-- Protection from DNS rebinding attacks local kres = require('kres') local renumber = require('renumber') local M = {} M.layer = {} M.blacklist = { -- https://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv4-special-registry -- + IPv4-to-IPv6 mapping renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), renumber.prefix('', ''), renumber.prefix('::ffff:', '::'), -- https://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv6-special-registry/iana-ipv6-special-registry.xhtml renumber.prefix('::/128', '::'), renumber.prefix('::1/128', '::'), renumber.prefix('fc00::/7', '::'), renumber.prefix('fe80::/10', '::'), } -- second parameter for renumber module is ignored except for being v4 or v6 local function is_rr_blacklisted(rr) for i = 1, #M.blacklist do local prefix = M.blacklist[i] -- Match record type to address family and record address to given subnet if renumber.match_subnet(prefix[1], prefix[2], prefix[4], rr) then return true end end return false end local function check_section(pkt, section) local records = pkt:section(section) local count = #records if count == 0 then return nil end for i = 1, count do local rr = records[i] if rr.type == kres.type.A or rr.type == kres.type.AAAA then local result = is_rr_blacklisted(rr) if result then return rr end end end end local function check_pkt(pkt) for _, section in ipairs({kres.section.ANSWER, kres.section.AUTHORITY, kres.section.ADDITIONAL}) do local bad_rr = check_section(pkt, section) if bad_rr then return bad_rr end end end local function refuse(req) -- we are deleting packet in consume() phase so other modules -- might have chosen some RRs from the original packet already req.answ_selected.len = 0 req.auth_selected.len = 0 req.add_selected.len = 0 -- construct brand new answer packet local pkt = req.answer pkt:clear_payload() pkt:rcode(kres.rcode.REFUSED) pkt:ad(false) pkt:aa(false) pkt:begin(kres.section.ADDITIONAL) local msg = 'blocked by DNS rebinding protection' pkt:put('\11explanation\7invalid\0', 10800, pkt:qclass(), kres.type.TXT, string.char(#msg) .. msg) end -- act on DNS queries which were not answered from cache function M.layer.consume(state, req, pkt) if state == kres.FAIL then return state end req = kres.request_t(req) local qry = req:current() if qry.flags.CACHED then -- do not slow down cached queries return state end pkt = kres.pkt_t(pkt) local bad_rr = check_pkt(pkt) if not bad_rr then return state end qry.flags.RESOLVED = 1 -- stop iteration qry.flags.CACHED = 1 -- do not cache refuse(req) log('[' .. string.format('%5d', qry.id) .. '][rebinding] ' .. 'blocking blacklisted IP \'' .. kres.rr2str(bad_rr) .. '\' received from IP ' .. tostring(kres.sockaddr_t(req.upstream.addr))) return kres.FAIL end return M