ancestor: null releases: 1.0.0: changes: bugfixes: - Refactor RabbitMQ user module to first check the version of the daemon and then, when possible add flags to `rabbitmqctl` so that a machine readable output is returned. Also, depending on the version, parse the output in correctly. Expands tests accordingly. ( - rabbitmq lookup plugin - Fix for rabbitmq lookups failing when using pika v1.0.0 and newer. - rabbitmq_publish - Fix to ensure the module works correctly for pika v1.0.0 and later. ( minor_changes: - rabbitmq_publish - Support for connecting with SSL certificates. fragments: - 55919-rabbitmq_publish-fix-for-recent-pika-versions.yml - 66876-parse_post_rabbitmq_3.7_output_as_json.yaml - lookup_rabbitmq-is_closing-bug.yml - rabbitmq_publish-certificate-checks.yml release_date: '2020-08-18'