all the files we expect to be installed are"""
+ results = []
+ for filename in to_install_files:
+ path = os.path.join(install_dir, filename)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ results.append('%s: File not installed' % os.path.join('lib', filename))
+ return results
+EGG_RE = re.compile('ansible[^/]+\\.egg-info/(PKG-INFO|SOURCES.txt|'
+ 'dependency_links.txt|not-zip-safe|requires.txt|top_level.txt)$')
+def check_installed_files_are_wanted(install_dir, to_install_files):
+ """Check that all installed files were desired"""
+ results = []
+ for dirname, dummy, files in os.walk(install_dir):
+ dirname = os.path.relpath(dirname, start=install_dir)
+ if dirname == '.':
+ dirname = ''
+ for filename in files:
+ # If this is a byte code cache, look for the python file's name
+ directory = dirname
+ if filename.endswith('.pyc') or filename.endswith('.pyo'):
+ # Remove the trailing "o" or c"
+ filename = filename[:-1]
+ if directory.endswith('%s__pycache__' % os.path.sep):
+ # Python3 byte code cache, look for the basename of
+ # __pycache__/
+ segments = filename.rsplit('.', 2)
+ if len(segments) >= 3:
+ filename = '.'.join((segments[0], segments[2]))
+ directory = os.path.dirname(directory)
+ path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
+ # Test that the file was listed for installation
+ if path not in to_install_files:
+ # FIXME: ansible-test doesn't pass the paths of symlinks to us so we
+ # aren't checking those
+ if not os.path.islink(os.path.join(install_dir, path)):
+ if not EGG_RE.match(path):
+ results.append('%s: File was installed but was not supposed to be' % path)
+ return results
+def _find_symlinks():
+ symlink_list = []
+ for dirname, directories, filenames in os.walk('.'):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
+ # Strip off "./" from the front
+ path = path[2:]
+ if os.path.islink(path):
+ symlink_list.append(path)
+ return symlink_list
+def main():
+ """All of the files in the repository"""
+ complete_file_list = []
+ for path in sys.argv[1:] or
+ complete_file_list.append(path)
+ # ansible-test isn't currently passing symlinks to us so construct those ourselves for now
+ for filename in _find_symlinks():
+ if filename not in complete_file_list:
+ # For some reason ansible-test is passing us lib/ansible/module_utils/
+ # which is a symlink even though it doesn't pass any others
+ complete_file_list.append(filename)
+ # We may run this after docs sanity tests so get a clean repository to run in
+ with clean_repository(complete_file_list) as clean_repo_dir:
+ os.chdir(clean_repo_dir)
+ to_ship_files = assemble_files_to_ship(complete_file_list)
+ to_install_files = assemble_files_to_install(complete_file_list)
+ results = []
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
+ sdist_path = create_sdist(tmp_dir)
+ sdist_dir = extract_sdist(sdist_path, tmp_dir)
+ # Check that the files that are supposed to be in the sdist are there
+ results.extend(check_sdist_contains_expected(sdist_dir, to_ship_files))
+ # Check that the files that are in the sdist are in the repository
+ results.extend(check_sdist_files_are_wanted(sdist_dir, to_ship_files))
+ # install the sdist
+ install_dir = install_sdist(tmp_dir, sdist_dir)
+ # Check that the files that are supposed to be installed are there
+ results.extend(check_installed_contains_expected(install_dir, to_install_files))
+ # Check that the files that are installed are supposed to be installed
+ results.extend(check_installed_files_are_wanted(install_dir, to_install_files))
+ for message in results:
+ print(message)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()