path: root/src/testdir/runtest.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/runtest.vim')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/runtest.vim b/src/testdir/runtest.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f49ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/runtest.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+" This script is sourced while editing the .vim file with the tests.
+" When the script is successful the .res file will be created.
+" Errors are appended to the test.log file.
+" To execute only specific test functions, add a second argument. It will be
+" matched against the names of the Test_ funtion. E.g.:
+" ../vim -u NONE -S runtest.vim test_channel.vim open_delay
+" The output can be found in the "messages" file.
+" The test script may contain anything, only functions that start with
+" "Test_" are special. These will be invoked and should contain assert
+" functions. See test_assert.vim for an example.
+" It is possible to source other files that contain "Test_" functions. This
+" can speed up testing, since Vim does not need to restart. But be careful
+" that the tests do not interfere with each other.
+" If an error cannot be detected properly with an assert function add the
+" error to the v:errors list:
+" call add(v:errors, 'test foo failed: Cannot find xyz')
+" If preparation for each Test_ function is needed, define a SetUp function.
+" It will be called before each Test_ function.
+" If cleanup after each Test_ function is needed, define a TearDown function.
+" It will be called after each Test_ function.
+" When debugging a test it can be useful to add messages to v:errors:
+" call add(v:errors, "this happened")
+" Without the +eval feature we can't run these tests, bail out.
+so small.vim
+" Check that the screen size is at least 24 x 80 characters.
+if &lines < 24 || &columns < 80
+ let error = 'Screen size too small! Tests require at least 24 lines with 80 characters'
+ echoerr error
+ split test.log
+ $put =error
+ w
+ cquit
+" Common with all tests on all systems.
+source setup.vim
+" For consistency run all tests with 'nocompatible' set.
+" This also enables use of line continuation.
+set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo
+" Use utf-8 by default, instead of whatever the system default happens to be.
+" Individual tests can overrule this at the top of the file.
+set encoding=utf-8
+" REDIR_TEST_TO_NULL has a very permissive SwapExists autocommand which is for
+" the test_name.vim file itself. Replace it here with a more restrictive one,
+" so we still catch mistakes.
+let s:test_script_fname = expand('%')
+au! SwapExists * call HandleSwapExists()
+func HandleSwapExists()
+ " Only ignore finding a swap file for the test script (the user might be
+ " editing it and do ":make test_name") and the output file.
+ if expand('<afile>') == 'messages' || expand('<afile>') =~ s:test_script_fname
+ let v:swapchoice = 'e'
+ endif
+" Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt
+set nomore
+" Output all messages in English.
+lang mess C
+" Always use forward slashes.
+set shellslash
+let s:srcdir = expand('%:p:h:h')
+" Prepare for calling test_garbagecollect_now().
+let v:testing = 1
+" Support function: get the alloc ID by name.
+function GetAllocId(name)
+ exe 'split ' . s:srcdir . '/alloc.h'
+ let top = search('typedef enum')
+ if top == 0
+ call add(v:errors, 'typedef not found in alloc.h')
+ endif
+ let lnum = search('aid_' . a:name . ',')
+ if lnum == 0
+ call add(v:errors, 'Alloc ID ' . a:name . ' not defined')
+ endif
+ close
+ return lnum - top - 1
+func RunTheTest(test)
+ echo 'Executing ' . a:test
+ " Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt
+ set nomore
+ " Avoid a three second wait when a message is about to be overwritten by the
+ " mode message.
+ set noshowmode
+ " Clear any overrides.
+ call test_override('ALL', 0)
+ " Some tests wipe out buffers. To be consistent, always wipe out all
+ " buffers.
+ %bwipe!
+ " The test may change the current directory. Save and restore the
+ " directory after executing the test.
+ let save_cwd = getcwd()
+ if exists("*SetUp")
+ try
+ call SetUp()
+ catch
+ call add(v:errors, 'Caught exception in SetUp() before ' . a:test . ': ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
+ endif
+ call add(s:messages, 'Executing ' . a:test)
+ let s:done += 1
+ if a:test =~ 'Test_nocatch_'
+ " Function handles errors itself. This avoids skipping commands after the
+ " error.
+ exe 'call ' . a:test
+ else
+ try
+ let s:test = a:test
+ au VimLeavePre * call EarlyExit(s:test)
+ exe 'call ' . a:test
+ au! VimLeavePre
+ catch /^\cskipped/
+ call add(s:messages, ' Skipped')
+ call add(s:skipped, 'SKIPPED ' . a:test . ': ' . substitute(v:exception, '^\S*\s\+', '', ''))
+ catch
+ call add(v:errors, 'Caught exception in ' . a:test . ': ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
+ endif
+ " In case 'insertmode' was set and something went wrong, make sure it is
+ " reset to avoid trouble with anything else.
+ set noinsertmode
+ if exists("*TearDown")
+ try
+ call TearDown()
+ catch
+ call add(v:errors, 'Caught exception in TearDown() after ' . a:test . ': ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
+ endif
+ " Clear any autocommands
+ au!
+ au SwapExists * call HandleSwapExists()
+ " Close any extra tab pages and windows and make the current one not modified.
+ while tabpagenr('$') > 1
+ quit!
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ let wincount = winnr('$')
+ if wincount == 1
+ break
+ endif
+ bwipe!
+ if wincount == winnr('$')
+ " Did not manage to close a window.
+ only!
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ exe 'cd ' . save_cwd
+func AfterTheTest()
+ if len(v:errors) > 0
+ let s:fail += 1
+ call add(s:errors, 'Found errors in ' . s:test . ':')
+ call extend(s:errors, v:errors)
+ let v:errors = []
+ endif
+func EarlyExit(test)
+ " It's OK for the test we use to test the quit detection.
+ if a:test != 'Test_zz_quit_detected()'
+ call add(v:errors, 'Test caused Vim to exit: ' . a:test)
+ endif
+ call FinishTesting()
+" This function can be called by a test if it wants to abort testing.
+func FinishTesting()
+ call AfterTheTest()
+ " Don't write viminfo on exit.
+ set viminfo=
+ " Clean up files created by setup.vim
+ call delete('XfakeHOME', 'rf')
+ if s:fail == 0
+ " Success, create the .res file so that make knows it's done.
+ exe 'split ' . fnamemodify(g:testname, ':r') . '.res'
+ write
+ endif
+ if len(s:errors) > 0
+ " Append errors to test.log
+ split test.log
+ call append(line('$'), '')
+ call append(line('$'), 'From ' . g:testname . ':')
+ call append(line('$'), s:errors)
+ write
+ endif
+ if s:done == 0
+ let message = 'NO tests executed'
+ else
+ let message = 'Executed ' . s:done . (s:done > 1 ? ' tests' : ' test')
+ endif
+ echo message
+ call add(s:messages, message)
+ if s:fail > 0
+ let message = s:fail . ' FAILED:'
+ echo message
+ call add(s:messages, message)
+ call extend(s:messages, s:errors)
+ endif
+ " Add SKIPPED messages
+ call extend(s:messages, s:skipped)
+ " Append messages to the file "messages"
+ split messages
+ call append(line('$'), '')
+ call append(line('$'), 'From ' . g:testname . ':')
+ call append(line('$'), s:messages)
+ write
+ qall!
+" Source the test script. First grab the file name, in case the script
+" navigates away. g:testname can be used by the tests.
+let g:testname = expand('%')
+let s:done = 0
+let s:fail = 0
+let s:errors = []
+let s:messages = []
+let s:skipped = []
+if expand('%') =~ 'test_vimscript.vim'
+ " this test has intentional s:errors, don't use try/catch.
+ source %
+ try
+ source %
+ catch
+ let s:fail += 1
+ call add(s:errors, 'Caught exception: ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
+" Names of flaky tests.
+let s:flaky_tests = [
+ \ 'Test_call()',
+ \ 'Test_channel_handler()',
+ \ 'Test_client_server()',
+ \ 'Test_close_and_exit_cb()',
+ \ 'Test_close_callback()',
+ \ 'Test_close_handle()',
+ \ 'Test_close_lambda()',
+ \ 'Test_close_output_buffer()',
+ \ 'Test_close_partial()',
+ \ 'Test_collapse_buffers()',
+ \ 'Test_communicate()',
+ \ 'Test_cwd()',
+ \ 'Test_diff_screen()',
+ \ 'Test_exit_callback()',
+ \ 'Test_exit_callback_interval()',
+ \ 'Test_nb_basic()',
+ \ 'Test_oneshot()',
+ \ 'Test_open_delay()',
+ \ 'Test_out_cb()',
+ \ 'Test_paused()',
+ \ 'Test_pipe_through_sort_all()',
+ \ 'Test_pipe_through_sort_some()',
+ \ 'Test_popup_and_window_resize()',
+ \ 'Test_quoteplus()',
+ \ 'Test_quotestar()',
+ \ 'Test_raw_one_time_callback()',
+ \ 'Test_reltime()',
+ \ 'Test_repeat_three()',
+ \ 'Test_server_crash()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_ansicolors_default()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_ansicolors_func()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_ansicolors_global()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_composing_unicode()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_env()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_hide_buffer()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_make_change()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_noblock()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_redir_file()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_response_to_control_sequence()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_scrollback()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_split_quit()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_termwinkey()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_termwinsize_mininmum()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_termwinsize_option_fixed()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_termwinsize_option_zero()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_tmap()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_wall()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_wipe_buffer()',
+ \ 'Test_terminal_wqall()',
+ \ 'Test_two_channels()',
+ \ 'Test_unlet_handle()',
+ \ 'Test_with_partial_callback()',
+ \ 'Test_zero_reply()',
+ \ 'Test_zz1_terminal_in_gui()',
+ \ ]
+" Pattern indicating a common flaky test failure.
+let s:flaky_errors_re = 'StopVimInTerminal\|VerifyScreenDump'
+" Locate Test_ functions and execute them.
+redir @q
+silent function /^Test_
+redir END
+let s:tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k*()\)', '\1', 'g'))
+" If there is an extra argument filter the function names against it.
+if argc() > 1
+ let s:tests = filter(s:tests, 'v:val =~ argv(1)')
+" Execute the tests in alphabetical order.
+for s:test in sort(s:tests)
+ " Silence, please!
+ set belloff=all
+ let prev_error = ''
+ let total_errors = []
+ let run_nr = 1
+ call RunTheTest(s:test)
+ " Repeat a flaky test. Give up when:
+ " - it fails again with the same message
+ " - it fails five times (with a different mesage)
+ if len(v:errors) > 0
+ \ && (index(s:flaky_tests, s:test) >= 0
+ \ || v:errors[0] =~ s:flaky_errors_re)
+ while 1
+ call add(s:messages, 'Found errors in ' . s:test . ':')
+ call extend(s:messages, v:errors)
+ call add(total_errors, 'Run ' . run_nr . ':')
+ call extend(total_errors, v:errors)
+ if run_nr == 5 || prev_error == v:errors[0]
+ call add(total_errors, 'Flaky test failed too often, giving up')
+ let v:errors = total_errors
+ break
+ endif
+ call add(s:messages, 'Flaky test failed, running it again')
+ " Flakiness is often caused by the system being very busy. Sleep a
+ " couple of seconds to have a higher chance of succeeding the second
+ " time.
+ sleep 2
+ let prev_error = v:errors[0]
+ let v:errors = []
+ let run_nr += 1
+ call RunTheTest(s:test)
+ if len(v:errors) == 0
+ " Test passed on rerun.
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ call AfterTheTest()
+call FinishTesting()
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab