#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2018 Catalyst Cloud Ltd. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: loadbalancer short_description: Add/Delete load balancer from OpenStack Cloud author: OpenStack Ansible SIG description: - Add or Remove load balancer from the OpenStack load-balancer service(Octavia). Load balancer update is not supported for now. options: name: description: - The name of the load balancer. required: true type: str state: description: - Should the resource be present or absent. choices: [present, absent] default: present type: str flavor: description: - The flavor of the load balancer. type: str vip_network: description: - The name or id of the network for the virtual IP of the load balancer. One of I(vip_network), I(vip_subnet), or I(vip_port) must be specified for creation. type: str vip_subnet: description: - The name or id of the subnet for the virtual IP of the load balancer. One of I(vip_network), I(vip_subnet), or I(vip_port) must be specified for creation. type: str vip_port: description: - The name or id of the load balancer virtual IP port. One of I(vip_network), I(vip_subnet), or I(vip_port) must be specified for creation. type: str vip_address: description: - IP address of the load balancer virtual IP. type: str public_ip_address: description: - Public IP address associated with the VIP. type: str auto_public_ip: description: - Allocate a public IP address and associate with the VIP automatically. type: bool default: 'no' public_network: description: - The name or ID of a Neutron external network. type: str delete_public_ip: description: - When C(state=absent) and this option is true, any public IP address associated with the VIP will be deleted along with the load balancer. type: bool default: 'no' listeners: description: - A list of listeners that attached to the load balancer. suboptions: name: description: - The listener name or ID. protocol: description: - The protocol for the listener. default: HTTP protocol_port: description: - The protocol port number for the listener. default: 80 allowed_cidrs: description: - A list of IPv4, IPv6 or mix of both CIDRs to be allowed access to the listener. The default is all allowed. When a list of CIDRs is provided, the default switches to deny all. Ignored on unsupported Octavia versions (less than 2.12) default: [] pool: description: - The pool attached to the listener. suboptions: name: description: - The pool name or ID. protocol: description: - The protocol for the pool. default: HTTP lb_algorithm: description: - The load balancing algorithm for the pool. default: ROUND_ROBIN members: description: - A list of members that added to the pool. suboptions: name: description: - The member name or ID. address: description: - The IP address of the member. protocol_port: description: - The protocol port number for the member. default: 80 subnet: description: - The name or ID of the subnet the member service is accessible from. elements: dict type: list wait: description: - If the module should wait for the load balancer to be created or deleted. type: bool default: 'yes' timeout: description: - The amount of time the module should wait. default: 180 type: int requirements: - "python >= 3.6" - "openstacksdk" extends_documentation_fragment: - openstack.cloud.openstack ''' RETURN = ''' id: description: The load balancer UUID. returned: On success when C(state=present) type: str sample: "39007a7e-ee4f-4d13-8283-b4da2e037c69" loadbalancer: description: Dictionary describing the load balancer. returned: On success when C(state=present) type: complex contains: id: description: Unique UUID. type: str sample: "39007a7e-ee4f-4d13-8283-b4da2e037c69" name: description: Name given to the load balancer. type: str sample: "lingxian_test" vip_network_id: description: Network ID the load balancer virtual IP port belongs in. type: str sample: "f171db43-56fd-41cf-82d7-4e91d741762e" vip_subnet_id: description: Subnet ID the load balancer virtual IP port belongs in. type: str sample: "c53e3c70-9d62-409a-9f71-db148e7aa853" vip_port_id: description: The load balancer virtual IP port ID. type: str sample: "2061395c-1c01-47ab-b925-c91b93df9c1d" vip_address: description: The load balancer virtual IP address. type: str sample: "" public_vip_address: description: The load balancer public VIP address. type: str sample: "" provisioning_status: description: The provisioning status of the load balancer. type: str sample: "ACTIVE" operating_status: description: The operating status of the load balancer. type: str sample: "ONLINE" is_admin_state_up: description: The administrative state of the load balancer. type: bool sample: true listeners: description: The associated listener IDs, if any. type: list sample: [{"id": "7aa1b380-beec-459c-a8a7-3a4fb6d30645"}, {"id": "692d06b8-c4f8-4bdb-b2a3-5a263cc23ba6"}] pools: description: The associated pool IDs, if any. type: list sample: [{"id": "27b78d92-cee1-4646-b831-e3b90a7fa714"}, {"id": "befc1fb5-1992-4697-bdb9-eee330989344"}] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create a load balancer by specifying the VIP subnet. - openstack.cloud.loadbalancer: auth: auth_url: https://identity.example.com username: admin password: passme project_name: admin state: present name: my_lb vip_subnet: my_subnet timeout: 150 # Create a load balancer by specifying the VIP network and the IP address. - openstack.cloud.loadbalancer: auth: auth_url: https://identity.example.com username: admin password: passme project_name: admin state: present name: my_lb vip_network: my_network vip_address: # Create a load balancer together with its sub-resources in the 'all in one' # way. A public IP address is also allocated to the load balancer VIP. - openstack.cloud.loadbalancer: auth: auth_url: https://identity.example.com username: admin password: passme project_name: admin name: lingxian_test state: present vip_subnet: kong_subnet auto_public_ip: yes public_network: public listeners: - name: lingxian_80 protocol: TCP protocol_port: 80 pool: name: lingxian_80_pool protocol: TCP members: - name: mywebserver1 address: protocol_port: 80 subnet: webserver_subnet - name: lingxian_8080 protocol: TCP protocol_port: 8080 pool: name: lingxian_8080-pool protocol: TCP members: - name: mywebserver2 address: protocol_port: 8080 wait: yes timeout: 600 # Delete a load balancer(and all its related resources) - openstack.cloud.loadbalancer: auth: auth_url: https://identity.example.com username: admin password: passme project_name: admin state: absent name: my_lb # Delete a load balancer(and all its related resources) together with the # public IP address(if any) attached to it. - openstack.cloud.loadbalancer: auth: auth_url: https://identity.example.com username: admin password: passme project_name: admin state: absent name: my_lb delete_public_ip: yes ''' import time from ansible_collections.openstack.cloud.plugins.module_utils.openstack import OpenStackModule class LoadBalancerModule(OpenStackModule): def _wait_for_lb(self, lb, status, failures, interval=5): """Wait for load balancer to be in a particular provisioning status.""" timeout = self.params['timeout'] total_sleep = 0 if failures is None: failures = [] while total_sleep < timeout: lb = self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer(lb.id) if lb: if lb.provisioning_status == status: return None if lb.provisioning_status in failures: self.fail_json( msg="Load Balancer %s transitioned to failure state %s" % (lb.id, lb.provisioning_status) ) else: if status == "DELETED": return None else: self.fail_json( msg="Load Balancer %s transitioned to DELETED" % lb.id ) time.sleep(interval) total_sleep += interval self.fail_json( msg="Timeout waiting for Load Balancer %s to transition to %s" % (lb.id, status) ) argument_spec = dict( name=dict(required=True), flavor=dict(required=False), state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), vip_network=dict(required=False), vip_subnet=dict(required=False), vip_port=dict(required=False), vip_address=dict(required=False), listeners=dict(type='list', default=[], elements='dict'), public_ip_address=dict(required=False, default=None), auto_public_ip=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), public_network=dict(required=False), delete_public_ip=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), ) module_kwargs = dict(supports_check_mode=True) def run(self): flavor = self.params['flavor'] vip_network = self.params['vip_network'] vip_subnet = self.params['vip_subnet'] vip_port = self.params['vip_port'] listeners = self.params['listeners'] public_vip_address = self.params['public_ip_address'] allocate_fip = self.params['auto_public_ip'] delete_fip = self.params['delete_public_ip'] public_network = self.params['public_network'] vip_network_id = None vip_subnet_id = None vip_port_id = None flavor_id = None try: max_microversion = 1 max_majorversion = 2 changed = False lb = self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer( name_or_id=self.params['name']) if self.params['state'] == 'present': if lb and self.ansible.check_mode: self.exit_json(changed=False) if lb: self.exit_json(changed=False) ver_data = self.conn.load_balancer.get_all_version_data() region = list(ver_data.keys())[0] interface_type = list(ver_data[region].keys())[0] versions = ver_data[region][interface_type]['load-balancer'] for ver in versions: if ver['status'] == 'CURRENT': curversion = ver['version'].split(".") max_majorversion = int(curversion[0]) max_microversion = int(curversion[1]) if not lb: if self.ansible.check_mode: self.exit_json(changed=True) if not (vip_network or vip_subnet or vip_port): self.fail_json( msg="One of vip_network, vip_subnet, or vip_port must " "be specified for load balancer creation" ) if flavor: _flavor = self.conn.load_balancer.find_flavor(flavor) if not _flavor: self.fail_json( msg='flavor %s not found' % flavor ) flavor_id = _flavor.id if vip_network: network = self.conn.get_network(vip_network) if not network: self.fail_json( msg='network %s is not found' % vip_network ) vip_network_id = network.id if vip_subnet: subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(vip_subnet) if not subnet: self.fail_json( msg='subnet %s is not found' % vip_subnet ) vip_subnet_id = subnet.id if vip_port: port = self.conn.get_port(vip_port) if not port: self.fail_json( msg='port %s is not found' % vip_port ) vip_port_id = port.id lbargs = {"name": self.params['name'], "vip_network_id": vip_network_id, "vip_subnet_id": vip_subnet_id, "vip_port_id": vip_port_id, "vip_address": self.params['vip_address'] } if flavor_id is not None: lbargs["flavor_id"] = flavor_id lb = self.conn.load_balancer.create_load_balancer(**lbargs) changed = True if not listeners and not self.params['wait']: self.exit_json( changed=changed, loadbalancer=lb.to_dict(), id=lb.id ) self._wait_for_lb(lb, "ACTIVE", ["ERROR"]) for listener_def in listeners: listener_name = listener_def.get("name") pool_def = listener_def.get("pool") if not listener_name: self.fail_json(msg='listener name is required') listener = self.conn.load_balancer.find_listener( name_or_id=listener_name ) if not listener: self._wait_for_lb(lb, "ACTIVE", ["ERROR"]) protocol = listener_def.get("protocol", "HTTP") protocol_port = listener_def.get("protocol_port", 80) allowed_cidrs = listener_def.get("allowed_cidrs", []) listenerargs = {"name": listener_name, "loadbalancer_id": lb.id, "protocol": protocol, "protocol_port": protocol_port } if max_microversion >= 12 and max_majorversion >= 2: listenerargs['allowed_cidrs'] = allowed_cidrs listener = self.conn.load_balancer.create_listener(**listenerargs) changed = True # Ensure pool in the listener. if pool_def: pool_name = pool_def.get("name") members = pool_def.get('members', []) if not pool_name: self.fail_json(msg='pool name is required') pool = self.conn.load_balancer.find_pool(name_or_id=pool_name) if not pool: self._wait_for_lb(lb, "ACTIVE", ["ERROR"]) protocol = pool_def.get("protocol", "HTTP") lb_algorithm = pool_def.get("lb_algorithm", "ROUND_ROBIN") pool = self.conn.load_balancer.create_pool( name=pool_name, listener_id=listener.id, protocol=protocol, lb_algorithm=lb_algorithm ) changed = True # Ensure members in the pool for member_def in members: member_name = member_def.get("name") if not member_name: self.fail_json(msg='member name is required') member = self.conn.load_balancer.find_member(member_name, pool.id ) if not member: self._wait_for_lb(lb, "ACTIVE", ["ERROR"]) address = member_def.get("address") if not address: self.fail_json( msg='member address for member %s is ' 'required' % member_name ) subnet_id = member_def.get("subnet") if subnet_id: subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(subnet_id) if not subnet: self.fail_json( msg='subnet %s for member %s is not ' 'found' % (subnet_id, member_name) ) subnet_id = subnet.id protocol_port = member_def.get("protocol_port", 80) member = self.conn.load_balancer.create_member( pool, name=member_name, address=address, protocol_port=protocol_port, subnet_id=subnet_id ) changed = True # Associate public ip to the load balancer VIP. If # public_vip_address is provided, use that IP, otherwise, either # find an available public ip or create a new one. fip = None orig_public_ip = None new_public_ip = None if public_vip_address or allocate_fip: ips = self.conn.network.ips( port_id=lb.vip_port_id, fixed_ip_address=lb.vip_address ) ips = list(ips) if ips: orig_public_ip = ips[0] new_public_ip = orig_public_ip.floating_ip_address if public_vip_address and public_vip_address != orig_public_ip: fip = self.conn.network.find_ip(public_vip_address) if not fip: self.fail_json( msg='Public IP %s is unavailable' % public_vip_address ) # Release origin public ip first self.conn.network.update_ip( orig_public_ip, fixed_ip_address=None, port_id=None ) # Associate new public ip self.conn.network.update_ip( fip, fixed_ip_address=lb.vip_address, port_id=lb.vip_port_id ) new_public_ip = public_vip_address changed = True elif allocate_fip and not orig_public_ip: fip = self.conn.network.find_available_ip() if not fip: if not public_network: self.fail_json(msg="Public network is not provided") pub_net = self.conn.network.find_network(public_network) if not pub_net: self.fail_json( msg='Public network %s not found' % public_network ) fip = self.conn.network.create_ip( floating_network_id=pub_net.id ) self.conn.network.update_ip( fip, fixed_ip_address=lb.vip_address, port_id=lb.vip_port_id ) new_public_ip = fip.floating_ip_address changed = True # Include public_vip_address in the result. lb = self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer(name_or_id=lb.id) lb_dict = lb.to_dict() lb_dict.update({"public_vip_address": new_public_ip}) self.exit_json( changed=changed, loadbalancer=lb_dict, id=lb.id ) elif self.params['state'] == 'absent': changed = False public_vip_address = None if lb: if self.ansible.check_mode: self.exit_json(changed=True) if delete_fip: ips = self.conn.network.ips( port_id=lb.vip_port_id, fixed_ip_address=lb.vip_address ) ips = list(ips) if ips: public_vip_address = ips[0] # Deleting load balancer with `cascade=False` does not make # sense because the deletion will always fail if there are # sub-resources. self.conn.load_balancer.delete_load_balancer(lb, cascade=True) changed = True if self.params['wait']: self._wait_for_lb(lb, "DELETED", ["ERROR"]) if delete_fip and public_vip_address: self.conn.network.delete_ip(public_vip_address) changed = True elif self.ansible.check_mode: self.exit_json(changed=False) self.exit_json(changed=changed) except Exception as e: self.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def main(): module = LoadBalancerModule() module() if __name__ == "__main__": main()