httpd-test/perl-framework STATUS: -*-text-*- Last modified at [$Date: 2018-10-10 18:23:46 +0400 (Wed, 10 Oct 2018) $] Stuff to do: * finish the t/TEST exit code issue (ORed with 0x2C if framework failed) * change existing tests that frob the DocumentRoot (e.g., t/modules/access.t) to *not* do that; instead, have Makefile.PL prepare appropriate subdirectory configs for them. Why? So t/TEST can be used to test a remote server. * problems with -d perl mode, doesn't work as documented Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 12:58:33 +0800 Subject: Re: perldb Tests to be written: * t/apache - simulations of network failures (incomplete POST bodies, chunked and unchunked; missing POST bodies; slooow client connexions, such as taking 1 minute to send 1KiB; ...) * t/modules/autoindex - something seems possibly broken with inheritance on 2.0 * t/ssl - SSLPassPhraseDialog exec: - SSLRandomSeed exec: