path: root/Documentation/virtual/kvm/devices/s390_flic.txt
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diff --git a/Documentation/virtual/kvm/devices/s390_flic.txt b/Documentation/virtual/kvm/devices/s390_flic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4e20a090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/virtual/kvm/devices/s390_flic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+FLIC (floating interrupt controller)
+FLIC handles floating (non per-cpu) interrupts, i.e. I/O, service and some
+machine check interruptions. All interrupts are stored in a per-vm list of
+pending interrupts. FLIC performs operations on this list.
+Only one FLIC instance may be instantiated.
+FLIC provides support to
+- add interrupts (KVM_DEV_FLIC_ENQUEUE)
+- inspect currently pending interrupts (KVM_FLIC_GET_ALL_IRQS)
+- purge all pending floating interrupts (KVM_DEV_FLIC_CLEAR_IRQS)
+- purge one pending floating I/O interrupt (KVM_DEV_FLIC_CLEAR_IO_IRQ)
+- enable/disable for the guest transparent async page faults
+- register and modify adapter interrupt sources (KVM_DEV_FLIC_ADAPTER_*)
+- modify AIS (adapter-interruption-suppression) mode state (KVM_DEV_FLIC_AISM)
+- inject adapter interrupts on a specified adapter (KVM_DEV_FLIC_AIRQ_INJECT)
+- get/set all AIS mode states (KVM_DEV_FLIC_AISM_ALL)
+ Passes a buffer and length into the kernel which are then injected into
+ the list of pending interrupts.
+ attr->addr contains the pointer to the buffer and attr->attr contains
+ the length of the buffer.
+ The format of the data structure kvm_s390_irq as it is copied from userspace
+ is defined in usr/include/linux/kvm.h.
+ Copies all floating interrupts into a buffer provided by userspace.
+ When the buffer is too small it returns -ENOMEM, which is the indication
+ for userspace to try again with a bigger buffer.
+ -ENOBUFS is returned when the allocation of a kernelspace buffer has
+ failed.
+ -EFAULT is returned when copying data to userspace failed.
+ All interrupts remain pending, i.e. are not deleted from the list of
+ currently pending interrupts.
+ attr->addr contains the userspace address of the buffer into which all
+ interrupt data will be copied.
+ attr->attr contains the size of the buffer in bytes.
+ Simply deletes all elements from the list of currently pending floating
+ interrupts. No interrupts are injected into the guest.
+ Deletes one (if any) I/O interrupt for a subchannel identified by the
+ subsystem identification word passed via the buffer specified by
+ attr->addr (address) and attr->attr (length).
+ Enables async page faults for the guest. So in case of a major page fault
+ the host is allowed to handle this async and continues the guest.
+ Disables async page faults for the guest and waits until already pending
+ async page faults are done. This is necessary to trigger a completion interrupt
+ for every init interrupt before migrating the interrupt list.
+ Register an I/O adapter interrupt source. Takes a kvm_s390_io_adapter
+ describing the adapter to register:
+struct kvm_s390_io_adapter {
+ __u32 id;
+ __u8 isc;
+ __u8 maskable;
+ __u8 swap;
+ __u8 flags;
+ id contains the unique id for the adapter, isc the I/O interruption subclass
+ to use, maskable whether this adapter may be masked (interrupts turned off),
+ swap whether the indicators need to be byte swapped, and flags contains
+ further characteristics of the adapter.
+ Currently defined values for 'flags' are:
+ - KVM_S390_ADAPTER_SUPPRESSIBLE: adapter is subject to AIS
+ (adapter-interrupt-suppression) facility. This flag only has an effect if
+ the AIS capability is enabled.
+ Unknown flag values are ignored.
+ Modifies attributes of an existing I/O adapter interrupt source. Takes
+ a kvm_s390_io_adapter_req specifying the adapter and the operation:
+struct kvm_s390_io_adapter_req {
+ __u32 id;
+ __u8 type;
+ __u8 mask;
+ __u16 pad0;
+ __u64 addr;
+ id specifies the adapter and type the operation. The supported operations
+ are:
+ mask or unmask the adapter, as specified in mask
+ perform a gmap translation for the guest address provided in addr,
+ pin a userspace page for the translated address and add it to the
+ list of mappings
+ Note: A new mapping will be created unconditionally; therefore,
+ the calling code should avoid making duplicate mappings.
+ release a userspace page for the translated address specified in addr
+ from the list of mappings
+ modify the adapter-interruption-suppression mode for a given isc if the
+ AIS capability is enabled. Takes a kvm_s390_ais_req describing:
+struct kvm_s390_ais_req {
+ __u8 isc;
+ __u16 mode;
+ isc contains the target I/O interruption subclass, mode the target
+ adapter-interruption-suppression mode. The following modes are
+ currently supported:
+ - KVM_S390_AIS_MODE_ALL: ALL-Interruptions Mode, i.e. airq injection
+ is always allowed;
+ - KVM_S390_AIS_MODE_SINGLE: SINGLE-Interruption Mode, i.e. airq
+ injection is only allowed once and the following adapter interrupts
+ will be suppressed until the mode is set again to ALL-Interruptions
+ or SINGLE-Interruption mode.
+ Inject adapter interrupts on a specified adapter.
+ attr->attr contains the unique id for the adapter, which allows for
+ adapter-specific checks and actions.
+ For adapters subject to AIS, handle the airq injection suppression for
+ an isc according to the adapter-interruption-suppression mode on condition
+ that the AIS capability is enabled.
+ Gets or sets the adapter-interruption-suppression mode for all ISCs. Takes
+ a kvm_s390_ais_all describing:
+struct kvm_s390_ais_all {
+ __u8 simm; /* Single-Interruption-Mode mask */
+ __u8 nimm; /* No-Interruption-Mode mask *
+ simm contains Single-Interruption-Mode mask for all ISCs, nimm contains
+ No-Interruption-Mode mask for all ISCs. Each bit in simm and nimm corresponds
+ to an ISC (MSB0 bit 0 to ISC 0 and so on). The combination of simm bit and
+ nimm bit presents AIS mode for a ISC.
+Note: The KVM_SET_DEVICE_ATTR/KVM_GET_DEVICE_ATTR device ioctls executed on
+FLIC with an unknown group or attribute gives the error code EINVAL (instead of
+ENXIO, as specified in the API documentation). It is not possible to conclude
+that a FLIC operation is unavailable based on the error code resulting from a
+usage attempt.
+Note: The KVM_DEV_FLIC_CLEAR_IO_IRQ ioctl will return EINVAL in case a zero
+schid is specified.