Requirements ------------ - ansible - vagrant - libvirt (+vagrant-libvirt) / virtualbox Usage ----- `vagrant up` command is configured to trigger ansible provisioning which configures OBS repository, installs the knot-resolver package, starts the kresd@1 service and finally attempts to use it to resolve a domain name. It also tests that DNSSEC validation is turned on. By default, the *knot-resolver-devel* repo (for knot-resolver) along with *knot-resoler-latest* (for knot) is used. To test only the *knot-resolver-latest* repo, set it in `repos.yaml` (or use the script which overwrites this file). If you're running tests in parallel, they all HAVE TO use the same repo(s). Run the following command for every distro (aka directory with Vagrantfile): ``` ./ devel debian9 ``` or ``` ./ testing debian9 ``` or ``` ./ latest debian9 ``` At the end of the test, the package version that was tested is printed out. Make sure you're testing what you intended to.