path: root/src/testdir/test49.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 9009 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test49.vim b/src/testdir/test49.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97088f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test49.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,9009 @@
+" Vim script language tests
+" Author: Servatius Brandt <>
+" Last Change: 2019 Jan 13
+" Test environment {{{1
+" Adding new tests easily. {{{2
+" Writing new tests is eased considerably with the following functions and
+" abbreviations (see "Commands for recording the execution path", "Automatic
+" argument generation").
+" To get the abbreviations, execute the command
+" :let test49_set_env = 1 | source test49.vim
+" To get them always (from src/testdir), put a line
+" au! BufRead test49.vim let test49_set_env = 1 | source test49.vim
+" into the local .vimrc file in the src/testdir directory.
+if exists("test49_set_env") && test49_set_env
+ " Automatic argument generation for the test environment commands.
+ function! Xsum()
+ let addend = substitute(getline("."), '^.*"\s*X:\s*\|^.*', '', "")
+ " Evaluate arithmetic expression.
+ if addend != ""
+ exec "let g:Xsum = g:Xsum + " . addend
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ function! Xcheck()
+ let g:Xsum=0
+ ?XpathINIT?,.call Xsum()
+ exec "norm A "
+ return g:Xsum
+ endfunction
+ iab Xcheck Xcheck<Space><C-R>=Xcheck()<CR><C-O>x
+ function! Xcomment(num)
+ let str = ""
+ let tabwidth = &sts ? &sts : &ts
+ let tabs = (48+tabwidth - a:num - virtcol(".")) / tabwidth
+ while tabs > 0
+ let str = str . "\t"
+ let tabs = tabs - 1
+ endwhile
+ let str = str . '" X:'
+ return str
+ endfunction
+ function! Xloop()
+ let back = line(".") . "|norm" . virtcol(".") . "|"
+ norm 0
+ let last = search('X\(loop\|path\)INIT\|Xloop\>', "bW")
+ exec back
+ let theline = getline(last)
+ if theline =~ 'X\(loop\|path\)INIT'
+ let num = 1
+ else
+ let num = 2 * substitute(theline, '.*Xloop\s*\(\d\+\).*', '\1', "")
+ endif
+ ?X\(loop\|path\)INIT?
+ \s/\(XloopINIT!\=\s*\d\+\s\+\)\@<=\(\d\+\)/\=2*submatch(2)/
+ exec back
+ exec "norm a "
+ return num . Xcomment(strlen(num))
+ endfunction
+ iab Xloop Xloop<Space><C-R>=Xloop()<CR><C-O>x
+ function! Xpath(loopinit)
+ let back = line(".") . "|norm" . virtcol(".") . "|"
+ norm 0
+ let last = search('XpathINIT\|Xpath\>\|XloopINIT', "bW")
+ exec back
+ let theline = getline(last)
+ if theline =~ 'XpathINIT'
+ let num = 1
+ elseif theline =~ 'Xpath\>'
+ let num = 2 * substitute(theline, '.*Xpath\s*\(\d\+\).*', '\1', "")
+ else
+ let pattern = '.*XloopINIT!\=\s*\(\d\+\)\s*\(\d\+\).*'
+ let num = substitute(theline, pattern, '\1', "")
+ let factor = substitute(theline, pattern, '\2', "")
+ " The "<C-O>x" from the "Xpath" iab and the character triggering its
+ " expansion are in the input buffer. Save and clear typeahead so
+ " that it is not read away by the call to "input()" below. Restore
+ " afterwards.
+ call inputsave()
+ let loops = input("Number of iterations in previous loop? ")
+ call inputrestore()
+ while (loops > 0)
+ let num = num * factor
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ exec "norm a "
+ if a:loopinit
+ return num . " 1"
+ endif
+ return num . Xcomment(strlen(num))
+ endfunction
+ iab Xpath Xpath<Space><C-R>=Xpath(0)<CR><C-O>x
+ iab XloopINIT XloopINIT<Space><C-R>=Xpath(1)<CR><C-O>x
+ " Also useful (see ExtraVim below):
+ aug ExtraVim
+ au!
+ au BufEnter <sfile> syn region ExtraVim
+ \ start=+^if\s\+ExtraVim(.*)+ end=+^endif+
+ \ transparent keepend
+ au BufEnter <sfile> syn match ExtraComment /^"/
+ \ contained containedin=ExtraVim
+ au BufEnter <sfile> hi link ExtraComment vimComment
+ aug END
+ aug Xpath
+ au BufEnter <sfile> syn keyword Xpath
+ \ XpathINIT Xpath XloopINIT Xloop XloopNEXT Xcheck Xout
+ au BufEnter <sfile> hi link Xpath Special
+ aug END
+ do BufEnter <sfile>
+ " Do not execute the tests when sourcing this file for getting the functions
+ " and abbreviations above, which are intended for easily adding new test
+ " cases; they are not needed for test execution. Unlet the variable
+ " controlling this so that an explicit ":source" command for this file will
+ " execute the tests.
+ unlet test49_set_env
+ finish
+" Commands for recording the execution path. {{{2
+" The Xpath/Xloop commands can be used for computing the eXecution path by
+" adding (different) powers of 2 from those script lines, for which the
+" execution should be checked. Xloop provides different addends for each
+" execution of a loop. Permitted values are 2^0 to 2^30, so that 31 execution
+" points (multiply counted inside loops) can be tested.
+" Note that the arguments of the following commands can be generated
+" automatically, see below.
+" Usage: {{{3
+" - Use XpathINIT at the beginning of the test.
+" - Use Xpath to check if a line is executed.
+" Argument: power of 2 (decimal).
+" - To check multiple execution of loops use Xloop for automatically
+" computing Xpath values:
+" - Use XloopINIT before the loop.
+" Two arguments:
+" - the first Xpath value (power of 2) to be used (Xnext),
+" - factor for computing a new Xnext value when reexecuting a loop
+" (by a ":continue" or ":endwhile"); this should be 2^n where
+" n is the number of Xloop commands inside the loop.
+" If XloopINIT! is used, the first execution of XloopNEXT is
+" a no-operation.
+" - Use Xloop inside the loop:
+" One argument:
+" The argument and the Xnext value are multiplied to build the
+" next Xpath value. No new Xnext value is prepared. The argument
+" should be 2^(n-1) for the nth Xloop command inside the loop.
+" If the loop has only one Xloop command, the argument can be
+" ommitted (default: 1).
+" - Use XloopNEXT before ":continue" and ":endwhile". This computes a new
+" Xnext value for the next execution of the loop by multiplying the old
+" one with the factor specified in the XloopINIT command. No Argument.
+" Alternatively, when XloopINIT! is used, a single XloopNEXT at the
+" beginning of the loop can be used.
+" Nested loops are not supported.
+" - Use Xcheck at end of each test. It prints the test number, the expected
+" execution path value, the test result ("OK" or "FAIL"), and, if the tests
+" fails, the actual execution path.
+" One argument:
+" Expected Xpath/Xloop sum for the correct execution path.
+" In order that this value can be computed automatically, do the
+" following: For each line in the test with an Xpath and Xloop
+" command, add a comment starting with "X:" and specifying an
+" expression that evaluates to the value contributed by this line to
+" the correct execution path. (For copying an Xpath argument of at
+" least two digits into the comment, press <C-P>.) At the end of the
+" test, just type "Xcheck" and press <Esc>.
+" - In order to add additional information to the test output file, use the
+" Xout command. Argument(s) like ":echo".
+" Automatic argument generation: {{{3
+" The arguments of the Xpath, XloopINIT, Xloop, and Xcheck commands can be
+" generated automatically, so that new tests can easily be written without
+" mental arithmetic. The Xcheck argument is computed from the "X:" comments
+" of the preceding Xpath and Xloop commands. See the commands and
+" abbreviations at the beginning of this file.
+" Implementation: {{{3
+" XpathINIT, Xpath, XloopINIT, Xloop, XloopNEXT, Xcheck, Xout.
+" The variants for existing g:ExtraVimResult are needed when executing a script
+" in an extra Vim process, see ExtraVim below.
+" EXTRA_VIM_START - do not change or remove this line.
+com! XpathINIT let g:Xpath = 0
+if exists("g:ExtraVimResult")
+ com! -count -bar Xpath exec "!echo <count> >>" . g:ExtraVimResult
+ com! -count -bar Xpath let g:Xpath = g:Xpath + <count>
+com! -count -nargs=1 -bang
+ \ XloopINIT let g:Xnext = <count> |
+ \ let g:Xfactor = <args> |
+ \ let g:Xskip = strlen("<bang>")
+if exists("g:ExtraVimResult")
+ com! -count=1 -bar Xloop exec "!echo " . (g:Xnext * <count>) . " >>" .
+ \ g:ExtraVimResult
+ com! -count=1 -bar Xloop let g:Xpath = g:Xpath + g:Xnext * <count>
+com! XloopNEXT let g:Xnext = g:Xnext *
+ \ (g:Xskip ? 1 : g:Xfactor) |
+ \ let g:Xskip = 0
+let @r = ""
+let Xtest = 1
+com! -count Xcheck let Xresult = "*** Test " .
+ \ (Xtest<10?" ":Xtest<100?" ":"") .
+ \ Xtest . ": " . (
+ \ (Xpath==<count>) ? "OK (".Xpath.")" :
+ \ "FAIL (".Xpath." instead of <count>)"
+ \ ) |
+ \ let @R = Xresult . "\n" |
+ \ echo Xresult |
+ \ let Xtest = Xtest + 1
+if exists("g:ExtraVimResult")
+ com! -nargs=+ Xoutq exec "!echo @R:'" .
+ \ substitute(substitute(<q-args>,
+ \ "'", '&\\&&', "g"), "\n", "@NL@", "g")
+ \ . "' >>" . g:ExtraVimResult
+ com! -nargs=+ Xoutq let @R = "--- Test " .
+ \ (g:Xtest<10?" ":g:Xtest<100?" ":"") .
+ \ g:Xtest . ": " . substitute(<q-args>,
+ \ "\n", "&\t ", "g") . "\n"
+com! -nargs=+ Xout exec 'Xoutq' <args>
+" Switch off storing of lines for undoing changes. Speeds things up a little.
+set undolevels=-1
+" EXTRA_VIM_STOP - do not change or remove this line.
+" ExtraVim() - Run a script file in an extra Vim process. {{{2
+" This is useful for testing immediate abortion of the script processing due to
+" an error in a command dynamically enclosed by a :try/:tryend region or when an
+" exception is thrown but not caught or when an interrupt occurs. It can also
+" be used for testing :finish.
+" An interrupt location can be specified by an "INTERRUPT" comment. A number
+" telling how often this location is reached (in a loop or in several function
+" calls) should be specified as argument. When missing, once per script
+" invocation or function call is assumed. INTERRUPT locations are tested by
+" setting a breakpoint in that line and using the ">quit" debug command when
+" the breakpoint is reached. A function for which an INTERRUPT location is
+" specified must be defined before calling it (or executing it as a script by
+" using ExecAsScript below).
+" This function is only called in normal modus ("g:ExtraVimResult" undefined).
+" Tests to be executed as an extra script should be written as follows:
+" column 1 column 1
+" | |
+" v v
+" XpathINIT XpathINIT
+" if ExtraVim() if ExtraVim()
+" ... " ...
+" ... " ...
+" endif endif
+" Xcheck <number> Xcheck <number>
+" Double quotes in column 1 are removed before the script is executed.
+" They should be used if the test has unbalanced conditionals (:if/:endif,
+" :while:/endwhile, :try/:endtry) or for a line with a syntax error. The
+" extra script may use Xpath, XloopINIT, Xloop, XloopNEXT, and Xout as usual.
+" A file name may be specified as argument. All messages of the extra Vim
+" process are then redirected to the file. An existing file is overwritten.
+let ExtraVimCount = 0
+let ExtraVimBase = expand("<sfile>")
+let ExtraVimTestEnv = ""
+function ExtraVim(...)
+ " Count how often this function is called.
+ let g:ExtraVimCount = g:ExtraVimCount + 1
+ " Disable folds to prevent that the ranges in the ":write" commands below
+ " are extended up to the end of a closed fold. This also speeds things up
+ " considerably.
+ set nofoldenable
+ " Open a buffer for this test script and copy the test environment to
+ " a temporary file. Take account of parts relevant for the extra script
+ " execution only.
+ let current_buffnr = bufnr("%")
+ execute "view +1" g:ExtraVimBase
+ if g:ExtraVimCount == 1
+ let g:ExtraVimTestEnv = tempname()
+ execute "/E" . "XTRA_VIM_START/+,/E" . "XTRA_VIM_STOP/-w"
+ \ g:ExtraVimTestEnv "|']+"
+ execute "/E" . "XTRA_VIM_START/+,/E" . "XTRA_VIM_STOP/-w >>"
+ \ g:ExtraVimTestEnv "|']+"
+ execute "/E" . "XTRA_VIM_START/+,/E" . "XTRA_VIM_STOP/-w >>"
+ \ g:ExtraVimTestEnv "|']+"
+ execute "/E" . "XTRA_VIM_START/+,/E" . "XTRA_VIM_STOP/-w >>"
+ \ g:ExtraVimTestEnv "|']+"
+ endif
+ " Start the extra Vim script with a ":source" command for the test
+ " environment. The source line number where the extra script will be
+ " appended, needs to be passed as variable "ExtraVimBegin" to the script.
+ let extra_script = tempname()
+ exec "!echo 'source " . g:ExtraVimTestEnv . "' >" . extra_script
+ let extra_begin = 1
+ " Starting behind the test environment, skip over the first g:ExtraVimCount
+ " occurrences of "if ExtraVim()" and copy the following lines up to the
+ " matching "endif" to the extra Vim script.
+ execute "/E" . "ND_OF_TEST_ENVIRONMENT/"
+ exec 'norm ' . g:ExtraVimCount . '/^\s*if\s\+ExtraVim(.*)/+' . "\n"
+ execute ".,/^endif/-write >>" . extra_script
+ " Open a buffer for the extra Vim script, delete all ^", and write the
+ " script if was actually modified.
+ execute "edit +" . (extra_begin + 1) extra_script
+ ,$s/^"//e
+ update
+ " Count the INTERRUPTs and build the breakpoint and quit commands.
+ let breakpoints = ""
+ let debug_quits = ""
+ let in_func = 0
+ exec extra_begin
+ while search(
+ \ '"\s*INTERRUPT\h\@!\|^\s*fu\%[nction]\>!\=\s*\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\s*(\|'
+ \ . '^\s*\\\|^\s*endf\%[unction]\>\|'
+ \ . '\%(^\s*fu\%[nction]!\=\s*\)\@<!\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\s*(\|'
+ \ . 'ExecAsScript\s\+\%(\u\|s:\)\w*',
+ \ "W") > 0
+ let theline = getline(".")
+ if theline =~ '^\s*fu'
+ " Function definition.
+ let in_func = 1
+ let func_start = line(".")
+ let func_name = substitute(theline,
+ \ '^\s*fu\%[nction]!\=\s*\(\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\).*', '\1', "")
+ elseif theline =~ '^\s*endf'
+ " End of function definition.
+ let in_func = 0
+ else
+ let finding = substitute(theline, '.*\(\%' . col(".") . 'c.*\)',
+ \ '\1', "")
+ if finding =~ '^"\s*INTERRUPT\h\@!'
+ " Interrupt comment. Compose as many quit commands as
+ " specified.
+ let cnt = substitute(finding,
+ \ '^"\s*INTERRUPT\s*\(\d*\).*$', '\1', "")
+ let quits = ""
+ while cnt > 0
+ " Use "\r" rather than "\n" to separate the quit commands.
+ " "\r" is not interpreted as command separator by the ":!"
+ " command below but works to separate commands in the
+ " external vim.
+ let quits = quits . "q\r"
+ let cnt = cnt - 1
+ endwhile
+ if in_func
+ " Add the function breakpoint and note the number of quits
+ " to be used, if specified, or one for every call else.
+ let breakpoints = breakpoints . " -c 'breakadd func " .
+ \ (line(".") - func_start) . " " .
+ \ func_name . "'"
+ if quits != ""
+ let debug_quits = debug_quits . quits
+ elseif !exists("quits{func_name}")
+ let quits{func_name} = "q\r"
+ else
+ let quits{func_name} = quits{func_name} . "q\r"
+ endif
+ else
+ " Add the file breakpoint and the quits to be used for it.
+ let breakpoints = breakpoints . " -c 'breakadd file " .
+ \ line(".") . " " . extra_script . "'"
+ if quits == ""
+ let quits = "q\r"
+ endif
+ let debug_quits = debug_quits . quits
+ endif
+ else
+ " Add the quits to be used for calling the function or executing
+ " it as script file.
+ if finding =~ '^ExecAsScript'
+ " Sourcing function as script.
+ let finding = substitute(finding,
+ \ '^ExecAsScript\s\+\(\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\).*', '\1', "")
+ else
+ " Function call.
+ let finding = substitute(finding,
+ \ '^\(\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\).*', '\1', "")
+ endif
+ if exists("quits{finding}")
+ let debug_quits = debug_quits . quits{finding}
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ " Close the buffer for the script and create an (empty) resultfile.
+ bwipeout
+ let resultfile = tempname()
+ exec "!>" . resultfile
+ " Run the script in an extra vim. Switch to extra modus by passing the
+ " resultfile in ExtraVimResult. Redirect messages to the file specified as
+ " argument if any. Use ":debuggreedy" so that the commands provided on the
+ " pipe are consumed at the debug prompt. Use "-N" to enable command-line
+ " continuation ("C" in 'cpo'). Add "nviminfo" to 'viminfo' to avoid
+ " messing up the user's viminfo file.
+ let redirect = a:0 ?
+ \ " -c 'au VimLeave * redir END' -c 'redir\\! >" . a:1 . "'" : ""
+ exec "!echo '" . debug_quits . "q' | ../vim -u NONE -N -Xes" . redirect .
+ \ " -c 'debuggreedy|set viminfo+=nviminfo'" .
+ \ " -c 'let ExtraVimBegin = " . extra_begin . "'" .
+ \ " -c 'let ExtraVimResult = \"" . resultfile . "\"'" . breakpoints .
+ \ " -S " . extra_script
+ " Build the resulting sum for resultfile and add it to g:Xpath. Add Xout
+ " information provided by the extra Vim process to the test output.
+ let sum = 0
+ exec "edit" resultfile
+ let line = 1
+ while line <= line("$")
+ let theline = getline(line)
+ if theline =~ '^@R:'
+ exec 'Xout "' . substitute(substitute(
+ \ escape(escape(theline, '"'), '\"'),
+ \ '^@R:', '', ""), '@NL@', "\n", "g") . '"'
+ else
+ let sum = sum + getline(line)
+ endif
+ let line = line + 1
+ endwhile
+ bwipeout
+ let g:Xpath = g:Xpath + sum
+ " Delete the extra script and the resultfile.
+ call delete(extra_script)
+ call delete(resultfile)
+ " Switch back to the buffer that was active when this function was entered.
+ exec "buffer" current_buffnr
+ " Return 0. This protects extra scripts from being run in the main Vim
+ " process.
+ return 0
+" ExtraVimThrowpoint() - Relative throwpoint in ExtraVim script {{{2
+" Evaluates v:throwpoint and returns the throwpoint relative to the beginning of
+" an ExtraVim script as passed by ExtraVim() in ExtraVimBegin.
+" EXTRA_VIM_START - do not change or remove this line.
+function ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ if !exists("g:ExtraVimBegin")
+ Xout "ExtraVimThrowpoint() used outside ExtraVim() script."
+ return v:throwpoint
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint =~ '^function\>'
+ return v:throwpoint
+ endif
+ return "line " .
+ \ (substitute(v:throwpoint, '.*, line ', '', "") - g:ExtraVimBegin) .
+ \ " of ExtraVim() script"
+" EXTRA_VIM_STOP - do not change or remove this line.
+" MakeScript() - Make a script file from a function. {{{2
+" Create a script that consists of the body of the function a:funcname.
+" Replace any ":return" by a ":finish", any argument variable by a global
+" variable, and and every ":call" by a ":source" for the next following argument
+" in the variable argument list. This function is useful if similar tests are
+" to be made for a ":return" from a function call or a ":finish" in a script
+" file.
+" In order to execute a function specifying an INTERRUPT location (see ExtraVim)
+" as a script file, use ExecAsScript below.
+" EXTRA_VIM_START - do not change or remove this line.
+function MakeScript(funcname, ...)
+ let script = tempname()
+ execute "redir! >" . script
+ execute "function" a:funcname
+ redir END
+ execute "edit" script
+ " Delete the "function" and the "endfunction" lines. Do not include the
+ " word "function" in the pattern since it might be translated if LANG is
+ " set. When MakeScript() is being debugged, this deletes also the debugging
+ " output of its line 3 and 4.
+ exec '1,/.*' . a:funcname . '(.*)/d'
+ /^\d*\s*endfunction\>/,$d
+ %s/^\d*//e
+ %s/return/finish/e
+ %s/\<a:\(\h\w*\)/g:\1/ge
+ normal gg0
+ let cnt = 0
+ while search('\<call\s*\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\s*(.*)', 'W') > 0
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ s/\<call\s*\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\s*(.*)/\='source ' . a:{cnt}/
+ endwhile
+ g/^\s*$/d
+ write
+ bwipeout
+ return script
+" EXTRA_VIM_STOP - do not change or remove this line.
+" ExecAsScript - Source a temporary script made from a function. {{{2
+" Make a temporary script file from the function a:funcname, ":source" it, and
+" delete it afterwards.
+" When inside ":if ExtraVim()", add a file breakpoint for each INTERRUPT
+" location specified in the function.
+" EXTRA_VIM_START - do not change or remove this line.
+function ExecAsScript(funcname)
+ " Make a script from the function passed as argument.
+ let script = MakeScript(a:funcname)
+ " When running in an extra Vim process, add a file breakpoint for each
+ " function breakpoint set when the extra Vim process was invoked by
+ " ExtraVim().
+ if exists("g:ExtraVimResult")
+ let bplist = tempname()
+ execute "redir! >" . bplist
+ breaklist
+ redir END
+ execute "edit" bplist
+ " Get the line number from the function breakpoint. Works also when
+ " LANG is set.
+ execute 'v/^\s*\d\+\s\+func\s\+' . a:funcname . '\s.*/d'
+ %s/^\s*\d\+\s\+func\s\+\%(\u\|s:\)\w*\s\D*\(\d*\).*/\1/e
+ let cnt = 0
+ while cnt < line("$")
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ if getline(cnt) != ""
+ execute "breakadd file" getline(cnt) script
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ bwipeout!
+ call delete(bplist)
+ endif
+ " Source and delete the script.
+ exec "source" script
+ call delete(script)
+com! -nargs=1 -bar ExecAsScript call ExecAsScript(<f-args>)
+" EXTRA_VIM_STOP - do not change or remove this line.
+" END_OF_TEST_ENVIRONMENT - do not change or remove this line.
+" Tests 1 to 15 were moved to test_vimscript.vim
+let Xtest = 16
+" Test 16: Double :else or :elseif after :else {{{1
+" Multiple :elses or an :elseif after an :else are forbidden.
+function! F() abort
+ if 0
+ Xpath 1 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ else " aborts function
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endif
+function! G() abort
+ if 0
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ elseif 1 " aborts function
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endif
+function! H() abort
+ if 0
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ elseif 0
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ else " aborts function
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endif
+function! I() abort
+ if 0
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ elseif 0
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ elseif 1 " aborts function
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ endif
+call F()
+call G()
+call H()
+call I()
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+delfunction I
+Xcheck 8722
+" Test 17: Nesting of unmatched :if or :endif inside a :while {{{1
+" The :while/:endwhile takes precedence in nesting over an unclosed
+" :if or an unopened :endif.
+function! MSG(enr, emsg)
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let v:errmsg = ":" . v:errmsg
+ endif
+ let match = 1
+ if v:errmsg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && v:errmsg !~ a:emsg)
+ let match = 0
+ if v:errmsg == ""
+ Xout "Message missing."
+ else
+ let v:errmsg = escape(v:errmsg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ endif
+ return match
+let messages = ""
+" While loops inside a function are continued on error.
+function! F()
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ XloopINIT 1 16
+ let loops = 3
+ while loops > 0
+ let loops = loops - 1 " 2: 1: 0:
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 1*16 + 1*16*16
+ if (loops == 1)
+ Xloop 2 " X: 2*16
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue
+ elseif (loops == 0)
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*16*16
+ break
+ elseif 1
+ Xloop 8 " X: 8
+ XloopNEXT
+ " endif missing!
+ endwhile " :endwhile after :if 1
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 16*16*16
+ if MSG('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ let g:messages = g:messages . "A"
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ XloopINIT! 8192 4
+ let loops = 2
+ while loops > 0 " 2: 1:
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ Xloop 1 " X: 8192 + 8192*4
+ if 0
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ " endif missing
+ endwhile " :endwhile after :if 0
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 8192*4*4
+ if MSG('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ let g:messages = g:messages . "B"
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ XloopINIT 262144 4
+ let loops = 2
+ while loops > 0 " 2: 1:
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ Xloop 1 " X: 262144 + 262144 * 4
+ " if missing!
+ endif " :endif without :if in while
+ Xloop 2 " X: 524288 + 524288 * 4
+ XloopNEXT
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 262144*4*4
+ if MSG('E580', ":endif without :if")
+ let g:messages = g:messages . "C"
+ endif
+call F()
+" Error continuation outside a function is at the outermost :endwhile or :endif.
+let v:errmsg = ""
+XloopINIT! 8388608 4
+let loops = 2
+while loops > 0 " 2: 1:
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ Xloop 1 " X: 8388608 + 0 * 4
+ if 0
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ " endif missing! Following :endwhile fails.
+endwhile | Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+Xpath 268435456 " X: 2*8388608*4*4
+if MSG('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ let messages = g:messages . "D"
+if messages != "ABCD"
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xout "messages is" messages "instead of ABCD"
+unlet loops messages
+delfunction F
+delfunction MSG
+Xcheck 285127993
+" Test 18: Interrupt (Ctrl-C pressed) {{{1
+" On an interrupt, the script processing is terminated immediately.
+if ExtraVim()
+ if 1
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ while 1
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ if 1
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ break
+ finish
+ endif | Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endwhile | Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ endif | Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! F()
+ if 1
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ while 1
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ if 1
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ break
+ return
+ endif | Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ Xpath Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ endwhile | Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ Xpath Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endif | Xpath Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xpath Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ call F() | Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! G()
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ call G() | Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); display explicitly:
+ exec "!echo 2147483648 >>" . g:ExtraVimResult
+ " X: 0
+Xcheck 67224583
+" Test 19: Aborting on errors inside :try/:endtry {{{1
+" An error in a command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region
+" aborts script processing immediately. It does not matter whether
+" the failing command is outside or inside a function and whether a
+" function has an "abort" attribute.
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! F() abort
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ asdf
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ call F()
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! G()
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ asdf
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ call G()
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ asdf
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ if 1
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ asdf
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif | Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ let p = 1
+ while p
+ let p = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ asdf
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endtry | Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ endwhile | Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ let p = 1
+ while p
+ let p = 0
+" try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ endwhile | Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+Xcheck 69275973
+" Test 20: Aborting on errors after :try/:endtry {{{1
+" When an error occurs after the last active :try/:endtry region has
+" been left, termination behavior is as if no :try/:endtry has been
+" seen.
+if ExtraVim()
+ let p = 1
+ while p
+ let p = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ endtry
+ asdf
+ endwhile | Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+if ExtraVim()
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ break
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ asdf
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if ExtraVim()
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ break
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ asdf
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+if ExtraVim()
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ finally
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ break
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ asdf
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+if ExtraVim()
+ let p = 1
+ while p
+ let p = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ continue
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ asdf
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+if ExtraVim()
+ let p = 1
+ while p
+ let p = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ continue
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ asdf
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+if ExtraVim()
+ let p = 1
+ while p
+ let p = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ continue
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ asdf
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+Xcheck 1874575085
+" Test 21: :finally for :try after :continue/:break/:return/:finish {{{1
+" If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding :continue,
+" :break, :return, or :finish, its :finally clause should not be
+" executed.
+if ExtraVim()
+ function F()
+ let loops = 2
+ XloopINIT! 1 256
+ while loops > 0
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ try
+ if loops == 1
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1
+ continue
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ elseif loops == 0
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*256
+ break
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ endif
+ try " inactive
+ Xloop 16 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xloop 32 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ finally
+ Xloop 64 " X: 64 + 64*256
+ endtry
+ Xloop 128 " X: 0
+ endwhile
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ return
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ try " inactive
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ finally
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ endtry
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call F()
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ finish
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ try " inactive
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ endtry
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+Xcheck 147932225
+" Test 22: :finally for a :try after an error/interrupt/:throw {{{1
+" If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding error or
+" interrupt or :throw, its :finally clause should not be executed.
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! Error()
+ try
+ asdf " aborting error, triggering error exception
+ endtry
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ call Error()
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ if 1 " not active due to error
+ try " not active since :if inactive
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ try " not active due to error
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endtry
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! Interrupt()
+ try
+ "INTERRUPT " triggering interrupt exception
+ endtry
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ call Interrupt()
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ if 1 " not active due to interrupt
+ try " not active since :if inactive
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ try " not active due to interrupt
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ endtry
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! Throw()
+ throw "xyz"
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ call Throw()
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ if 1 " not active due to :throw
+ try " not active since :if inactive
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ try " not active due to :throw
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endtry
+Xcheck 4161
+" Test 23: :catch clauses for a :try after a :throw {{{1
+" If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding :throw,
+" none of its :catch clauses should be executed.
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "xyz"
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ if 1 " not active due to :throw
+ try " not active since :if inactive
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ catch /xyz/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ catch /xyz/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ throw "abc"
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ try " not active due to :throw
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ catch /abc/
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ endtry
+Xcheck 49
+" Test 24: :endtry for a :try after a :throw {{{1
+" If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding :throw,
+" its :endtry should not rethrow the exception to the next surrounding
+" active :try conditional.
+if ExtraVim()
+ try " try 1
+ try " try 2
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "xyz" " makes try 2 inactive
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ try " try 3
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endtry " no rethrow to try 1
+ catch /xyz/ " should catch although try 2 inactive
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ endtry
+ catch /xyz/ " try 1 active, but exception already caught
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+Xcheck 41
+" Test 25: Executing :finally clauses on normal control flow {{{1
+" Control flow in a :try conditional should always fall through to its
+" :finally clause. A :finally clause of a :try conditional inside an
+" inactive conditional should never be executed.
+function! F()
+ let loops = 3
+ XloopINIT 1 256
+ while loops > 0 " 3: 2: 1:
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 1*256 + 1*256*256
+ if loops >= 2
+ try
+ Xloop 2 " X: 2 + 2*256
+ if loops == 2
+ try
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*256
+ finally
+ Xloop 8 " X: 8*256
+ endtry
+ endif
+ finally
+ Xloop 16 " X: 16 + 16*256
+ if loops == 2
+ try
+ Xloop 32 " X: 32*256
+ finally
+ Xloop 64 " X: 64*256
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endif
+ Xloop 128 " X: 128 + 128*256 + 128*256*256
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+if 1
+ try
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ call F()
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ endtry
+delfunction F
+Xcheck 260177811
+" Test 26: Executing :finally clauses after :continue or :break {{{1
+" For a :continue or :break dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry
+" region inside the next surrounding :while/:endwhile, if the
+" :continue/:break is before the :finally, the :finally clause is
+" executed first. If the :continue/:break is after the :finally, the
+" :finally clause is broken (like an :if/:endif region).
+ let loops = 3
+ XloopINIT! 1 32
+ while loops > 0
+ XloopNEXT
+ try
+ try
+ if loops == 2 " 3: 2: 1:
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1*32
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ continue
+ elseif loops == 1
+ Xloop 2 " X: 2*32*32
+ break
+ finish
+ endif
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4
+ endtry
+ finally
+ Xloop 8 " X: 8 + 8*32 + 8*32*32
+ endtry
+ Xloop 16 " X: 16
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ let loops = 3
+ XloopINIT 131072 16
+ while loops > 0
+ try
+ finally
+ try
+ if loops == 2
+ Xloop 1 " X: 131072*16
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue
+ elseif loops == 1
+ Xloop 2 " X: 131072*2*16*16
+ break
+ finish
+ endif
+ endtry
+ Xloop 4 " X: 131072*4
+ endtry
+ Xloop 8 " X: 131072*8
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+unlet loops
+Xcheck 1681500476
+" Test 27: Executing :finally clauses after :return {{{1
+" For a :return command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region,
+" :finally clauses are executed and the called function is ended.
+function! F()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ return
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ endtry
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ endtry
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+function! G()
+ try
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ return
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ call F()
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ endtry
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+function! H()
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ call G()
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ return
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ call H()
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+Xcheck 1996459
+" Leave F, G, and H for execution as scripts in the next test.
+" Test 28: Executing :finally clauses after :finish {{{1
+" For a :finish command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region,
+" :finally clauses are executed and the sourced file is finished.
+" This test executes the bodies of the functions F, G, and H from the
+" previous test as script files (:return replaced by :finish).
+let scriptF = MakeScript("F") " X: 1 + 2 + 8 + 32
+let scriptG = MakeScript("G", scriptF) " X: 128 + 512 + 1024
+let scriptH = MakeScript("H", scriptG) " X: 4096 + 8192 + 16384
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ exec "source" scriptH
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+call delete(scriptF)
+call delete(scriptG)
+call delete(scriptH)
+unlet scriptF scriptG scriptH
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+Xcheck 1996459
+" Test 29: Executing :finally clauses on errors {{{1
+" After an error in a command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry
+" region, :finally clauses are executed and the script processing is
+" terminated.
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! F()
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ asdf " error
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ endtry | Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ break
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ endtry | Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ break
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ while 1
+ call F()
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ break
+ endwhile | Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ endtry | Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endwhile | Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! G() abort
+ if 1
+ try
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ asdf " error
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ endtry | Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif | Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ if 1
+ try
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ call G()
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ endtry | Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endif | Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+Xcheck 170428555
+" Test 30: Executing :finally clauses on interrupt {{{1
+" After an interrupt in a command dynamically enclosed in
+" a :try/:endtry region, :finally clauses are executed and the
+" script processing is terminated.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT 1 16
+ function! F()
+ try
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 1*16
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4 + 4*16
+ endtry
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ try
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call F()
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ try
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ XloopNEXT
+ ExecAsScript F
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ endtry
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+Xcheck 190905173
+" Test 31: Executing :finally clauses after :throw {{{1
+" After a :throw dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region,
+" :finally clauses are executed and the script processing is
+" terminated.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT 1 16
+ function! F()
+ try
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 1*16
+ throw "exception"
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4 + 4*16
+ endtry
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ try
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ throw "exception"
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ throw "exception"
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call F()
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ try
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ XloopNEXT
+ ExecAsScript F
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ endtry
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+Xcheck 190905173
+" Test 32: Remembering the :return value on :finally {{{1
+" If a :finally clause is executed due to a :return specifying
+" a value, this is the value visible to the caller if not overwritten
+" by a new :return in the :finally clause. A :return without a value
+" in the :finally clause overwrites with value 0.
+function! F()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ return "ABCD"
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ endtry
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ endtry
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+function! G()
+ try
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ return 8
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ return 16 + strlen(F())
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+function! H()
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ return 32
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ return
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+function! I()
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ finally
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ return G() + H() + 64
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+let retcode = I()
+Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+if retcode < 0
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+if retcode % 4
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+if (retcode/4) % 2
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+if (retcode/8) % 2
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+if (retcode/16) % 2
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+if (retcode/32) % 2
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+if (retcode/64) % 2
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+if retcode/128
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+unlet retcode
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+delfunction I
+Xcheck 354833067
+" Test 33: :return under :execute or user command and :finally {{{1
+" A :return command may be executed under an ":execute" or from
+" a user command. Executing of :finally clauses and passing through
+" the return code works also then.
+command! -nargs=? RETURN
+ \ try | return <args> | finally | return <args> * 2 | endtry
+function! F()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+function! G()
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ RETURN 128
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+function! H()
+ try
+ execute "try | return 512 | finally | return 1024 | endtry"
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ endtry
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+function! I()
+ try
+ execute "try | return 2048 | finally | return 4096 | endtry"
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ execute "try | return 8192 | finally | return 16384 | endtry"
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+function! J()
+ try
+ RETURN 32768
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ return
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+function! K()
+ try
+ execute "try | return 131072 | finally | return 262144 | endtry"
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ execute "try | return 524288 | finally | return | endtry"
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+function! L()
+ try
+ return
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ RETURN 1048576
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+function! M()
+ try
+ return
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ execute "try | return 4194304 | finally | return 8388608 | endtry"
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+function! N()
+ RETURN 16777216
+function! O()
+ execute "try | return 67108864 | finally | return 134217728 | endtry"
+let sum = F() + G() + H() + I() + J() + K() + L() + M()
+let expected = 16 + 256 + 1024 + 16384 + 0 + 0 + 2097152 + 8388608
+let sum = sum + N() + O()
+let expected = expected + 33554432 + 134217728
+if sum == expected
+ Xout "sum = " . sum . " (ok)"
+ Xout "sum = " . sum . ", expected: " . expected
+Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+if sum != expected
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+unlet sum expected
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+delfunction I
+delfunction J
+delfunction K
+delfunction L
+delfunction M
+delfunction N
+delfunction O
+Xcheck 1216907538
+" Test 34: :finally reason discarded by :continue {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by a :continue in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 8
+ function! C(jump)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "return" || a:jump == "finish"
+ return
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ continue " discards jump that caused the :finally
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*(1+8+64+512+4096+32768+262144)
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endfunction
+ call C("continue")
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ call C("break")
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call C("return")
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ let g:jump = "finish"
+ ExecAsScript C
+ unlet g:jump
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ try
+ call C("error")
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ finally
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ try
+ call C("interrupt")
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ call C("throw")
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+ delfunction C
+Xcheck 2146584868
+" Test 35: :finally reason discarded by :break {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by a :break in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 8
+ function! B(jump)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "return" || a:jump == "finish"
+ return
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ break " discards jump that caused the :finally
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*(1+8+64+512+4096+32768+262144)
+ endfunction
+ call B("continue")
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ call B("break")
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call B("return")
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ let g:jump = "finish"
+ ExecAsScript B
+ unlet g:jump
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ try
+ call B("error")
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ finally
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ try
+ call B("interrupt")
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ call B("throw")
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+ delfunction B
+Xcheck 2146584868
+" Test 36: :finally reason discarded by :return {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by a :return in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 8
+ function! R(jump, retval) abort
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "return"
+ return
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ return a:retval " discards jump that caused the :finally
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ let sum = -R("continue", -8)
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ let sum = sum - R("break", -16)
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ let sum = sum - R("return", -32)
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ try
+ let sum = sum - R("error", -64)
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ finally
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ try
+ let sum = sum - R("interrupt", -128)
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ let sum = sum - R("throw", -256)
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ let expected = 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256
+ if sum != expected
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ Xout "sum =" . sum . ", expected: " . expected
+ endif
+ unlet sum expected
+ delfunction R
+Xcheck 1071644672
+" Test 37: :finally reason discarded by :finish {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by a :finish in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 8
+ function! F(jump) " not executed as function, transformed to a script
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "finish"
+ finish
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ finish " discards jump that caused the :finally
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ let scriptF = MakeScript("F")
+ delfunction F
+ let g:jump = "continue"
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ let g:jump = "break"
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ let g:jump = "finish"
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ try
+ let g:jump = "error"
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ finally
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ try
+ let g:jump = "interrupt"
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ try
+ let g:jump = "throw"
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ finally
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ unlet g:jump
+ call delete(scriptF)
+ unlet scriptF
+Xcheck 1071644672
+" Test 38: :finally reason discarded by an error {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by an error in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 4
+ function! E(jump)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "return" || a:jump == "finish"
+ return
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ asdf " error; discards jump that caused the :finally
+ endtry
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ call E("continue")
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ call E("break")
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ call E("return")
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ let g:jump = "finish"
+ ExecAsScript E
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ finally
+ unlet g:jump
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call E("error")
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ call E("interrupt")
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ call E("throw")
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ delfunction E
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+Xcheck 357908480
+" Test 39: :finally reason discarded by an interrupt {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by an interrupt in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 4
+ function! I(jump)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "return" || a:jump == "finish"
+ return
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ "INTERRUPT - discards jump that caused the :finally
+ let dummy = 0
+ endtry
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ call I("continue")
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ call I("break")
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ call I("return")
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ let g:jump = "finish"
+ ExecAsScript I
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ finally
+ unlet g:jump
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call I("error")
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ call I("interrupt")
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ call I("throw")
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ delfunction I
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+Xcheck 357908480
+" Test 40: :finally reason discarded by :throw {{{1
+" When a :finally clause is executed due to a :continue, :break,
+" :return, :finish, error, interrupt or :throw, the jump reason is
+" discarded by a :throw in the finally clause.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 4
+ function! T(jump)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 2
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop == 1
+ try
+ if a:jump == "continue"
+ continue
+ elseif a:jump == "break"
+ break
+ elseif a:jump == "return" || a:jump == "finish"
+ return
+ elseif a:jump == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:jump == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:jump == "throw"
+ throw "abc"
+ endif
+ finally
+ throw "xyz" " discards jump that caused the :finally
+ endtry
+ elseif loop == 2
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ call T("continue")
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ call T("break")
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ call T("return")
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ let g:jump = "finish"
+ ExecAsScript T
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ finally
+ unlet g:jump
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ call T("error")
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ call T("interrupt")
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ finally
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ call T("throw")
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ delfunction T
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+Xcheck 357908480
+" Test 41: Skipped :throw finding next command {{{1
+" A :throw in an inactive conditional must not hide a following
+" command.
+function! F()
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ if 0 | throw "never" | endif | Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+function! G()
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ while 0 | throw "never" | endwhile | Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+function H()
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ if 0 | try | throw "never" | endtry | endif | Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ call F()
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ call G()
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ call H()
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+Xcheck 3076095
+" Test 42: Catching number and string exceptions {{{1
+" When a number is thrown, it is converted to a string exception.
+" Numbers and strings may be caught by specifying a regular exception
+" as argument to the :catch command.
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw 4711
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /4711/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ throw 4711
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ catch /^4711$/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ throw 4711
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ catch /\d/
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ throw 4711
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ catch /^\d\+$/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ catch /^arrgh$/
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ catch /\l/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ catch /^\l\+$/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ throw "ARRGH"
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ catch /^arrgh$/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /^\carrgh$/
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ throw ""
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ catch /^$/
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+ endtry
+catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xcheck 1505155949
+" Test 43: Selecting the correct :catch clause {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown and there are multiple :catch clauses,
+" the first matching one is taken.
+XloopINIT 1 1024
+let loops = 3
+while loops > 0
+ try
+ if loops == 3
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1
+ throw "a"
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ elseif loops == 2
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*1024
+ throw "ab"
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ elseif loops == 1
+ Xloop 16 " X: 16*1024*1024
+ throw "abc"
+ Xloop 32 " X: 0
+ endif
+ catch /abc/
+ Xloop 64 " X: 64*1024*1024
+ catch /ab/
+ Xloop 128 " X: 128*1024
+ catch /.*/
+ Xloop 256 " X: 256
+ catch /a/
+ Xloop 512 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ XloopNEXT
+Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+unlet loops
+Xcheck 1157763329
+" Test 44: Missing or empty :catch patterns {{{1
+" A missing or empty :catch pattern means the same as /.*/, that is,
+" catches everything. To catch only empty exceptions, /^$/ must be
+" used. A :catch with missing, empty, or /.*/ argument also works
+" when followed by another command separated by a bar on the same
+" line. :catch patterns cannot be specified between ||. But other
+" pattern separators can be used instead of //.
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw ""
+ catch /^$/
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ throw ""
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ throw ""
+ catch //
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ throw ""
+ catch
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ throw "oops"
+ catch /^$/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ throw "arrgh"
+ catch /^$/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ catch //
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ throw "brrr"
+ catch /^$/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ catch
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ endtry
+ try | Xpath 131072 | throw "x" | catch /.*/ | Xpath 262144 | endtry
+ " X: 131072 + 262144
+ try | Xpath 524288 | throw "y" | catch // | Xpath 1048576 | endtry
+ " X: 524288 + 1048576
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ " Extra try level: if ":catch" without arguments below raises
+ " a syntax error because it misinterprets the "Xpath" as a pattern,
+ " let it be caught by the ":catch /.*/" below.
+ try
+ try | Xpath 2097152 | throw "z" | catch | Xpath 4194304 | :
+ endtry " X: 2097152 + 4194304
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let caught = 1
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ Xout v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ let cologne = 4711
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ throw "throw cologne"
+ " Next lines catches all and throws 4711:
+ catch |throw cologne|
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /4711/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ throw "plus"
+ catch +plus+
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+unlet! caught cologne
+Xcheck 1031761407
+" Test 45: Catching exceptions from nested :try blocks {{{1
+" When :try blocks are nested, an exception is caught by the innermost
+" try conditional that has a matching :catch clause.
+XloopINIT 1 1024
+let loops = 3
+while loops > 0
+ try
+ try
+ try
+ try
+ if loops == 3
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1
+ throw "a"
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ elseif loops == 2
+ Xloop 4 " X: 4*1024
+ throw "ab"
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ elseif loops == 1
+ Xloop 16 " X: 16*1024*1024
+ throw "abc"
+ Xloop 32 " X: 0
+ endif
+ catch /abc/
+ Xloop 64 " X: 64*1024*1024
+ endtry
+ catch /ab/
+ Xloop 128 " X: 128*1024
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xloop 256 " X: 256
+ endtry
+ catch /a/
+ Xloop 512 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ let loops = loops - 1
+ XloopNEXT
+Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+unlet loops
+Xcheck 1157763329
+" Test 46: Executing :finally after a :throw in nested :try {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown from within nested :try blocks, the
+" :finally clauses of the non-catching try conditionals should be
+" executed before the matching :catch of the next surrounding :try
+" gets the control. If this also has a :finally clause, it is
+" executed afterwards.
+let sum = 0
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ try
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ throw "ABC"
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ catch /xyz/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ if sum != 0
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let sum = sum + 1
+ endtry
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ catch /123/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ catch /321/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ if sum != 1
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let sum = sum + 2
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ if sum != 3
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let sum = sum + 4
+ endtry
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+catch /ABC/
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ if sum != 7
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let sum = sum + 8
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ if sum != 15
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let sum = sum + 16
+Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+if sum != 31
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+unlet sum
+Xcheck 739407
+" Test 47: Throwing exceptions from a :catch clause {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown from a :catch clause, it should not be
+" caught by a :catch of the same :try conditional. After executing
+" the :finally clause (if present), surrounding try conditionals
+" should be checked for a matching :catch.
+Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ try
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ throw "x1"
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ try
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ throw "x2"
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ catch /x2/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ try
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ throw "x3"
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ catch /x2/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ catch /x3/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ catch /x2/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ catch /x3/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ catch /x2/
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ catch /x3/
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ endtry
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+Xcheck 371213935
+" Test 48: Throwing exceptions from a :finally clause {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown from a :finally clause, it should not be
+" caught by a :catch of the same :try conditional. Surrounding try
+" conditionals should be checked for a matching :catch. A previously
+" thrown exception is discarded.
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ throw "x1"
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ endtry
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ throw "x2"
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ catch /x2/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ catch /x3/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ throw "x3"
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ catch /x2/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ catch /x3/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ endtry
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ try
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ throw "x4"
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ catch /x5/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ throw "x5" " discards "x4"
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ catch /x4/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ endtry
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ catch /x5/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ endtry
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+Xcheck 756255461
+" Test 49: Throwing exceptions across functions {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown but not caught inside a function, the
+" caller is checked for a matching :catch clause.
+function! C()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+XloopINIT! 16 16
+function! T1()
+ XloopNEXT
+ try
+ Xloop 1 " X: 16 + 16*16
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xloop 4 " X: 64 + 64*16
+ endtry
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+function! T2()
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ call T1()
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ call C() " throw and catch
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ call T1() " throw, one level
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ call T2() " throw, two levels
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+Xcheck 179000669
+" Leave C, T1, and T2 for execution as scripts in the next test.
+" Test 50: Throwing exceptions across script files {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown but not caught inside a script file,
+" the sourcing script or function is checked for a matching :catch
+" clause.
+" This test executes the bodies of the functions C, T1, and T2 from
+" the previous test as script files (:return replaced by :finish).
+let scriptC = MakeScript("C") " X: 1 + 4 + 8
+delfunction C
+XloopINIT! 16 16
+let scriptT1 = MakeScript("T1") " X: 16 + 64 + 16*16 + 64*16
+delfunction T1
+let scriptT2 = MakeScript("T2", scriptT1) " X: 4096 + 16384
+delfunction T2
+function! F()
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ exec "source" g:scriptC
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ exec "source" g:scriptT1
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ call F()
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ exec "source" scriptT2
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+call delete(scriptC)
+call delete(scriptT1)
+call delete(scriptT2)
+unlet scriptC scriptT1 scriptT2
+delfunction F
+Xcheck 363550045
+" Test 51: Throwing exceptions across :execute and user commands {{{1
+" A :throw command may be executed under an ":execute" or from
+" a user command.
+command! -nargs=? THROW1 throw <args> | throw 1
+command! -nargs=? THROW2 try | throw <args> | endtry | throw 2
+command! -nargs=? THROW3 try | throw 3 | catch /3/ | throw <args> | endtry
+command! -nargs=? THROW4 try | throw 4 | finally | throw <args> | endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ THROW1 "A"
+ catch /A/
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ endtry
+ catch /1/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ THROW2 "B"
+ catch /B/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ endtry
+ catch /2/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ THROW3 "C"
+ catch /C/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ endtry
+ catch /3/
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ THROW4 "D"
+ catch /D/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ endtry
+ catch /4/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ execute 'throw "E" | throw 5'
+ catch /E/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ endtry
+ catch /5/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ execute 'try | throw "F" | endtry | throw 6'
+ catch /F/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ endtry
+ catch /6/
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ execute'try | throw 7 | catch /7/ | throw "G" | endtry'
+ catch /G/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ endtry
+ catch /7/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ execute 'try | throw 8 | finally | throw "H" | endtry'
+ catch /H/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ endtry
+ catch /8/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ endtry
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+delcommand THROW1
+delcommand THROW2
+delcommand THROW3
+delcommand THROW4
+Xcheck 40744667
+" Test 52: Uncaught exceptions {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown but not caught, an error message is
+" displayed when the script is terminated. In case of an interrupt
+" or error exception, the normal interrupt or error message(s) are
+" displayed.
+let msgfile = tempname()
+function! MESSAGES(...)
+ try
+ exec "edit" g:msgfile
+ catch /^Vim(edit):/
+ return 0
+ endtry
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ let match = 1
+ norm gg
+ let num = a:0 / 2
+ let cnt = 1
+ while cnt <= num
+ let enr = a:{2*cnt - 1}
+ let emsg= a:{2*cnt}
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ if enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" emsg
+ elseif enr == "INT"
+ let enr = ""
+ endif
+ if enr == "" && !english
+ continue
+ endif
+ let pattern = (enr != "") ? enr . ':.*' : ''
+ if english
+ let pattern = pattern . emsg
+ endif
+ if !search(pattern, "W")
+ let match = 0
+ Xout "No match for:" pattern
+ endif
+ norm $
+ endwhile
+ bwipeout!
+ return match
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "arrgh"
+Xpath 2 " X: 2
+if !MESSAGES('E605', "Exception not caught")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ throw "oops"
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if !MESSAGES('E605', "Exception not caught")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ function! T()
+ throw "brrr"
+ endfunction
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ throw "arrgh"
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ call T()
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+if !MESSAGES('E605', "Exception not caught")
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ throw "arrgh"
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ throw "brrr"
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+if !MESSAGES('E605', "Exception not caught")
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ endtry
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+if !MESSAGES('INT', "Interrupted")
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ let x = novar " error E121; exception: E121
+ catch /E15:/ " should not catch
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+if !MESSAGES('E121', "Undefined variable")
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+ try
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+" unlet novar # " error E108/E488; exception: E488
+ catch /E108:/ " should not catch
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+if !MESSAGES('E108', "No such variable", 'E488', "Trailing characters")
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+call delete(msgfile)
+unlet msgfile
+Xcheck 1247112011
+" Leave MESSAGES() for the next tests.
+" Test 53: Nesting errors: :endif/:else/:elseif {{{1
+" For nesting errors of :if conditionals the correct error messages
+" should be given.
+" This test reuses the function MESSAGES() from the previous test.
+" This functions checks the messages in g:msgfile.
+let msgfile = tempname()
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E580', ":endif without :if")
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" endif
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E580', ":endif without :if")
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" endif
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E580', ":endif without :if")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" endif
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E580', ":endif without :if")
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" endif
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E580', ":endif without :if")
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" else
+if MESSAGES('E581', ":else without :if")
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" else
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E581', ":else without :if")
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" else
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E581', ":else without :if")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" else
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E581', ":else without :if")
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" else
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E581', ":else without :if")
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" elseif
+if MESSAGES('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" elseif
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" elseif
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" elseif
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" elseif
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" if 1
+" else
+" else
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E583', "multiple :else")
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" if 1
+" else
+" elseif 1
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E584', ":elseif after :else")
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+call delete(msgfile)
+unlet msgfile
+Xcheck 131071
+" Leave MESSAGES() for the next test.
+" Test 54: Nesting errors: :while/:endwhile {{{1
+" For nesting errors of :while conditionals the correct error messages
+" should be given.
+" This test reuses the function MESSAGES() from the previous test.
+" This functions checks the messages in g:msgfile.
+let msgfile = tempname()
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" if 1
+" endwhile
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" if 1
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" endwhile
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" try
+" finally
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E600', "Missing :endtry")
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" if 1
+" try
+" finally
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E600', "Missing :endtry")
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" try
+" finally
+" if 1
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" endwhile
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" try
+" endwhile
+" endtry
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" endwhile
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" endwhile
+" endtry
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E588', ":endwhile without :while")
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+call delete(msgfile)
+unlet msgfile
+Xcheck 2047
+" Leave MESSAGES() for the next test.
+" Test 55: Nesting errors: :continue/:break {{{1
+" For nesting errors of :continue and :break commands the correct
+" error messages should be given.
+" This test reuses the function MESSAGES() from the previous test.
+" This functions checks the messages in g:msgfile.
+let msgfile = tempname()
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" continue
+if MESSAGES('E586', ":continue without :while")
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" if 1
+" continue
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E586', ":continue without :while")
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" continue
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E586', ":continue without :while")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" continue
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E586', ":continue without :while")
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" continue
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E586', ":continue without :while")
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" break
+if MESSAGES('E587', ":break without :while")
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" if 1
+" break
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E587', ":break without :while")
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" break
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E587', ":break without :while")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" break
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E587', ":break without :while")
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" break
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E587', ":break without :while")
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+call delete(msgfile)
+unlet msgfile
+Xcheck 1023
+" Leave MESSAGES() for the next test.
+" Test 56: Nesting errors: :endtry {{{1
+" For nesting errors of :try conditionals the correct error messages
+" should be given.
+" This test reuses the function MESSAGES() from the previous test.
+" This functions checks the messages in g:msgfile.
+let msgfile = tempname()
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E602', ":endtry without :try")
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" if 1
+" endtry
+" endif
+if MESSAGES('E602', ":endtry without :try")
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" while 1
+" endtry
+" endwhile
+if MESSAGES('E602', ":endtry without :try")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" if 1
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" while 1
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E170', "Missing :endwhile")
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" if 1
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" finally
+" while 1
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E170', "Missing :endwhile")
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" if 1
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E171', "Missing :endif")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+if ExtraVim(msgfile)
+" try
+" throw "a"
+" catch /a/
+" while 1
+" endtry
+if MESSAGES('E170', "Missing :endwhile")
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+call delete(msgfile)
+unlet msgfile
+delfunction MESSAGES
+Xcheck 511
+" Test 57: v:exception and v:throwpoint for user exceptions {{{1
+" v:exception evaluates to the value of the exception that was caught
+" most recently and is not finished. (A caught exception is finished
+" when the next ":catch", ":finally", or ":endtry" is reached.)
+" v:throwpoint evaluates to the script/function name and line number
+" where that exception has been thrown.
+function! FuncException()
+ let g:exception = v:exception
+function! FuncThrowpoint()
+ let g:throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+let scriptException = MakeScript("FuncException")
+let scriptThrowPoint = MakeScript("FuncThrowpoint")
+command! CmdException let g:exception = v:exception
+command! CmdThrowpoint let g:throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+XloopINIT! 1 2
+function! CHECK(n, exception, throwname, throwline)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let error = 0
+ if v:exception != a:exception
+ Xout a:n.": v:exception is" v:exception "instead of" a:exception
+ let error = 1
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint !~ a:throwname
+ let name = escape(a:throwname, '\')
+ Xout a:n.": v:throwpoint (".v:throwpoint.") does not match" name
+ let error = 1
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint !~ a:throwline
+ let line = escape(a:throwline, '\')
+ Xout a:n.": v:throwpoint (".v:throwpoint.") does not match" line
+ let error = 1
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ endif
+function! T(arg, line)
+ if a:line == 2
+ throw a:arg " in line 2
+ elseif a:line == 4
+ throw a:arg " in line 4
+ elseif a:line == 6
+ throw a:arg " in line 6
+ elseif a:line == 8
+ throw a:arg " in line 8
+ endif
+function! G(arg, line)
+ call T(a:arg, a:line)
+function! F(arg, line)
+ call G(a:arg, a:line)
+let scriptT = MakeScript("T")
+let scriptG = MakeScript("G", scriptT)
+let scriptF = MakeScript("F", scriptG)
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ call F("oops", 2)
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(1, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ exec "let exception = v:exception"
+ exec "let throwpoint = v:throwpoint"
+ call CHECK(2, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ CmdException
+ CmdThrowpoint
+ call CHECK(3, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ call FuncException()
+ call FuncThrowpoint()
+ call CHECK(4, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ exec "source" scriptException
+ exec "source" scriptThrowPoint
+ call CHECK(5, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ call G("arrgh", 4)
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(6, "arrgh", '\<G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<4\>')
+ try
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ let g:arg = "autsch"
+ let g:line = 6
+ exec "source" scriptF
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ " Symbolic links in tempname()s are not resolved, whereas resolving
+ " is done for v:throwpoint. Resolve the temporary file name for
+ " scriptT, so that it can be matched against v:throwpoint.
+ call CHECK(7, "autsch", resolve(scriptT), '\<6\>')
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(8, "arrgh", '\<G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<4\>')
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ let g:arg = "brrrr"
+ let g:line = 8
+ exec "source" scriptG
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ " Resolve scriptT for matching it against v:throwpoint.
+ call CHECK(9, "brrrr", resolve(scriptT), '\<8\>')
+ finally
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(10, "arrgh", '\<G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<4\>')
+ endtry
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(11, "arrgh", '\<G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<4\>')
+ endtry
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(12, "arrgh", '\<G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<4\>')
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(13, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ endtry
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(14, "oops", '\<F\[1]\.\.G\[1]\.\.T\>', '\<2\>')
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ let exception = v:exception
+ let throwpoint = v:throwpoint
+ call CHECK(15, "", '^$', '^$')
+Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+unlet exception throwpoint
+delfunction FuncException
+delfunction FuncThrowpoint
+call delete(scriptException)
+call delete(scriptThrowPoint)
+unlet scriptException scriptThrowPoint
+delcommand CmdException
+delcommand CmdThrowpoint
+delfunction T
+delfunction G
+delfunction F
+call delete(scriptT)
+call delete(scriptG)
+call delete(scriptF)
+unlet scriptT scriptG scriptF
+Xcheck 2147450880
+" Test 58: v:exception and v:throwpoint for error/interrupt exceptions {{{1
+" v:exception and v:throwpoint work also for error and interrupt
+" exceptions.
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! T(line)
+ if a:line == 2
+ delfunction T " error (function in use) in line 2
+ elseif a:line == 4
+ let dummy = 0 " INTERRUPT1 - interrupt in line 4
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ let caught = 0
+ call T(2)
+ catch /.*/
+ let caught = 1
+ if v:exception !~ 'Vim(delfunction):'
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint !~ '\<T\>'
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint !~ '\<2\>'
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ endif
+ finally
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ endif
+ if v:exception != ""
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint != ""
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ if v:exception != ""
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint != ""
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endif
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ let caught = 0
+ call T(4)
+ catch /.*/
+ let caught = 1
+ if v:exception != 'Vim:Interrupt'
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint !~ '\<T\>'
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint !~ '\<4\>'
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endif
+ finally
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ if caught || $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ endif
+ if v:exception != ""
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint != ""
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ if v:exception != ""
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if v:throwpoint != ""
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endif
+Xcheck 624945
+" Test 59: v:exception and v:throwpoint when discarding exceptions {{{1
+" When a :catch clause is left by a ":break" etc or an error or
+" interrupt exception, v:exception and v:throwpoint are reset. They
+" are not affected by an exception that is discarded before being
+" caught.
+if ExtraVim()
+ XloopINIT! 1 2
+ let sfile = expand("<sfile>")
+ function! LineNumber()
+ return substitute(substitute(v:throwpoint, g:sfile, '', ""),
+ \ '\D*\(\d*\).*', '\1', "")
+ endfunction
+ command! -nargs=1 SetLineNumber
+ \ try | throw "line" | catch /.*/ | let <args> = LineNumber() | endtry
+ " Check v:exception/v:throwpoint against second/fourth parameter if
+ " specified, check for being empty else.
+ function! CHECK(n, ...)
+ XloopNEXT
+ let exception = a:0 != 0 ? a:1 : "" " second parameter (optional)
+ let emsg = a:0 != 0 ? a:2 : "" " third parameter (optional)
+ let line = a:0 != 0 ? a:3 : 0 " fourth parameter (optional)
+ let error = 0
+ if emsg != ""
+ " exception is the error number, emsg the English error message text
+ if exception !~ '^E\d\+$'
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" emsg
+ elseif v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if exception == "E492" && emsg == "Not an editor command"
+ let exception = '^Vim:' . exception . ': ' . emsg
+ else
+ let exception = '^Vim(\a\+):' . exception . ': ' . emsg
+ endif
+ else
+ if exception == "E492"
+ let exception = '^Vim:' . exception
+ else
+ let exception = '^Vim(\a\+):' . exception
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if exception == "" && v:exception != ""
+ Xout a:n.": v:exception is set:" v:exception
+ let error = 1
+ elseif exception != "" && v:exception !~ exception
+ Xout a:n.": v:exception (".v:exception.") does not match" exception
+ let error = 1
+ endif
+ if line == 0 && v:throwpoint != ""
+ Xout a:n.": v:throwpoint is set:" v:throwpoint
+ let error = 1
+ elseif line != 0 && v:throwpoint !~ '\<' . line . '\>'
+ Xout a:n.": v:throwpoint (".v:throwpoint.") does not match" line
+ let error = 1
+ endif
+ if !error
+ Xloop 1 " X: 2097151
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ while 1
+ try
+ throw "x1"
+ catch /.*/
+ break
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(1)
+ while 1
+ try
+ throw "x2"
+ catch /.*/
+ break
+ finally
+ call CHECK(2)
+ endtry
+ break
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(3)
+ while 1
+ try
+ let errcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+ throw "x3"
+ catch /.*/
+ SetLineNumber line_before_error
+ asdf
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let errcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(4, 'E492', "Not an editor command",
+ \ line_before_error + 1)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !errcaught && $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ call CHECK(4)
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(5)
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ while 1
+ try
+ let intcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+ throw "x4"
+ catch /.*/
+ SetLineNumber two_lines_before_interrupt
+ let dummy = 0
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let intcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(6, "Vim:Interrupt", '',
+ \ two_lines_before_interrupt + 2)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !intcaught && $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ call CHECK(6)
+ endif
+ break " discard interrupt for $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(7)
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ while 1
+ try
+ let errcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+" if 1
+ SetLineNumber line_before_throw
+ throw "x5"
+ " missing endif
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let errcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(8, 'E171', "Missing :endif", line_before_throw + 3)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !errcaught && $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ call CHECK(8)
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(9)
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ try
+ while 1
+ try
+ throw "x6"
+ finally
+ break
+ endtry
+ break
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ call CHECK(10)
+ try
+ while 1
+ try
+ throw "x7"
+ finally
+ break
+ endtry
+ break
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ finally
+ call CHECK(11)
+ endtry
+ call CHECK(12)
+ while 1
+ try
+ let errcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+ throw "x8"
+ finally
+ SetLineNumber line_before_error
+ asdf
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let errcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(13, 'E492', "Not an editor command",
+ \ line_before_error + 1)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !errcaught && $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ call CHECK(13)
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(14)
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ while 1
+ try
+ let intcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+ throw "x9"
+ finally
+ SetLineNumber two_lines_before_interrupt
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let intcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(15, "Vim:Interrupt", '',
+ \ two_lines_before_interrupt + 2)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !intcaught && $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ call CHECK(15)
+ endif
+ break " discard interrupt for $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(16)
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ while 1
+ try
+ let errcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+" if 1
+ SetLineNumber line_before_throw
+ throw "x10"
+ " missing endif
+ finally
+ call CHECK(17)
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let errcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(18, 'E171', "Missing :endif", line_before_throw + 3)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !errcaught && $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ call CHECK(18)
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(19)
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ while 1
+ try
+ let errcaught = 0
+ try
+ try
+" if 1
+ SetLineNumber line_before_throw
+ throw "x11"
+ " missing endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ let errcaught = 1
+ call CHECK(20, 'E171', "Missing :endif", line_before_throw + 3)
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if !errcaught && $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ call CHECK(20)
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call CHECK(21)
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+Xcheck 2038431743
+" Test 60: (Re)throwing v:exception; :echoerr. {{{1
+" A user exception can be rethrown after catching by throwing
+" v:exception. An error or interrupt exception cannot be rethrown
+" because Vim exceptions cannot be faked. A Vim exception using the
+" value of v:exception can, however, be triggered by the :echoerr
+" command.
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "oops"
+ catch /oops/
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ throw v:exception " rethrow user exception
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endtry
+catch /^oops$/ " catches rethrown user exception
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+function! F()
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ write /n/o/n/w/r/i/t/a/b/l/e/_/f/i/l/e
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ Xout "did_emsg was reset before executing " .
+ \ "BufWritePost autocommands."
+ catch /^Vim(write):/
+ let caught = 1
+ throw v:exception " throw error: cannot fake Vim exception
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim(throw):/ " catches throw error
+ let caught = caught + 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ if caught != 2
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ elseif caught
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endif
+ return | " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endif
+ endtry
+call F()
+delfunction F
+function! G()
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ asdf
+ catch /^Vim/ " catch error exception
+ let caught = 1
+ " Trigger Vim error exception with value specified after :echoerr
+ let value = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((.*)\)\=:', '', "")
+ echoerr value
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ if !caught
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ else
+ let value = "Error"
+ echoerr value
+ endif
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim(echoerr):/
+ let caught = caught + 1
+ if v:exception !~ value
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ if caught != 2
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ elseif caught
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif
+ return | " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endif
+ endtry
+call G()
+delfunction G
+unlet! value caught
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ let errcaught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ let intcaught = 0
+ catch /^Vim:/ " catch interrupt exception
+ let intcaught = 1
+ " Trigger Vim error exception with value specified after :echoerr
+ echoerr substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((.*)\)\=:', '', "")
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ if !intcaught
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ else
+ echoerr "Interrupt"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim(echoerr):/
+ let errcaught = 1
+ if v:exception !~ "Interrupt"
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ endif
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ if !errcaught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+Xcheck 311511339
+" Test 61: Catching interrupt exceptions {{{1
+" When an interrupt occurs inside a :try/:endtry region, an
+" interrupt exception is thrown and can be caught. Its value is
+" "Vim:Interrupt". If the interrupt occurs after an error or a :throw
+" but before a matching :catch is reached, all following :catches of
+" that try block are ignored, but the interrupt exception can be
+" caught by the next surrounding try conditional. An interrupt is
+" ignored when there is a previous interrupt that has not been caught
+" or causes a :finally clause to be executed.
+if ExtraVim()
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ let caught = 0
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ if caught || $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard interrupt for $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ asdf
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ catch /do_not_catch/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/ "INTERRUPT - throw interrupt if !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ finally "INTERRUPT - throw interrupt if $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ if caught || $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard interrupt for $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ throw "x"
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ catch /do_not_catch/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ catch /x/ "INTERRUPT
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ if caught || $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard interrupt for $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ catch /do_not_catch/ "INTERRUPT
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ if caught || $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard interrupt for $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+Xcheck 374889517
+" Test 62: Catching error exceptions {{{1
+" An error inside a :try/:endtry region is converted to an exception
+" and can be caught. The error exception has a "Vim(cmdname):" prefix
+" where cmdname is the name of the failing command, or a "Vim:" prefix
+" if no command name is known. The "Vim" prefixes cannot be faked.
+function! MSG(enr, emsg)
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let v:errmsg = ":" . v:errmsg
+ endif
+ let match = 1
+ if v:errmsg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && v:errmsg !~ a:emsg)
+ let match = 0
+ if v:errmsg == ""
+ Xout "Message missing."
+ else
+ let v:errmsg = escape(v:errmsg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ endif
+ return match
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ unlet novar
+ catch /^Vim(unlet):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(unlet):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E108', "No such variable")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ throw novar " error in :throw
+ catch /^Vim(throw):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(throw):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if caught ? !MSG('E121', "Undefined variable")
+ \ : !MSG('E15', "Invalid expression")
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ throw "Vim:faked" " error: cannot fake Vim exception
+ catch /^Vim(throw):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(throw):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E608', "Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefix")
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+function! F()
+ while 1
+ " Missing :endwhile
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ call F()
+ catch /^Vim(endfunction):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(endfunction):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E170', "Missing :endwhile")
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ ExecAsScript F
+ catch /^Vim:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E170', "Missing :endwhile")
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+function! G()
+ call G()
+while 1
+ try
+ let mfd_save = &mfd
+ set mfd=3
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ call G()
+ catch /^Vim(call):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(call):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E132', "Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'")
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ let &mfd = mfd_save
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+function! H()
+ return H()
+while 1
+ try
+ let mfd_save = &mfd
+ set mfd=3
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ call H()
+ catch /^Vim(return):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(return):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E132', "Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'")
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ let &mfd = mfd_save
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+unlet! caught mfd_save
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+Xcheck 286331153
+" Leave MSG() for the next test.
+" Test 63: Suppressing error exceptions by :silent!. {{{1
+" A :silent! command inside a :try/:endtry region suppresses the
+" conversion of errors to an exception and the immediate abortion on
+" error. When the commands executed by the :silent! themselves open
+" a new :try/:endtry region, conversion of errors to exception and
+" immediate abortion is switched on again - until the next :silent!
+" etc. The :silent! has the effect of setting v:errmsg to the error
+" message text (without displaying it) and continuing with the next
+" script line.
+" When a command triggering autocommands is executed by :silent!
+" inside a :try/:endtry, the autocommand execution is not suppressed
+" on error.
+" This test reuses the function MSG() from the previous test.
+XloopINIT! 1 4
+let taken = ""
+function! S(n) abort
+ XloopNEXT
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "E" . a:n
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ exec "asdf" . a:n
+ " Check that ":silent!" continues:
+ Xloop 1
+ " Check that ":silent!" sets "v:errmsg":
+ if MSG('E492', "Not an editor command")
+ Xloop 2
+ endif
+function! Foo()
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ " This is not silent:
+ call S(3) " X: 0 * 16
+ catch /^Vim:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let errmsg3 = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim:', '', "")
+ silent! call S(4) " X: 3 * 64
+ finally
+ if !caught
+ let errmsg3 = v:errmsg
+ " Do call S(4) here if not executed in :catch.
+ silent! call S(4)
+ endif
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = errmsg3
+ if !MSG('E492', "Not an editor command")
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif
+ silent! call S(5) " X: 3 * 256
+ " Break out of try conditionals that cover ":silent!". This also
+ " discards the aborting error when $VIMNOERRTHROW is non-zero.
+ break
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ " This is a double ":silent!" (see caller).
+ silent! call S(6) " X: 3 * 1024
+function! Bar()
+ try
+ silent! call S(2) " X: 3 * 4
+ " X: 3 * 4096
+ silent! execute "call Foo() | call S(7)"
+ silent! call S(8) " X: 3 * 16384
+ endtry " normal end of try cond that covers ":silent!"
+ " This has a ":silent!" from the caller:
+ call S(9) " X: 3 * 65536
+silent! call S(1) " X: 3 * 1
+silent! call Bar()
+silent! call S(10) " X: 3 * 262144
+let expected = "E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9E10"
+if taken != expected
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+augroup TMP
+ autocmd BufWritePost * Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+augroup END
+Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+write /i/m/p/o/s/s/i/b/l/e
+Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+autocmd! TMP
+unlet! caught errmsg3 taken expected
+delfunction S
+delfunction Foo
+delfunction Bar
+delfunction MSG
+Xcheck 236978127
+" Test 64: Error exceptions after error, interrupt or :throw {{{1
+" When an error occurs after an interrupt or a :throw but before
+" a matching :catch is reached, all following :catches of that try
+" block are ignored, but the error exception can be caught by the next
+" surrounding try conditional. Any previous error exception is
+" discarded. An error is ignored when there is a previous error that
+" has not been caught.
+if ExtraVim()
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ let caught = 0
+ while 1
+" if 1
+ " Missing :endif
+ endwhile " throw error exception
+ catch /^Vim(/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+" if 1
+ " Missing :endif
+ catch /.*/ " throw error exception
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim(/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ catch /do_not_catch/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+" if 1
+ " Missing :endif
+ catch /.*/ " throw error exception
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim(/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ throw "x"
+ catch /do_not_catch/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+" if 1
+ " Missing :endif
+ catch /x/ " throw error exception
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /^Vim(/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+" endif " :endif without :if; throw error exception
+" if 1
+ " Missing :endif
+ catch /do_not_catch/ " ignore new error
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ catch /^Vim(endif):/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /^Vim(/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+Xcheck 1499645335
+" Test 65: Errors in the /pattern/ argument of a :catch {{{1
+" On an error in the /pattern/ argument of a :catch, the :catch does
+" not match. Any following :catches of the same :try/:endtry don't
+" match either. Finally clauses are executed.
+function! MSG(enr, emsg)
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let v:errmsg = ":" . v:errmsg
+ endif
+ let match = 1
+ if v:errmsg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && v:errmsg !~ a:emsg)
+ let match = 0
+ if v:errmsg == ""
+ Xout "Message missing."
+ else
+ let v:errmsg = escape(v:errmsg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ endif
+ return match
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "oops"
+ catch /^oops$/
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ catch /\)/ " not checked; exception has already been caught
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+function! F()
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ throw "ab"
+ catch /abc/ " does not catch
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ catch /\)/ " error; discards exception
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/ " not checked
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ catch /^ab$/ " checked, but original exception is discarded
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ catch /^Vim(catch):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(catch):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E475', "Invalid argument")
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !caught
+ return | " discard error
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+call F()
+Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+delfunction MSG
+delfunction F
+unlet! caught
+Xcheck 70187
+" Test 66: Stop range :call on error, interrupt, or :throw {{{1
+" When a function which is multiply called for a range since it
+" doesn't handle the range itself has an error in a command
+" dynamically enclosed by :try/:endtry or gets an interrupt or
+" executes a :throw, no more calls for the remaining lines in the
+" range are made. On an error in a command not dynamically enclosed
+" by :try/:endtry, the function is executed again for the remaining
+" lines in the range.
+if ExtraVim()
+ let file = tempname()
+ exec "edit" file
+ insert
+line 1
+line 2
+line 3
+ XloopINIT! 1 2
+ let taken = ""
+ let expected = "G1EF1E(1)F1E(2)F1E(3)G2EF2E(1)G3IF3I(1)G4TF4T(1)G5AF5A(1)"
+ function! F(reason, n) abort
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "F" . a:n .
+ \ substitute(a:reason, '\(\l\).*', '\u\1', "") .
+ \ "(" . line(".") . ")"
+ if a:reason == "error"
+ asdf
+ elseif a:reason == "interrupt"
+ let dummy = 0
+ elseif a:reason == "throw"
+ throw "xyz"
+ elseif a:reason == "aborting error"
+ XloopNEXT
+ if g:taken != g:expected
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" g:taken "instead of" g:expected
+ endif
+ try
+ bwipeout!
+ call delete(file)
+ asdf
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ function! G(reason, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "G" . a:n .
+ \ substitute(a:reason, '\(\l\).*', '\u\1', "")
+ 1,3call F(a:reason, a:n)
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ call G("error", 1)
+ try
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ try
+ call G("error", 2)
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ try
+ call G("interrupt", 3)
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ try
+ call G("throw", 4)
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ catch /xyz/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ call G("aborting error", 5)
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+Xcheck 5464
+" Test 67: :throw across :call command {{{1
+" On a call command, an exception might be thrown when evaluating the
+" function name, during evaluation of the arguments, or when the
+" function is being executed. The exception can be caught by the
+" caller.
+function! THROW(x, n)
+ if a:n == 1
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ elseif a:n == 2
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ elseif a:n == 3
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ endif
+ throw a:x
+function! NAME(x, n)
+ if a:n == 1
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ elseif a:n == 2
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ elseif a:n == 3
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ elseif a:n == 4
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ endif
+ return a:x
+function! ARG(x, n)
+ if a:n == 1
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ elseif a:n == 2
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ elseif a:n == 3
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ elseif a:n == 4
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ endif
+ return a:x
+function! F(x, n)
+ if a:n == 2
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ elseif a:n == 4
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ endif
+while 1
+ try
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ call {NAME(THROW("name", 1), 1)}(ARG(4711, 1), 1)
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ catch /^name$/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "1:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "1:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ call {NAME("F", 2)}(ARG(THROW("arg", 2), 2), 2)
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ catch /^arg$/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "2:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "2:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ call {NAME("THROW", 3)}(ARG("call", 3), 3)
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ catch /^call$/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xout "3:" v:throwpoint
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "3:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "3:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ call {NAME("F", 4)}(ARG(4711, 4), 4)
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "4:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "4:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xout v:throwpoint
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+unlet error
+delfunction F
+Xcheck 212514423
+" Leave THROW(), NAME(), and ARG() for the next test.
+" Test 68: :throw across function calls in expressions {{{1
+" On a function call within an expression, an exception might be
+" thrown when evaluating the function name, during evaluation of the
+" arguments, or when the function is being executed. The exception
+" can be caught by the caller.
+" This test reuses the functions THROW(), NAME(), and ARG() from the
+" previous test.
+function! F(x, n)
+ if a:n == 2
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ elseif a:n == 4
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ endif
+ return a:x
+unlet! var1 var2 var3 var4
+while 1
+ try
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ let var1 = {NAME(THROW("name", 1), 1)}(ARG(4711, 1), 1)
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ catch /^name$/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "1:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "1:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ let var2 = {NAME("F", 2)}(ARG(THROW("arg", 2), 2), 2)
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ catch /^arg$/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "2:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "2:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ let var3 = {NAME("THROW", 3)}(ARG("call", 3), 3)
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ catch /^call$/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xout "3:" v:throwpoint
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "3:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "3:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ let var4 = {NAME("F", 4)}(ARG(4711, 4), 4)
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "4:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout "4:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let error = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xout v:throwpoint
+ catch /.*/
+ let error = 1
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ if !error && $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg != ""
+ let error = 1
+ Xout v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if error
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+if exists("var1") || exists("var2") || exists("var3") ||
+ \ !exists("var4") || var4 != 4711
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ if exists("var1")
+ Xout "var1 =" var1
+ endif
+ if exists("var2")
+ Xout "var2 =" var2
+ endif
+ if exists("var3")
+ Xout "var3 =" var3
+ endif
+ if !exists("var4")
+ Xout "var4 unset"
+ elseif var4 != 4711
+ Xout "var4 =" var4
+ endif
+unlet! error var1 var2 var3 var4
+delfunction THROW
+delfunction NAME
+delfunction ARG
+delfunction F
+Xcheck 212514423
+" Test 69: :throw across :if, :elseif, :while {{{1
+" On an :if, :elseif, or :while command, an exception might be thrown
+" during evaluation of the expression to test. The exception can be
+" caught by the script.
+XloopINIT! 1 2
+function! THROW(x)
+ XloopNEXT
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 2 + 4
+ throw a:x
+ try
+ Xpath 8 " X: 8
+ if 4711 == THROW("if") + 111
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endif
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ catch /^if$/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ Xout "if:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ if 4711 == 4 + 7 + 1 + 1
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ elseif 4711 == THROW("elseif") + 222
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ endif
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ catch /^elseif$/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ Xout "elseif:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ while 4711 == THROW("while") + 4711
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ break
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ catch /^while$/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ Xout "while:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ Xout v:throwpoint
+catch /.*/
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+delfunction THROW
+Xcheck 8995471
+" Test 70: :throw across :return or :throw {{{1
+" On a :return or :throw command, an exception might be thrown during
+" evaluation of the expression to return or throw, respectively. The
+" exception can be caught by the script.
+let taken = ""
+function! THROW(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . a:n
+ throw a:x
+function! F(x, y, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "F" . a:n
+ return a:x + THROW(a:y, a:n)
+function! G(x, y, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "G" . a:n
+ throw a:x . THROW(a:y, a:n)
+ return a:x
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ call F(4711, "return", 1)
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /^return$/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ Xout "return:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ let var = F(4712, "return-var", 2)
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ catch /^return-var$/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ Xout "return-var:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ unlet! var
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ throw "except1" . THROW("throw1", 3)
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ catch /^except1/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ catch /^throw1$/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ Xout "throw1:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ call G("except2", "throw2", 4)
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ catch /^except2/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ catch /^throw2$/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ Xout "throw2:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ let var = G("except3", "throw3", 5)
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ catch /^except3/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ catch /^throw3$/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xout "throw3:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ unlet! var
+ endtry
+ let expected = "F1T1F2T2T3G4T4G5T5"
+ if taken != expected
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+ endif
+catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xout v:throwpoint
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+unlet taken expected
+delfunction THROW
+delfunction F
+delfunction G
+Xcheck 69544277
+" Test 71: :throw across :echo variants and :execute {{{1
+" On an :echo, :echon, :echomsg, :echoerr, or :execute command, an
+" exception might be thrown during evaluation of the arguments to
+" be displayed or executed as a command, respectively. Any following
+" arguments are not evaluated, then. The exception can be caught by
+" the script.
+let taken = ""
+function! THROW(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . a:n
+ throw a:x
+function! F(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "F" . a:n
+ return "F" . a:n
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ echo "echo" . THROW("echo-except", 1) F(1)
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /^echo-except$/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ Xout "echo:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ echon "echon" . THROW("echon-except", 2) F(2)
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ catch /^echon-except$/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ Xout "echon:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ echomsg "echomsg" . THROW("echomsg-except", 3) F(3)
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ catch /^echomsg-except$/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ Xout "echomsg:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ echoerr "echoerr" . THROW("echoerr-except", 4) F(4)
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ catch /^echoerr-except$/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ catch /Vim/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ catch /echoerr/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ Xout "echoerr:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ execute "echo 'execute" . THROW("execute-except", 5) F(5) "'"
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ catch /^execute-except$/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ Xout "execute:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ let expected = "T1T2T3T4T5"
+ if taken != expected
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+ endif
+catch /^0$/ " default return value
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout v:throwpoint
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+unlet taken expected
+delfunction THROW
+delfunction F
+Xcheck 34886997
+" Test 72: :throw across :let or :unlet {{{1
+" On a :let command, an exception might be thrown during evaluation
+" of the expression to assign. On an :let or :unlet command, the
+" evaluation of the name of the variable to be assigned or list or
+" deleted, respectively, may throw an exception. Any following
+" arguments are not evaluated, then. The exception can be caught by
+" the script.
+let throwcount = 0
+function! THROW(x)
+ let g:throwcount = g:throwcount + 1
+ throw a:x
+ try
+ let $VAR = "old_value"
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ let $VAR = "let(" . THROW("var") . ")"
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /^var$/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ finally
+ if $VAR != "old_value"
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ try
+ let @a = "old_value"
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ let @a = "let(" . THROW("reg") . ")"
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ catch /^reg$/
+ try
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ let @A = "let(" . THROW("REG") . ")"
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ catch /^REG$/
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if @a != "old_value"
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if @A != "old_value"
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ try
+ let saved_gpath = &g:path
+ let saved_lpath = &l:path
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ let &path = "let(" . THROW("opt") . ")"
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ catch /^opt$/
+ try
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ let &g:path = "let(" . THROW("gopt") . ")"
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ catch /^gopt$/
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ let &l:path = "let(" . THROW("lopt") . ")"
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 0
+ catch /^lopt$/
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ endtry
+ endtry
+ finally
+ if &g:path != saved_gpath || &l:path != saved_lpath
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let &g:path = saved_gpath
+ let &l:path = saved_lpath
+ endtry
+ unlet! var1 var2 var3
+ try
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ let var1 = "let(" . THROW("var1") . ")"
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ catch /^var1$/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ finally
+ if exists("var1")
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ try
+ let var2 = "old_value"
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ let var2 = "let(" . THROW("var2"). ")"
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ catch /^var2$/
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ finally
+ if var2 != "old_value"
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ let var{THROW("var3")} = 4711
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ catch /^var3$/
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ endtry
+ let addpath = ""
+ function ADDPATH(p)
+ let g:addpath = g:addpath . a:p
+ endfunction
+ try
+ call ADDPATH("T1")
+ let var{THROW("var4")} var{ADDPATH("T2")} | call ADDPATH("T3")
+ call ADDPATH("T4")
+ catch /^var4$/
+ call ADDPATH("T5")
+ endtry
+ try
+ call ADDPATH("T6")
+ unlet var{THROW("var5")} var{ADDPATH("T7")} | call ADDPATH("T8")
+ call ADDPATH("T9")
+ catch /^var5$/
+ call ADDPATH("T10")
+ endtry
+ if addpath != "T1T5T6T10" || throwcount != 11
+ throw "addpath: " . addpath . ", throwcount: " . throwcount
+ endif
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+unlet! var1 var2 var3 addpath throwcount
+delfunction THROW
+Xcheck 1789569365
+" Test 73: :throw across :function, :delfunction {{{1
+" The :function and :delfunction commands may cause an expression
+" specified in braces to be evaluated. During evaluation, an
+" exception might be thrown. The exception can be caught by the
+" script.
+let taken = ""
+function! THROW(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . a:n
+ throw a:x
+function! EXPR(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "E" . a:n
+ if a:n % 2 == 0
+ call THROW(a:x, a:n)
+ endif
+ return 2 - a:n % 2
+ try
+ " Define function.
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ function! F0()
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ function! F{EXPR("function-def-ok", 1)}()
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ function! F{EXPR("function-def", 2)}()
+ endfunction
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ catch /^function-def-ok$/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ catch /^function-def$/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ Xout "def:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ " List function.
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ function F0
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ function F{EXPR("function-lst-ok", 3)}
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ function F{EXPR("function-lst", 4)}
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ catch /^function-lst-ok$/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ catch /^function-lst$/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ Xout "lst:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ " Delete function
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ delfunction F0
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ delfunction F{EXPR("function-del-ok", 5)}
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ delfunction F{EXPR("function-del", 6)}
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ catch /^function-del-ok$/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ catch /^function-del$/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ Xout "del:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ let expected = "E1E2T2E3E4T4E5E6T6"
+ if taken != expected
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+ endif
+catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+unlet taken expected
+delfunction THROW
+delfunction EXPR
+Xcheck 9032615
+" Test 74: :throw across builtin functions and commands {{{1
+" Some functions like exists(), searchpair() take expression
+" arguments, other functions or commands like substitute() or
+" :substitute cause an expression (specified in the regular
+" expression) to be evaluated. During evaluation an exception
+" might be thrown. The exception can be caught by the script.
+let taken = ""
+function! THROW(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . a:n
+ throw a:x
+function! EXPR(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "E" . a:n
+ call THROW(a:x . a:n, a:n)
+ return "EXPR"
+function! SKIP(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "S" . a:n . "(" . line(".")
+ let theline = getline(".")
+ if theline =~ "skip"
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "s)"
+ return 1
+ elseif theline =~ "throw"
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "t)"
+ call THROW(a:x . a:n, a:n)
+ else
+ let g:taken = g:taken . ")"
+ return 0
+ endif
+function! SUBST(x, n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "U" . a:n . "(" . line(".")
+ let theline = getline(".")
+ if theline =~ "not" " SUBST() should not be called for this line
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "n)"
+ call THROW(a:x . a:n, a:n)
+ elseif theline =~ "throw"
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "t)"
+ call THROW(a:x . a:n, a:n)
+ else
+ let g:taken = g:taken . ")"
+ return "replaced"
+ endif
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ let result = exists('*{EXPR("exists", 1)}')
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ catch /^exists1$/
+ Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ try
+ let result = exists('{EXPR("exists", 2)}')
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ catch /^exists2$/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ Xout "exists2:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ Xout "exists1:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ let file = tempname()
+ exec "edit" file
+ insert
+ xx
+middle 3
+ xx
+middle 5 skip
+ xx
+middle 7 throw
+ xx
+ normal! gg
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ let result =
+ \ searchpair("begin", "middle", "end", '', 'SKIP("searchpair", 3)')
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ let result =
+ \ searchpair("begin", "middle", "end", '', 'SKIP("searchpair", 4)')
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ let result =
+ \ searchpair("begin", "middle", "end", '', 'SKIP("searchpair", 5)')
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ catch /^searchpair[35]$/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ catch /^searchpair4$/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ Xout "searchpair:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ bwipeout!
+ call delete(file)
+ endtry
+ try
+ let file = tempname()
+ exec "edit" file
+ insert
+subst 1
+subst 2
+subst 4
+subst throw
+subst 6
+ normal! gg
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 16384
+ 1,2substitute/subst/\=SUBST("substitute", 6)/
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ 3substitute/subst/\=SUBST("substitute", 7)/
+ finally
+ if v:errmsg != ""
+ " If exceptions are not thrown on errors, fake the error
+ " exception in order to get the same execution path.
+ throw "faked Vim(substitute)"
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /Vim(substitute)/ " Pattern not found ('e' flag missing)
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ 3substitute/subst/\=SUBST("substitute", 8)/e
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ endtry
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ 4,6substitute/subst/\=SUBST("substitute", 9)/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ catch /^substitute[678]/
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ catch /^substitute9/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ finally
+ bwipeout!
+ call delete(file)
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 4194304
+ let var = substitute("sub", "sub", '\=THROW("substitute()y", 10)', '')
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ catch /substitute()y/
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ Xout "substitute()y:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ let var = substitute("not", "sub", '\=THROW("substitute()n", 11)', '')
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ catch /substitute()n/
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xout "substitute()n:" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ let expected = "E1T1E2T2S3(3)S4(5s)S4(7t)T4U6(1)U6(2)U9(4)U9(5t)T9T10"
+ if taken != expected
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+ endif
+catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+unlet result var taken expected
+delfunction THROW
+delfunction EXPR
+delfunction SKIP
+delfunction SUBST
+Xcheck 224907669
+" Test 75: Errors in builtin functions. {{{1
+" On an error in a builtin function called inside a :try/:endtry
+" region, the evaluation of the expression calling that function and
+" the command containing that expression are abandoned. The error can
+" be caught as an exception.
+" A simple :call of the builtin function is a trivial case. If the
+" builtin function is called in the argument list of another function,
+" no further arguments are evaluated, and the other function is not
+" executed. If the builtin function is called from the argument of
+" a :return command, the :return command is not executed. If the
+" builtin function is called from the argument of a :throw command,
+" the :throw command is not executed. The evaluation of the
+" expression calling the builtin function is abandoned.
+function! F1(arg1)
+ Xpath 1 " X: 0
+function! F2(arg1, arg2)
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+function! G()
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+function! H()
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+function! R()
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ return append(1, "s")
+ catch /E21/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 64 " X: 64
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg =~ 'E21'
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ set noma " let append() fail with "E21"
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ call append(1, "s")
+ catch /E21/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg =~ 'E21'
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ call F1('x' . append(1, "s"))
+ catch /E21/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg =~ 'E21'
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ call F2('x' . append(1, "s"), G())
+ catch /E21/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 524288
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg =~ 'E21'
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ call R()
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ throw "T" . append(1, "s")
+ catch /E21/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /^T.*/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg =~ 'E21'
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ let x = "a"
+ let x = x . "b" . append(1, "s") . H()
+ catch /E21/
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ finally
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ if caught || $VIMNOERRTHROW && v:errmsg =~ 'E21'
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ endif
+ if x == "a"
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ set ma&
+unlet! caught x
+delfunction F1
+delfunction F2
+delfunction G
+delfunction H
+delfunction R
+Xcheck 2000403408
+" Test 76: Errors, interrupts, :throw during expression evaluation {{{1
+" When a function call made during expression evaluation is aborted
+" due to an error inside a :try/:endtry region or due to an interrupt
+" or a :throw, the expression evaluation is aborted as well. No
+" message is displayed for the cancelled expression evaluation. On an
+" error not inside :try/:endtry, the expression evaluation continues.
+if ExtraVim()
+ let taken = ""
+ function! ERR(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "E" . a:n
+ asdf
+ endfunction
+ function! ERRabort(n) abort
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "A" . a:n
+ asdf
+ endfunction " returns -1; may cause follow-up msg for illegal var/func name
+ function! WRAP(n, arg)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "W" . a:n
+ let g:saved_errmsg = v:errmsg
+ return arg
+ endfunction
+ function! INT(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "I" . a:n
+ let dummy = 0
+ endfunction
+ function! THR(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . a:n
+ throw "should not be caught"
+ endfunction
+ function! CONT(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "C" . a:n
+ endfunction
+ function! MSG(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "M" . a:n
+ let errmsg = (a:n >= 37 && a:n <= 44) ? g:saved_errmsg : v:errmsg
+ let msgptn = (a:n >= 10 && a:n <= 27) ? "^$" : "asdf"
+ if errmsg !~ msgptn
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "x"
+ Xout "Expr" a:n.": Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let g:saved_errmsg = ""
+ endfunction
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ try
+ let t = 1
+ XloopINIT 1 2
+ while t <= 9
+ Xloop 1 " X: 511
+ try
+ if t == 1
+ let v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)} = 0
+ elseif t == 2
+ let v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 3
+ let var = exists('v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 4
+ unlet v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 5
+ function F{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}()
+ endfunction
+ elseif t == 6
+ function F{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 7
+ let var = exists('*F{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 8
+ delfunction F{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 9
+ let var = ERR(t) + CONT(t)
+ endif
+ catch /asdf/
+ " v:errmsg is not set when the error message is converted to an
+ " exception. Set it to the original error message.
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim:', '', "")
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ " An error exception has been thrown after the original error.
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ finally
+ call MSG(t)
+ let t = t + 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue " discard an aborting error
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ try
+ let t = 10
+ XloopINIT 1024 2
+ while t <= 18
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1024 * 511
+ try
+ if t == 10
+ let v{INT(t) + CONT(t)} = 0
+ elseif t == 11
+ let v{INT(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 12
+ let var = exists('v{INT(t) + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 13
+ unlet v{INT(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 14
+ function F{INT(t) + CONT(t)}()
+ endfunction
+ elseif t == 15
+ function F{INT(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 16
+ let var = exists('*F{INT(t) + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 17
+ delfunction F{INT(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 18
+ let var = INT(t) + CONT(t)
+ endif
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:\(Interrupt\)\@!/
+ " An error exception has been triggered after the interrupt.
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception,
+ \ '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ call MSG(t)
+ let t = t + 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue " discard interrupt
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ try
+ let t = 19
+ XloopINIT 1048576 2
+ while t <= 27
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1048576 * 511
+ try
+ if t == 19
+ let v{THR(t) + CONT(t)} = 0
+ elseif t == 20
+ let v{THR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 21
+ let var = exists('v{THR(t) + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 22
+ unlet v{THR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 23
+ function F{THR(t) + CONT(t)}()
+ endfunction
+ elseif t == 24
+ function F{THR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 25
+ let var = exists('*F{THR(t) + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 26
+ delfunction F{THR(t) + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 27
+ let var = THR(t) + CONT(t)
+ endif
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ " An error exception has been triggered after the :throw.
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception,
+ \ '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ call MSG(t)
+ let t = t + 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue " discard exception
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ let v{ERR(28) + CONT(28)} = 0
+ call MSG(28)
+ let v{ERR(29) + CONT(29)}
+ call MSG(29)
+ let var = exists('v{ERR(30) + CONT(30)}')
+ call MSG(30)
+ unlet v{ERR(31) + CONT(31)}
+ call MSG(31)
+ function F{ERR(32) + CONT(32)}()
+ endfunction
+ call MSG(32)
+ function F{ERR(33) + CONT(33)}
+ call MSG(33)
+ let var = exists('*F{ERR(34) + CONT(34)}')
+ call MSG(34)
+ delfunction F{ERR(35) + CONT(35)}
+ call MSG(35)
+ let var = ERR(36) + CONT(36)
+ call MSG(36)
+ let saved_errmsg = ""
+ let v{WRAP(37, ERRabort(37)) + CONT(37)} = 0
+ call MSG(37)
+ let v{WRAP(38, ERRabort(38)) + CONT(38)}
+ call MSG(38)
+ let var = exists('v{WRAP(39, ERRabort(39)) + CONT(39)}')
+ call MSG(39)
+ unlet v{WRAP(40, ERRabort(40)) + CONT(40)}
+ call MSG(40)
+ function F{WRAP(41, ERRabort(41)) + CONT(41)}()
+ endfunction
+ call MSG(41)
+ function F{WRAP(42, ERRabort(42)) + CONT(42)}
+ call MSG(42)
+ let var = exists('*F{WRAP(43, ERRabort(43)) + CONT(43)}')
+ call MSG(43)
+ delfunction F{WRAP(44, ERRabort(44)) + CONT(44)}
+ call MSG(44)
+ let var = ERRabort(45) + CONT(45)
+ call MSG(45)
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 1073741824
+ let expected = ""
+ \ . "E1M1E2M2E3M3E4M4E5M5E6M6E7M7E8M8E9M9"
+ \ . "I10M10I11M11I12M12I13M13I14M14I15M15I16M16I17M17I18M18"
+ \ . "T19M19T20M20T21M21T22M22T23M23T24M24T25M25T26M26T27M27"
+ \ . "E28C28M28E29C29M29E30C30M30E31C31M31E32C32M32E33C33M33"
+ \ . "E34C34M34E35C35M35E36C36M36"
+ \ . "A37W37C37M37A38W38C38M38A39W39C39M39A40W40C40M40A41W41C41M41"
+ \ . "A42W42C42M42A43W43C43M43A44W44C44M44A45C45M45"
+ if taken != expected
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); display explicitly:
+ exec "!echo 2147483648 >>" . g:ExtraVimResult
+ " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+ if substitute(taken,
+ \ '\(.*\)E3C3M3x\(.*\)E30C30M30x\(.*\)A39C39M39x\(.*\)',
+ \ '\1E3M3\2E30C30M30\3A39C39M39\4',
+ \ "") == expected
+ Xout "Is ++emsg_skip for var with expr_start non-NULL"
+ \ "in f_exists ok?"
+ endif
+ endif
+ unlet! v var saved_errmsg taken expected
+ call delete(WA_t5)
+ call delete(WA_t14)
+ call delete(WA_t23)
+ unlet! WA_t5 WA_t14 WA_t23
+ delfunction WA_t5
+ delfunction WA_t14
+ delfunction WA_t23
+Xcheck 1610087935
+" Test 77: Errors, interrupts, :throw in name{brace-expression} {{{1
+" When a function call made during evaluation of an expression in
+" braces as part of a function name after ":function" is aborted due
+" to an error inside a :try/:endtry region or due to an interrupt or
+" a :throw, the expression evaluation is aborted as well, and the
+" function definition is ignored, skipping all commands to the
+" ":endfunction". On an error not inside :try/:endtry, the expression
+" evaluation continues and the function gets defined, and can be
+" called and deleted.
+XloopINIT 1 4
+function! ERR() abort
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 4 + 16 + 64
+ asdf
+endfunction " returns -1
+function! OK()
+ Xloop 2 " X: 2 * (1 + 4 + 16)
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ return 0
+let v:errmsg = ""
+Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+function! F{1 + ERR() + OK()}(arg)
+ " F0 should be defined.
+ if exists("a:arg") && a:arg == "calling"
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ else
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endif
+if v:errmsg != ""
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+call F{1 + ERR() + OK()}("calling")
+if v:errmsg != ""
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+delfunction F{1 + ERR() + OK()}
+if v:errmsg != ""
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ while 1
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ function! G{1 + ERR() + OK()}(arg)
+ " G0 should not be defined, and the function body should be
+ " skipped.
+ if exists("a:arg") && a:arg == "calling"
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ else
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif
+ " Use an unmatched ":finally" to check whether the body is
+ " skipped when an error occurs in ERR(). This works whether or
+ " not the exception is converted to an exception.
+ finally
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout "Body of G{1 + ERR() + OK()}() not skipped"
+ " Discard the aborting error or exception, and break the
+ " while loop.
+ break
+ " End the try conditional and start a new one to avoid
+ " ":catch after :finally" errors.
+ endtry
+ try
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ " When the function was not defined, this won't be reached - whether
+ " the body was skipped or not. When the function was defined, it
+ " can be called and deleted here.
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ Xout "G0() has been defined"
+ XloopNEXT
+ try
+ call G{1 + ERR() + OK()}("calling")
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ XloopNEXT
+ try
+ delfunction G{1 + ERR() + OK()}
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ catch /asdf/
+ " Jumped to when the function is not defined and the body is
+ " skipped.
+ let caught = 1
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+ finally
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry " jumped to when the body is not skipped
+ endwhile
+catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ Xout "Body of G{1 + ERR() + OK()}() not skipped, exception caught"
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+Xcheck 1388671
+" Test 78: Messages on parsing errors in expression evaluation {{{1
+" When an expression evaluation detects a parsing error, an error
+" message is given and converted to an exception, and the expression
+" evaluation is aborted.
+if ExtraVim()
+ let taken = ""
+ function! F(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "F" . a:n
+ endfunction
+ function! MSG(n, enr, emsg)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "M" . a:n
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let v:errmsg = ":" . v:errmsg
+ endif
+ if v:errmsg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && v:errmsg !~ a:emsg)
+ if v:errmsg == ""
+ Xout "Expr" a:n.": Message missing."
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "x"
+ else
+ let v:errmsg = escape(v:errmsg, '"')
+ Xout "Expr" a:n.": Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ Xout "Expected: " . a:enr . ': ' . a:emsg
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "X"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ function! CONT(n)
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "C" . a:n
+ endfunction
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ XloopINIT 1 2
+ try
+ let t = 1
+ while t <= 14
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . t
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ if t == 1
+ let v{novar + CONT(t)} = 0
+ elseif t == 2
+ let v{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 3
+ let var = exists('v{novar + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 4
+ unlet v{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 5
+ function F{novar + CONT(t)}()
+ endfunction
+ elseif t == 6
+ function F{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 7
+ let var = exists('*F{novar + CONT(t)}')
+ elseif t == 8
+ delfunction F{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 9
+ echo novar + CONT(t)
+ elseif t == 10
+ echo v{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 11
+ echo F{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 12
+ let var = novar + CONT(t)
+ elseif t == 13
+ let var = v{novar + CONT(t)}
+ elseif t == 14
+ let var = F{novar + CONT(t)}()
+ endif
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ " v:errmsg is not set when the error message is converted to an
+ " exception. Set it to the original error message.
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception,
+ \ '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ if t <= 8 && t != 3 && t != 7
+ call MSG(t, 'E475', 'Invalid argument\>')
+ else
+ if !caught " no error exceptions ($VIMNOERRTHROW set)
+ call MSG(t, 'E15', "Invalid expression")
+ else
+ call MSG(t, 'E121', "Undefined variable")
+ endif
+ endif
+ let t = t + 1
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue " discard an aborting error
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ Xout t.":" v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ function! T(n, expr, enr, emsg)
+ try
+ let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . a:n
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ try
+ let caught = 0
+ execute "let var = " . a:expr
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ " v:errmsg is not set when the error message is converted to an
+ " exception. Set it to the original error message.
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception,
+ \ '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ if !caught " no error exceptions ($VIMNOERRTHROW set)
+ call MSG(a:n, 'E15', "Invalid expression")
+ else
+ call MSG(a:n, a:enr, a:emsg)
+ endif
+ XloopNEXT
+ " Discard an aborting error:
+ return
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0
+ Xout a:n.":" v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ endfunction
+ call T(15, 'Nofunc() + CONT(15)', 'E117', "Unknown function")
+ call T(16, 'F(1 2 + CONT(16))', 'E116', "Invalid arguments")
+ call T(17, 'F(1, 2) + CONT(17)', 'E118', "Too many arguments")
+ call T(18, 'F() + CONT(18)', 'E119', "Not enough arguments")
+ call T(19, '{(1} + CONT(19)', 'E110', "Missing ')'")
+ call T(20, '("abc"[1) + CONT(20)', 'E111', "Missing ']'")
+ call T(21, '(1 +) + CONT(21)', 'E15', "Invalid expression")
+ call T(22, '1 2 + CONT(22)', 'E15', "Invalid expression")
+ call T(23, '(1 ? 2) + CONT(23)', 'E109', "Missing ':' after '?'")
+ call T(24, '("abc) + CONT(24)', 'E114', "Missing quote")
+ call T(25, "('abc) + CONT(25)", 'E115', "Missing quote")
+ call T(26, '& + CONT(26)', 'E112', "Option name missing")
+ call T(27, '&asdf + CONT(27)', 'E113', "Unknown option")
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 134217728
+ let expected = ""
+ \ . "T1M1T2M2T3M3T4M4T5M5T6M6T7M7T8M8T9M9T10M10T11M11T12M12T13M13T14M14"
+ \ . "T15M15T16M16T17M17T18M18T19M19T20M20T21M21T22M22T23M23T24M24T25M25"
+ \ . "T26M26T27M27"
+ if taken != expected
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ Xout "'taken' is" taken "instead of" expected
+ if substitute(taken, '\(.*\)T3M3x\(.*\)', '\1T3M3\2', "") == expected
+ Xout "Is ++emsg_skip for var with expr_start non-NULL"
+ \ "in f_exists ok?"
+ endif
+ endif
+ unlet! var caught taken expected
+ call delete(WA_t5)
+ unlet! WA_t5
+ delfunction WA_t5
+Xcheck 134217728
+" Test 79: Throwing one of several errors for the same command {{{1
+" When several errors appear in a row (for instance during expression
+" evaluation), the first as the most specific one is used when
+" throwing an error exception. If, however, a syntax error is
+" detected afterwards, this one is used for the error exception.
+" On a syntax error, the next command is not executed, on a normal
+" error, however, it is (relevant only in a function without the
+" "abort" flag). v:errmsg is not set.
+" If throwing error exceptions is configured off, v:errmsg is always
+" set to the latest error message, that is, to the more general
+" message or the syntax error, respectively.
+XloopINIT 1 2
+function! NEXT(cmd)
+ exec a:cmd . " | Xloop 1"
+call NEXT('echo novar') " X: 1 * 1 (checks nextcmd)
+call NEXT('let novar #') " X: 0 * 2 (skips nextcmd)
+call NEXT('unlet novar #') " X: 0 * 4 (skips nextcmd)
+call NEXT('let {novar}') " X: 0 * 8 (skips nextcmd)
+call NEXT('unlet{ novar}') " X: 0 * 16 (skips nextcmd)
+function! EXEC(cmd)
+ exec a:cmd
+function! MATCH(expected, msg, enr, emsg)
+ let msg = a:msg
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let msg = ":" . msg
+ endif
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if msg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && msg !~ a:emsg)
+ let match = 0
+ if a:expected " no match although expected
+ if a:msg == ""
+ Xout "Message missing."
+ else
+ let msg = escape(msg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" msg
+ Xout "Expected:" a:enr . ": " . a:emsg
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let match = 1
+ if !a:expected " match although not expected
+ let msg = escape(msg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" msg
+ Xout "Expected none."
+ endif
+ endif
+ return match
+ while 1 " dummy loop
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ let thrmsg = ""
+ call EXEC('echo novar') " normal error
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let thrmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ if !caught
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endif
+ elseif !MATCH(1, thrmsg, 'E121', "Undefined variable")
+ \ || v:errmsg != ""
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !caught && !MATCH(1, v:errmsg, 'E15', "Invalid expression")
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ endif
+ break " discard error if $VIMNOERRTHROW == 1
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ let cmd = "let"
+ XloopINIT 1024 32
+ while cmd != ""
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ let thrmsg = ""
+ call EXEC(cmd . ' novar #') " normal plus syntax error
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let thrmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1024 * (1 + 32)
+ if !caught
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ else
+ if cmd == "let"
+ let match = MATCH(0, thrmsg, 'E121', "Undefined variable")
+ elseif cmd == "unlet"
+ let match = MATCH(0, thrmsg, 'E108', "No such variable")
+ endif
+ if match " normal error
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MATCH(1, thrmsg, 'E488', "Trailing characters")
+ \|| v:errmsg != ""
+ " syntax error
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !caught && !MATCH(1, v:errmsg, 'E488', "Trailing characters")
+ " last error
+ Xloop 16 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if cmd == "let"
+ let cmd = "unlet"
+ else
+ let cmd = ""
+ endif
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue " discard error if $VIMNOERRTHROW == 1
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ let cmd = "let"
+ XloopINIT 2097152 32
+ while cmd != ""
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ let thrmsg = ""
+ call EXEC(cmd . ' {novar}') " normal plus syntax error
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let thrmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xloop 1 " X: 2097152 * (1 + 32)
+ if !caught
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ else
+ if MATCH(0, thrmsg, 'E121', "Undefined variable") " normal error
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MATCH(1, thrmsg, 'E475', 'Invalid argument\>')
+ \ || v:errmsg != "" " syntax error
+ Xloop 8 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !caught && !MATCH(1, v:errmsg, 'E475', 'Invalid argument\>')
+ " last error
+ Xloop 16 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if cmd == "let"
+ let cmd = "unlet"
+ else
+ let cmd = ""
+ endif
+ XloopNEXT
+ continue " discard error if $VIMNOERRTHROW == 1
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); add explicitly:
+ let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+unlet! next_command thrmsg match
+delfunction NEXT
+delfunction EXEC
+delfunction MATCH
+Xcheck 70288929
+" Test 80: Syntax error in expression for illegal :elseif {{{1
+" If there is a syntax error in the expression after an illegal
+" :elseif, an error message is given (or an error exception thrown)
+" for the illegal :elseif rather than the expression error.
+function! MSG(enr, emsg)
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let v:errmsg = ":" . v:errmsg
+ endif
+ let match = 1
+ if v:errmsg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && v:errmsg !~ a:emsg)
+ let match = 0
+ if v:errmsg == ""
+ Xout "Message missing."
+ else
+ let v:errmsg = escape(v:errmsg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ endif
+ return match
+let v:errmsg = ""
+if 0
+elseif 1 ||| 2
+Xpath 1 " X: 1
+if !MSG('E584', ":elseif after :else")
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+let v:errmsg = ""
+if 1
+elseif 1 ||| 2
+Xpath 4 " X: 4
+if !MSG('E584', ":elseif after :else")
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+let v:errmsg = ""
+elseif 1 ||| 2
+Xpath 16 " X: 16
+if !MSG('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+let v:errmsg = ""
+while 1
+ elseif 1 ||| 2
+Xpath 64 " X: 64
+if !MSG('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ if 0
+ else
+ elseif 1 ||| 2
+ endif
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E584', ":elseif after :else")
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ if 1
+ else
+ elseif 1 ||| 2
+ endif
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 4096
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E584', ":elseif after :else")
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ elseif 1 ||| 2
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ let caught = 0
+ while 1
+ elseif 1 ||| 2
+ endwhile
+ catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if !MSG('E582', ":elseif without :if")
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ endif
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+unlet! caught
+delfunction MSG
+Xcheck 17895765
+" Test 81: Discarding exceptions after an error or interrupt {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown from inside a :try conditional without
+" :catch and :finally clauses and an error or interrupt occurs before
+" the :endtry is reached, the exception is discarded.
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+" if 1
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ endtry
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ endtry " INTERRUPT
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+Xcheck 387
+" Test 82: Ignoring :catch clauses after an error or interrupt {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown and an error or interrupt occurs before
+" the matching :catch clause is reached, the exception is discarded
+" and the :catch clause is ignored (also for the error or interrupt
+" exception being thrown then).
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+" if 1
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! E()
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+" if 1
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endfunction
+ call E()
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/ "INTERRUPT
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ function I()
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 0
+ catch /.*/ "INTERRUPT
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" ExtraVimThrowpoint()
+ endtry
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ endfunction
+ call I()
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 0
+Xcheck 8454401
+" Test 83: Executing :finally clauses after an error or interrupt {{{1
+" When an exception is thrown and an error or interrupt occurs before
+" the :finally of the innermost :try is reached, the exception is
+" discarded and the :finally clause is executed.
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ try
+ Xpath 2 " X: 2
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+" if 1
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ " error after :throw: missing :endif
+ finally
+ Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ endtry
+ Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+if ExtraVim()
+ try
+ Xpath 256 " X: 256
+ try
+ Xpath 512 " X: 512
+ throw "arrgh"
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ finally "INTERRUPT
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ endtry
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ catch /arrgh/
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endtry
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+Xcheck 2835
+" Test 84: Exceptions in autocommand sequences. {{{1
+" When an exception occurs in a sequence of autocommands for
+" a specific event, the rest of the sequence is not executed. The
+" command that triggered the autocommand execution aborts, and the
+" exception is propagated to the caller.
+" For the FuncUndefined event under a function call expression or
+" :call command, the function is not executed, even when it has
+" been defined by the autocommands before the exception occurred.
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! INT()
+ let dummy = 0
+ endfunction
+ aug TMP
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd User x1 Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ autocmd User x1 throw "x1"
+ autocmd User x1 Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ autocmd User x2 Xpath 4 " X: 4
+ autocmd User x2 asdf
+ autocmd User x2 Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ autocmd User x3 Xpath 16 " X: 16
+ autocmd User x3 call INT()
+ autocmd User x3 Xpath 32 " X: 0
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 function! U1()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 endfunction
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 Xpath 128 " X: 128
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 throw "U1"
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U1 Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 function! U2()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 endfunction
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 Xpath 1024 " X: 1024
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 ASDF
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U2 Xpath 2048 " X: 0
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 function! U3()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 endfunction
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 Xpath 8192 " X: 8192
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 call INT()
+ autocmd FuncUndefined U3 Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ aug END
+ try
+ try
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 32768
+ doautocmd User x1
+ catch /x1/
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ endtry
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ let caught = 0
+ doautocmd User x2
+ catch /asdf/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 262144
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ " Propagate uncaught error exception,
+ else
+ " ... but break loop for caught error exception,
+ " or discard error and break loop if $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ break
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 1048576
+ let caught = 0
+ doautocmd User x3
+ catch /Vim:Interrupt/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 2097152
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ " Propagate uncaught interrupt exception,
+ else
+ " ... but break loop for caught interrupt exception,
+ " or discard interrupt and break loop if $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ break
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ if exists("*U1") | delfunction U1 | endif
+ if exists("*U2") | delfunction U2 | endif
+ if exists("*U3") | delfunction U3 | endif
+ try
+ Xpath 8388608 " X: 8388608
+ call U1()
+ catch /U1/
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ endtry
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+ let caught = 0
+ call U2()
+ catch /ASDF/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 67108864 " X: 67108864
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 134217728 " X: 0
+ " Propagate uncaught error exception,
+ else
+ " ... but break loop for caught error exception,
+ " or discard error and break loop if $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ break
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ try
+ Xpath 268435456 " X: 268435456
+ let caught = 0
+ call U3()
+ catch /Vim:Interrupt/
+ let caught = 1
+ finally
+ Xpath 536870912 " X: 536870912
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOINTTHROW
+ Xpath 1073741824 " X: 0
+ " Propagate uncaught interrupt exception,
+ else
+ " ... but break loop for caught interrupt exception,
+ " or discard interrupt and break loop if $VIMNOINTTHROW
+ break
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ " The Xpath command does not accept 2^31 (negative); display explicitly:
+ exec "!echo 2147483648 >>" . g:ExtraVimResult
+ Xout "Caught" v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ endtry
+ unlet caught
+ delfunction INT
+ delfunction U1
+ delfunction U2
+ delfunction U3
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+Xcheck 934782101
+" Test 85: Error exceptions in autocommands for I/O command events {{{1
+" When an I/O command is inside :try/:endtry, autocommands to be
+" executed after it should be skipped on an error (exception) in the
+" command itself or in autocommands to be executed before the command.
+" In the latter case, the I/O command should not be executed either.
+" Example 1: BufWritePre, :write, BufWritePost
+" Example 2: FileReadPre, :read, FileReadPost.
+function! MSG(enr, emsg)
+ let english = v:lang == "C" || v:lang =~ '^[Ee]n'
+ if a:enr == ""
+ Xout "TODO: Add message number for:" a:emsg
+ let v:errmsg = ":" . v:errmsg
+ endif
+ let match = 1
+ if v:errmsg !~ '^'.a:enr.':' || (english && v:errmsg !~ a:emsg)
+ let match = 0
+ if v:errmsg == ""
+ Xout "Message missing."
+ else
+ let v:errmsg = escape(v:errmsg, '"')
+ Xout "Unexpected message:" v:errmsg
+ endif
+ endif
+ return match
+" Remove the autocommands for the events specified as arguments in all used
+" autogroups.
+function Delete_autocommands(...)
+ let augfile = tempname()
+ while 1
+ try
+ exec "redir >" . augfile
+ aug
+ redir END
+ exec "edit" augfile
+ g/^$/d
+ norm G$
+ let wrap = "w"
+ while search('\%( \|^\)\@<=.\{-}\%( \)\@=', wrap) > 0
+ let wrap = "W"
+ exec "norm y/ \n"
+ let argno = 1
+ while argno <= a:0
+ exec "au!" escape(@", " ") a:{argno}
+ let argno = argno + 1
+ endwhile
+ endwhile
+ catch /.*/
+ finally
+ bwipeout!
+ call delete(augfile)
+ break " discard errors for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+call Delete_autocommands("BufWritePre", "BufWritePost")
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! BufWritePost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ let caught = 0
+ write /n/o/n/e/x/i/s/t/e/n/t
+ catch /^Vim(write):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(write):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 1 " X: 1
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 2 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:errmsg, '^"/n/o/n/e/x/i/s/t/e/n/t" ',
+ \ '', "")
+ if !MSG('E212', "Can't open file for writing")
+ Xpath 4 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if post
+ Xpath 8 " X: 0
+ Xout "BufWritePost commands executed after write error"
+ endif
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 16 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! BufWritePre * asdf
+ au! BufWritePost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ let tmpfile = tempname()
+ let caught = 0
+ exec "write" tmpfile
+ catch /^Vim\((write)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((write)\)\=:', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 32 " X: 32
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 64 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:errmsg, '^"'.tmpfile.'" ', '', "")
+ if !MSG('E492', "Not an editor command")
+ Xpath 128 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if filereadable(tmpfile)
+ Xpath 256 " X: 0
+ Xout ":write command not suppressed after BufWritePre error"
+ endif
+ if post
+ Xpath 512 " X: 0
+ Xout "BufWritePost commands executed after BufWritePre error"
+ endif
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 1024 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+call delete(tmpfile)
+call Delete_autocommands("BufWritePre", "BufWritePost",
+ \ "BufReadPre", "BufReadPost", "FileReadPre", "FileReadPost")
+while 1
+ try
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! FileReadPost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ let caught = 0
+ read /n/o/n/e/x/i/s/t/e/n/t
+ catch /^Vim(read):/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim(read):', '', "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 2048 " X: 2048
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 4096 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:errmsg, ' /n/o/n/e/x/i/s/t/e/n/t$',
+ \ '', "")
+ if !MSG('E484', "Can't open file")
+ Xpath 8192 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if post
+ Xpath 16384 " X: 0
+ Xout "FileReadPost commands executed after write error"
+ endif
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 32768 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+while 1
+ try
+ let infile = tempname()
+ let tmpfile = tempname()
+ exec "!echo XYZ >" . infile
+ exec "edit" tmpfile
+ try
+ Xpath 65536 " X: 65536
+ try
+ let post = 0
+ aug TMP
+ au! FileReadPre * asdf
+ au! FileReadPost * let post = 1
+ aug END
+ let caught = 0
+ exec "0read" infile
+ catch /^Vim\((read)\)\=:/
+ let caught = 1
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\((read)\)\=:', '',
+ \ "")
+ finally
+ Xpath 131072 " X: 131072
+ if !caught && !$VIMNOERRTHROW
+ Xpath 262144 " X: 0
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = substitute(v:errmsg, ' '.infile.'$', '', "")
+ if !MSG('E492', "Not an editor command")
+ Xpath 524288 " X: 0
+ endif
+ if getline("1") == "XYZ"
+ Xpath 1048576 " X: 0
+ Xout ":read command not suppressed after FileReadPre error"
+ endif
+ if post
+ Xpath 2097152 " X: 0
+ Xout "FileReadPost commands executed after " .
+ \ "FileReadPre error"
+ endif
+ au! TMP
+ aug! TMP
+ endtry
+ finally
+ bwipeout!
+ endtry
+ catch /.*/
+ Xpath 4194304 " X: 0
+ Xout v:exception "in" v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ break " discard error for $VIMNOERRTHROW
+ endtry
+call delete(infile)
+call delete(tmpfile)
+unlet! caught post infile tmpfile
+delfunction MSG
+delfunction Delete_autocommands
+Xcheck 198689
+" Test 86: setloclist crash {{{1
+" Executing a setloclist() on BufUnload shouldn't crash Vim
+func F
+ au BufUnload * :call setloclist(0, [{'bufnr':1, 'lnum':1, 'col':1, 'text': 'tango down'}])
+ :lvimgrep /.*/ *.mak
+ExecAsScript F
+delfunction F
+Xout "No Crash for vimgrep on BufUnload"
+Xcheck 0
+" Test 87 using (expr) ? funcref : funcref {{{1
+" Vim needs to correctly parse the funcref and even when it does
+" not execute the funcref, it needs to consume the trailing ()
+func Add2(x1, x2)
+ return a:x1 + a:x2
+func GetStr()
+ return "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyp"
+echo function('Add2')(2,3)
+Xout 1 ? function('Add2')(1,2) : function('Add2')(2,3)
+Xout 0 ? function('Add2')(1,2) : function('Add2')(2,3)
+" Make sure, GetStr() still works.
+Xout GetStr()[0:10]
+delfunction GetStr
+delfunction Add2
+Xout "Successfully executed funcref Add2"
+Xcheck 0
+" Test 88: $VIMNOERRTHROW and $VIMNOINTTHROW support {{{1
+" It is possible to configure Vim for throwing exceptions on error
+" or interrupt, controlled by variables $VIMNOERRTHROW and
+" $VIMNOINTTHROW. This is just for increasing the number of tests.
+" All tests here should run for all four combinations of setting
+" these variables to 0 or 1. The variables are intended for the
+" development phase only. In the final release, Vim should be
+" configured to always use error and interrupt exceptions.
+" The test result is "OK",
+" - if the $VIMNOERRTHROW and the $VIMNOINTTHROW control are not
+" configured and exceptions are thrown on error and on
+" interrupt.
+" - if the $VIMNOERRTHROW or the $VIMNOINTTHROW control is
+" configured and works as intended.
+" What actually happens, is shown in the test output.
+" Otherwise, the test result is "FAIL", and the test output describes
+" the problem.
+" IMPORTANT: This must be the last test because it sets $VIMNOERRTHROW and
+if ExtraVim()
+ function! ThrowOnError()
+ XloopNEXT
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xloop 1 " X: 1 + 8 + 64
+ asdf
+ catch /.*/
+ let caught = 1 " error exception caught
+ finally
+ Xloop 2 " X: 2 + 16 + 128
+ return caught " discard aborting error
+ endtry
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ let quits_skipped = 0
+ function! ThrowOnInterrupt()
+ XloopNEXT
+ let caught = 0
+ try
+ Xloop 1 " X: (1 + 8 + 64) * 512
+ let dummy = 0
+ let g:quits_skipped = g:quits_skipped + 1
+ catch /.*/
+ let caught = 1 " interrupt exception caught
+ finally
+ Xloop 2 " X: (2 + 16 + 128) * 512
+ return caught " discard interrupt
+ endtry
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0
+ endfunction
+ function! CheckThrow(Type)
+ execute 'return ThrowOn' . a:Type . '()'
+ endfunction
+ function! CheckConfiguration(type) " type is "error" or "interrupt"
+ let type = a:type
+ let Type = substitute(type, '.*', '\u&', "")
+ let VAR = '$VIMNO' . substitute(type, '\(...\).*', '\U\1', "") . 'THROW'
+ if type == "error"
+ XloopINIT! 1 8
+ elseif type == "interrupt"
+ XloopINIT! 512 8
+ endif
+ exec 'let requested_for_tests = exists(VAR) && ' . VAR . ' == 0'
+ exec 'let suppressed_for_tests = ' . VAR . ' != 0'
+ let used_in_tests = CheckThrow(Type)
+ exec 'let ' . VAR . ' = 0'
+ let request_works = CheckThrow(Type)
+ exec 'let ' . VAR . ' = 1'
+ let suppress_works = !CheckThrow(Type)
+ if type == "error"
+ XloopINIT! 262144 8
+ elseif type == "interrupt"
+ XloopINIT! 2097152 8
+ if g:quits_skipped != 0
+ Xloop 1 " X: 0*2097152
+ Xout "Test environment error. Interrupt breakpoints skipped: "
+ \ . g:quits_skipped . ".\n"
+ \ . "Cannot check whether interrupt exceptions are thrown."
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ let failure =
+ \ !suppressed_for_tests && !used_in_tests
+ \ || !request_works
+ let contradiction =
+ \ used_in_tests
+ \ ? suppressed_for_tests && !request_works
+ \ : !suppressed_for_tests
+ if failure
+ " Failure in configuration.
+ Xloop 2 " X: 0 * 2* (262144 + 2097152)
+ elseif contradiction
+ " Failure in test logic. Should not happen.
+ Xloop 4 " X: 0 * 4 * (262144 + 2097152)
+ endif
+ let var_control_configured =
+ \ request_works != used_in_tests
+ \ || suppress_works == used_in_tests
+ let var_control_not_configured =
+ \ requested_for_tests || suppressed_for_tests
+ \ ? request_works && !suppress_works
+ \ : request_works == used_in_tests
+ \ && suppress_works != used_in_tests
+ let with = used_in_tests ? "with" : "without"
+ let set = suppressed_for_tests ? "non-zero" :
+ \ requested_for_tests ? "0" : "unset"
+ let although = contradiction && !var_control_not_configured
+ \ ? ",\nalthough "
+ \ : ".\n"
+ let output = "All tests were run " . with . " throwing exceptions on "
+ \ . type . although
+ if !var_control_not_configured
+ let output = output . VAR . " was " . set . "."
+ if !request_works && !requested_for_tests
+ let output = output .
+ \ "\n" . Type . " exceptions are not thrown when " . VAR .
+ \ " is\nset to 0."
+ endif
+ if !suppress_works && (!used_in_tests ||
+ \ !request_works &&
+ \ !requested_for_tests && !suppressed_for_tests)
+ let output = output .
+ \ "\n" . Type . " exceptions are thrown when " . VAR .
+ \ " is set to 1."
+ endif
+ if !failure && var_control_configured
+ let output = output .
+ \ "\nRun tests also with " . substitute(VAR, '^\$', '', "")
+ \ . "=" . used_in_tests . "."
+ \ . "\nThis is for testing in the development phase only."
+ \ . " Remove the \n"
+ \ . VAR . " control in the final release."
+ endif
+ else
+ let output = output .
+ \ "The " . VAR . " control is not configured."
+ endif
+ Xout output
+ endfunction
+ call CheckConfiguration("error")
+ Xpath 16777216 " X: 16777216
+ call CheckConfiguration("interrupt")
+ Xpath 33554432 " X: 33554432
+Xcheck 50443995
+" IMPORTANT: No test should be added after this test because it changes
+" Modelines {{{1
+" vim: ts=8 sw=4 tw=80 fdm=marker
+" vim: fdt=substitute(substitute(foldtext(),\ '\\%(^+--\\)\\@<=\\(\\s*\\)\\(.\\{-}\\)\:\ \\%(\"\ \\)\\=\\(Test\ \\d*\\)\:\\s*',\ '\\3\ (\\2)\:\ \\1',\ \"\"),\ '\\(Test\\s*\\)\\(\\d\\)\\D\\@=',\ '\\1\ \\2',\ "")