# Contributing to the Ansible Conjur Collection For general contribution and community guidelines, please see the [community repo](https://github.com/cyberark/community). ## Releasing From a clean instance of master, perform the following actions to release a new version of this plugin: - Update the version number in [`galaxy.yml`](galaxy.yml) and [`CHANGELOG.md`](CHANGELOG.md) - Verify that all changes for this version in `CHANGELOG.md` are clear and accurate, and are followed by a link to their respective issue - Create a PR with these changes - Create an annotated tag with the new version, formatted as `v##.##.##` - This will kick off an automated script which publish the release to [Ansible Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/cyberark/conjur) - Create the release on GitHub for that tag - Build the release package with `./ci/build_release` - Attach package to Github Release ## Testing To run a specific set of tests: ```sh-session $ cd tests $ ./test.sh -d ``` To run all tests: ```sh-session $ cd tests $ ./test.sh -a ```