use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; use Apache::TestConfig (); my $config = Apache::Test::config(); my $server = $config->server; my $version = $server->{version}; my $scheme = Apache::Test::vars()->{scheme}; my $hostport = Apache::TestRequest::hostport(); my $https = "nope"; $https = "yep" if $scheme eq "https"; my $pfx = "/modules/lua"; my @ts = ( { url => "$pfx/hello.lua", rcontent => "Hello Lua World!\n", ctype => "text/plain" }, { url => "$pfx/404?translateme=1", rcontent => "Hello Lua World!\n" }, { url => "$pfx/translate-inherit-before/404?translateme=1", rcontent => "other lua handler\n" }, { url => "$pfx/translate-inherit-default-before/404?translateme=1", rcontent => "other lua handler\n" }, { url => "$pfx/translate-inherit-after/404?translateme=1", rcontent => "Hello Lua World!\n" }, { url => "$pfx/translate-inherit-before/404?translateme=1&ok=1", rcontent => "other lua handler\n" }, { url => "$pfx/translate-inherit-default-before/404?translateme=1&ok=1", rcontent => "other lua handler\n" }, # the more specific translate_name handler will run first and return OK. { url => "$pfx/translate-inherit-after/404?translateme=1&ok=1", rcontent => "other lua handler\n" }, { url => "$pfx/version.lua", rcontent => qr(^$version) }, { url => "$pfx/method.lua", rcontent => "GET" }, { url => "$pfx/201.lua", rcontent => "", code => 201 }, { url => "$pfx/https.lua", rcontent => $https }, { url => "$pfx/setheaders.lua", rcontent => "", headers => { "X-Header" => "yes", "X-Host" => $hostport } }, { url => "$pfx/setheaderfromparam.lua?HeaderName=foo&HeaderValue=bar", rcontent => "Header set", headers => { "foo" => "bar" } }, ); plan tests => 4 * scalar @ts, need 'lua'; for my $t (@ts) { my $url = $t->{"url"}; my $r = GET $url; my $code = $t->{"code"} || 200; my $headers = $t->{"headers"}; ok t_cmp($r->code, $code, "code for $url"); ok t_cmp($r->content, $t->{"rcontent"}, "response content for $url"); if ($t->{"ctype"}) { ok t_cmp($r->header("Content-Type"), $t->{"ctype"}, "c-type for $url"); } else { skip 1; } if ($headers) { my $correct = 1; while (my ($name, $value) = each %{$headers}) { my $actual = $r->header($name) || ""; t_debug "'$name' header value is '$actual' (expected '$value')"; if ($actual ne $value) { $correct = 0; } } ok $correct; } else { skip 1; } }