path: root/src/testdir/test_popup.vim
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_popup.vim b/src/testdir/test_popup.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663a6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_popup.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+" Test for completion menu
+source shared.vim
+source screendump.vim
+let g:months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
+let g:setting = ''
+func ListMonths()
+ if g:setting != ''
+ exe ":set" g:setting
+ endif
+ let mth = copy(g:months)
+ let entered = strcharpart(getline('.'),0,col('.'))
+ if !empty(entered)
+ let mth = filter(mth, 'v:val=~"^".entered')
+ endif
+ call complete(1, mth)
+ return ''
+func Test_popup_complete2()
+ " Although the popupmenu is not visible, this does not mean completion mode
+ " has ended. After pressing <f5> to complete the currently typed char, Vim
+ " still stays in the first state of the completion (:h ins-completion-menu),
+ " although the popupmenu wasn't shown <c-e> will remove the inserted
+ " completed text (:h complete_CTRL-E), while the following <c-e> will behave
+ " like expected (:h i_CTRL-E)
+ new
+ inoremap <f5> <c-r>=ListMonths()<cr>
+ call append(1, ["December2015"])
+ :1
+ call feedkeys("aD\<f5>\<C-E>\<C-E>\<C-E>\<C-E>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Dece", "", "December2015"], getline(1,3))
+ %d
+ bw!
+func Test_popup_complete()
+ new
+ inoremap <f5> <c-r>=ListMonths()<cr>
+ " <C-E> - select original typed text before the completion started
+ call feedkeys("aJu\<f5>\<down>\<c-e>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Ju"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <C-Y> - accept current match
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>". repeat("\<down>",7). "\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["August"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <BS> - Delete one character from the inserted text (state: 1)
+ " TODO: This should not end the completion, but it does.
+ " This should according to the documentation:
+ " January
+ " but instead, this does
+ " Januar
+ " (idea is, C-L inserts the match from the popup menu
+ " but if the menu is closed, it will insert the character <c-l>
+ call feedkeys("aJ\<f5>\<bs>\<c-l>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Januar "], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " any-non special character: Stop completion without changing the match
+ " and insert the typed character
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>20", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["January20"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " any-non printable, non-white character: Add this character and
+ " reduce number of matches
+ call feedkeys("aJu\<f5>\<c-p>l\<c-y>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Jul"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " any-non printable, non-white character: Add this character and
+ " reduce number of matches
+ call feedkeys("aJu\<f5>\<c-p>l\<c-n>\<c-y>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["July"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " any-non printable, non-white character: Add this character and
+ " reduce number of matches
+ call feedkeys("aJu\<f5>\<c-p>l\<c-e>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Jul"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <BS> - Delete one character from the inserted text (state: 2)
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<c-n>\<bs>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Februar"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <c-l> - Insert one character from the current match
+ call feedkeys("aJ\<f5>".repeat("\<c-n>",3)."\<c-l>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["J "], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <c-l> - Insert one character from the current match
+ call feedkeys("aJ\<f5>".repeat("\<c-n>",4)."\<c-l>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["January "], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <c-y> - Accept current selected match
+ call feedkeys("aJ\<f5>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["January"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <c-e> - End completion, go back to what was there before selecting a match
+ call feedkeys("aJu\<f5>\<c-e>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["Ju"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageUp> - Select a match several entries back
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<PageUp>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal([""], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageUp><PageUp> - Select a match several entries back
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<PageUp>\<PageUp>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["December"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageUp><PageUp><PageUp> - Select a match several entries back
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<PageUp>\<PageUp>\<PageUp>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["February"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageDown> - Select a match several entries further
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<PageDown>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["November"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageDown><PageDown> - Select a match several entries further
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<PageDown>\<PageDown>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["December"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageDown><PageDown><PageDown> - Select a match several entries further
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<PageDown>\<PageDown>\<PageDown>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal([""], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <PageDown><PageDown><PageDown><PageDown> - Select a match several entries further
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>".repeat("\<PageDown>",4)."\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["October"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Up> - Select a match don't insert yet
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<Up>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal([""], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Up><Up> - Select a match don't insert yet
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<Up>\<Up>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["December"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Up><Up><Up> - Select a match don't insert yet
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<Up>\<Up>\<Up>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["November"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Tab> - Stop completion and insert the match
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<Tab>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["January "], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Space> - Stop completion and insert the match
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>".repeat("\<c-p>",5)." \<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["September "], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Enter> - Use the text and insert line break (state: 1)
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["January", ''], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " <Enter> - Insert the current selected text (state: 2)
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>".repeat("\<Up>",5)."\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["September"], getline(1,2))
+ %d
+ " Insert match immediately, if there is only one match
+ " <c-y> selects a character from the line above
+ call append(0, ["December2015"])
+ call feedkeys("aD\<f5>\<C-Y>\<C-Y>\<C-Y>\<C-Y>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["December2015", "December2015", ""], getline(1,3))
+ %d
+ " use menuone for 'completeopt'
+ " Since for the first <c-y> the menu is still shown, will only select
+ " three letters from the line above
+ set completeopt&vim
+ set completeopt+=menuone
+ call append(0, ["December2015"])
+ call feedkeys("aD\<f5>\<C-Y>\<C-Y>\<C-Y>\<C-Y>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["December2015", "December201", ""], getline(1,3))
+ %d
+ " use longest for 'completeopt'
+ set completeopt&vim
+ call feedkeys("aM\<f5>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<c-e>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ set completeopt+=longest
+ call feedkeys("aM\<f5>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<c-e>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["M", "Ma", ""], getline(1,3))
+ %d
+ " use noselect/noinsert for 'completeopt'
+ set completeopt&vim
+ call feedkeys("aM\<f5>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ set completeopt+=noselect
+ call feedkeys("aM\<f5>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ set completeopt-=noselect completeopt+=noinsert
+ call feedkeys("aM\<f5>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(["March", "M", "March"], getline(1,4))
+ %d
+func Test_popup_completion_insertmode()
+ new
+ inoremap <F5> <C-R>=ListMonths()<CR>
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<down>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('February', getline(1))
+ %d
+ " Set noinsertmode
+ let g:setting = 'noinsertmode'
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<down>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('February', getline(1))
+ call assert_false(pumvisible())
+ %d
+ " Go through all matches, until none is selected
+ let g:setting = ''
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>". repeat("\<c-n>",12)."\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ %d
+ " select previous entry
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<c-p>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ %d
+ " select last entry
+ call feedkeys("a\<f5>\<c-p>\<c-p>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('December', getline(1))
+ iunmap <F5>
+func Test_noinsert_complete()
+ func! s:complTest1() abort
+ call complete(1, ['source', 'soundfold'])
+ return ''
+ endfunc
+ func! s:complTest2() abort
+ call complete(1, ['source', 'soundfold'])
+ return ''
+ endfunc
+ new
+ set completeopt+=noinsert
+ inoremap <F5> <C-R>=s:complTest1()<CR>
+ call feedkeys("i\<F5>soun\<CR>\<CR>\<ESC>.", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('soundfold', getline(1))
+ call assert_equal('soundfold', getline(2))
+ bwipe!
+ new
+ inoremap <F5> <C-R>=s:complTest2()<CR>
+ call feedkeys("i\<F5>\<CR>\<ESC>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('source', getline(1))
+ bwipe!
+ set completeopt-=noinsert
+ iunmap <F5>
+func Test_compl_vim_cmds_after_register_expr()
+ func! s:test_func()
+ return 'autocmd '
+ endfunc
+ augroup AAAAA_Group
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ new
+ call feedkeys("i\<c-r>=s:test_func()\<CR>\<C-x>\<C-v>\<Esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('autocmd AAAAA_Group', getline(1))
+ autocmd! AAAAA_Group
+ augroup! AAAAA_Group
+ bwipe!
+func DummyCompleteOne(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ return 0
+ else
+ wincmd n
+ return ['onedef', 'oneDEF']
+ endif
+" Test that nothing happens if the 'completefunc' opens
+" a new window (no completion, no crash)
+func Test_completefunc_opens_new_window_one()
+ new
+ let winid = win_getid()
+ setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteOne
+ call setline(1, 'one')
+ /^one
+ call assert_fails('call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")', 'E839:')
+ call assert_notequal(winid, win_getid())
+ q!
+ call assert_equal(winid, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ q!
+" Test that nothing happens if the 'completefunc' opens
+" a new window (no completion, no crash)
+func DummyCompleteTwo(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ wincmd n
+ return 0
+ else
+ return ['twodef', 'twoDEF']
+ endif
+" Test that nothing happens if the 'completefunc' opens
+" a new window (no completion, no crash)
+func Test_completefunc_opens_new_window_two()
+ new
+ let winid = win_getid()
+ setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteTwo
+ call setline(1, 'two')
+ /^two
+ call assert_fails('call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")', 'E764:')
+ call assert_notequal(winid, win_getid())
+ q!
+ call assert_equal(winid, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal('two', getline(1))
+ q!
+func DummyCompleteThree(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ return 0
+ else
+ return ['threedef', 'threeDEF']
+ endif
+:"Test that 'completefunc' works when it's OK.
+func Test_completefunc_works()
+ new
+ let winid = win_getid()
+ setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteThree
+ call setline(1, 'three')
+ /^three
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")
+ call assert_equal(winid, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal('threeDEF', getline(1))
+ q!
+func DummyCompleteFour(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ return 0
+ else
+ call complete_add('four1')
+ call complete_add('four2')
+ call complete_check()
+ call complete_add('four3')
+ call complete_add('four4')
+ call complete_check()
+ call complete_add('four5')
+ call complete_add('four6')
+ return []
+ endif
+" Test that 'omnifunc' works when it's OK.
+func Test_omnifunc_with_check()
+ new
+ setlocal omnifunc=DummyCompleteFour
+ call setline(1, 'four')
+ /^four
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")
+ call assert_equal('four2', getline(1))
+ call setline(1, 'four')
+ /^four
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")
+ call assert_equal('four3', getline(1))
+ call setline(1, 'four')
+ /^four
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")
+ call assert_equal('four5', getline(1))
+ q!
+func UndoComplete()
+ call complete(1, ['January', 'February', 'March',
+ \ 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
+ \ 'October', 'November', 'December'])
+ return ''
+" Test that no undo item is created when no completion is inserted
+func Test_complete_no_undo()
+ set completeopt=menu,preview,noinsert,noselect
+ inoremap <Right> <C-R>=UndoComplete()<CR>
+ new
+ call feedkeys("ixxx\<CR>\<CR>yyy\<Esc>k", 'xt')
+ call feedkeys("iaaa\<Esc>0", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('aaa', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("i\<Right>\<Esc>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('aaa', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("u", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("ibbb\<Esc>0", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('bbb', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("A\<Right>\<Down>\<CR>\<Esc>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('January', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("u", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('bbb', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("A\<Right>\<C-N>\<Esc>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('January', getline(2))
+ call feedkeys("u", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('bbb', getline(2))
+ iunmap <Right>
+ set completeopt&
+ q!
+func DummyCompleteFive(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ return 0
+ else
+ return [
+ \ { 'word': 'January', 'info': "info1-1\n1-2\n1-3" },
+ \ { 'word': 'February', 'info': "info2-1\n2-2\n2-3" },
+ \ { 'word': 'March', 'info': "info3-1\n3-2\n3-3" },
+ \ { 'word': 'April', 'info': "info4-1\n4-2\n4-3" },
+ \ { 'word': 'May', 'info': "info5-1\n5-2\n5-3" },
+ \ ]
+ endif
+" Test that 'completefunc' on Scratch buffer with preview window works when
+" it's OK.
+func Test_completefunc_with_scratch_buffer()
+ new +setlocal\ buftype=nofile\ bufhidden=wipe\ noswapfile
+ set completeopt+=preview
+ setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteFive
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<Esc>", "x")
+ call assert_equal(['April'], getline(1, '$'))
+ pclose
+ q!
+ set completeopt&
+" <C-E> - select original typed text before the completion started without
+" auto-wrap text.
+func Test_completion_ctrl_e_without_autowrap()
+ new
+ let tw_save = &tw
+ set tw=78
+ let li = [
+ \ '" zzz',
+ \ '" zzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy']
+ call setline(1, li)
+ 0
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-E>\<Esc>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal(li, getline(1, '$'))
+ let &tw = tw_save
+ q!
+func DummyCompleteSix()
+ call complete(1, ['Hello', 'World'])
+ return ''
+" complete() correctly clears the list of autocomplete candidates
+" See #1411
+func Test_completion_clear_candidate_list()
+ new
+ %d
+ " select first entry from the completion popup
+ call feedkeys("a xxx\<C-N>\<C-R>=DummyCompleteSix()\<CR>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal('Hello', getline(1))
+ %d
+ " select second entry from the completion popup
+ call feedkeys("a xxx\<C-N>\<C-R>=DummyCompleteSix()\<CR>\<C-N>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal('World', getline(1))
+ %d
+ " select original text
+ call feedkeys("a xxx\<C-N>\<C-R>=DummyCompleteSix()\<CR>\<C-N>\<C-N>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal(' xxx', getline(1))
+ %d
+ " back at first entry from completion list
+ call feedkeys("a xxx\<C-N>\<C-R>=DummyCompleteSix()\<CR>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal('Hello', getline(1))
+ bw!
+func Test_completion_respect_bs_option()
+ new
+ let li = ["aaa", "aaa12345", "aaaabcdef", "aaaABC"]
+ set bs=indent,eol
+ call setline(1, li)
+ 1
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<Esc>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal('aaa', getline(1))
+ %d
+ set bs=indent,eol,start
+ call setline(1, li)
+ 1
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<Esc>", "tx")
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ bw!
+func CompleteUndo() abort
+ call complete(1, g:months)
+ return ''
+func Test_completion_can_undo()
+ inoremap <Right> <c-r>=CompleteUndo()<cr>
+ set completeopt+=noinsert,noselect
+ new
+ call feedkeys("a\<Right>a\<Esc>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('a', getline(1))
+ undo
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ bwipe!
+ set completeopt&
+ iunmap <Right>
+func Test_completion_comment_formatting()
+ new
+ setl formatoptions=tcqro
+ call feedkeys("o/*\<cr>\<cr>/\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(['', '/*', ' *', ' */'], getline(1,4))
+ %d
+ call feedkeys("o/*\<cr>foobar\<cr>/\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(['', '/*', ' * foobar', ' */'], getline(1,4))
+ %d
+ try
+ call feedkeys("o/*\<cr>\<cr>\<c-x>\<c-u>/\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_report('completefunc not set, should have failed')
+ catch
+ call assert_exception('E764:')
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(['', '/*', ' *', ' */'], getline(1,4))
+ bwipe!
+func MessCompleteMonths()
+ for m in split("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep")
+ call complete_add(m)
+ if complete_check()
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return []
+func MessCompleteMore()
+ call complete(1, split("Oct Nov Dec"))
+ return []
+func MessComplete(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let start = col('.') - 1
+ while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\a'
+ let start -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return start
+ else
+ call MessCompleteMonths()
+ call MessCompleteMore()
+ return []
+ endif
+func Test_complete_func_mess()
+ " Calling complete() after complete_add() in 'completefunc' is wrong, but it
+ " should not crash.
+ set completefunc=MessComplete
+ new
+ call setline(1, 'Ju')
+ call feedkeys("A\<c-x>\<c-u>/\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('Oct/Oct', getline(1))
+ bwipe!
+ set completefunc=
+func Test_complete_CTRLN_startofbuffer()
+ new
+ call setline(1, [ 'organize(cupboard, 3, 2);',
+ \ 'prioritize(bureau, 8, 7);',
+ \ 'realize(bannister, 4, 4);',
+ \ 'moralize(railing, 3,9);'])
+ let expected=['cupboard.organize(3, 2);',
+ \ 'bureau.prioritize(8, 7);',
+ \ 'bannister.realize(4, 4);',
+ \ 'railing.moralize(3,9);']
+ call feedkeys("qai\<c-n>\<c-n>.\<esc>3wdW\<cr>q3@a", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1,'$'))
+ bwipe!
+func Test_popup_and_window_resize()
+ if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running')
+ return
+ endif
+ let h = winheight(0)
+ if h < 15
+ return
+ endif
+ let rows = h / 3
+ let buf = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile'], {'term_rows': rows})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, (h / 3 - 1) . "o\<esc>")
+ " Wait for the nested Vim to exit insert mode, where it will show the ruler.
+ " Need to trigger a redraw.
+ call WaitFor({-> execute("redraw") == "" && term_getline(buf, rows) =~ '\<' . rows . ',.*Bot'})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "Gi\<c-x>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<c-v>")
+ call term_wait(buf, 100)
+ " popup first entry "!" must be at the top
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^!\s*$', term_getline(buf, 1))})
+ exe 'resize +' . (h - 1)
+ call term_wait(buf, 100)
+ redraw!
+ " popup shifted down, first line is now empty
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('', term_getline(buf, 1))})
+ sleep 100m
+ " popup is below cursor line and shows first match "!"
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^!\s*$', term_getline(buf, term_getcursor(buf)[0] + 1))})
+ " cursor line also shows !
+ call assert_match('^!\s*$', term_getline(buf, term_getcursor(buf)[0]))
+ bwipe!
+func Test_popup_and_preview_autocommand()
+ " This used to crash Vim
+ if !has('python')
+ return
+ endif
+ let h = winheight(0)
+ if h < 15
+ return
+ endif
+ new
+ augroup MyBufAdd
+ au!
+ au BufAdd * nested tab sball
+ augroup END
+ set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
+ call setline(1, 'import os')
+ " make the line long
+ call setline(2, ' os.')
+ $
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<enter>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal("import os", getline(1))
+ call assert_match(' os.\(EX_IOERR\|O_CREAT\)$', getline(2))
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ " previewwindow option is not set
+ call assert_equal(0, &previewwindow)
+ norm! gt
+ call assert_equal(0, &previewwindow)
+ norm! gT
+ call assert_equal(10, tabpagenr('$'))
+ tabonly
+ pclose
+ augroup MyBufAdd
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! MyBufAdd
+ bw!
+func Test_popup_and_previewwindow_dump()
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ 'set previewheight=9',
+ \ 'silent! pedit',
+ \ 'call setline(1, map(repeat(["ab"], 10), "v:val. v:key"))',
+ \ 'exec "norm! G\<C-E>\<C-E>"',
+ \ ], 'Xscript')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {})
+ " Test that popup and previewwindow do not overlap.
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "o\<C-X>\<C-N>")
+ sleep 100m
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_and_previewwindow_01', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>u")
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xscript')
+func Test_balloon_split()
+ if !exists('*balloon_split')
+ return
+ endif
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ 'tempname: 0x555555e380a0 "/home/mool/.viminfz.tmp"',
+ \ ], balloon_split(
+ \ 'tempname: 0x555555e380a0 "/home/mool/.viminfz.tmp"'))
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ 'one two three four one two three four one two thre',
+ \ 'e four',
+ \ ], balloon_split(
+ \ 'one two three four one two three four one two three four'))
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ 'struct = {',
+ \ ' one = 1,',
+ \ ' two = 2,',
+ \ ' three = 3}',
+ \ ], balloon_split(
+ \ 'struct = {one = 1, two = 2, three = 3}'))
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ 'struct = {',
+ \ ' one = 1,',
+ \ ' nested = {',
+ \ ' n1 = "yes",',
+ \ ' n2 = "no"}',
+ \ ' two = 2}',
+ \ ], balloon_split(
+ \ 'struct = {one = 1, nested = {n1 = "yes", n2 = "no"} two = 2}'))
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ 'struct = 0x234 {',
+ \ ' long = 2343 "\\"some long string that will be wr',
+ \ 'apped in two\\"",',
+ \ ' next = 123}',
+ \ ], balloon_split(
+ \ 'struct = 0x234 {long = 2343 "\\"some long string that will be wrapped in two\\"", next = 123}'))
+func Test_popup_position()
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ '123456789_123456789_123456789_a',
+ \ '123456789_123456789_123456789_b',
+ \ ' 123',
+ \ ], 'Xtest')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":vsplit\<CR>")
+ " default pumwidth in left window: overlap in right window
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "GA\<C-N>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_position_01', {'rows': 8})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>u")
+ " default pumwidth: fill until right of window
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>l")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "GA\<C-N>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_position_02', {'rows': 8})
+ " larger pumwidth: used as minimum width
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>u")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set pumwidth=30\<CR>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "GA\<C-N>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_position_03', {'rows': 8})
+ " completed text wider than the window and 'pumwidth' smaller than available
+ " space
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>u")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set pumwidth=20\<CR>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "ggI123456789_\<Esc>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "jI123456789_\<Esc>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "GA\<C-N>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_position_04', {'rows': 10})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>u")
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xtest')
+func Test_popup_command()
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal() || !has('menu')
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ 'one two three four five',
+ \ 'and one two Xthree four five',
+ \ 'one more two three four five',
+ \ ], 'Xtest')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim\<CR>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "/X\<CR>:popup PopUp\<CR>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_command_01', {})
+ " Select a word
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "jj")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_command_02', {})
+ " Select a word
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "j\<CR>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popup_command_03', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xtest')
+func Test_popup_complete_backwards()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['Post', 'Port', 'Po'])
+ let expected=['Post', 'Port', 'Port']
+ call cursor(3,2)
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-X>". repeat("\<C-P>", 3). "rt\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1,'$'))
+ bwipe!
+func Test_popup_complete_backwards_ctrl_p()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['Post', 'Port', 'Po'])
+ let expected=['Post', 'Port', 'Port']
+ call cursor(3,2)
+ call feedkeys("A\<C-P>\<C-N>rt\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1,'$'))
+ bwipe!
+func Test_complete_o_tab()
+ let s:o_char_pressed = 0
+ fun! s:act_on_text_changed()
+ if s:o_char_pressed
+ let s:o_char_pressed = 0
+ call feedkeys("\<c-x>\<c-n>", 'i')
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ set completeopt=menu,noselect
+ new
+ imap <expr> <buffer> <tab> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "X"
+ autocmd! InsertCharPre <buffer> let s:o_char_pressed = (v:char ==# 'o')
+ autocmd! TextChangedI <buffer> call <sid>act_on_text_changed()
+ call setline(1, ['hoard', 'hoax', 'hoarse', ''])
+ let l:expected = ['hoard', 'hoax', 'hoarse', 'hoax', 'hoax']
+ call cursor(4,1)
+ call test_override("char_avail", 1)
+ call feedkeys("Ahoa\<tab>\<tab>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call feedkeys("oho\<tab>\<tab>\<c-y>\<esc>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(l:expected, getline(1,'$'))
+ call test_override("char_avail", 0)
+ bwipe!
+ set completeopt&
+ delfunc s:act_on_text_changed
+func Test_menu_only_exists_in_terminal()
+ if !exists(':tlmenu') || has('gui_running')
+ return
+ endif
+ tlnoremenu &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP <C-W>"+
+ aunmenu *
+ try
+ popup Edit
+ call assert_false(1, 'command should have failed')
+ catch
+ call assert_exception('E328:')
+ endtry
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab