use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; ## mod_rewrite tests ## ## my @map = qw(txt rnd prg); #dbm XXX: howto determine dbm support is available? my @num = qw(1 2 3 4 5 6); my @url = qw(forbidden gone perm temp); my @todo; my $r; my @redirects_all = ( ["/modules/rewrite/escaping/qsd-like/foo", "/foo\$", have_min_apache_version('2.4.57')], # PR66547 ["/modules/rewrite/escaping/qsd-like-plus-qsa/foo?preserve-me", "/foo\\?preserve-me\$", have_min_apache_version('2.5.1')], # PR66672 ["/modules/rewrite/escaping/qsd-like-plus-qsa-qsl/foo/%3fbar/?preserve-me", "/foo/%3fbar/\\?preserve-me\$", have_min_apache_version('2.5.1')], # PR66672 ); my @escapes = ( # rewrite to local/PT is not escaped [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local/foo%20bar" => 403], # rewrite to redir escape opted out [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/redir_ne/foo%20bar" => 403], # rewrite never escapes proxy targets, even though [NE] is kind or repurposed. [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/proxy/foo%20bar" => 403], [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/proxy_ne/foo%20bar" => 403], [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/fixups/local/foo%20bar" => 403], [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/fixups/redir_ne/foo%20bar" => 403], [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/fixups/proxy/foo%20bar" => 403], [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/fixups/proxy_ne/foo%20bar" => 403], ); if (have_min_apache_version('2.4.57')) { push(@escapes, ( # rewrite to redir escaped by default [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/redir/foo%20bar" => 302], [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/fixups/redir/foo%20bar" => 302], )); } my @bflags = ( # t/conf/ [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local_b/foo/bar/%20baz%0d" => "foo%2fbar%2f+baz%0d"], # this is why [B] sucks [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local_b_justslash/foo/bar/%20baz/" => "foo%2fbar%2f baz%2f"], # test basic B=/ ); if (have_min_apache_version('2.4.57')) { # [BCTLS] / [BNE] push(@bflags, ( [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local_bctls/foo/bar/%20baz/%0d" => "foo/bar/+baz/%0d"], # spaces and ctls only [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local_bctls_nospace/foo/bar/%20baz/%0d" => "foo/bar/ baz/%0d"], # ctls but keep space [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local_bctls_andslash/foo/bar/%20baz/%0d" => "foo%2fbar%2f+baz%2f%0d"], # not realistic, but opt in to slashes [ "/modules/rewrite/escaping/local_b_noslash/foo/bar/%20baz/%0d" => "foo/bar/+baz/%0d"], # negate something from [B] )); } if (!have_min_apache_version('2.4.19')) { # PR 50447, server context push @todo, 26 } if (!have_min_apache_version('2.4')) { # PR 50447, directory context (r1044673) push @todo, 24 } # Specific tests for PR 58231 my $vary_header_tests = (have_min_apache_version("2.4.30") ? 9 : 0) + (have_min_apache_version("2.4.29") ? 4 : 0); my $cookie_tests = have_min_apache_version("2.4.47") ? 6 : 0; my @redirects = map {$_->[2] ? $_ : ()} @redirects_all; plan tests => @map * @num + 16 + $vary_header_tests + $cookie_tests + scalar(@escapes) + scalar(@redirects) + scalar(@bflags), todo => \@todo, need_module 'rewrite'; foreach (@map) { foreach my $n (@num) { ## throw $_ into upper case just so we can test out internal ## 'tolower' map in mod_rewrite $_=uc($_); $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/$n", 'Accept' => $_); chomp $r; $r =~ s/\r//g; if ($_ eq 'RND') { ## check that $r is just a single digit. unless ($r =~ /^[\d]$/) { ok 0; next; } ok ($r =~ /^[$r-6]$/); } else { ok ($r eq $n); } } } $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/", 'Accept' => 7); chomp $r; $r =~ s/\r//g; ok ($r eq "BIG"); $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/", 'Accept' => 0); chomp $r; $r =~ s/\r//g; ok ($r eq "ZERO"); $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/", 'Accept' => 'lucky13'); chomp $r; $r =~ s/\r//g; ok ($r eq "JACKPOT"); $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/qsa.html?baz=bee"); chomp $r; ok t_cmp($r, qr/\nQUERY_STRING = foo=bar\&baz=bee\n/s, "query-string append test"); # PR 50447 (double URL-escaping of the query string) my $hostport = Apache::TestRequest::hostport(); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/redirect-dir.html?q=%25", redirect_ok => 0); ok t_cmp($r->code, 301, "per-dir redirect response code is OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Location"), "http://$hostport/foobar.html?q=%25", "per-dir query-string escaping is OK"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/redirect.html?q=%25", redirect_ok => 0); ok t_cmp($r->code, 301, "redirect response code is OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Location"), "http://$hostport/foobar.html?q=%25", "query-string escaping is OK"); if (have_module('mod_proxy')) { $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/proxy.html"); chomp $r; ok t_cmp($r, "JACKPOT", "request was proxied"); # PR 46428 $r = GET_BODY("/modules/proxy/rewrite/foo bar.html"); chomp $r; ok t_cmp($r, "foo bar", "per-dir proxied rewrite escaping worked"); } else { skip "Skipping rewrite to proxy; no proxy module." foreach (1..2); } if (have_module('mod_proxy') && have_cgi) { # regression in 1.3.32, see PR 14518 $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/proxy2/"); chomp $r; ok t_cmp($r, qr/QUERY_STRING = fish=fowl\n/s, "QUERY_STRING passed OK"); ok t_cmp(GET_RC("/modules/rewrite/proxy3/"), 404, "RewriteCond QUERY_STRING test"); $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/proxy3/"); chomp $r; ok t_cmp($r, qr/QUERY_STRING = horse=trigger\n/s, "QUERY_STRING passed OK"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/proxy-qsa.html?bloo=blar"); ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "proxy/QSA test success"); ok t_cmp($r->as_string, qr/QUERY_STRING = foo=bar\&bloo=blar\n/s, "proxy/QSA test appended args correctly"); } else { skip "Skipping rewrite QUERY_STRING test; missing proxy or CGI module" foreach (1..5); } if (have_min_apache_version('2.4')) { # See PR 60478 and the corresponding config in extra.conf $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/pr60478-rewrite-loop/a/X/b/c"); ok t_cmp($r->code, 500, "PR 60478 rewrite loop is halted"); } else { skip "Skipping PR 60478 test; requires ap_expr in version 2.4" } if (have_min_apache_version("2.4.29")) { # PR 58231: Vary:Host header (was) mistakenly added to the response # XXX: If LWP uses http2, this can result in "Host: localhost, test1" $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/vary1.html", "Host" => "test1"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/VARY2/, "Correct internal redirect happened, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/(?!.*Host.*)/, "Vary:Host header not added, OK"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/vary1.html", "Host" => "test2"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/VARY2/, "Correct internal redirect happened, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/(?!.*Host.*)/, "Vary:Host header not added, OK"); } if (have_min_apache_version("2.4.30")) { # PR 58231: Vary header added when a condition evaluates to true and # the RewriteRule happens in a directory context. $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/vary3.html", "User-Agent" => "directory-agent"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/VARY4/, "Correct internal redirect happened, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/User-Agent/, "Vary:User-Agent header added, OK"); # Corner cases in which two RewriteConds are joined using the [OR] # operator (or similar). # 1) First RewriteCond condition evaluates to true, so only the related # header value is added to the Vary list even though the second condition # evaluates to true as well. $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/vary3.html", "Referer" => "directory-referer", "Accept" => "directory-accept"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/VARY4/, "Correct internal redirect happened, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/Accept/, "Vary:Accept header added, OK"); # 2) First RewriteCond condition evaluates to false and the second to true, # so only the second condition's header value is added to the Vary list. $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/vary3.html", "Referer" => "directory-referer", "Accept" => "this-is-not-the-value-in-the-rewritecond"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/VARY4/, "Correct internal redirect happened, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/Referer/, "Vary:Referer header added, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/(?!.*Accept.*)/, "Vary:Accept header not added, OK"); # Vary:Host header (was) mistakenly added to the response $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/vary3.html", "Host" => "directory-domain"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/VARY4/, "Correct internal redirect happened, OK"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Vary"), qr/(?!.*Host.*)/, "Vary:Host header not added, OK"); } if (have_min_apache_version("2.4.47")) { $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/cookie/"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Set-Cookie"), qr/(?!.*SameSite=.*)/, "samesite not present with no arg"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/cookie/0"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Set-Cookie"), qr/(?!.*SameSite=.*)/, "samesite not present with 0"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/cookie/false"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Set-Cookie"), qr/(?!.*SameSite=.*)/, "samesite not present with false"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/cookie/none"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Set-Cookie"), qr/SameSite=none/, "samesite=none"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/cookie/lax"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Set-Cookie"), qr/SameSite=lax/, "samesite=lax"); $r = GET("/modules/rewrite/cookie/foo"); ok t_cmp($r->header("Set-Cookie"), qr/SameSite=foo/, "samesite=foo"); } foreach my $t (@escapes) { my $url= $t->[0]; my $expect = $t->[1]; t_debug "Check $url for $expect\n"; $r = GET($url, redirect_ok => 0); ok t_cmp $r->code, $expect; } foreach my $t (@bflags) { my $url= $t->[0]; my $expect= $t->[1]; t_debug "Check $url for $expect\n"; $r = GET($url, redirect_ok => 0); t_debug("rewritten query '" . $r->header("rewritten-query") . "'"); ok t_cmp $r->header("rewritten-query"), $expect; } foreach my $t (@redirects) { my $url= $t->[0]; my $expect= $t->[1]; t_debug "Check $url for redir $expect\n"; $r = GET($url, redirect_ok => 0); my $loc = $r->header("location"); t_debug " redirect is $loc"; ok $loc =~ /$expect/; }