#!/usr/bin/python # # test-postfix.py quality assurance test script for postfix # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Canonical Ltd. # Author: Kees Cook # Author: Marc Deslauriers # Author: Jamie Strandboge # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # QRT-Packages: postfix sasl2-bin procmail python-pexpect # QRT-Privilege: root # QRT-Conflicts: exim4 ''' Note: When installing postfix, select "Internet Site". This script will not work if "Local Only" was selected. How to run against a clean schroot named 'hardy': schroot -c hardy -u root -- sh -c 'apt-get -y install procmail python-unit postfix sasl2-bin python-pexpect lsb-release && ./test-postfix.py -v' Tests: 00: setup 10: basic plain auth setup 11: above, but with CVE reproducers 20: sasl non-PLAIN setup 21: 20, but with CVE reproducers 99: restore configs ''' import unittest, subprocess, re, pexpect, smtplib, socket, os, time, tempfile import testlib class PostfixTest(testlib.TestlibCase): '''Test Postfix MTA.''' def _setUp(self): '''Create server configs.''' # Move listener to localhost:2525 conf_file = '/etc/postfix/master.cf' contents = '' with open(conf_file) as fh: for cfline in fh: if cfline.startswith('smtp') and 'smtpd' in cfline and 'inet' in cfline: contents += ' inet n - - - - smtpd\n' else: contents += "%s\n" % cfline testlib.config_replace(conf_file, contents, append=False) conf_file = '/etc/postfix/main.cf' # Use mbox only testlib.config_comment(conf_file,'home_mailbox') testlib.config_set(conf_file,'mailbox_command','procmail -a "$EXTENSION"') # Turn on sasl self._setup_sasl("PLAIN") reply = self._check_auth("PLAIN") def setUp(self): '''Set up prior to each test_* function''' # list of files that we update self.conf_files = [ '/etc/postfix/master.cf', '/etc/postfix/main.cf', '/etc/default/saslauthd', '/etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf', '/etc/sasldb2'] self.user = testlib.TestUser(lower=True) self.s = None # Silently allow for this connection to fail, to handle the # initial setup of the postfix server. try: self.s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', port=2525) except: pass def _tearDown(self): '''Restore server configs''' for f in self.conf_files: testlib.config_restore(f) # put saslauthd back for f in ['/var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd', '/var/run/saslauthd']: if os.path.isfile(f) or os.path.islink(f): os.unlink(f) elif os.path.exists(f): testlib.recursive_rm(f) subprocess.call(['mkdir','-p','/var/run/saslauthd']) subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/service', 'saslauthd', 'stop'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/service', 'saslauthd', 'start'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def tearDown(self): '''Clean up after each test_* function''' try: self.s.quit() except: pass self.user = None def _restart_server(self): '''Restart server''' subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/service', 'postfix', 'stop'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) assert subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/service', 'postfix', 'start'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) == 0 # Postfix exits its init script before the master listener has started time.sleep(2) def _setup_sasl(self, mech, other_mech="", force_sasldb=False): '''Setup sasl for mech''' conf_file = '/etc/postfix/main.cf' for field in ['smtpd_sasl_type','smtpd_sasl_local_domain','smtpd_tls_auth_only']: testlib.config_comment(conf_file,field) testlib.config_set(conf_file,'smtpd_sasl_path','smtpd') testlib.config_set(conf_file,'smtpd_sasl_auth_enable','yes') #testlib.config_set(conf_file,'broken_sasl_auth_clients','yes') testlib.config_set(conf_file,'smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header','yes') testlib.config_set(conf_file,'smtpd_tls_loglevel','2') # setup smtpd.conf and the sasl users contents = '' self.assertTrue(mech in ['LOGIN', 'PLAIN', 'CRAM-MD5', 'DIGEST-MD5'], "Invalid mech: %s" % mech) if not force_sasldb and (mech == "PLAIN" or mech == "LOGIN"): conf_file = '/etc/default/saslauthd' testlib.config_set(conf_file, 'START', 'yes', spaces=False) contents = ''' pwcheck_method: saslauthd allowanonymouslogin: 0 allowplaintext: 1 mech_list: %s %s ''' % (mech, other_mech) # attach SASL to postfix chroot subprocess.call(['mkdir','-p','/var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd']) subprocess.call(['rm','-rf','/var/run/saslauthd']) subprocess.call(['ln','-s','/var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd','/var/run/saslauthd']) subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/service', 'saslauthd', 'stop'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) assert subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/service', 'saslauthd', 'start'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) == 0 # Force crackful perms so chroot'd postfix can talk to saslauthd subprocess.call(['chmod','o+x','/var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd']) else: plaintext = "1" if mech == "LOGIN" or mech == "PLAIN": plaintext = "0" contents = ''' pwcheck_method: auxprop allowanonymouslogin: 0 allowplaintext: %s mech_list: %s %s ''' % (plaintext, mech, other_mech) # Add user to sasldb2 testlib.config_replace("/etc/sasldb2", '', append=False) rc, report = testlib.cmd(['postconf', '-h', 'myhostname']) expected = 0 result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected) self.assertEqual(expected, rc, result + report) child = pexpect.spawn('saslpasswd2 -c -u %s %s' % (report.strip(), self.user.login)) time.sleep(0.2) child.expect(r'(?i)password', timeout=5) time.sleep(0.2) child.sendline(self.user.password) time.sleep(0.2) child.expect(r'.*(for verification)', timeout=5) time.sleep(0.2) child.sendline(self.user.password) time.sleep(0.2) rc = child.expect('\n', timeout=5) time.sleep(0.2) self.assertEqual(rc, expected, "passwd returned %d" %(rc)) child.kill(0) os.chmod("/etc/sasldb2", 0o640) rc, report = testlib.cmd(['chgrp', 'postfix', '/etc/sasldb2']) expected = 0 result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected) self.assertEqual(expected, rc, result + report) # Force crackful perms so chroot'd postfix can talk to saslauthd subprocess.call(['mv', '-f', '/etc/sasldb2', '/var/spool/postfix/etc']) subprocess.call(['ln', '-s', '/var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb2', '/etc/sasldb2']) conf_file = '/etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf' testlib.config_replace(conf_file, contents, append=False) # Restart server self._restart_server() def _is_listening(self): '''Is the server listening''' s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(5) s.connect(('localhost',2525)) greeting = s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') # 220 gorgon.outflux.net ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu) self.assertTrue(greeting.startswith('220 '),greeting) self.assertTrue('ESMTP' in greeting,greeting) self.assertTrue('Postfix' in greeting,greeting) self.assertFalse('MTA' in greeting,greeting) s.close() def test_00_listening(self): '''Postfix is listening''' # Get the main instance running self._setUp() self._is_listening() def _vrfy(self, address, valid = True): self.s.putcmd("vrfy",address) code, msg = self.s.getreply() reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) if valid: self.assertEqual(code, 252, reply) self.assertTrue(address.encode('utf-8') in msg, reply) else: self.assertEqual(code, 550, reply) self.assertTrue(b'Recipient address rejected' in msg, reply) self.assertTrue(('<%s>' % (address)).encode('utf-8') in msg, reply) def test_10_commands(self): '''Basic SMTP commands''' #s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', port=2525) # EHLO code, msg = self.s.ehlo() reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) self.assertEqual(code, 250, reply) self.assertEqual(self.s.does_esmtp, 1, reply) self.assertTrue(b'8BITMIME' in self.s.ehlo_resp, reply) # No help available self.s.putcmd("help") code, msg = self.s.getreply() reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) self.assertEqual(code, 502, reply) self.assertTrue(b'Error' in msg, reply) # VRFY addresses self._vrfy('address@example.com', valid=True) self._vrfy('does-not-exist', valid=False) self._vrfy(self.user.login, valid=True) def _test_deliver_mail(self, user_sent_to, auth_user=None, auth_pass=None, use_tls=False): '''Perform mail delivery''' if auth_user and auth_pass: self.s.login(auth_user, auth_pass) if use_tls: self.s.starttls() failed = self.s.sendmail('root',[user_sent_to.login,'does-not-exist'],'''From: Rooty To: "%s" <%s> Subject: This is test 1 Hello, nice to meet you. ''' % (user_sent_to.gecos, user_sent_to.login)) #for addr in failed.keys(): # print '%s %d %s' % (addr, failed[addr][0], failed[addr][1]) self.assertEqual(len(failed),1,failed) self.assertTrue('does-not-exist' in failed,failed) self.assertEqual(failed['does-not-exist'][0],550,failed) # Frighteningly, postfix seems to accept email before confirming # a successful write to disk for the recipient! time.sleep(2) def _test_mail_in_spool(self, user_directed_to, target_spool_user=None, spool_file=None, auth_user=None, use_tls=False): '''Check that mail arrived in the spool''' # Handle the case of forwarded emails if target_spool_user == None: target_spool_user = user_directed_to # Read delivered email if spool_file == None: spool_file = '/var/mail/%s' % (target_spool_user.login) time.sleep(1) with open(spool_file) as fh: contents = fh.read() # Server-side added headers... self.assertTrue('\nReceived: ' in contents, contents) if use_tls and self.lsb_release['Release'] > 6.06: expected = ' (Postfix) with ESMTPS id ' else: expected = ' (Postfix) with ESMTP id ' if auth_user: if self.lsb_release['Release'] < 8.04: self._skipped("Received header portion") else: expected = ' (Postfix) with ESMTPA id ' self.assertTrue('(Authenticated sender: %s)' % (auth_user)) self.assertTrue(expected in contents, 'Looking for "%s" in email:\n%s' % (expected, contents)) self.assertTrue('\nMessage-Id: ' in contents, contents) self.assertTrue('\nDate: ' in contents, contents) # client-side headers/body... self.assertTrue('\nSubject: This is test 1' in contents, contents) self.assertTrue('\nFrom: Rooty' in contents, contents) self.assertTrue('\nTo: "Buddy %s" <%s@' % (user_directed_to.login, user_directed_to.login) in contents, contents) self.assertTrue('\nHello, nice to meet you.' in contents, contents) def _test_roundtrip_mail(self, user_sent_to, user_to_check=None, spool_file=None, auth_user=None, auth_pass=None, use_tls=False): '''Send and check email delivery''' self._test_deliver_mail(user_sent_to, auth_user, auth_pass, use_tls=use_tls) self._test_mail_in_spool(user_sent_to, user_to_check, spool_file, auth_user=auth_user, use_tls=use_tls) def test_10_sending_mail_direct(self): '''Mail delivered normally''' self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user) def test_10_sending_mail_direct_with_tls(self): '''Mail delivered normally with TLS''' self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, use_tls=True) def test_10_sending_mail_direct_auth(self): '''Mail authentication''' # Verify rejected bad password and user self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, 'root', 'crapcrapcrap') self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, self.user.login, 'crapcrapcrap') self.s.login(self.user.login, self.user.password) def test_10_sending_mail_direct_auth_full(self): '''Mail delivered with authentication''' # Perform end-to-end authentication test self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, auth_user=self.user.login, auth_pass=self.user.password) def _write_forward(self, user, contents): forward_filename = '/home/%s/.forward' % (user.login) with open(forward_filename,'w') as fh: fh.write(contents) os.chown(forward_filename, user.uid, user.gid) def test_10_sending_mail_forward_normal(self): '''Mail delivered via .forward''' forward_user = testlib.TestUser(lower=True) self._write_forward(forward_user, self.user.login+'\n') self._test_roundtrip_mail(forward_user, self.user) def test_10_sending_mail_forward_xternal(self): '''Mail processed by commands in .forward''' # Create user-writable redirected mbox destination mbox, mbox_name = testlib.mkstemp_fill('',prefix='test-postfix.mbox-') mbox.close() os.chown(mbox_name, self.user.uid, self.user.gid) # Create a script to run in the .forward redir, redir_name = testlib.mkstemp_fill('''#!/bin/bash /bin/cat > "%s" ''' % (mbox_name),prefix='test-postfix.redir-') redir.close() os.chmod(redir_name,0o755) self._write_forward(self.user,'|%s\n' % (redir_name)) # SKIP TESTING, FAILS IN TESTBED #self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, spool_file=mbox_name) os.unlink(redir_name) os.unlink(mbox_name) def test_11_security_CVE_2008_2936(self): '''CVE-2008-2936 fixed''' # First, create our "target" file secret = '/root/secret.txt' with open(secret,'w') as fh: fh.write('Secret information\n') os.chmod(secret, 0o700) # Now, create a symlink to the target (we're going to use /var/tmp # since we're assuming it, /root, /var/mail are on the same filesystem. # For most chroot testing, /tmp is mounted from the real machine. if os.path.exists('/var/tmp/secret.link'): os.unlink('/var/tmp/secret.link') self.assertEqual(subprocess.call(['su','-c','ln -s /root/secret.txt /var/tmp/secret.link',self.user.login]),0,"Symlink creation") # Now, the hardlink, which in ubuntu's case needs to be done by root. os.link('/var/tmp/secret.link','/var/mail/%s' % (self.user.login)) # Email delivered to this user will be written to the root-owned # file now if the CVE is unfixed. failed = self.s.sendmail('root',[self.user.login],'''From: Evil To: "%s" <%s> Subject: This is an overwrite test Hello, nice to pwn you. ''' % (self.user.gecos, self.user.login)) self.assertEqual(len(failed),0,failed) # Pause for delivery time.sleep(2) with open(secret) as fh: contents = fh.read() # Clean up before possible failures os.unlink('/var/mail/%s' % (self.user.login)) os.unlink('/var/tmp/secret.link') os.unlink(secret) # Check results self.assertTrue('Secret information' in contents, contents) self.assertFalse('nice to pwn you' in contents, contents) def _check_auth(self, mech): '''Check AUTH: side effect-- self.s is set''' try: self.s.quit() except: pass self.s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', port=2525) self._is_listening() # has mech code, msg = self.s.ehlo() reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) self.assertEqual(code, 250, reply) self.assertEqual(self.s.does_esmtp, 1, reply) self.assertTrue(mech.encode('utf-8') in self.s.ehlo_resp, reply) return reply def test_20_sasldb_cram_md5(self): '''Test sasldb CRAM-MD5''' # Quit the setUp() connection, restart the server and reconnect self.s.quit() self._setup_sasl("CRAM-MD5") reply = self._check_auth("CRAM-MD5") self.assertTrue('PLAIN' not in reply, reply) # Verify rejected bad password and user self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, 'root', 'crapcrapcrap') self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, self.user.login, 'crapcrapcrap') # Perform end-to-end authentication test self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, auth_user=self.user.login, auth_pass=self.user.password) def test_20_sasldb_digest_md5(self): '''Test sasldb DIGEST-MD5 is supported''' # Quit the setUp() connection, restart the server and reconnect self.s.quit() self._setup_sasl("DIGEST-MD5") reply = self._check_auth("DIGEST-MD5") self.assertTrue('PLAIN' not in reply, reply) # TODO: Perform end-to-end authentication test (need alternative to smtplib) #self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, 'root', 'crapcrapcrap') #self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, self.user.login, 'crapcrapcrap') #self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, auth_user=self.user.login, auth_pass=self.user.password) def test_20_sasldb_login(self): '''Test sasldb LOGIN is supported''' # Quit the setUp() connection, restart the server and reconnect self.s.quit() self._setup_sasl("LOGIN", force_sasldb=True) reply = self._check_auth("LOGIN") self.assertTrue('PLAIN' not in reply, reply) # TODO: Perform end-to-end authentication test (need alternative to smtplib) #self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, 'root', 'crapcrapcrap') #self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, self.user.login, 'crapcrapcrap') #self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, auth_user=self.user.login, auth_pass=self.user.password) def test_20_sasldb_plain(self): '''Test sasldb PLAIN''' # Quit the setUp() connection, restart the server and reconnect self.s.quit() self._setup_sasl("PLAIN", force_sasldb=True) reply = self._check_auth("PLAIN") # Verify rejected bad password and user self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, 'root', 'crapcrapcrap') self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, self.s.login, self.user.login, 'crapcrapcrap') # TODO: Perform end-to-end authentication test (need alternative to smtplib) self._test_roundtrip_mail(self.user, auth_user=self.user.login, auth_pass=self.user.password) def test_21_security_CVE_2011_1720(self): '''CVE-2011-1720 fixed''' # http://www.postfix.org/CVE-2011-1720.html # setup sasl and connect self.s.quit() self._setup_sasl("CRAM-MD5", "DIGEST-MD5") # verify sasl support rc, report = testlib.cmd(['postconf', 'smtpd_sasl_auth_enable']) expected = 0 result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected) self.assertEqual(expected, rc, result + report) self.assertTrue('yes' in report, "Could not find 'yes' in report:\n%s" % report) if self.lsb_release['Release'] > 6.06: rc, report = testlib.cmd(['postconf', 'smtpd_sasl_type']) expected = 0 result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected) self.assertEqual(expected, rc, result + report) self.assertTrue('cyrus' in report, "Could not find 'cyrus' in report:\n%s" % report) # ehlo reply = self._check_auth("CRAM-MD5") self.assertTrue('DIGEST-MD5' in reply, reply) code, msg = self.s.docmd("AUTH", "CRAM-MD5") reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) self.assertEqual(code, 334, reply) code, msg = self.s.docmd("*") reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) self.assertEqual(code, 501, reply) error = False try: code, msg = self.s.docmd("AUTH", "DIGEST-MD5") except: error = True self.assertFalse(error, "server disconnected") reply = '%d %s' % (code, msg) self.assertEqual(code, 334, reply) def test_99_restore(self): '''Restore configuration''' self._tearDown() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()