/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */ #include "alloc-util.h" #include "networkd-address-pool.h" #include "networkd-manager.h" #include "set.h" #include "string-util.h" int address_pool_new( Manager *m, AddressPool **ret, int family, const union in_addr_union *u, unsigned prefixlen) { AddressPool *p; assert(m); assert(ret); assert(u); p = new(AddressPool, 1); if (!p) return -ENOMEM; *p = (AddressPool) { .manager = m, .family = family, .prefixlen = prefixlen, .in_addr = *u, }; LIST_PREPEND(address_pools, m->address_pools, p); *ret = p; return 0; } int address_pool_new_from_string( Manager *m, AddressPool **ret, int family, const char *p, unsigned prefixlen) { union in_addr_union u; int r; assert(m); assert(ret); assert(p); r = in_addr_from_string(family, p, &u); if (r < 0) return r; return address_pool_new(m, ret, family, &u, prefixlen); } void address_pool_free(AddressPool *p) { if (!p) return; if (p->manager) LIST_REMOVE(address_pools, p->manager->address_pools, p); free(p); } static bool address_pool_prefix_is_taken( AddressPool *p, const union in_addr_union *u, unsigned prefixlen) { Iterator i; Link *l; Network *n; assert(p); assert(u); HASHMAP_FOREACH(l, p->manager->links, i) { Address *a; Iterator j; /* Don't clash with assigned addresses */ SET_FOREACH(a, l->addresses, j) { if (a->family != p->family) continue; if (in_addr_prefix_intersect(p->family, u, prefixlen, &a->in_addr, a->prefixlen)) return true; } /* Don't clash with addresses already pulled from the pool, but not assigned yet */ LIST_FOREACH(addresses, a, l->pool_addresses) { if (a->family != p->family) continue; if (in_addr_prefix_intersect(p->family, u, prefixlen, &a->in_addr, a->prefixlen)) return true; } } /* And don't clash with configured but un-assigned addresses either */ LIST_FOREACH(networks, n, p->manager->networks) { Address *a; LIST_FOREACH(addresses, a, n->static_addresses) { if (a->family != p->family) continue; if (in_addr_prefix_intersect(p->family, u, prefixlen, &a->in_addr, a->prefixlen)) return true; } } return false; } int address_pool_acquire(AddressPool *p, unsigned prefixlen, union in_addr_union *found) { union in_addr_union u; assert(p); assert(prefixlen > 0); assert(found); if (p->prefixlen > prefixlen) return 0; u = p->in_addr; for (;;) { if (!address_pool_prefix_is_taken(p, &u, prefixlen)) { _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL; int r; r = in_addr_to_string(p->family, &u, &s); if (r < 0) return r; log_debug("Found range %s/%u", strna(s), prefixlen); *found = u; return 1; } if (!in_addr_prefix_next(p->family, &u, prefixlen)) return 0; if (!in_addr_prefix_intersect(p->family, &p->in_addr, p->prefixlen, &u, prefixlen)) return 0; } return 0; }