ancestor: null releases: 1.0.0: changes: bugfixes: - Added 'compose' and 'groups' feature in vmware_vm_inventory plugin. - Added keyed_groups feature in vmware_vm_inventory plugin. - Added support to vmware_tag_manager module for specifying tag and category as dict if any of the name contains colon ( - Check for virtualNicManager in Esxi host system before accessing properties in vmware_vmkernel_info ( - Fixed typo in vmware_guest_powerstate module ( - Handle Base64 Binary while JSON serialization in vmware_vm_inventory. - Handle NoneType error when accessing service system info in vmware_host_service_info module ( - Handle list items in vSphere schema while handling facts using to_json API ( - Handle multiple tags name with different category id in vmware_tag module ( - Handle slashes in VMware network name ( - In inventory plugin, serialize properties user specifies which are objects as dicts ( - In vmware_guest_network module use appropriate network while creating or reconfiguring ( - Made vmnics attributes optional when creating DVS as they are optional on the API and GUI as well. - VMware Guest Inventory plugin enhancements and features. - VMware guest inventory plugin support for filters. - Vmware Fix for Create overwrites a VM of same name even when the folder is different( - '`vmware_content_deploy_template`''s `cluster` argument no longer fails with an error message about resource pools.' - return correct datastore cluster placement recommendations during when adding disk using the vmware_guest_disk module - vmware - Ensure we can use the modules with Python < 2.7.9 or RHEL/CentOS < 7.4, this as soon as ``validate_certs`` is disabled. - vmware_category - fix associable datatypes ( - vmware_content_deploy_template - Added param content_library to the main function - vmware_deploy_ovf - Fixed ova deploy error occur if vm exists - vmware_dvs_portgroup - Implemented configuration changes on an existing Distributed vSwitch portgroup. - vmware_dvs_portgroup_find - Cast variable to integer for comparison. - vmware_guest - Add ability to upgrade the guest hardware version to latest fix issue ( - vmware_guest - Allow '-' (Dash) special char in windows DNS name. - vmware_guest - Exclude dvswitch_name from triggering guest os customization. - vmware_guest - Updated reference link to vapp_properties property - vmware_host_capability_facts - Fixed vSphere API legacy version errors occur in pyvmomi 7.0 and later - vmware_host_capability_info - Fixed vSphere API legacy version errors occur in pyvmomi 7.0 and later - vmware_host_facts - handle facts when ESXi hostsystem is poweredoff ( - vmware_host_firewall_manager - Ensure we can set rule with no ``allowed_hosts`` key ( - vmware_host_firewall_manager - Fixed creating IP specific firewall rules with Python 2 ( - vmware_host_vmhba_info - fixed node_wwn and port_wwn for FC HBA to hexadecimal format( - vmware_vcenter_settings - Fixed when runtime_settings parameters not defined occur error( - vmware_vcenter_statistics - Fix some corner cases like increasing some interval and decreasing another at the same time. - vmware_vm_inventory inventory plugin, use the port value while connecting to vCenter ( - vmware_vmkernel - Remove duplicate checks. - vmware_vspan_session - Extract repeated code and reduce complexity of function. deprecated_features: - vmware_dns_config - Deprecate in favour of new module vmware_host_dns. minor_changes: - A `vmware` module_defaults group has been added to simplify parameters for multiple VMware tasks. This group includes all VMware modules. - Add a flag 'force_upgrade' to force VMware tools upgrade installation ( - Add powerstates to match vmware_guest_powerstate module with vmware_guest ( - Added a timeout parameter `wait_for_ip_address_timeout` for `wait_for_ip_address` for longer-running tasks in vmware_guest. - Added missing backing_disk_mode information about disk which was removed by mistake in vmware_guest_disk_info. - Correct datatype for state in vmware_host_lockdown module. - Correct example from doc of `` to match the change of returned structure. - Correct example from doc of `` to match the change of returned structure. - Handle exceptions raised in connect_to_vsphere_client API. - Minor typo fixes in vmware_httpapi related modules and module_utils. - Removed ANSIBLE_METADATA from all the modules. - Return additional information about hosts inside the cluster using vmware_cluster_info. - Update Module examples with FQCN. - Update for installing any third party required Python libraries using pip ( - add storage_provisioning type into vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template. - add vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template module for creating VMs from OVF templates - new code module for new feature for operations of VCenter infra profile config. - - Only add configured network interfaces to facts. - vmware_cluster_drs - Implemented DRS advanced settings ( - vmware_cluster_ha - Implemented HA advanced settings ( - vmware_cluster_ha - Remove a wrong parameter from an example in the documentation. - vmware_content_deploy_template - added new field "content_library" to search template inside the specified content library. - vmware_datastore_cluster - Added basic SDRS configuration ( - vmware_datastore_info - added ``properties`` and ``schema`` options. - vmware_datastore_maintenancemode now returns datastore_status instead of Ansible internal key results ( - vmware_dvs_portgroup_info - Include the value of the Portgroup ``key`` in the result - vmware_dvswitch now returns the UUID of the switch - vmware_dvswitch_info also returns the switch UUID - vmware_export_ovf - increase default timeout to 30s - vmware_export_ovf - timeout value is actually in seconds, not minutes - vmware_guest - Don't search for VMDK if filename is defined. - vmware_guest - Extracts repeated code from configure_vapp_properties() to set_vapp_properties() in - vmware_guest - add support VM creation and reconfiguration with multiple types of disk controllers and disks - vmware_guest - add support for create and reconfigure CDROMs attaching to SATA ( - vmware_guest - add support hardware version 17 for vSphere 7.0 - vmware_guest_custom_attributes does not require VM name ( - vmware_guest_disk - Add `destroy` option which allows to remove a disk without deleting the VMDK file. - vmware_guest_disk - Add `filename` option which allows to create a disk from an existing VMDK. - vmware_guest_disk - add support for setting the sharing/multi-writer mode of virtual disks ( - vmware_guest_network - network adapters can be configured without lists - vmware_guest_network - network_info returns a list of dictionaries for ease of use - vmware_guest_network - put deprecation warning for the networks parameter - vmware_guest_tools_wait now exposes a ``timeout`` parameter that allow the user to adjust the timeout (second). - vmware_host_active_directory - Fail when there are unrecoverable problems with AD membership instead of reporting a change that doesn't take place ( - vmware_host_dns - New module replacing vmware_dns_config with increased functionality. - vmware_host_dns can now set the following empty values, ``domain``, ``search_domains`` and ``dns_servers``. - vmware_host_facts - added ``properties`` and ``schema`` options. - vmware_host_firewall_manager - ``allowed_hosts`` excpects a dict as parameter, list is deprecated - vmware_host_kernel_manager now returns host_kernel_status instead of Ansible internal key results ( - vmware_host_logbundle - new code module for a new feature for ESXi support log bundle download operation - vmware_host_logbundle_info - new code module for a new feature for getting manifests for ESXi support log bundle - vmware_host_ntp now returns host_ntp_status instead of Ansible internal key results ( - vmware_host_service_manager now returns host_service_status instead of Ansible internal key results ( - vmware_rest_client - Added a new definition get_library_item_from_content_library_name. - vmware_tag now returns tag_status instead of Ansible internal key results ( - vmware_vm_inventory inventory plugin, raise more descriptive error when all template strings in ``hostnames`` fail. removed_features: - vmware_guest_find - Removed deprecated ``datacenter`` option - vmware_vmkernel - Removed deprecated ``ip_address`` option; use sub-option ip_address in the network option instead - vmware_vmkernel - Removed deprecated ``subnet_mask`` option; use sub-option subnet_mask in the network option instead fragments: - 109-vmware_host_logbundle.yml - 110-vmware_host_logbundle_info.yml - 113_vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template.yml - 121-vpsan_session-reduce-complexity.yaml - 129_vmware_vm_inventory.yml - 141_Correct_doc_of_vmware_local_role_info - 141_Correct_doc_of_vmware_local_role_info.yaml - 145-vmware_dvs_portgroup_find-integer-cast.yaml - 149-remove-duplicate-checks.yaml - 153-vmware_guest.yml - 154_update_doc.yml - 166-vmware_deploy_ovf.yml - 183_vmware_host_facts.yml - 185-make_vnics_optional_for_dvs.yml - 188-vmware_content_deploy_template-specify_content_library_name.yml - 197_vmware_category.yml - 214-add-disk-sharing.yaml - 219-vmware_content_deploy_template_added_param_content_library.yml - 225-vmware_vcenter_settings.yml - 253-inventory_hostnames_fail_message.yml - 33-vmware_guest_info_list_fix.yml - 44957-vmware_guest.yml - 46-Vcenter-infra-profile-config-operations.yml - 55653-vmware_guest_powerstate.yml - 56-vmware_rest.yml - 57185-fix_vmware_modules_py_pre2.79.yaml - 57535-vmware_vcenter_statistics_corner-cases.yml - 58-non-json-properties.yml - 58824-vmware_cluster_ha-advanced-settings.yml - 58824-vmware_dvs_portgroup-implement-portgroup-updates.yml - 59_vmware_host_active_directory.yml - 62083-vmware-internal_results.yml - 62188-VMware-Guest-Support-latest-version-while-upgrading-VM-hardware.yml - 62616-vmware_cluster_ha-fix-documentation.yml - 62772-vmware_vmkernel_info-fix.yml - 62810-Vmware-Guest-Allow-DashInWindowsServerDNSName.yml - 62916-add_properties_option_to_vmware_host_facts.yml - 629400-add_properties_option_to_vmware_datastore_info.yml - 63740-vmware_guest_disk_filename_destroy.yaml - 63741-do_not_search_for_vmdk_if_filename_defined.yaml - 64399_vmware_guest.yml - 64458-vmware_host_dns.yaml - 65-vmware_guest.yml - 65154-vmware_datastore_cluster-configure-dns.yml - 65715-vmware-content-deploy-template-fix-cluster.yml - 65733-fix-vmware-guest-properties-doc.yaml - 65765-vmware_tag_manager.yml - 65922-filter-VMs-of-Same-name-on-the-basis-of-folder.yml - 65968-vmware_guest_network.yml - 65997-vmware_guest-exclude-dvswitch-name-from-os-customization.yml - 66217-vmware_cluster_drs-advanced-settings.yml - 66340-vmware_tag.yml - 66692-vmware_host_vmhba_info_fix_63045.yml - 66877-vmware_host_dns.yaml - 66922-vmware_guest_network.yml - 67221-vmware-guest-disk-storage-drs-fix.yml - 67282-remove_options_from_some_vmware_modules_that_aren't_used_in_the_code.yml - 67303-vmware_host_firewall_manager-fix_ip_specific_firewall_rules_for_python2.yml - 67615-vmware_host_service_info_fix.yml - 69-vmware-extract-repeat-code.yaml - 7052_awx_handle_binary.yml - 75-vmware_guest_tool_upgrade.yml - fix-vim-legacy-version-error-vmware_host_capability_facts.yml - fix-vim-legacy-version-error-vmware_host_capability_info.yml - metadata_removal.yml - typo_fix_vmware_guest_powerstate.yml - update_examples.yml - vmware-module_fragments-group.yml - vmware-only-add-configured-interfaces.yml - vmware_cluster_info_hosts.yml - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template_add_storage_provision_type.yml - vmware_dvs_portgroup_info_key.yaml - vmware_dvswitch_uuid.yaml - vmware_export_ovf.yaml - vmware_guest.yaml - vmware_guest_custom_attributes.yml - vmware_guest_disk_info_disk_mode.yml - vmware_guest_tools_wait_time.yaml - vmware_host_firewall_manager_fix_61332.yaml - vmware_host_lockdown_typo_fix.yml - vmware_httpapi_fix.yml - vmware_vm_inventory_compose.yml - vmware_vm_inventory_filter.yml - vmware_vm_inventory_keyed_groups.yml - vmware_vm_inventory_port.yml release_date: '2020-06-19' 1.1.0: changes: breaking_changes: - vmware_datastore_maintenancemode - now returns ``datastore_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``results``. - vmware_guest_custom_attributes - does not require VM name which was a required parameter for releases prior to Ansible 2.10. - vmware_guest_find - the ``datacenter`` option has been removed. - vmware_host_kernel_manager - now returns ``host_kernel_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``results``. - vmware_host_ntp - now returns ``host_ntp_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``results``. - vmware_host_service_manager - now returns ``host_service_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``results``. - vmware_tag - now returns ``tag_status`` instead of Ansible internal key ``results``. - vmware_vmkernel - the options ``ip_address`` and ``subnet_mask`` have been removed; use the suboptions ``ip_address`` and ``subnet_mask`` of the ``network`` option instead. bugfixes: - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - use datastore_id in deployment_spec ( - vmware_dvs_portgroup_find - Fix comparison between str and int on method vlan_match ( - vmware_guest - cdrom.controller_number, cdrom.unit_number are handled as integer. ( - vmware_vm_inventory - CustomFieldManager is not present in ESXi, handle this condition ( deprecated_features: - The vmware_dns_config module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release; use vmware_host_dns instead. - vca - vca_fw, vca_nat, vca_app are deprecated since these modules rely on deprecated part of Pyvcloud library. - vmware_tag_info - in a later release, the module will not return ``tag_facts`` since it does not return multiple tags with the same name and different category id. To maintain the existing behavior use ``tag_info`` which is a list of tag metadata. minor_changes: - Added module to be able to create, update, or delete VMware VM storage policies for virtual machines. - vmware_cluster_info - added ``properties`` and ``schema`` options and supported the getting of clusters resource summary information. - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - handle exception while deploying VM using OVF template. - vmware_content_deploy_template - handle exception while deploying VM ( - vmware_dvs_portgroup - Added support for distributed port group with private VLAN. - vmware_guest_snapshot_info - Document that `folder` is required if the VM `name` is defined ( - vmware_host_iscsi - a new module for the ESXi hosts that is dedicated to the management of the iSCSI configuration - vmware_migrate_vmk - allow migration from a VMware vSphere Distrubuted Switch to a ESXi Standard Switch - vmware_vcenter_settings_info - a new module for gather information about vCenter settings removed_features: - vmware_portgroup - removed 'inbound_policy', and 'rolling_order' deprecated options. fragments: - 124-vmware-migrate-vmk-to-std-switch.yaml - 182_content_library.yml - 224-vmware_host_iscsi.yml - 243_vmware_guest_snapshot_info.yml - 269_vmware_vm_inventory.yml - 274_vmware_guest.yml - 275_vmware_vcenter_settings_info.yml - 287_deploy_ovf_template.yml - 321-vmware_cluster_info.yml - 52-vmware_dvs_portgroup_find_fix.yml - porting-guide.yml - pvlan-config-vmware-dvs-portgroup.yml - vca_deprecate.yml - vmware_pg_options.yml - vmware_vm_storage_policy_module.yml release_date: '2020-08-01' 1.2.0: changes: bugfixes: - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - fixed issue where wrong resource pool identifier was returned when same resource pool name was used across clusters in the same datacenter ( - vmware_vmkernel - fixed issue where Repl and ReplNFC services were not being identified as enabled on a vmk interface ( deprecated_features: - vmware_guest - deprecate specifying CDROM configuration as a dict, instead use a list. minor_changes: - vmware_cluster_ha - treat truthy advanced options ('true', 'false') as strings instead of booleans ( - vmware_cluster_vsan - implement advanced VSAN options ( - vmware_cluster_vsan - requires the vSAN Management SDK, which needs to be downloaded from VMware and installed manually. - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - requires the resource_pool parameter. - vmware_guest_disk - add backing_uuid value to return ( - vmware_guest_serial_port - ensure we can run the module two times in a row without unexpected side effect( fragments: - - 260-vmware_cluster_vsan.yml - 286-vmware_cluster_ha.yml - 348-vmware_guest_disk.yml - 358-vmware_guest_serial_port.yml - 363-vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template.yml - 364-vmware_vmkernel-replciation-fix.yml - cdrom_dict_removal.yml release_date: '2020-08-28' 1.3.0: changes: bugfixes: - '``module_utils/`` handles an object name using special characters that URL-decoded(' minor_changes: - module_utils/vmware - Ignore leading and trailing whitespace when searching for objects ( - vmware_cluster_info - Fixed issue of a cluster name doesn't URL-decode( - vmware_guest - takes now into account the ``esxi_hostname`` argument to create the vm on the right host according to the doc ( - vmware_guest_custom_attributes - Fixed issue when trying to set a VM custom attribute when there are custom attributes with the same name for other object types ( - vmware_guest_customization_info - Fixed to get values properly for LinuxPrep and SysPrep parameters( - vmware_guest_info - Fix get tags API call ( - vmware_guest_network - Fixed to port group changes to work properly and NSX-T port group supported( - vmware_host_iscsi_info - a new module for the ESXi hosts that is dedicated to gathering information of the iSCSI configuration( - vmware_vm_inventory - update requirements doc. fragments: - 335-vmware-strip-names-when-searching.yml - 366-vmware_cluster_info.yml - 368-vmware_guest_customization_info.yml - 380-vmware-handle-special-characters.yml - 400-vm-created-on-specified-host.yml - 401-vmware_guest_network.yml - 402-vmware_host_iscsi_info.yml - 403_fix_vmware_guest_info.yml - 412-vmware_guest_custom_attributes.yml - vmware_vm_inventory_req.yml release_date: '2020-10-01' 1.4.0: changes: bugfixes: - Fixed the find_obj method in the ``module_utils/`` to handle an object name using special characters that URL-decoded( - vmware_cluster_info - return tag related information ( - vmware_deploy_ovf - fixed network mapping in multi-datacenter environments - vmware_folder_info - added the flat_folder_info in the return value. - vmware_guest_sendkey - add sleep_time parameter to add delay in-between keys sent ( - vmware_resource_pool - added a changing feature of resource pool config ( - vmware_resource_pool - fixed that always updates occur bug on vCenter Server even when not changing resource pool config ( - vmware_tag_manager - added new parameter 'moid' to identify VMware object to tag ( - vmware_vm_info - added the moid information in the return value. - vmware_vm_inventory - ensure self.port is integer ( - vmware_vm_inventory - improve plugin performance ( - vmware_vm_vm_drs_rule - report changes in check mode ( minor_changes: - vmware_category - add additional associable object types ( - vmware_dvswitch - Added support to create vds version 7.0.0. - vmware_guest - Fixed issue of checking hardware version when set VBS( - vmware_guest - Fixed issue of comparing latest hardware version str type with int( - vmware_guest_info - added a new parameter to gather detailed information about tag from the given virtual machine. - vmware_guest_video - gather facts for video devices even if the virtual machine is poweredoff ( - vmware_object_role_permission - add missing required fields of hostname, username, and password to module examples ( - vmware_resource_pool - add new allocation shares options for cpu and memory( - vmware_vm_inventory - support for categories and tag, category relation ( fragments: - 350_vmware_vm_inventory.yml - 381-vmware_guest.yml - 404_vmware_guest_sendkey.yml - 408_video_facts.yml - 426_vmware_object_role_permission.yml - 430_vmware_tag_manager.yml - 440_vmware_drs_rule.yml - 441_vmware_vm_inventory_performance.yaml - 453_vmware_cluster_info.yml - 454_vmware_category.yml - 460_module_utils_vmware.yml - 461_vmware_resource_pool.yml - 469_vmware_resource_pool.yml - 474_vmware_dvswitch.yml - 482_vmware_resource_pool.yml - 489_vmware_vm_inventory_port_cast_integer.yaml - vmware_deploy_ovf.yml - vmware_guest_info.yml release_date: '2020-11-12' 1.5.0: changes: bugfixes: - vmware_cluster_ha - added APD and PDL configuration ( - vmware_deploy_ovf - fixed an UnboundLocalError for variable 'name' in check mode ( - vmware_object_role_permission - add support for role name presented in vSphere Web UI ( minor_changes: - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - added new parameter "content_library" to get the OVF template from ( - vmware_drs_group - code refactor ( - vmware_guest - add documentation for networks parameters connected and start_connected ( - vmware_guest_controller - error handling in task exception. - vmware_resource_pool - manage resource pools on ESXi hosts ( - vmware_vm_inventory - skip inaccessible vm configuration. fragments: - 436_vmware_object_role_permission.yml - 451_vmware_cluster_ha.yml - 492-vmware_resource_pool-esxi_host.yml - 499-vmware_deploy_ovf.yml - 507-vmware_guest_fix-documentation.yml - 514_vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template-add_content_library_parameter.yml - 81_vmware_drs_group.yml - inventory_fix.yml - vmware_guest_ctrl.yml release_date: '2020-12-01' 1.5.1: changes: minor_changes: - vmware_resource_pool - relabel the change introduced in 1.5.0 as Minor Changes ( release_date: '2020-12-02' 1.6.0: changes: bugfixes: - Fix remove hosts from cluster to use cluster name variable - Fix vSwitch0 default port group removal to run against all hosts - For vSphere 7.0u1, add steps to tests to remove vCLS VMs before removing datastore - vmware_cluster - consider datacenter name while creating cluster ( - vmware_cluster_drs - consider datacenter name while managing cluster ( - vmware_cluster_ha - consider datacenter name while managing cluster ( - vmware_cluster_vsan - consider datacenter name while managing cluster ( - vmware_dvswitch - fix an issue with vSphere 7 when no switch_version is defined ( - vmware_guest - fix an issue with vSphere 7 when adding several virtual disks and / or vNICs ( - vmware_guest - handle computer name in existing VM customization ( - vmware_guest_disk - fix an issue with vSphere 7 when adding several virtual disks and ( - vmware_host_logbundle - handle fetch_url status before attempting to read response. - vmware_host_ntp - fix an issue with disconnected hosts ( - vsphere_copy - handle unboundlocalerror when timeout occurs ( minor_changes: - vmware_guest_disk - add new parameters controller_type and controller_number for supporting SATA and NVMe disk ( - vmware_guest_file_operation - provide useful error message when exception occurs ( - vmware_guest_network - add support for private vlan id ( - vmware_host - added a new state option, the ``disconnected`` ( - vmware_host_facts - Add ESXi host current time info in returned host facts( - vmware_vsan_health_info - add new parameter to support datacenter. fragments: - 196_vmware_guest_disk.yml - 373-vmware_guest_disk.yml - 485_vmware_file_operation.yml - 527-vmware_host_facts.yml - 539-vmware_host_ntp.yml - 545-vmware_guest.yml - 554_vsphere_copy.yml - 568_teardown_with_esxi.yaml - 570_vmware_guest.yml - 575_vmware_cluster.yml - 576-vmware_dvswitch.yml - 589_vmware_host.yml - pvlan_support.yml - vmware_host_logbundle.yml - vsan_health_info_refactor.yml modules: - description: Gather user or group information of a domain name: vcenter_domain_user_group_info namespace: '' release_date: '2021-01-04' 1.7.0: changes: bugfixes: - vmware_content_library_manager - added support for subscribed library ( - vmware_datastore_cluster_manager - Fix idempotency in check mode ( - vmware_dvswitch - correctly add contact information ( - vmware_dvswitch_lacp - typecast uplink number in lag_options ( - vmware_guest - handle NoneType values before passing to ``len`` API ( deprecated_features: - vmware_host_firewall_manager - the creation of new rule with no ``allowed_ip`` entry in the ``allowed_hosts`` dictionary won't be allowed after 2.0.0 release. minor_changes: - vmware_cluster_info - added a parent datacenter name of Cluster to the return value ( - vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - consistent ``eagerZeroedThick`` value ( - vmware_content_deploy_template - add datastore cluster parameter ( - vmware_content_deploy_template - make resource pool, host, cluster, datastore optional parameter and add check ( - vmware_guest - Define sub-options of hardware and customization in argument_spec ( - vmware_guest_register_operation - supported the check_mode - vmware_host_iscsi - added a name(iqn) changing option for iSCSI ( - vmware_host_lockdown - Support check mode ( fragments: - 111-vmware_dvswitch_loop.yml - 397_vmware_content.yml - 555-vmware_guest.yml - 569_content_library.yml - 591-vmware_cluster_info.yml - 593_vmware_guest.yml - 608_vmware_dvswitch.yml - 617-vmware_host_iscsi.yml - 618_vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template.yml - 623-vmware_datastore_cluster_manager.yml - 626-vmware_guest_register_operation.yml - 633-vmware_host_lockdown.yml - vmware_host_firewall_manager-prepare-all_ip-transition.yaml modules: - description: Manage VMs and Hosts in DRS group. name: vmware_drs_group_manager namespace: '' - description: Manage VMware vSphere First Class Disks name: vmware_first_class_disk namespace: '' release_date: '2021-02-01'