-- unload modules which are not related to this test if ta_signal_query then modules.unload('ta_signal_query') end if priming then modules.unload('priming') end if detect_time_skew then modules.unload('detect_time_skew') end -- test. domain is used by some tests, allow it policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.PASS, {todname('test.')})) cache.size = 2*MB -- verbose(true) -- Self-checks on globals assert(help() ~= nil) assert(worker.id ~= nil) -- Self-checks on facilities assert(cache.stats() ~= nil) assert(cache.backends() ~= nil) assert(worker.stats() ~= nil) assert(net.interfaces() ~= nil) -- Self-checks on loaded stuff assert(#modules.list() > 0) -- Self-check timers ev = event.recurrent(1 * sec, function () return 1 end) event.cancel(ev) ev = event.after(0, function () return 1 end) -- Import fake root zone; avoid interference with configured KEYFILE_DEFAULT. trust_anchors.keyfile_default = nil trust_anchors.add('. IN DS 48409 8 2 3D63A0C25BCE86621DE63636F11B35B908EFE8E9381E0E3E9DEFD89EA952C27D') local function check_answer(desc, qname, qtype, expected_rcode) qtype_str = kres.tostring.type[qtype] callback = function(pkt) same(pkt:rcode(), expected_rcode, desc .. ': expecting answer for query ' .. qname .. ' ' .. qtype_str .. ' with rcode ' .. kres.tostring.rcode[expected_rcode]) ok((pkt:ancount() > 0) == (pkt:rcode() == kres.rcode.NOERROR), desc ..': checking number of answers for ' .. qname .. ' ' .. qtype_str) end resolve(qname, qtype, kres.class.IN, {}, callback) end -- do not attempt to contact outside world, operate only on cache net.ipv4 = false net.ipv6 = false -- do not listen, test is driven by config code env.KRESD_NO_LISTEN = true local function import_zone() local import_res = cache.zone_import('testroot.zone') assert(import_res.code == 0) -- beware that import takes at least 100 ms worker.sleep(0.2) -- zimport is delayed by 100 ms from function call -- sanity checks - cache must be filled in ok(cache.count() > 0, 'cache is not empty after import') check_answer('root apex is in cache', '.', kres.type.NS, kres.rcode.NOERROR) check_answer('deep subdomain is in cache', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.NOERROR) end local function test_exact_match_qtype() nok(cache.clear('a.b.subtree1.', true, kres.type.A)['chunk_limit'], 'single qname+qtype can be cleared at once') check_answer('exact match on qname+qtype must flush RR from cache', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('exact match on qname+qtype must not affect other RRs on the same node', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.NOERROR) check_answer('exact match on qname must not affect parent', 'b.subtree1.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR) end local function test_exact_match_qname() res = cache.clear('a.b.SubTree1.') is(res.count, 2, 'single qname can be cleared at once') check_answer('exact match on qname must flush all RRs with the same owner from cache', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('exact match on qname must flush all RRs with the same owner from cache', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('exact match on qname must flush all RRs with the same owner from cache', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.TXT, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) -- exact match for negative proofs is not implemented yet --check_answer('exact match on qname must flush negative proofs for owner from cache', -- 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.NULL, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) --check_answer('exact match on qname must not affect parent', -- 'b.subtree1.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR) -- same(cache.clear(), 0, 'full cache clear can be performed') --check_answer('.', kres.type.NS, false) end local function test_subtree() res = cache.clear('subtree1.') nok(res.chunk_limit, 'whole positive subtree must be flushed (does not include neg. proofs)') ok(res.not_apex, 'subtree clear below apex must be detected') same(res.subtree, '.', 'detected apex must be returned') check_answer('subtree variant must flush all RRs in subdomains from cache', 'b.subtree1.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('subtree variant must flush all RRs in subdomains from cache', 'b.subtree1.', kres.type.TXT, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('subtree variant must flush all RRs in subdomains from cache', 'subtree1.', kres.type.TXT, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('subtree variant must not affect parent', '.', kres.type.NS, kres.rcode.NOERROR) -- same(cache.clear(), 0, 'full cache clear can be performed') --check_answer('.', kres.type.NS, false) end local function test_callback() local test_name = '20r.subtree2.' local test_exactname = true local test_rrtype = nil local test_chunksize = 1 local test_prev_state = { works = true } local function check_callback(name, exact_name, rr_type, chunk_size, callback, prev_state, errors) is(errors.count, 1, 'callback received correct # of removed records') is(test_name, name, 'callback received subtree name') is(test_exactname, exact_name, 'callback received exact_name') is(test_rrtype, rr_type, 'callback received rr_type') is(test_chunksize, chunk_size, 'callback received chunk_size') is(check_callback, callback, 'callback received reference to itself') is(type(errors), 'table', 'callback received table of errors') same(test_prev_state, prev_state, 'callback received previous state') return 666 end same(cache.clear(test_name, test_exactname, test_rrtype, test_chunksize, check_callback, test_prev_state), 666, 'first callback return value is passed to cache.clear() caller') local cnt_before_wait = cache.count() worker.sleep(0.2) is(cnt_before_wait, cache.count(), 'custom callback can stop clearing') end local function test_subtree_limit() -- default limit = 100 res = cache.clear('subtree2.', false, nil) ok(res.chunk_limit, 'chunk_size limit must be respected') is(res.count, 100, 'chunk_size limit must match returned count') -- callbacks are running in background so we can now wait -- and later verify that everything was removed -- 200 RRs, 100 was removed in first call -- so the rest should be removed in single invocation of callback -- hopefully the machine is not too slow ... worker.sleep(0.1) res = cache.clear('subtree2.', false, nil) is(res.count, 0, 'previous calls + callbacks must have removed everything') end local function test_apex() check_answer('a negative proof is still present in cache', 'aaaaa.b.subtree1.', kres.type.TXT, kres.rcode.NXDOMAIN) local prev_count = cache.count() ok(prev_count > 0, 'previous subtree clearing did not remove everything') res = cache.clear('.', false, nil, 10000) is(res.count, prev_count, 'clear on root removed everyting including proofs') check_answer('exact match on qname must flush negative proofs for owner from cache', 'a.b.subtree1.', kres.type.NULL, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) end local function test_root() check_answer('root apex is still in cache', '.', kres.type.NS, kres.rcode.NOERROR) res = cache.clear('.', true) check_answer('root apex is in no longer cache', '.', kres.type.NS, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) check_answer('some other item is still in cache', '16r.subtree2.', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR) local prev_count = cache.count() res = cache.clear('.') is(res.count, prev_count, 'full clear reports correct number of entries') is(cache.count(), 0, 'clearing root clears everything') end local function test_complete_flush() local prev_count = cache.count() res = cache.clear() is(res.count, prev_count, 'full clear reports correct number of entries') is(cache.count(), 0, 'cache is empty after full clear') end return { import_zone, test_exact_match_qtype, test_exact_match_qname, test_callback, import_zone, test_subtree, test_subtree_limit, test_apex, import_zone, test_root, import_zone, test_complete_flush, }