path: root/src/testdir/test_channel.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2028 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_channel.vim b/src/testdir/test_channel.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aef3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_channel.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,2028 @@
+" Test for channel functions.
+if !has('channel')
+ finish
+source shared.vim
+let s:python = PythonProg()
+if s:python == ''
+ " Can't run this test without Python.
+ finish
+" Uncomment the next line to see what happens. Output is in
+" src/testdir/channellog.
+" call ch_logfile('channellog', 'w')
+let s:chopt = {}
+" Run "testfunc" after sarting the server and stop the server afterwards.
+func s:run_server(testfunc, ...)
+ call RunServer('', a:testfunc, a:000)
+" Return a list of open files.
+" Can be used to make sure no resources leaked.
+" Returns an empty list on systems where this is not supported.
+func s:get_resources()
+ let pid = getpid()
+ if executable('lsof')
+ return systemlist('lsof -p ' . pid . ' | awk ''$4~/^[0-9]*[rwu]$/&&$5=="REG"{print$NF}''')
+ elseif isdirectory('/proc/' . pid . '/fd/')
+ return systemlist('readlink /proc/' . pid . '/fd/* | grep -v ''^/dev/''')
+ else
+ return []
+ endif
+let g:Ch_responseMsg = ''
+func Ch_requestHandler(handle, msg)
+ let g:Ch_responseHandle = a:handle
+ let g:Ch_responseMsg = a:msg
+func Ch_communicate(port)
+ " Avoid dropping messages, since we don't use a callback here.
+ let s:chopt.drop = 'never'
+ " Also add the noblock flag to try it out.
+ let s:chopt.noblock = 1
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ unlet s:chopt.drop
+ unlet s:chopt.noblock
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ if has('job')
+ " check that getjob without a job is handled correctly
+ call assert_equal('no process', string(ch_getjob(handle)))
+ endif
+ let dict = ch_info(handle)
+ call assert_true( != 0)
+ call assert_equal('open', dict.status)
+ call assert_equal(a:port, string(dict.port))
+ call assert_equal('open', dict.sock_status)
+ call assert_equal('socket', dict.sock_io)
+ " Simple string request and reply.
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!'))
+ " Malformed command should be ignored.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'malformed1'))
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'malformed2'))
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'malformed3'))
+ " split command should work
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'split'))
+ call WaitFor('exists("g:split")')
+ call assert_equal(123, g:split)
+ " string with ][ should work
+ call assert_equal('this][that', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'echo this][that'))
+ " nothing to read now
+ call assert_equal(0, ch_canread(handle))
+ " sending three messages quickly then reading should work
+ for i in range(3)
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'echo hello ' . i)
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal('hello 0', ch_read(handle)[1])
+ call assert_equal('hello 1', ch_read(handle)[1])
+ call assert_equal('hello 2', ch_read(handle)[1])
+ " Request that triggers sending two ex commands. These will usually be
+ " handled before getting the response, but it's not guaranteed, thus wait a
+ " tiny bit for the commands to get executed.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'make change'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("added2", getline("$"))})
+ call assert_equal('added1', getline(line('$') - 1))
+ " Request command "foo bar", which fails silently.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'bad command'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match("E492:.*foo bar", v:errmsg)})
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'do normal', {'timeout': 100}))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('added more', getline('$'))})
+ " Send a request with a specific handler.
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!', {'callback': 'Ch_requestHandler'})
+ call WaitFor('exists("g:Ch_responseHandle")')
+ if !exists('g:Ch_responseHandle')
+ call assert_report('g:Ch_responseHandle was not set')
+ else
+ call assert_equal(handle, g:Ch_responseHandle)
+ unlet g:Ch_responseHandle
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('got it', g:Ch_responseMsg)
+ let g:Ch_responseMsg = ''
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!', {'callback': function('Ch_requestHandler')})
+ call WaitFor('exists("g:Ch_responseHandle")')
+ if !exists('g:Ch_responseHandle')
+ call assert_report('g:Ch_responseHandle was not set')
+ else
+ call assert_equal(handle, g:Ch_responseHandle)
+ unlet g:Ch_responseHandle
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('got it', g:Ch_responseMsg)
+ " Using lambda.
+ let g:Ch_responseMsg = ''
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!', {'callback': {a, b -> Ch_requestHandler(a, b)}})
+ call WaitFor('exists("g:Ch_responseHandle")')
+ if !exists('g:Ch_responseHandle')
+ call assert_report('g:Ch_responseHandle was not set')
+ else
+ call assert_equal(handle, g:Ch_responseHandle)
+ unlet g:Ch_responseHandle
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('got it', g:Ch_responseMsg)
+ " Collect garbage, tests that our handle isn't collected.
+ call test_garbagecollect_now()
+ " check setting options (without testing the effect)
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'callback': 's:NotUsed'})
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'timeout': 1111})
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'mode': 'json'})
+ call assert_fails("call ch_setoptions(handle, {'waittime': 111})", "E475")
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'callback': ''})
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'drop': 'never'})
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'drop': 'auto'})
+ call assert_fails("call ch_setoptions(handle, {'drop': 'bad'})", "E475")
+ " Send an eval request that works.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-works'))
+ sleep 10m
+ call assert_equal([-1, 'foo123'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result'))
+ " Send an eval request with special characters.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-special'))
+ sleep 10m
+ call assert_equal([-2, "foo\x7f\x10\x01bar"], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result'))
+ " Send an eval request to get a line with special characters.
+ call setline(3, "a\nb\<CR>c\x01d\x7fe")
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-getline'))
+ sleep 10m
+ call assert_equal([-3, "a\nb\<CR>c\x01d\x7fe"], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result'))
+ " Send an eval request that fails.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-fails'))
+ sleep 10m
+ call assert_equal([-4, 'ERROR'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result'))
+ " Send an eval request that works but can't be encoded.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-error'))
+ sleep 10m
+ call assert_equal([-5, 'ERROR'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result'))
+ " Send a bad eval request. There will be no response.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-bad'))
+ sleep 10m
+ call assert_equal([-5, 'ERROR'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result'))
+ " Send an expr request
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'an expr'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('three', getline('$'))})
+ call assert_equal('one', getline(line('$') - 2))
+ call assert_equal('two', getline(line('$') - 1))
+ " Request a redraw, we don't check for the effect.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'redraw'))
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'redraw!'))
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'empty-request'))
+ " Reading while there is nothing available.
+ call assert_equal(v:none, ch_read(handle, {'timeout': 0}))
+ let start = reltime()
+ call assert_equal(v:none, ch_read(handle, {'timeout': 333}))
+ let elapsed = reltime(start)
+ call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) > 0.3)
+ call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) < 0.6)
+ " Send without waiting for a response, then wait for a response.
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'wait a bit')
+ let resp = ch_read(handle)
+ call assert_equal(type([]), type(resp))
+ call assert_equal(type(11), type(resp[0]))
+ call assert_equal('waited', resp[1])
+ " make the server quit, can't check if this works, should not hang.
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, '!quit!')
+func Test_communicate()
+ call ch_log('Test_communicate()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_communicate')
+" Test that we can open two channels.
+func Ch_two_channels(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ call assert_equal(v:t_channel, type(handle))
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!'))
+ let newhandle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(newhandle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open second channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(newhandle, 'hello!'))
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!'))
+ call ch_close(handle)
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(newhandle, 'hello!'))
+ call ch_close(newhandle)
+func Test_two_channels()
+ call ch_log('Test_two_channels()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_two_channels')
+" Test that a server crash is handled gracefully.
+func Ch_server_crash(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_evalexpr(handle, '!crash!')
+ sleep 10m
+func Test_server_crash()
+ call ch_log('Test_server_crash()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_server_crash')
+func Ch_handler(chan, msg)
+ call ch_log('Ch_handler()')
+ unlet g:Ch_reply
+ let g:Ch_reply = a:msg
+func Ch_channel_handler(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ " Test that it works while waiting on a numbered message.
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'call me'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('we called you', g:Ch_reply)})
+ " Test that it works while not waiting on a numbered message.
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'call me again')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('we did call you', g:Ch_reply)})
+func Test_channel_handler()
+ call ch_log('Test_channel_handler()')
+ let g:Ch_reply = ""
+ let s:chopt.callback = 'Ch_handler'
+ call s:run_server('Ch_channel_handler')
+ let g:Ch_reply = ""
+ let s:chopt.callback = function('Ch_handler')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_channel_handler')
+ unlet s:chopt.callback
+let g:Ch_reply = ''
+func Ch_zeroHandler(chan, msg)
+ unlet g:Ch_reply
+ let g:Ch_reply = a:msg
+let g:Ch_zero_reply = ''
+func Ch_oneHandler(chan, msg)
+ unlet g:Ch_zero_reply
+ let g:Ch_zero_reply = a:msg
+func Ch_channel_zero(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ " Check that eval works.
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!'))
+ " Check that eval works if a zero id message is sent back.
+ let g:Ch_reply = ''
+ call assert_equal('sent zero', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'send zero'))
+ if s:has_handler
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('zero index', g:Ch_reply)})
+ else
+ sleep 20m
+ call assert_equal('', g:Ch_reply)
+ endif
+ " Check that handler works if a zero id message is sent back.
+ let g:Ch_reply = ''
+ let g:Ch_zero_reply = ''
+ call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'send zero', {'callback': 'Ch_oneHandler'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('sent zero', g:Ch_zero_reply)})
+ if s:has_handler
+ call assert_equal('zero index', g:Ch_reply)
+ else
+ call assert_equal('', g:Ch_reply)
+ endif
+func Test_zero_reply()
+ call ch_log('Test_zero_reply()')
+ " Run with channel handler
+ let s:has_handler = 1
+ let s:chopt.callback = 'Ch_zeroHandler'
+ call s:run_server('Ch_channel_zero')
+ unlet s:chopt.callback
+ " Run without channel handler
+ let s:has_handler = 0
+ call s:run_server('Ch_channel_zero')
+let g:Ch_reply1 = ""
+func Ch_handleRaw1(chan, msg)
+ unlet g:Ch_reply1
+ let g:Ch_reply1 = a:msg
+let g:Ch_reply2 = ""
+func Ch_handleRaw2(chan, msg)
+ unlet g:Ch_reply2
+ let g:Ch_reply2 = a:msg
+let g:Ch_reply3 = ""
+func Ch_handleRaw3(chan, msg)
+ unlet g:Ch_reply3
+ let g:Ch_reply3 = a:msg
+func Ch_raw_one_time_callback(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'mode': 'raw'})
+ " The messages are sent raw, we do our own JSON strings here.
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "[1, \"hello!\"]\n", {'callback': 'Ch_handleRaw1'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("[1, \"got it\"]", g:Ch_reply1)})
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "[2, \"echo something\"]\n", {'callback': 'Ch_handleRaw2'})
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "[3, \"wait a bit\"]\n", {'callback': 'Ch_handleRaw3'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("[2, \"something\"]", g:Ch_reply2)})
+ " wait for the 200 msec delayed reply
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("[3, \"waited\"]", g:Ch_reply3)})
+func Test_raw_one_time_callback()
+ call ch_log('Test_raw_one_time_callback()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_raw_one_time_callback')
+" Test that trying to connect to a non-existing port fails quickly.
+func Test_connect_waittime()
+ call ch_log('Test_connect_waittime()')
+ let start = reltime()
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:9876', s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) != "fail"
+ " Oops, port does exists.
+ call ch_close(handle)
+ else
+ let elapsed = reltime(start)
+ call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) < 1.0)
+ endif
+ " We intend to use a socket that doesn't exist and wait for half a second
+ " before giving up. If the socket does exist it can fail in various ways.
+ " Check for "Connection reset by peer" to avoid flakyness.
+ let start = reltime()
+ try
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:9867', {'waittime': 500})
+ if ch_status(handle) != "fail"
+ " Oops, port does exists.
+ call ch_close(handle)
+ else
+ " Failed connection should wait about 500 msec. Can be longer if the
+ " computer is busy with other things.
+ let elapsed = reltime(start)
+ call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) > 0.3)
+ call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) < 1.5)
+ endif
+ catch
+ if v:exception !~ 'Connection reset by peer'
+ call assert_report("Caught exception: " . v:exception)
+ endif
+ endtry
+func Test_raw_pipe()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_raw_pipe()')
+ " Add a dummy close callback to avoid that messages are dropped when calling
+ " ch_canread().
+ " Also test the non-blocking option.
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'mode': 'raw', 'drop': 'never', 'noblock': 1})
+ call assert_equal(v:t_job, type(job))
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ call assert_equal("open", ch_status(job))
+ call assert_equal("open", ch_status(job), {"part": "out"})
+ call assert_equal("open", ch_status(job), {"part": "err"})
+ call assert_fails('call ch_status(job, {"in_mode": "raw"})', 'E475:')
+ call assert_fails('call ch_status(job, {"part": "in"})', 'E475:')
+ let dict = ch_info(job)
+ call assert_true( != 0)
+ call assert_equal('open', dict.status)
+ call assert_equal('open', dict.out_status)
+ call assert_equal('RAW', dict.out_mode)
+ call assert_equal('pipe', dict.out_io)
+ call assert_equal('open', dict.err_status)
+ call assert_equal('RAW', dict.err_mode)
+ call assert_equal('pipe', dict.err_io)
+ try
+ " For a change use the job where a channel is expected.
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "echo something\n")
+ let msg = ch_readraw(job)
+ call assert_equal("something\n", substitute(msg, "\r", "", 'g'))
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "double this\n")
+ let g:handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call WaitFor('ch_canread(g:handle)')
+ unlet g:handle
+ let msg = ch_readraw(job)
+ call assert_equal("this\nAND this\n", substitute(msg, "\r", "", 'g'))
+ let g:Ch_reply = ""
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "double this\n", {'callback': 'Ch_handler'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("this\nAND this\n", substitute(g:Ch_reply, "\r", "", 'g'))})
+ let reply = ch_evalraw(job, "quit\n", {'timeout': 100})
+ call assert_equal("Goodbye!\n", substitute(reply, "\r", "", 'g'))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+ let g:Ch_job = job
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(g:Ch_job))})
+ let info = job_info(job)
+ call assert_equal("dead", info.status)
+ call assert_equal("term", info.stoponexit)
+ call assert_equal(2, len(info.cmd))
+ call assert_equal("", info.cmd[1])
+ let found = 0
+ for j in job_info()
+ if j == job
+ let found += 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal(1, found)
+func Test_raw_pipe_blob()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_raw_pipe_blob()')
+ " Add a dummy close callback to avoid that messages are dropped when calling
+ " ch_canread().
+ " Also test the non-blocking option.
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'mode': 'raw', 'drop': 'never', 'noblock': 1})
+ call assert_equal(v:t_job, type(job))
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ call assert_equal("open", ch_status(job))
+ call assert_equal("open", ch_status(job), {"part": "out"})
+ try
+ " Create a blob with the echo command and write it.
+ let blob = 0z00
+ let cmd = "echo something\n"
+ for i in range(0, len(cmd) - 1)
+ let blob[i] = char2nr(cmd[i])
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal(len(cmd), len(blob))
+ call ch_sendraw(job, blob)
+ " Read a blob with the reply.
+ let msg = ch_readblob(job)
+ let expected = 'something'
+ for i in range(0, len(expected) - 1)
+ call assert_equal(char2nr(expected[i]), msg[i])
+ endfor
+ let reply = ch_evalraw(job, "quit\n", {'timeout': 100})
+ call assert_equal("Goodbye!\n", substitute(reply, "\r", "", 'g'))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+ let g:Ch_job = job
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(g:Ch_job))})
+ let info = job_info(job)
+ call assert_equal("dead", info.status)
+func Test_nl_pipe()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_nl_pipe()')
+ let job = job_start([s:python, ""])
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo something\n")
+ call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle))
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr wrong\n")
+ call assert_equal("wrong", ch_readraw(handle, {'part': 'err'}))
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n")
+ call assert_equal("this", ch_readraw(handle))
+ call assert_equal("AND this", ch_readraw(handle))
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "split this line\n")
+ call assert_equal("this linethis linethis line", ch_read(handle))
+ let reply = ch_evalraw(handle, "quit\n")
+ call assert_equal("Goodbye!", reply)
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_nl_err_to_out_pipe()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_logfile('Xlog')
+ call ch_log('Test_nl_err_to_out_pipe()')
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "", {'err_io': 'out'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo something\n")
+ call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle))
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr wrong\n")
+ call assert_equal("wrong", ch_readraw(handle))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ call ch_logfile('')
+ let loglines = readfile('Xlog')
+ call assert_true(len(loglines) > 10)
+ let found_test = 0
+ let found_send = 0
+ let found_recv = 0
+ let found_stop = 0
+ for l in loglines
+ if l =~ 'Test_nl_err_to_out_pipe'
+ let found_test = 1
+ endif
+ if l =~ 'SEND on.*echo something'
+ let found_send = 1
+ endif
+ if l =~ 'RECV on.*something'
+ let found_recv = 1
+ endif
+ if l =~ 'Stopping job with'
+ let found_stop = 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal(1, found_test)
+ call assert_equal(1, found_send)
+ call assert_equal(1, found_recv)
+ call assert_equal(1, found_stop)
+ " On MS-Windows need to sleep for a moment to be able to delete the file.
+ sleep 10m
+ call delete('Xlog')
+ endtry
+func Stop_g_job()
+ call job_stop(g:job)
+ if has('win32')
+ " On MS-Windows the server must close the file handle before we are able
+ " to delete the file.
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))})
+ sleep 10m
+ endif
+func Test_nl_read_file()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_nl_read_file()')
+ call writefile(['echo something', 'echoerr wrong', 'double this'], 'Xinput')
+ let g:job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'in_io': 'file', 'in_name': 'Xinput'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(g:job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(g:job)
+ call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle))
+ call assert_equal("wrong", ch_readraw(handle, {'part': 'err'}))
+ call assert_equal("this", ch_readraw(handle))
+ call assert_equal("AND this", ch_readraw(handle))
+ finally
+ call Stop_g_job()
+ call delete('Xinput')
+ endtry
+func Test_nl_write_out_file()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_nl_write_out_file()')
+ let g:job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': 'Xoutput'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(g:job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(g:job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line two\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this'], readfile('Xoutput'))})
+ finally
+ call Stop_g_job()
+ call assert_equal(-1, match(s:get_resources(), '\(^\|/\)Xoutput$'))
+ call delete('Xoutput')
+ endtry
+func Test_nl_write_err_file()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_nl_write_err_file()')
+ let g:job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'err_io': 'file', 'err_name': 'Xoutput'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(g:job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(g:job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr line two\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "doubleerr this\n")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this'], readfile('Xoutput'))})
+ finally
+ call Stop_g_job()
+ call delete('Xoutput')
+ endtry
+func Test_nl_write_both_file()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_nl_write_both_file()')
+ let g:job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': 'Xoutput', 'err_io': 'out'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(g:job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(g:job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line two\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "doubleerr that\n")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this', 'that', 'AND that'], readfile('Xoutput'))})
+ finally
+ call Stop_g_job()
+ call assert_equal(-1, match(s:get_resources(), '\(^\|/\)Xoutput$'))
+ call delete('Xoutput')
+ endtry
+func BufCloseCb(ch)
+ let g:Ch_bufClosed = 'yes'
+func Run_test_pipe_to_buffer(use_name, nomod, do_msg)
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_to_buffer()')
+ let g:Ch_bufClosed = 'no'
+ let options = {'out_io': 'buffer', 'close_cb': 'BufCloseCb'}
+ let expected = ['', 'line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this', 'Goodbye!']
+ if a:use_name
+ let options['out_name'] = 'pipe-output'
+ if a:do_msg
+ let expected[0] = 'Reading from channel output...'
+ else
+ let options['out_msg'] = 0
+ call remove(expected, 0)
+ endif
+ else
+ sp pipe-output
+ let options['out_buf'] = bufnr('%')
+ quit
+ call remove(expected, 0)
+ endif
+ if a:nomod
+ let options['out_modifiable'] = 0
+ endif
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "", options)
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line two\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "quit\n")
+ sp pipe-output
+ call WaitFor('line("$") == ' . len(expected) . ' && g:Ch_bufClosed == "yes"')
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ if a:nomod
+ call assert_equal(0, &modifiable)
+ else
+ call assert_equal(1, &modifiable)
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('yes', g:Ch_bufClosed)
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_pipe_to_buffer_name()
+ call Run_test_pipe_to_buffer(1, 0, 1)
+func Test_pipe_to_buffer_nr()
+ call Run_test_pipe_to_buffer(0, 0, 1)
+func Test_pipe_to_buffer_name_nomod()
+ call Run_test_pipe_to_buffer(1, 1, 1)
+func Test_pipe_to_buffer_name_nomsg()
+ call Run_test_pipe_to_buffer(1, 0, 1)
+func Test_close_output_buffer()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ enew!
+ let test_lines = ['one', 'two']
+ call setline(1, test_lines)
+ call ch_log('Test_close_output_buffer()')
+ let options = {'out_io': 'buffer'}
+ let options['out_name'] = 'buffer-output'
+ let options['out_msg'] = 0
+ split buffer-output
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "", options)
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(3, line('$'))})
+ quit!
+ sleep 100m
+ " Make sure the write didn't happen to the wrong buffer.
+ call assert_equal(test_lines, getline(1, line('$')))
+ call assert_equal(-1, bufwinnr('buffer-output'))
+ sbuf buffer-output
+ call assert_notequal(-1, bufwinnr('buffer-output'))
+ sleep 100m
+ close " no more writes
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Run_test_pipe_err_to_buffer(use_name, nomod, do_msg)
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_err_to_buffer()')
+ let options = {'err_io': 'buffer'}
+ let expected = ['', 'line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this']
+ if a:use_name
+ let options['err_name'] = 'pipe-err'
+ if a:do_msg
+ let expected[0] = 'Reading from channel error...'
+ else
+ let options['err_msg'] = 0
+ call remove(expected, 0)
+ endif
+ else
+ sp pipe-err
+ let options['err_buf'] = bufnr('%')
+ quit
+ call remove(expected, 0)
+ endif
+ if a:nomod
+ let options['err_modifiable'] = 0
+ endif
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "", options)
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr line two\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "doubleerr this\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "quit\n")
+ sp pipe-err
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))})
+ if a:nomod
+ call assert_equal(0, &modifiable)
+ else
+ call assert_equal(1, &modifiable)
+ endif
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_pipe_err_to_buffer_name()
+ call Run_test_pipe_err_to_buffer(1, 0, 1)
+func Test_pipe_err_to_buffer_nr()
+ call Run_test_pipe_err_to_buffer(0, 0, 1)
+func Test_pipe_err_to_buffer_name_nomod()
+ call Run_test_pipe_err_to_buffer(1, 1, 1)
+func Test_pipe_err_to_buffer_name_nomsg()
+ call Run_test_pipe_err_to_buffer(1, 0, 0)
+func Test_pipe_both_to_buffer()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_both_to_buffer()')
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'pipe-err', 'err_io': 'out'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr line two\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "doubleerr that\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "quit\n")
+ sp pipe-err
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['Reading from channel output...', 'line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this', 'that', 'AND that', 'Goodbye!'], getline(1, '$'))})
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Run_test_pipe_from_buffer(use_name)
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_from_buffer()')
+ sp pipe-input
+ call setline(1, ['echo one', 'echo two', 'echo three'])
+ let options = {'in_io': 'buffer', 'block_write': 1}
+ if a:use_name
+ let options['in_name'] = 'pipe-input'
+ else
+ let options['in_buf'] = bufnr('%')
+ endif
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "", options)
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call assert_equal('one', ch_read(handle))
+ call assert_equal('two', ch_read(handle))
+ call assert_equal('three', ch_read(handle))
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_pipe_from_buffer_name()
+ call Run_test_pipe_from_buffer(1)
+func Test_pipe_from_buffer_nr()
+ call Run_test_pipe_from_buffer(0)
+func Run_pipe_through_sort(all, use_buffer)
+ if !executable('sort') || !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let options = {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'sortout'}
+ if a:use_buffer
+ split sortin
+ call setline(1, ['ccc', 'aaa', 'ddd', 'bbb', 'eee'])
+ let options.in_io = 'buffer'
+ let options.in_name = 'sortin'
+ endif
+ if !a:all
+ let options.in_top = 2
+ let options.in_bot = 4
+ endif
+ let job = job_start('sort', options)
+ if !a:use_buffer
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "ccc\naaa\nddd\nbbb\neee\n")
+ call ch_close_in(job)
+ endif
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
+ sp sortout
+ call WaitFor('line("$") > 3')
+ call assert_equal('Reading from channel output...', getline(1))
+ if a:all
+ call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd', 'eee'], getline(2, 6))
+ else
+ call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ddd'], getline(2, 4))
+ endif
+ call job_stop(job)
+ if a:use_buffer
+ bwipe! sortin
+ endif
+ bwipe! sortout
+func Test_pipe_through_sort_all()
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_through_sort_all()')
+ call Run_pipe_through_sort(1, 1)
+func Test_pipe_through_sort_some()
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_through_sort_some()')
+ call Run_pipe_through_sort(0, 1)
+func Test_pipe_through_sort_feed()
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_through_sort_feed()')
+ call Run_pipe_through_sort(1, 0)
+func Test_pipe_to_nameless_buffer()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_to_nameless_buffer()')
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_io': 'buffer'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line one\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line two\n")
+ exe ch_getbufnr(handle, "out") . 'sbuf'
+ call WaitFor('line("$") >= 3')
+ call assert_equal(['Reading from channel output...', 'line one', 'line two'], getline(1, '$'))
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_pipe_to_buffer_json()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_to_buffer_json()')
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_mode': 'json'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo [0, \"hello\"]\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo [-2, 12.34]\n")
+ exe ch_getbufnr(handle, "out") . 'sbuf'
+ call WaitFor('line("$") >= 3')
+ call assert_equal(['Reading from channel output...', '[0,"hello"]', '[-2,12.34]'], getline(1, '$'))
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+" Wait a little while for the last line, minus "offset", to equal "line".
+func s:wait_for_last_line(line, offset)
+ for i in range(100)
+ if getline(line('$') - a:offset) == a:line
+ break
+ endif
+ sleep 10m
+ endfor
+func Test_pipe_io_two_buffers()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_io_two_buffers()')
+ " Create two buffers, one to read from and one to write to.
+ split pipe-output
+ set buftype=nofile
+ split pipe-input
+ set buftype=nofile
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'in_io': 'buffer', 'in_name': 'pipe-input', 'in_top': 0,
+ \ 'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'pipe-output',
+ \ 'block_write': 1})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ exe "normal Gaecho hello\<CR>"
+ exe bufwinnr('pipe-output') . "wincmd w"
+ call s:wait_for_last_line('hello', 0)
+ call assert_equal('hello', getline('$'))
+ exe bufwinnr('pipe-input') . "wincmd w"
+ exe "normal Gadouble this\<CR>"
+ exe bufwinnr('pipe-output') . "wincmd w"
+ call s:wait_for_last_line('AND this', 0)
+ call assert_equal('this', getline(line('$') - 1))
+ call assert_equal('AND this', getline('$'))
+ bwipe!
+ exe bufwinnr('pipe-input') . "wincmd w"
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_pipe_io_one_buffer()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_io_one_buffer()')
+ " Create one buffer to read from and to write to.
+ split pipe-io
+ set buftype=nofile
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'in_io': 'buffer', 'in_name': 'pipe-io', 'in_top': 0,
+ \ 'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'pipe-io',
+ \ 'block_write': 1})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ exe "normal Goecho hello\<CR>"
+ call s:wait_for_last_line('hello', 1)
+ call assert_equal('hello', getline(line('$') - 1))
+ exe "normal Gadouble this\<CR>"
+ call s:wait_for_last_line('AND this', 1)
+ call assert_equal('this', getline(line('$') - 2))
+ call assert_equal('AND this', getline(line('$') - 1))
+ bwipe!
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_pipe_null()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_pipe_null()')
+ " We cannot check that no I/O works, we only check that the job starts
+ " properly.
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " something",
+ \ {'in_io': 'null'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ call assert_equal('something', ch_read(job))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " err-out",
+ \ {'out_io': 'null'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ call assert_equal('err-out', ch_read(job, {"part": "err"}))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " something",
+ \ {'err_io': 'null'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ call assert_equal('something', ch_read(job))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " something",
+ \ {'out_io': 'null', 'err_io': 'out'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ call job_stop(job)
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " something",
+ \ {'in_io': 'null', 'out_io': 'null', 'err_io': 'null'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ call assert_equal('channel fail', string(job_getchannel(job)))
+ call assert_equal('fail', ch_status(job))
+ call job_stop(job)
+func Test_pipe_to_buffer_raw()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_raw_pipe_to_buffer()')
+ let options = {'out_mode': 'raw', 'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'testout'}
+ split testout
+ let job = job_start([s:python, '-c',
+ \ 'import sys; [sys.stdout.write(".") and sys.stdout.flush() for _ in range(10000)]'], options)
+ " the job may be done quickly, also accept "dead"
+ call assert_match('^\%(dead\|run\)$', job_status(job))
+ call WaitFor('len(join(getline(1, "$"), "")) >= 10000')
+ try
+ let totlen = 0
+ for line in getline(1, '$')
+ call assert_equal('', substitute(line, '^\.*', '', ''))
+ let totlen += len(line)
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal(10000, totlen)
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ bwipe!
+ endtry
+func Test_reuse_channel()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_reuse_channel()')
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "")
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ try
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo something\n")
+ call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "", {'channel': handle})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ let handle = job_getchannel(job)
+ try
+ call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo again\n")
+ call assert_equal("again", ch_readraw(handle))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_out_cb()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_out_cb()')
+ let dict = {'thisis': 'dict: '}
+ func dict.outHandler(chan, msg) dict
+ if type(a:msg) == v:t_string
+ let g:Ch_outmsg = self.thisis . a:msg
+ else
+ let g:Ch_outobj = a:msg
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ func dict.errHandler(chan, msg) dict
+ let g:Ch_errmsg = self.thisis . a:msg
+ endfunc
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_cb': dict.outHandler,
+ \ 'out_mode': 'json',
+ \ 'err_cb': dict.errHandler,
+ \ 'err_mode': 'json'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let g:Ch_outmsg = ''
+ let g:Ch_errmsg = ''
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "echo [0, \"hello\"]\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "echoerr [0, \"there\"]\n")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dict: hello", g:Ch_outmsg)})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dict: there", g:Ch_errmsg)})
+ " Receive a json object split in pieces
+ unlet! g:Ch_outobj
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "echosplit [0, {\"one\": 1,| \"tw|o\": 2, \"three\": 3|}]\n")
+ let g:Ch_outobj = ''
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal({'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}, g:Ch_outobj)})
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_out_close_cb()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_out_close_cb()')
+ let s:counter = 1
+ let g:Ch_msg1 = ''
+ let g:Ch_closemsg = 0
+ func! OutHandler(chan, msg)
+ if s:counter == 1
+ let g:Ch_msg1 = a:msg
+ endif
+ let s:counter += 1
+ endfunc
+ func! CloseHandler(chan)
+ let g:Ch_closemsg = s:counter
+ let s:counter += 1
+ endfunc
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " quit now",
+ \ {'out_cb': 'OutHandler',
+ \ 'close_cb': 'CloseHandler'})
+ " the job may be done quickly, also accept "dead"
+ call assert_match('^\%(dead\|run\)$', job_status(job))
+ try
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('quit', g:Ch_msg1)})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, g:Ch_closemsg)})
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ delfunc OutHandler
+ delfunc CloseHandler
+ endtry
+func Test_read_in_close_cb()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_read_in_close_cb()')
+ let g:Ch_received = ''
+ func! CloseHandler(chan)
+ let g:Ch_received = ch_read(a:chan)
+ endfunc
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " quit now",
+ \ {'close_cb': 'CloseHandler'})
+ " the job may be done quickly, also accept "dead"
+ call assert_match('^\%(dead\|run\)$', job_status(job))
+ try
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('quit', g:Ch_received)})
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ delfunc CloseHandler
+ endtry
+" Use channel in NL mode but received text does not end in NL.
+func Test_read_in_close_cb_incomplete()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_read_in_close_cb_incomplete()')
+ let g:Ch_received = ''
+ func! CloseHandler(chan)
+ while ch_status(a:chan, {'part': 'out'}) == 'buffered'
+ let g:Ch_received .= ch_read(a:chan)
+ endwhile
+ endfunc
+ let job = job_start(s:python . " incomplete",
+ \ {'close_cb': 'CloseHandler'})
+ " the job may be done quickly, also accept "dead"
+ call assert_match('^\%(dead\|run\)$', job_status(job))
+ try
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('incomplete', g:Ch_received)})
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ delfunc CloseHandler
+ endtry
+func Test_out_cb_lambda()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_out_cb_lambda()')
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'out_cb': {ch, msg -> execute("let g:Ch_outmsg = 'lambda: ' . msg")},
+ \ 'out_mode': 'json',
+ \ 'err_cb': {ch, msg -> execute(":let g:Ch_errmsg = 'lambda: ' . msg")},
+ \ 'err_mode': 'json'})
+ call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+ try
+ let g:Ch_outmsg = ''
+ let g:Ch_errmsg = ''
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "echo [0, \"hello\"]\n")
+ call ch_sendraw(job, "echoerr [0, \"there\"]\n")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("lambda: hello", g:Ch_outmsg)})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("lambda: there", g:Ch_errmsg)})
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ endtry
+func Test_close_and_exit_cb()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_log('Test_close_and_exit_cb')
+ let g:retdict = {'ret': {}}
+ func g:retdict.close_cb(ch) dict
+ let self.ret['close_cb'] = job_status(ch_getjob(a:ch))
+ endfunc
+ func g:retdict.exit_cb(job, status) dict
+ let self.ret['exit_cb'] = job_status(a:job)
+ endfunc
+ let job = job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, 'echo'],
+ \ {'close_cb': g:retdict.close_cb,
+ \ 'exit_cb': g:retdict.exit_cb})
+ " the job may be done quickly, also accept "dead"
+ call assert_match('^\%(dead\|run\)$', job_status(job))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, len(g:retdict.ret))})
+ call assert_match('^\%(dead\|run\)$', g:retdict.ret['close_cb'])
+ call assert_equal('dead', g:retdict.ret['exit_cb'])
+ unlet g:retdict
+function ExitCbWipe(job, status)
+ exe g:wipe_buf 'bw!'
+" This caused a crash, because messages were handled while peeking for a
+" character.
+func Test_exit_cb_wipes_buf()
+ if !has('timers')
+ return
+ endif
+ set cursorline lazyredraw
+ call test_override('redraw_flag', 1)
+ new
+ let g:wipe_buf = bufnr('')
+ let job = job_start(has('win32') ? 'cmd /c echo:' : ['true'],
+ \ {'exit_cb': 'ExitCbWipe'})
+ let timer = timer_start(300, {-> feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'nt')}, {'repeat': 5})
+ call feedkeys(repeat('g', 1000) . 'o', 'ntx!')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
+ call timer_stop(timer)
+ set nocursorline nolazyredraw
+ unlet g:wipe_buf
+ call test_override('ALL', 0)
+let g:Ch_unletResponse = ''
+func s:UnletHandler(handle, msg)
+ let g:Ch_unletResponse = a:msg
+ unlet s:channelfd
+" Test that "unlet handle" in a handler doesn't crash Vim.
+func Ch_unlet_handle(port)
+ let s:channelfd = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ call ch_sendexpr(s:channelfd, "test", {'callback': function('s:UnletHandler')})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('what?', g:Ch_unletResponse)})
+func Test_unlet_handle()
+ call ch_log('Test_unlet_handle()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_unlet_handle')
+let g:Ch_unletResponse = ''
+func Ch_CloseHandler(handle, msg)
+ let g:Ch_unletResponse = a:msg
+ call ch_close(s:channelfd)
+" Test that "unlet handle" in a handler doesn't crash Vim.
+func Ch_close_handle(port)
+ let s:channelfd = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ call ch_sendexpr(s:channelfd, "test", {'callback': function('Ch_CloseHandler')})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('what?', g:Ch_unletResponse)})
+func Test_close_handle()
+ call ch_log('Test_close_handle()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_close_handle')
+func Test_open_fail()
+ call ch_log('Test_open_fail()')
+ silent! let ch = ch_open("noserver")
+ echo ch
+ let d = ch
+func Ch_open_delay(port)
+ " Wait up to a second for the port to open.
+ let s:chopt.waittime = 1000
+ let channel = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ unlet s:chopt.waittime
+ if ch_status(channel) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(channel, 'hello!'))
+ call ch_close(channel)
+func Test_open_delay()
+ call ch_log('Test_open_delay()')
+ " The server will wait half a second before creating the port.
+ call s:run_server('Ch_open_delay', 'delay')
+function MyFunction(a,b,c)
+ let g:Ch_call_ret = [a:a, a:b, a:c]
+function Ch_test_call(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:Ch_call_ret = []
+ call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'call-func'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([1, 2, 3], g:Ch_call_ret)})
+func Test_call()
+ call ch_log('Test_call()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_test_call')
+let g:Ch_job_exit_ret = 'not yet'
+function MyExitCb(job, status)
+ let g:Ch_job_exit_ret = 'done'
+function Ch_test_exit_callback(port)
+ call job_setoptions(g:currentJob, {'exit_cb': 'MyExitCb'})
+ let g:Ch_exit_job = g:currentJob
+ call assert_equal('MyExitCb', job_info(g:currentJob)['exit_cb'])
+func Test_exit_callback()
+ if has('job')
+ call ch_log('Test_exit_callback()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_test_exit_callback')
+ " wait up to a second for the job to exit
+ for i in range(100)
+ if g:Ch_job_exit_ret == 'done'
+ break
+ endif
+ sleep 10m
+ " calling job_status() triggers the callback
+ call job_status(g:Ch_exit_job)
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal('done', g:Ch_job_exit_ret)
+ call assert_equal('dead', job_info(g:Ch_exit_job).status)
+ unlet g:Ch_exit_job
+ endif
+function MyExitTimeCb(job, status)
+ if job_info(a:job).process == g:exit_cb_val.process
+ let g:exit_cb_val.end = reltime(g:exit_cb_val.start)
+ endif
+ call Resume()
+func Test_exit_callback_interval()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:exit_cb_val = {'start': reltime(), 'end': 0, 'process': 0}
+ let job = job_start([s:python, '-c', 'import time;time.sleep(0.5)'], {'exit_cb': 'MyExitTimeCb'})
+ let g:exit_cb_val.process = job_info(job).process
+ call WaitFor('type(g:exit_cb_val.end) != v:t_number || g:exit_cb_val.end != 0')
+ let elapsed = reltimefloat(g:exit_cb_val.end)
+ call assert_true(elapsed > 0.5)
+ call assert_true(elapsed < 1.0)
+ " case: unreferenced job, using timer
+ if !has('timers')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:exit_cb_val = {'start': reltime(), 'end': 0, 'process': 0}
+ let g:job = job_start([s:python, '-c', 'import time;time.sleep(0.5)'], {'exit_cb': 'MyExitTimeCb'})
+ let g:exit_cb_val.process = job_info(g:job).process
+ unlet g:job
+ call Standby(1000)
+ if type(g:exit_cb_val.end) != v:t_number || g:exit_cb_val.end != 0
+ let elapsed = reltimefloat(g:exit_cb_val.end)
+ else
+ let elapsed = 1.0
+ endif
+ call assert_true(elapsed > 0.5)
+ call assert_true(elapsed < 1.0)
+let g:Ch_close_ret = 'alive'
+function MyCloseCb(ch)
+ let g:Ch_close_ret = 'closed'
+function Ch_test_close_callback(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'close_cb': 'MyCloseCb'})
+ call assert_equal('', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'close me'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('closed', g:Ch_close_ret)})
+func Test_close_callback()
+ call ch_log('Test_close_callback()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_test_close_callback')
+function Ch_test_close_partial(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:Ch_d = {}
+ func g:Ch_d.closeCb(ch) dict
+ let self.close_ret = 'closed'
+ endfunc
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'close_cb': g:Ch_d.closeCb})
+ call assert_equal('', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'close me'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('closed', g:Ch_d.close_ret)})
+ unlet g:Ch_d
+func Test_close_partial()
+ call ch_log('Test_close_partial()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_test_close_partial')
+func Test_job_start_invalid()
+ call assert_fails('call job_start($x)', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('call job_start("")', 'E474:')
+func Test_job_stop_immediately()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:job = job_start([s:python, '-c', 'import time;time.sleep(10)'])
+ try
+ call job_stop(g:job)
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))})
+ finally
+ call job_stop(g:job, 'kill')
+ unlet g:job
+ endtry
+" This was leaking memory.
+func Test_partial_in_channel_cycle()
+ let d = {}
+ let d.a = function('string', [d])
+ try
+ let d.b = ch_open('nowhere:123', {'close_cb': d.a})
+ catch
+ call assert_exception('E901:')
+ endtry
+ unlet d
+func Test_using_freed_memory()
+ let g:a = job_start(['ls'])
+ sleep 10m
+ call test_garbagecollect_now()
+func Test_collapse_buffers()
+ if !executable('cat') || !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ sp test_channel.vim
+ let g:linecount = line('$')
+ close
+ split testout
+ 1,$delete
+ call job_start('cat test_channel.vim', {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'testout'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_inrange(g:linecount, g:linecount + 1, line('$'))})
+ bwipe!
+func Test_write_to_deleted_buffer()
+ if !executable('echo') || !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let job = job_start('echo hello', {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'test_buffer', 'out_msg': 0})
+ let bufnr = bufnr('test_buffer')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['hello'], getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'))})
+ call assert_equal('nofile', getbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype'))
+ call assert_equal('hide', getbufvar(bufnr, '&bufhidden'))
+ bdel test_buffer
+ call assert_equal([], getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'))
+ let job = job_start('echo hello', {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'test_buffer', 'out_msg': 0})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(['hello'], getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'))})
+ call assert_equal('nofile', getbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype'))
+ call assert_equal('hide', getbufvar(bufnr, '&bufhidden'))
+ bwipe! test_buffer
+func Test_cmd_parsing()
+ if !has('unix')
+ return
+ endif
+ call assert_false(filereadable("file with space"))
+ let job = job_start('touch "file with space"')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_true(filereadable("file with space"))})
+ call delete("file with space")
+ let job = job_start('touch file\ with\ space')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_true(filereadable("file with space"))})
+ call delete("file with space")
+func Test_raw_passes_nul()
+ if !executable('cat') || !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Test lines from the job containing NUL are stored correctly in a buffer.
+ new
+ call setline(1, ["asdf\nasdf", "xxx\n", "\nyyy"])
+ w! Xtestread
+ bwipe!
+ split testout
+ 1,$delete
+ call job_start('cat Xtestread', {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'testout'})
+ call WaitFor('line("$") > 2')
+ call assert_equal("asdf\nasdf", getline(1))
+ call assert_equal("xxx\n", getline(2))
+ call assert_equal("\nyyy", getline(3))
+ call delete('Xtestread')
+ bwipe!
+ " Test lines from a buffer with NUL bytes are written correctly to the job.
+ new mybuffer
+ call setline(1, ["asdf\nasdf", "xxx\n", "\nyyy"])
+ let g:Ch_job = job_start('cat', {'in_io': 'buffer', 'in_name': 'mybuffer', 'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': 'Xtestwrite'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(g:Ch_job))})
+ bwipe!
+ split Xtestwrite
+ call assert_equal("asdf\nasdf", getline(1))
+ call assert_equal("xxx\n", getline(2))
+ call assert_equal("\nyyy", getline(3))
+ call assert_equal(-1, match(s:get_resources(), '\(^\|/\)Xtestwrite$'))
+ call delete('Xtestwrite')
+ bwipe!
+func MyLineCountCb(ch, msg)
+ let g:linecount += 1
+func Test_read_nonl_line()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:linecount = 0
+ let arg = 'import sys;sys.stdout.write("1\n2\n3")'
+ call job_start([s:python, '-c', arg], {'callback': 'MyLineCountCb'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(3, g:linecount)})
+func Test_read_from_terminated_job()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:linecount = 0
+ let arg = 'import os,sys;os.close(1);sys.stderr.write("test\n")'
+ call job_start([s:python, '-c', arg], {'callback': 'MyLineCountCb'})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, g:linecount)})
+func Test_job_start_windows()
+ if !has('job') || !has('win32')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Check that backslash in $COMSPEC is handled properly.
+ let g:echostr = ''
+ let cmd = $COMSPEC . ' /c echo 123'
+ let job = job_start(cmd, {'callback': {ch,msg -> execute(":let g:echostr .= msg")}})
+ let info = job_info(job)
+ call assert_equal([$COMSPEC, '/c', 'echo', '123'], info.cmd)
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("123", g:echostr)})
+ unlet g:echostr
+func Test_env()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:envstr = ''
+ if has('win32')
+ let cmd = ['cmd', '/c', 'echo %FOO%']
+ else
+ let cmd = [&shell, &shellcmdflag, 'echo $FOO']
+ endif
+ call assert_fails('call job_start(cmd, {"env": 1})', 'E475:')
+ call job_start(cmd, {'callback': {ch,msg -> execute(":let g:envstr .= msg")}, 'env': {'FOO': 'bar'}})
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("bar", g:envstr)})
+ unlet g:envstr
+func Test_cwd()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:envstr = ''
+ if has('win32')
+ let expect = $TEMP
+ let cmd = ['cmd', '/c', 'echo %CD%']
+ else
+ let expect = $HOME
+ let cmd = ['pwd']
+ endif
+ let job = job_start(cmd, {'callback': {ch,msg -> execute(":let g:envstr .= msg")}, 'cwd': expect})
+ try
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal("", g:envstr)})
+ let expect = substitute(expect, '[/\\]$', '', '')
+ let g:envstr = substitute(g:envstr, '[/\\]$', '', '')
+ if $CI != '' && stridx(g:envstr, '/private/') == 0
+ let g:envstr = g:envstr[8:]
+ endif
+ call assert_equal(expect, g:envstr)
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ unlet g:envstr
+ endtry
+function Ch_test_close_lambda(port)
+ let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
+ if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
+ call assert_report("Can't open channel")
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:Ch_close_ret = ''
+ call ch_setoptions(handle, {'close_cb': {ch -> execute("let g:Ch_close_ret = 'closed'")}})
+ call assert_equal('', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'close me'))
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('closed', g:Ch_close_ret)})
+func Test_close_lambda()
+ call ch_log('Test_close_lambda()')
+ call s:run_server('Ch_test_close_lambda')
+func s:test_list_args(cmd, out, remove_lf)
+ try
+ let g:out = ''
+ let job = job_start([s:python, '-c', a:cmd], {'callback': {ch, msg -> execute('let g:out .= msg')}, 'out_mode': 'raw'})
+ call WaitFor('"" != g:out')
+ if has('win32')
+ let g:out = substitute(g:out, '\r', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ if a:remove_lf
+ let g:out = substitute(g:out, '\n$', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ call assert_equal(a:out, g:out)
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ unlet g:out
+ endtry
+func Test_list_args()
+ if !has('job')
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("hello world")', "hello world", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("hello\nworld")', "hello\nworld", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write(''hello\nworld'')', "hello\nworld", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write(''hello"world'')', "hello\"world", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write(''hello^world'')', "hello^world", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("hello&&world")', "hello&&world", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write(''hello\\world'')', "hello\\world", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write(''hello\\\\world'')', "hello\\\\world", 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("hello\"world\"")', 'hello"world"', 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("h\"ello worl\"d")', 'h"ello worl"d', 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("h\"e\\\"llo wor\\\"l\"d")', 'h"e\"llo wor\"l"d', 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("h\"e\\\"llo world")', 'h"e\"llo world', 0)
+ call s:test_list_args('import sys;sys.stdout.write("hello\tworld")', "hello\tworld", 0)
+ " tests which not contain spaces in the argument
+ call s:test_list_args('print("hello\nworld")', "hello\nworld", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print(''hello\nworld'')', "hello\nworld", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print(''hello"world'')', "hello\"world", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print(''hello^world'')', "hello^world", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print("hello&&world")', "hello&&world", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print(''hello\\world'')', "hello\\world", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print(''hello\\\\world'')', "hello\\\\world", 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print("hello\"world\"")', 'hello"world"', 1)
+ call s:test_list_args('print("hello\tworld")', "hello\tworld", 1)
+" Do this last, it stops any channel log.
+func Test_zz_ch_log()
+ call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w')
+ call ch_log('hello there')
+ call ch_log('%s%s')
+ call ch_logfile('')
+ let text = readfile('Xlog')
+ call assert_match("hello there", text[1])
+ call assert_match("%s%s", text[2])
+ call delete('Xlog')
+func Test_keep_pty_open()
+ if !has('unix')
+ return
+ endif
+ let job = job_start(s:python . ' -c "import time;time.sleep(0.2)"',
+ \ {'out_io': 'null', 'err_io': 'null', 'pty': 1})
+ let elapsed = WaitFor({-> job_status(job) ==# 'dead'})
+ call assert_inrange(200, 1000, elapsed)
+ call job_stop(job)
+func Test_job_start_in_timer()
+ if !has('job') || !has('timers')
+ return
+ endif
+ func OutCb(chan, msg)
+ let g:val += 1
+ endfunc
+ func ExitCb(job, status)
+ let g:val += 1
+ call Resume()
+ endfunc
+ func TimerCb(timer)
+ if has('win32')
+ let cmd = ['cmd', '/c', 'echo.']
+ else
+ let cmd = ['echo']
+ endif
+ let g:job = job_start(cmd, {'out_cb': 'OutCb', 'exit_cb': 'ExitCb'})
+ call substitute(repeat('a', 100000), '.', '', 'g')
+ endfunc
+ " We should be interrupted before 'updatetime' elapsed.
+ let g:val = 0
+ call timer_start(1, 'TimerCb')
+ let elapsed = Standby(&ut)
+ call assert_inrange(1, &ut / 2, elapsed)
+ " Wait for both OutCb() and ExitCb() to have been called before deleting
+ " them.
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, g:val)})
+ call job_stop(g:job)
+ delfunc OutCb
+ delfunc ExitCb
+ delfunc TimerCb
+ unlet! g:val
+ unlet! g:job
+func Test_raw_large_data()
+ try
+ let g:out = ''
+ let job = job_start(s:python . "",
+ \ {'mode': 'raw', 'drop': 'never', 'noblock': 1,
+ \ 'callback': {ch, msg -> execute('let g:out .= msg')}})
+ let outlen = 79999
+ let want = repeat('X', outlen) . "\n"
+ call ch_sendraw(job, want)
+ call WaitFor({-> len(g:out) >= outlen}, 10000)
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
+ call assert_equal(want, substitute(g:out, '\r', '', 'g'))
+ finally
+ call job_stop(job)
+ unlet g:out
+ endtry
+func Test_job_exitval_and_termsig()
+ if !has('unix')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Terminate job normally
+ let cmd = ['echo']
+ let job = job_start(cmd)
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
+ let info = job_info(job)
+ call assert_equal(0, info.exitval)
+ call assert_equal("", info.termsig)
+ " Terminate job by signal
+ let cmd = ['sleep', '10']
+ let job = job_start(cmd)
+ sleep 10m
+ call job_stop(job)
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
+ let info = job_info(job)
+ call assert_equal(-1, info.exitval)
+ call assert_equal("term", info.termsig)