========================================== Apache CloudStack Collection Release Notes ========================================== .. contents:: Topics v1.2.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - cs_instance - Fixed an edge case caused by `displaytext` not available (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/pull/49). - cs_network - Fixed constraints when creating networks. The param `gateway` is no longer required if the param `netmask` is given (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/pull/54). v1.1.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Deprecated the funtionality of first returned zone to be the default zone because of an unreliable API. Zone will be required beginning with next major version 2.0.0. - cs_ip_address - allow to pick a particular IP address for a network, available since CloudStack v4.13 (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/issues/30). v1.0.1 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - cs_configuration - Workaround for empty global settings idempotency (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/pull/25). v1.0.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - cs_vlan_ip_range - Added support to set IP range for system VMs (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/pull/18) - cs_vlan_ip_range - Added support to specify pod name (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/pull/20) v0.3.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Added support for SSL CA cert verification (https://github.com/ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack/pull/3)