cpm_plugcontrol -- Get and Set Plug actions on WTI OOB and PDU power devices ============================================================================ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Synopsis -------- Get and Set Plug actions on WTI OOB and PDU devices Parameters ---------- cpm_action (True, str, None) This is the Action to send the module. cpm_url (True, str, None) This is the URL of the WTI device to send the module. cpm_username (True, str, None) This is the Username of the WTI device to send the module. cpm_password (True, str, None) This is the Password of the WTI device to send the module. use_https (False, bool, True) Designates to use an https connection or http connection. validate_certs (False, bool, True) If false, SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. use_proxy (False, bool, False) F l a g t o c o n t r o l i f t h e l o o k u p w i l l o b s e r v e H T T P p r o x y e n v i r o n m e n t v a r i a b l e s w h e n p r e s e n t . plug_id (True, str, None) This is the plug number or the plug name that is to be manipulated For the plugget command, the plug_id 'all' will return the status of all the plugs the user has rights to access. plug_state (False, str, None) This is what action to take on the plug. Examples -------- .. code-block:: yaml+jinja # Get Plug status for all ports - name: Get the Plug status for ALL ports of a WTI device cpm_plugcontrol: cpm_action: "getplugcontrol" cpm_url: "rest.wti.com" cpm_username: "restpower" cpm_password: "restfulpowerpass12" use_https: true validate_certs: true plug_id: "all" # Get Plug status for port 2 - name: Get the Plug status for the given port of a WTI device cpm_plugcontrol: cpm_action: "getplugcontrol" cpm_url: "rest.wti.com" cpm_username: "restpower" cpm_password: "restfulpowerpass12" use_https: true validate_certs: false plug_id: "2" # Reboot plug 5 - name: Reboot Plug 5 on a given WTI device cpm_plugcontrol: cpm_action: "setplugcontrol" cpm_url: "rest.wti.com" cpm_username: "restpower" cpm_password: "restfulpowerpass12" use_https: true plug_id: "5" plug_state: "boot" Return Values ------------- data (always, str, ) The output JSON returned from the commands sent Status ------ - This is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. *[preview]* - This is maintained by community. Authors ~~~~~~~ - W - e - s - t - e - r - n - - T - e - l - e - m - a - t - i - c - - I - n - c - . - - ( - @ - w - t - i - n - e - t - w - o - r - k - g - e - a - r - )