path: root/dh_installdeb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dh_installdeb b/dh_installdeb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25ed4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdeb
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the
+correct permissions.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item I<package>.postinst
+=item I<package>.preinst
+=item I<package>.postrm
+=item I<package>.prerm
+These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory.
+B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of
+the pattern B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to
+include the B<#DEBHELPER#> to benefit from the shell scripts
+generated by debhelper commands (including those from
+B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files).
+The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is
+often replaced by a multi-line shell script.
+=item I<package>.triggers
+=item I<package>.shlibs
+These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory.
+Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and
+earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>.
+=item I<package>.conffiles
+Historically, this file was needed to manually mark files files as
+conffiles. However, it has become de facto obsolete since debhelper
+automatically computed which files should be marked as conffiles.
+In compatibility level up and including 11, this control file will be
+installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. In compatibility level 12 and
+later, the file is silently ignored.
+=item I<package>.maintscript
+Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>
+commands and parameters. However, the "maint-script-parameters"
+should I<not> be included as debhelper will add those automatically.
+ # Correct
+ rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo
+ rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- "$@"
+In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so
+arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line
+such as C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert
+maintainer script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to
+move that conffile.
+It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous
+compat levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was
+possible to embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels.
+The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of
+the commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The
+validation is enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard
+error in compat 12.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>
+Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when
+it is generated. Please note that the limitations described in
+L</Limitations in token names> also applies to tokens defined
+on the command line. Invalid token names will trigger an error.
+In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >>
+to be replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal
+I<@>-sign, then I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file
+containing the actual value to insert.
+An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in
+Test examples to aid with the understanding:
+ cat >> debian/postinst <<EOF
+ echo -n "Complex value" > some-file
+ dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file
+In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#>
+will expand to B<Complex value>.
+It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given
+token. This is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple
+packages that need different values for the same token. This is
+done by prefixing the token name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>.
+This can be used as in the following example:
+ cat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ cat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ cat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \
+ --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value
+In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo.postinst>,
+to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-baz-value>
+in F<debian/baz.postinst>.
+Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E.g.
+you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it will
+be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>.
+The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens
+inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):
+=over 4
+=item #DEBHELPER#
+This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper
+commands. This includes the snippets generated by
+B<dh_installdeb> from I<package>.maintscript file (if present).
+These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from
+L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want
+use the B<< #DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure
+you get the right value when cross-building.
+On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match
+a variable in L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is.
+=item #ENV.I<NAME>#
+These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the
+corresponding environment variable. If the environment
+variable is unset, the token is replaced with the empty
+Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see
+L</Limitations in token names>).
+=item #PACKAGE#
+This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain
+the concrete script.
+=head2 Limitations in token names
+All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#
+Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the
+script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will
+cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases.
+init(options => {
+ 'define|D=s%' => \%PROVIDED_SUBST,
+# dpkg-maintscript-helper commands with their associated dpkg pre-dependency
+# versions.
+my %maintscript_predeps = (
+ "rm_conffile" => "",
+ "mv_conffile" => "",
+ "symlink_to_dir" => "",
+ "dir_to_symlink" => "",
+my %maintscript_validator = (
+ "rm_conffile" => \&_validate_conffile_args,
+ "mv_conffile" => \&_validate_conffile_args,
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ if (is_udeb($package)) {
+ # For udebs, only do the postinst, and no #DEBHELPER#.
+ # Udebs also support menutest and isinstallable scripts.
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst menutest isinstallable}) {
+ my $f=pkgfile($package,$script);
+ if ($f) {
+ install_prog($f, "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ }
+ }
+ # stop here for udebs
+ next;
+ }
+ my $maintscriptfile=pkgfile($package, "maintscript");
+ if ($maintscriptfile) {
+ if (compat(9)) {
+ foreach my $line (filedoublearray($maintscriptfile)) {
+ my $cmd=$line->[0];
+ error("unknown dpkg-maintscript-helper command: $cmd")
+ unless exists $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Pre-Depends", "dpkg",
+ ">= $maintscript_predeps{$cmd}")
+ if length $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ my $params=escape_shell(@$line);
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) {
+ autoscript($package, $script, "maintscript-helper",
+ "s!#PARAMS#!$params!g");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my @maintscripts = filedoublearray($maintscriptfile);
+ my @params;
+ foreach my $line (@maintscripts) {
+ my $cmd=$line->[0];
+ error("unknown dpkg-maintscript-helper command: $cmd")
+ unless exists $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Pre-Depends", "dpkg",
+ ">= $maintscript_predeps{$cmd}")
+ if length $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ if (my $validator = $maintscript_validator{$cmd}) {
+ $validator->($package, @{$line});
+ }
+ push(@params, escape_shell(@{$line}) );
+ }
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) {
+ my $subst = sub {
+ my @res;
+ chomp;
+ for my $param (@params) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ $line =~ s{#PARAMS#}{$param}g;
+ push(@res, $line);
+ }
+ $_ = join("\n", @res) . "\n";
+ };
+ autoscript($package, $script, "maintscript-helper", $subst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Install debian scripts.
+ my $package_subst = per_package_subst($package, \%PROVIDED_SUBST);
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) {
+ debhelper_script_subst($package, $script, $package_subst);
+ }
+ # Install non-executable files
+ my @non_exec_files;
+ # Removed in compat 12.
+ push(@non_exec_files, 'conffiles') if compat(11);
+ # In compat 10, we let dh_makeshlibs handle "shlibs".
+ push(@non_exec_files, 'shlibs') if compat(9);
+ foreach my $file (@non_exec_files) {
+ my $f=pkgfile($package,$file);
+ if ($f) {
+ install_file($f, "$tmp/DEBIAN/$file");
+ }
+ }
+ install_triggers($package, $tmp);
+ # Automatic conffiles registration: If it is in /etc, it is a
+ # conffile.
+ if ( -d "$tmp/etc") {
+ complex_doit("find $tmp/etc -type f -printf '/etc/%P\n' | LC_ALL=C sort >> $tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ # Anything found?
+ if (-z "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles") {
+ rm_files("$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ }
+ else {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ }
+ }
+sub install_triggers {
+ my ($package, $tmp) = @_;
+ my $generated = generated_file($package, 'triggers', 0);
+ my @sources = grep { -f $_ } (
+ pkgfile($package, 'triggers'),
+ $generated,
+ );
+ my $target = "$tmp/DEBIAN/triggers";
+ return if not @sources;
+ if (@sources > 1) {
+ my $merged = "${generated}.merged";
+ open(my $ofd, '>', $merged)
+ or error("open ${target} failed: $!");
+ for my $src (@sources) {
+ open(my $ifd, '<', $src)
+ or error("open ${src} failed: $!");
+ print {$ofd} $_ while <$ifd>;
+ close($ifd);
+ }
+ close($ofd) or error("close ${merged} failed: $!");
+ @sources = ($merged);
+ }
+ install_file($sources[0], $target);
+sub _validate_conffile_args {
+ my ($package, $cmd, @args) = @_;
+ my ($current_conffile, $new_conffile, $prior_version, $owning_package, $other);
+ for my $arg (@args) {
+ if ($arg eq '--') {
+ _maybe_error("The maintscripts file for $package includes a \"--\" for one of the ${cmd} commands, but it should not");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq 'rm_conffile') {
+ ($current_conffile, $prior_version, $owning_package, $other) = @args;
+ } else {
+ ($current_conffile, $new_conffile, $prior_version, $owning_package, $other) = @args;
+ }
+ $current_conffile //= '';
+ _maybe_error("The current conffile path for ${cmd} must be present and absolute, got ${current_conffile}")
+ if not $current_conffile or substr($current_conffile, 0, 1) ne '/';
+ _maybe_error("The new conffile path for ${cmd} must be present and absolute, got ${new_conffile}")
+ if $cmd eq 'mv_conffile' and (not $new_conffile or substr($new_conffile, 0, 1) ne '/');
+ _maybe_error("The version for ${cmd} ${current_conffile} is not valid, got ${prior_version}")
+ if $prior_version and $prior_version !~ m{^${Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::PKGVERSION_REGEX}$}o;
+ _maybe_error("The owning package for ${cmd} ${current_conffile} is not valid, got ${owning_package}")
+ if $owning_package and $owning_package !~ m{^${Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::PKGNAME_REGEX}$}o;
+ if (defined($other)) {
+ warning("Too many arguments for ${cmd} ${current_conffile}");
+ }
+sub _maybe_error {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ if (compat(11)) {
+ warning($msg);
+ } else {
+ error($msg);
+ }
+sub per_package_subst {
+ my ($package, $provided_subst) = @_;
+ my %vars = %{$provided_subst};
+ $vars{'PACKAGE'} = $package if not exists($vars{'PACKAGE'});
+ for my $var (keys(%{$provided_subst})) {
+ if ($var !~ $Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAINTSCRIPT_TOKEN_REGEX) {
+ warning("User defined token ${var} does not match ${Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAINTSCRIPT_TOKEN_REGEX}");
+ error("Invalid provided token ${var}: It cannot be substituted as it does not follow the token name rules");
+ }
+ if ($var =~ m/^pkg[.]\Q${package}\E[.](.+)$/) {
+ my $new_key = $1;
+ $vars{$new_key} = $provided_subst->{$var};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%vars;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installdebconf b/dh_installdebconf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..13dff7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdebconf
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files used by debconf into package build directories.
+It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface
+with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by
+B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that
+Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it
+(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program).
+Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst>
+needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not
+install this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too
+hard to do it right.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.config
+This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN>
+directory in the package build directory.
+Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with
+shell script snippets generated by other debhelper commands.
+=item debian/I<package>.templates
+This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN>
+directory in the package build directory.
+=item F<debian/po/>
+If this directory is present, this program will automatically use
+L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates
+files that include the translations from there.
+For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postrm> script.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass the params to B<po2debconf>.
+my @extraparams;
+if (defined($dh{U_PARAMS})) {
+ @extraparams=@{$dh{U_PARAMS}};
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT config templates cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $config=pkgfile($package,"config");
+ my $templates=pkgfile($package,"templates");
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ if (! is_udeb($package)) {
+ debhelper_script_subst($package, "config");
+ }
+ if ($templates ne '') {
+ # Are there old-style translated templates?
+ if (glob("$templates.??"), glob("$templates.??_??")) {
+ warning "Ignoring debian/templates.ll files. Switch to po-debconf!";
+ }
+ umask(0022); # since I do a redirect below
+ if (-d "debian/po") {
+ complex_doit("po2debconf @extraparams $templates > $tmp/DEBIAN/templates");
+ }
+ else {
+ install_file($templates,"$tmp/DEBIAN/templates");
+ }
+ }
+ # I'm going with debconf 0.5 because it was the first
+ # "modern" one. udebs just need cdebconf.
+ my $debconfdep=is_udeb($package) ? "cdebconf-udeb" : "debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0";
+ if ($config ne '' || $templates ne '') {
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", $debconfdep);
+ }
+ if (($config ne '' || $templates ne '') && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autoscript($package,"postrm","postrm-debconf");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>