" Tests for :messages, :echomsg, :echoerr function Test_messages() let oldmore = &more try set nomore " Avoid the "message maintainer" line. let $LANG = '' let arr = map(range(10), '"hello" . v:val') for s in arr echomsg s | redraw endfor let result = '' " get last two messages redir => result 2messages | redraw redir END let msg_list = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal(["hello8", "hello9"], msg_list) " clear messages without last one 1messages clear redir => result redraw | messages redir END let msg_list = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal(['hello9'], msg_list) " clear all messages messages clear redir => result redraw | messages redir END call assert_equal('', result) finally let &more = oldmore endtry endfunction " Patch 7.4.1696 defined the "clearmode()" function for clearing the mode " indicator (e.g., "-- INSERT --") when ":stopinsert" is invoked. Message " output could then be disturbed when 'cmdheight' was greater than one. " This test ensures that the bugfix for this issue remains in place. func Test_stopinsert_does_not_break_message_output() set cmdheight=2 redraw! stopinsert | echo 'test echo' call assert_equal(116, screenchar(&lines - 1, 1)) call assert_equal(32, screenchar(&lines, 1)) redraw! stopinsert | echomsg 'test echomsg' call assert_equal(116, screenchar(&lines - 1, 1)) call assert_equal(32, screenchar(&lines, 1)) redraw! set cmdheight& endfunc func Test_message_completion() call feedkeys(":message \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"message clear', @:) endfunc func Test_echomsg() call assert_equal("\nhello", execute(':echomsg "hello"')) call assert_equal("\n", execute(':echomsg ""')) call assert_equal("\n12345", execute(':echomsg 12345')) call assert_equal("\n[]", execute(':echomsg []')) call assert_equal("\n[1, 2, 3]", execute(':echomsg [1, 2, 3]')) call assert_equal("\n{}", execute(':echomsg {}')) call assert_equal("\n{'a': 1, 'b': 2}", execute(':echomsg {"a": 1, "b": 2}')) if has('float') call assert_equal("\n1.23", execute(':echomsg 1.23')) endif call assert_match("function('\\d*')", execute(':echomsg {-> 1234}')) endfunc func Test_echoerr() call test_ignore_error('IgNoRe') call assert_equal("\nIgNoRe hello", execute(':echoerr "IgNoRe hello"')) call assert_equal("\n12345 IgNoRe", execute(':echoerr 12345 "IgNoRe"')) call assert_equal("\n[1, 2, 'IgNoRe']", execute(':echoerr [1, 2, "IgNoRe"]')) call assert_equal("\n{'IgNoRe': 2, 'a': 1}", execute(':echoerr {"a": 1, "IgNoRe": 2}')) if has('float') call assert_equal("\n1.23 IgNoRe", execute(':echoerr 1.23 "IgNoRe"')) endif call test_ignore_error('') call assert_match("function('\\d*')", execute(':echoerr {-> 1234}')) call test_ignore_error('RESET') endfunc