path: root/dh_missing
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dh_missing b/dh_missing
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bdff6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_missing
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_missing - check for missing files
+use v5.24;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_missing> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_missing> compares the list of installed files with the files in
+the source directory. If any of the files (and symlinks) in the source
+directory were not installed to somewhere, it will warn on stderr
+about that (B<--list-missing>) or fail (B<--fail-missing>).
+Please note that in compat 11 and earlier without either of these
+options, B<dh_missing> will silently do nothing. In compat 12,
+B<--list-missing> is the default In compat 13 and later,
+B<--fail-missing> is the default.
+This may be useful if you have a large package and want to make sure that
+you don't miss installing newly added files in new upstream releases.
+Remember to test different kinds of builds (dpkg-buildpackage -A/-B/...) as
+you may experience varying results when only a subset of the packages are
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/not-installed
+List the files that are deliberately not installed in I<any> binary
+package. Paths listed in this file are ignored by B<dh_missing>.
+However, it is B<not> a method to exclude files from being installed
+by any of the debhelper tool. If you want a tool to not install a
+given file, please use its B<--exclude> option (where available).
+B<dh_missing> will expand wildcards in this file (since debhelper 11.1).
+Wildcards without matches will be ignored.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--list-missing>
+Warn on stderr about source files not installed to somewhere.
+Note that many dh-tools acting on a path will mark the path as
+installed even if it has been excluded via B<-X> or B<--exclude>.
+This is also seen when a dh-tool is acting on a directory and
+exclusion is used to ignore some files in the directory. In either
+case, this will make B<dh_missing> silently assume the excluded files
+have been handled.
+This is the default in compat 12.
+=item B<--fail-missing>
+This option is like B<--list-missing>, except if a file was missed, it will
+not only list the missing files, but also fail with a nonzero exit code.
+This is the default in compat 13 and later.
+init(options => {
+ "list-missing" => \$dh{LIST_MISSING},
+ "fail-missing" => \$dh{FAIL_MISSING},
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+my (@installed, %helpers, %helpers_basename);
+my $srcdir = '.';
+if (defined($dh{SOURCEDIR})) {
+ $srcdir = $dh{SOURCEDIR};
+ $srcdir =~ s{/+$}{};
+ error("Invalid --sourcedir - must not be empty nor /") if not $srcdir;
+if (!$dh{LIST_MISSING} && !$dh{FAIL_MISSING}) {
+ exit 0 if compat(11);
+ # --list-missing is the default in compat 12 and --fail-missing in compat 13+
+ my $option = compat(12) ? 'LIST_MISSING' : 'FAIL_MISSING';
+ $dh{$option} = 1;
+# . as srcdir makes no sense, so this is a special case.
+if ($srcdir eq '.') {
+ $srcdir='debian/tmp';
+if (! -d $srcdir) {
+ # If there was no explicit source directory, then we do not care
+ # if it is missing.
+ exit(0) if not defined $dh{SOURCEDIR};
+ if (scalar(getpackages()) == 1 && defined($dh{SOURCEDIR})) {
+ warning("$srcdir does not exist and there is only binary package.");
+ warning("Assuming everything is installed directly into the package directory.");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (compat(10)) {
+ # Prevent "dh $@ --list-missing --destdir=... ..." from failing in compat 10.
+ warning("Cannot check if installation is missing files: $srcdir does not exist");
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ error("Cannot check if installation is missing files: $srcdir does not exist");
+ }
+for my $file (glob('debian/.debhelper/generated/*/installed-by-*')) {
+ my ($target_pkg, $helper) = ('unknown', 'unknown');
+ my $had_files = 0;
+ my %seen;
+ if ($file =~ m@.*/([^/]+)/installed-by-(.*)@) {
+ ($target_pkg, $helper) = ($1, $2);
+ }
+ open(my $fh, '<', $file) or error("could not open $file: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ next if $line =~ m/^\s*$/;
+ next if $seen{$line}++; # Ignore duplicates
+ $had_files++;
+ push(@installed, $line);
+ }
+ $helpers{$helper}{$target_pkg} = $had_files;
+ close($fh);
+my @missing;
+if ( -f 'debian/not-installed') {
+ my @not_installed = filearray('debian/not-installed');
+ for my $pattern (@not_installed) {
+ my @matches;
+ # Add an explicit d/tmp if absent as there is no point in
+ # looking outside the debian staging directory
+ $pattern =~ s:^\s*:debian/tmp/: unless $pattern =~ m:^\s*debian/tmp/:;
+ @matches = glob_expand(['.'], \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore, $pattern);
+ if (@matches) {
+ # Assume classify them as installed
+ push(@installed, @matches);
+ } else {
+ # Assume it is not a pattern and classify it as installed
+ push(@installed, $pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ push(@installed, @not_installed);
+my $installed=join("|", map {
+ # Kill any extra slashes, for robustness.
+ y:/:/:s;
+ s:/+$::;
+ s:^(\./)*::;
+ "\Q$_\E\/.*|\Q$_\E";
+} @installed);
+# Lazy load File::Find
+require File::Find;
+File::Find::find(sub {
+ # Lazy loading of File::Find makes perl think that File::Find::dir is only used once
+ # and we might have typo'ed something
+ no warnings qw(once);
+ -f || -l || return;
+ $_="$File::Find::dir/$_";
+ if (! /$installed/ && ! excludefile($_)) {
+ my $file=$_;
+ $file=~s/^\Q$srcdir\E\///;
+ push @missing, $file;
+ }
+}, $srcdir);
+if (@missing) {
+ my $had_related_files;
+ my %seen_basename = map { basename($_) => $_ } @installed;
+ my $multiarch = dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH");
+ my $seen_ma_value = 0;
+ for my $file (sort(@missing)) {
+ my $basename = basename($file);
+ if (exists($seen_basename{$basename})) {
+ my $alt_source = $seen_basename{$basename};
+ $had_related_files //= [$file, $alt_source];
+ warning("$file exists in $srcdir but is not installed to anywhere (related file: \"$alt_source\")");
+ } else {
+ warning("$file exists in $srcdir but is not installed to anywhere ");
+ }
+ $seen_ma_value = 1 if index($file, $multiarch) > -1;
+ }
+ if ($had_related_files) {
+ my ($missing, $alt_source) = $had_related_files->@*;
+ my $error = $dh{FAIL_MISSING} ? 'error' : 'warning';
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print('While detecting missing files, dh_missing noted some files with a similar name to those');
+ nonquiet_print("that were missing. This ${error} /might/ be resolved by replacing references to the");
+ nonquiet_print('missing files with the similarly named ones that dh_missing found - assuming the content');
+ nonquiet_print('is identical.');
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print('As an example, you might want to replace:');
+ nonquiet_print(" * ${alt_source}");
+ nonquiet_print('with:');
+ nonquiet_print(" * ${missing}");
+ nonquiet_print('in a file in debian/ or as argument to one of the dh_* tools called from debian/rules.');
+ nonquiet_print('(Note it is possible the paths are not used verbatim but instead directories ');
+ nonquiet_print('containing or globs matching them are used instead)');
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print('Alternatively, add the missing file to debian/not-installed if it cannot and should not');
+ nonquiet_print('be used.');
+ nonquiet_print();
+ }
+ nonquiet_print("The following debhelper tools have reported what they installed (with files per package)");
+ for my $helper (sort(keys(%helpers))) {
+ my $pkg_info = $helpers{$helper};
+ my @results;
+ for my $pkg (sort(keys(%{$pkg_info}))) {
+ my $no = $pkg_info->{$pkg};
+ push(@results, "${pkg} (${no})")
+ }
+ nonquiet_print(" * ${helper}: " . join(', ', @results));
+ }
+ nonquiet_print('If the missing files are installed by another tool, please file a bug against it.');
+ nonquiet_print('When filing the report, if the tool is not part of debhelper itself, please reference the');
+ nonquiet_print('"Logging helpers and dh_missing" section from the "PROGRAMMING" guide for debhelper (10.6.3+).');
+ nonquiet_print(' (in the debhelper package: /usr/share/doc/debhelper/PROGRAMMING.gz)');
+ nonquiet_print("Be sure to test with dpkg-buildpackage -A/-B as the results may vary when only a subset is built");
+ nonquiet_print("If the omission is intentional or no other helper can take care of this consider adding the");
+ nonquiet_print("paths to debian/not-installed.");
+ if ($seen_ma_value) {
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print("Remember to be careful with paths containing \"${multiarch}\", where you might need to");
+ nonquiet_print("use a wildcard or (assuming compat 13+) e.g. \${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} in debian/not-installed");
+ nonquiet_print("to ensure it works on all architectures (see #961104).");
+ }
+ if ($dh{FAIL_MISSING}) {
+ error("missing files, aborting");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Michael Stapelberg <>