/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /*! \file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*% default configuration */ static char defaultconf[] = "\ options {\n\ answer-cookie true;\n\ automatic-interface-scan yes;\n\ bindkeys-file \"" NS_SYSCONFDIR "/bind.keys\";\n\ # blackhole {none;};\n" #if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_AES) || defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_EVP_AES) " cookie-algorithm aes;\n" #else " cookie-algorithm sha256;\n" #endif #ifndef WIN32 " coresize default;\n\ datasize default;\n" #endif "\ # deallocate-on-exit ;\n\ # directory \n\ dump-file \"named_dump.db\";\n\ edns-udp-size 4096;\n\ # fake-iquery ;\n" #ifndef WIN32 " files unlimited;\n" #endif "\ # has-old-clients ;\n\ heartbeat-interval 60;\n\ # host-statistics ;\n\ interface-interval 60;\n\ # keep-response-order {none;};\n\ listen-on {any;};\n\ listen-on-v6 {any;};\n\ # lock-file \"" NS_LOCALSTATEDIR "/run/named/named.lock\";\n\ match-mapped-addresses no;\n\ max-rsa-exponent-size 0; /* no limit */\n\ max-udp-size 4096;\n\ memstatistics-file \"named.memstats\";\n\ # multiple-cnames ;\n\ # named-xfer ;\n\ nocookie-udp-size 4096;\n\ notify-rate 20;\n\ nta-lifetime 3600;\n\ nta-recheck 300;\n\ # pid-file \"" NS_LOCALSTATEDIR "/run/named/named.pid\"; /* or /lwresd.pid */\n\ port 53;\n\ prefetch 2 9;\n" #ifdef PATH_RANDOMDEV " random-device \"" PATH_RANDOMDEV "\";\n" #endif " recursing-file \"named.recursing\";\n\ recursive-clients 1000;\n\ request-nsid false;\n\ reserved-sockets 512;\n\ resolver-query-timeout 10;\n\ rrset-order { order random; };\n\ secroots-file \"named.secroots\";\n\ send-cookie true;\n\ # serial-queries ;\n\ serial-query-rate 20;\n\ server-id none;\n\ session-keyalg hmac-sha256;\n\ # session-keyfile \"" NS_LOCALSTATEDIR "/run/named/session.key\";\n\ session-keyname local-ddns;\n" #ifndef WIN32 " stacksize default;\n" #endif " startup-notify-rate 20;\n\ statistics-file \"named.stats\";\n\ # statistics-interval ;\n\ tcp-clients 150;\n\ tcp-listen-queue 10;\n\ # tkey-dhkey \n\ # tkey-domain \n\ # tkey-gssapi-credential \n\ transfer-message-size 20480;\n\ transfers-in 10;\n\ transfers-out 10;\n\ transfers-per-ns 2;\n\ # treat-cr-as-space ;\n\ trust-anchor-telemetry yes;\n\ # use-id-pool ;\n\ # use-ixfr ;\n\ \n\ /* view */\n\ acache-cleaning-interval 60;\n\ acache-enable no;\n\ additional-from-auth true;\n\ additional-from-cache true;\n\ allow-new-zones no;\n\ allow-notify {none;};\n\ allow-query-cache { localnets; localhost; };\n\ allow-query-cache-on { any; };\n\ allow-recursion { localnets; localhost; };\n\ allow-recursion-on { any; };\n\ allow-update-forwarding {none;};\n\ # allow-v6-synthesis ;\n\ auth-nxdomain false;\n\ check-dup-records warn;\n\ check-mx warn;\n\ check-names master fail;\n\ check-names response ignore;\n\ check-names slave warn;\n\ check-spf warn;\n\ cleaning-interval 0; /* now meaningless */\n\ clients-per-query 10;\n\ dnssec-accept-expired no;\n\ dnssec-enable yes;\n\ dnssec-validation yes; \n" #ifdef HAVE_DNSTAP " dnstap-identity hostname;\n" #endif "\ # fetch-glue ;\n\ fetch-quota-params 100 0.1 0.3 0.7;\n\ fetches-per-server 0;\n\ fetches-per-zone 0;\n" #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA " filter-aaaa-on-v4 no;\n\ filter-aaaa-on-v6 no;\n\ filter-aaaa { any; };\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP " geoip-use-ecs yes;\n" #endif " lame-ttl 600;\n" #ifdef HAVE_LMDB " lmdb-mapsize 32M;\n" #endif " max-acache-size 16M;\n\ max-cache-size 90%;\n\ max-cache-ttl 604800; /* 1 week */\n\ max-clients-per-query 100;\n\ max-ncache-ttl 10800; /* 3 hours */\n\ max-recursion-depth 7;\n\ max-recursion-queries 75;\n\ message-compression yes;\n\ # min-roots ;\n\ minimal-any false;\n\ minimal-responses false;\n\ notify-source *;\n\ notify-source-v6 *;\n\ nsec3-test-zone no;\n\ provide-ixfr true;\n\ query-source address *;\n\ query-source-v6 address *;\n\ recursion true;\n\ request-expire true;\n\ request-ixfr true;\n\ require-server-cookie no;\n\ # rfc2308-type1 ;\n\ root-key-sentinel yes;\n\ servfail-ttl 1;\n\ # sortlist \n\ # topology \n\ transfer-format many-answers;\n\ v6-bias 50;\n\ zero-no-soa-ttl-cache no;\n\ \n\ /* zone */\n\ allow-query {any;};\n\ allow-query-on {any;};\n\ allow-transfer {any;};\n\ # also-notify \n\ alt-transfer-source *;\n\ alt-transfer-source-v6 *;\n\ check-integrity yes;\n\ check-mx-cname warn;\n\ check-sibling yes;\n\ check-srv-cname warn;\n\ check-wildcard yes;\n\ dialup no;\n\ dnssec-dnskey-kskonly no;\n\ dnssec-loadkeys-interval 60;\n\ dnssec-secure-to-insecure no;\n\ dnssec-update-mode maintain;\n\ # forward \n\ # forwarders \n\ inline-signing no;\n\ ixfr-from-differences false;\n\ # maintain-ixfr-base ;\n\ # max-ixfr-log-size \n\ max-journal-size unlimited;\n\ max-records 0;\n\ max-refresh-time 2419200; /* 4 weeks */\n\ max-retry-time 1209600; /* 2 weeks */\n\ max-transfer-idle-in 60;\n\ max-transfer-idle-out 60;\n\ max-transfer-time-in 120;\n\ max-transfer-time-out 120;\n\ min-refresh-time 300;\n\ min-retry-time 500;\n\ multi-master no;\n\ notify yes;\n\ notify-delay 5;\n\ notify-to-soa no;\n\ serial-update-method increment;\n\ sig-signing-nodes 100;\n\ sig-signing-signatures 10;\n\ sig-signing-type 65534;\n\ sig-validity-interval 30; /* days */\n\ transfer-source *;\n\ transfer-source-v6 *;\n\ try-tcp-refresh yes; /* BIND 8 compat */\n\ update-check-ksk yes;\n\ zero-no-soa-ttl yes;\n\ zone-statistics terse;\n\ };\n\ " "#\n\ # Zones in the \"_bind\" view are NOT counted in the count of zones.\n\ #\n\ view \"_bind\" chaos {\n\ recursion no;\n\ notify no;\n\ allow-new-zones no;\n\ \n\ # Prevent use of this zone in DNS amplified reflection DoS attacks\n\ rate-limit {\n\ responses-per-second 3;\n\ slip 0;\n\ min-table-size 10;\n\ };\n\ \n\ zone \"version.bind\" chaos {\n\ type master;\n\ database \"_builtin version\";\n\ };\n\ \n\ zone \"hostname.bind\" chaos {\n\ type master;\n\ database \"_builtin hostname\";\n\ };\n\ \n\ zone \"authors.bind\" chaos {\n\ type master;\n\ database \"_builtin authors\";\n\ };\n\ \n\ zone \"id.server\" chaos {\n\ type master;\n\ database \"_builtin id\";\n\ };\n\ };\n\ " "#\n\ # Default trusted key(s), used if \n\ # \"dnssec-validation auto;\" is set and\n\ # sysconfdir/bind.keys doesn't exist).\n\ #\n\ # BEGIN MANAGED KEYS\n" /* Imported from bind.keys.h: */ MANAGED_KEYS "# END MANAGED KEYS\n\ "; isc_result_t ns_config_parsedefaults(cfg_parser_t *parser, cfg_obj_t **conf) { isc_buffer_t b; isc_buffer_init(&b, defaultconf, sizeof(defaultconf) - 1); isc_buffer_add(&b, sizeof(defaultconf) - 1); return (cfg_parse_buffer4(parser, &b, __FILE__, 0, &cfg_type_namedconf, CFG_PCTX_NODEPRECATED, conf)); } isc_result_t ns_config_get(cfg_obj_t const * const *maps, const char *name, const cfg_obj_t **obj) { int i; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (maps[i] == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND); if (cfg_map_get(maps[i], name, obj) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } } isc_result_t ns_checknames_get(const cfg_obj_t **maps, const char *which, const cfg_obj_t **obj) { const cfg_listelt_t *element; const cfg_obj_t *checknames; const cfg_obj_t *type; const cfg_obj_t *value; int i; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (maps[i] == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND); checknames = NULL; if (cfg_map_get(maps[i], "check-names", &checknames) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { /* * Zone map entry is not a list. */ if (checknames != NULL && !cfg_obj_islist(checknames)) { *obj = checknames; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } for (element = cfg_list_first(checknames); element != NULL; element = cfg_list_next(element)) { value = cfg_listelt_value(element); type = cfg_tuple_get(value, "type"); if (strcasecmp(cfg_obj_asstring(type), which) == 0) { *obj = cfg_tuple_get(value, "mode"); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } } } } } int ns_config_listcount(const cfg_obj_t *list) { const cfg_listelt_t *e; int i = 0; for (e = cfg_list_first(list); e != NULL; e = cfg_list_next(e)) i++; return (i); } isc_result_t ns_config_getclass(const cfg_obj_t *classobj, dns_rdataclass_t defclass, dns_rdataclass_t *classp) { isc_textregion_t r; isc_result_t result; if (!cfg_obj_isstring(classobj)) { *classp = defclass; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } DE_CONST(cfg_obj_asstring(classobj), r.base); r.length = strlen(r.base); result = dns_rdataclass_fromtext(classp, &r); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) cfg_obj_log(classobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "unknown class '%s'", r.base); return (result); } isc_result_t ns_config_gettype(const cfg_obj_t *typeobj, dns_rdatatype_t deftype, dns_rdatatype_t *typep) { isc_textregion_t r; isc_result_t result; if (!cfg_obj_isstring(typeobj)) { *typep = deftype; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } DE_CONST(cfg_obj_asstring(typeobj), r.base); r.length = strlen(r.base); result = dns_rdatatype_fromtext(typep, &r); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) cfg_obj_log(typeobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "unknown type '%s'", r.base); return (result); } dns_zonetype_t ns_config_getzonetype(const cfg_obj_t *zonetypeobj) { dns_zonetype_t ztype = dns_zone_none; const char *str; str = cfg_obj_asstring(zonetypeobj); if (strcasecmp(str, "master") == 0) ztype = dns_zone_master; else if (strcasecmp(str, "slave") == 0) ztype = dns_zone_slave; else if (strcasecmp(str, "stub") == 0) ztype = dns_zone_stub; else if (strcasecmp(str, "static-stub") == 0) ztype = dns_zone_staticstub; else if (strcasecmp(str, "redirect") == 0) ztype = dns_zone_redirect; else INSIST(0); return (ztype); } isc_result_t ns_config_getiplist(const cfg_obj_t *config, const cfg_obj_t *list, in_port_t defport, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_sockaddr_t **addrsp, isc_dscp_t **dscpsp, uint32_t *countp) { int count, i = 0; const cfg_obj_t *addrlist; const cfg_obj_t *portobj, *dscpobj; const cfg_listelt_t *element; isc_sockaddr_t *addrs; in_port_t port; isc_dscp_t dscp = -1, *dscps = NULL; isc_result_t result; INSIST(addrsp != NULL && *addrsp == NULL); INSIST(dscpsp == NULL || *dscpsp == NULL); INSIST(countp != NULL); addrlist = cfg_tuple_get(list, "addresses"); count = ns_config_listcount(addrlist); portobj = cfg_tuple_get(list, "port"); if (cfg_obj_isuint32(portobj)) { uint32_t val = cfg_obj_asuint32(portobj); if (val > UINT16_MAX) { cfg_obj_log(portobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "port '%u' out of range", val); return (ISC_R_RANGE); } port = (in_port_t) val; } else if (defport != 0) port = defport; else { result = ns_config_getport(config, &port); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); } if (dscpsp != NULL) { dscpobj = cfg_tuple_get(list, "dscp"); if (dscpobj != NULL && cfg_obj_isuint32(dscpobj)) { if (cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj) > 63) { cfg_obj_log(dscpobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "dscp value '%u' is out of range", cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj)); return (ISC_R_RANGE); } dscp = (isc_dscp_t)cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj); } dscps = isc_mem_get(mctx, count * sizeof(isc_dscp_t)); if (dscps == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } addrs = isc_mem_get(mctx, count * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t)); if (addrs == NULL) { if (dscps != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, dscps, count * sizeof(isc_dscp_t)); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } for (element = cfg_list_first(addrlist); element != NULL; element = cfg_list_next(element), i++) { const cfg_obj_t *addr; INSIST(i < count); addr = cfg_listelt_value(element); addrs[i] = *cfg_obj_assockaddr(addr); if (dscpsp != NULL) { isc_dscp_t innerdscp; innerdscp = cfg_obj_getdscp(addr); if (innerdscp == -1) innerdscp = dscp; dscps[i] = innerdscp; } if (isc_sockaddr_getport(&addrs[i]) == 0) isc_sockaddr_setport(&addrs[i], port); } INSIST(i == count); *addrsp = addrs; *countp = count; if (dscpsp != NULL) *dscpsp = dscps; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } void ns_config_putiplist(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_sockaddr_t **addrsp, isc_dscp_t **dscpsp, uint32_t count) { INSIST(addrsp != NULL && *addrsp != NULL); INSIST(dscpsp == NULL || *dscpsp != NULL); isc_mem_put(mctx, *addrsp, count * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t)); *addrsp = NULL; if (dscpsp != NULL) { isc_mem_put(mctx, *dscpsp, count * sizeof(isc_dscp_t)); *dscpsp = NULL; } } static isc_result_t get_masters_def(const cfg_obj_t *cctx, const char *name, const cfg_obj_t **ret) { isc_result_t result; const cfg_obj_t *masters = NULL; const cfg_listelt_t *elt; result = cfg_map_get(cctx, "masters", &masters); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); for (elt = cfg_list_first(masters); elt != NULL; elt = cfg_list_next(elt)) { const cfg_obj_t *list; const char *listname; list = cfg_listelt_value(elt); listname = cfg_obj_asstring(cfg_tuple_get(list, "name")); if (strcasecmp(listname, name) == 0) { *ret = list; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } } return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND); } isc_result_t ns_config_getipandkeylist(const cfg_obj_t *config, const cfg_obj_t *list, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_ipkeylist_t *ipkl) { uint32_t addrcount = 0, dscpcount = 0, keycount = 0, i = 0; uint32_t listcount = 0, l = 0, j; uint32_t stackcount = 0, pushed = 0; isc_result_t result; const cfg_listelt_t *element; const cfg_obj_t *addrlist; const cfg_obj_t *portobj; const cfg_obj_t *dscpobj; in_port_t port; isc_dscp_t dscp = -1; dns_fixedname_t fname; isc_sockaddr_t *addrs = NULL; isc_dscp_t *dscps = NULL; dns_name_t **keys = NULL; struct { const char *name; } *lists = NULL; struct { const cfg_listelt_t *element; in_port_t port; isc_dscp_t dscp; } *stack = NULL; REQUIRE(ipkl != NULL); REQUIRE(ipkl->count == 0); REQUIRE(ipkl->addrs == NULL); REQUIRE(ipkl->keys == NULL); REQUIRE(ipkl->dscps == NULL); REQUIRE(ipkl->labels == NULL); REQUIRE(ipkl->allocated == 0); /* * Get system defaults. */ result = ns_config_getport(config, &port); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; result = ns_config_getdscp(config, &dscp); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; newlist: addrlist = cfg_tuple_get(list, "addresses"); portobj = cfg_tuple_get(list, "port"); dscpobj = cfg_tuple_get(list, "dscp"); if (cfg_obj_isuint32(portobj)) { uint32_t val = cfg_obj_asuint32(portobj); if (val > UINT16_MAX) { cfg_obj_log(portobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "port '%u' out of range", val); result = ISC_R_RANGE; goto cleanup; } port = (in_port_t) val; } if (dscpobj != NULL && cfg_obj_isuint32(dscpobj)) { if (cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj) > 63) { cfg_obj_log(dscpobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "dscp value '%u' is out of range", cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj)); result = ISC_R_RANGE; goto cleanup; } dscp = (isc_dscp_t)cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj); } result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; element = cfg_list_first(addrlist); resume: for ( ; element != NULL; element = cfg_list_next(element)) { const cfg_obj_t *addr; const cfg_obj_t *key; const char *keystr; isc_buffer_t b; addr = cfg_tuple_get(cfg_listelt_value(element), "masterselement"); key = cfg_tuple_get(cfg_listelt_value(element), "key"); if (!cfg_obj_issockaddr(addr)) { const char *listname = cfg_obj_asstring(addr); isc_result_t tresult; /* Grow lists? */ if (listcount == l) { void * tmp; uint32_t newlen = listcount + 16; size_t newsize, oldsize; newsize = newlen * sizeof(*lists); oldsize = listcount * sizeof(*lists); tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; if (listcount != 0) { memmove(tmp, lists, oldsize); isc_mem_put(mctx, lists, oldsize); } lists = tmp; listcount = newlen; } /* Seen? */ for (j = 0; j < l; j++) if (strcasecmp(lists[j].name, listname) == 0) break; if (j < l) continue; tresult = get_masters_def(config, listname, &list); if (tresult == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) { cfg_obj_log(addr, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "masters \"%s\" not found", listname); result = tresult; goto cleanup; } if (tresult != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; lists[l++].name = listname; /* Grow stack? */ if (stackcount == pushed) { void * tmp; uint32_t newlen = stackcount + 16; size_t newsize, oldsize; newsize = newlen * sizeof(*stack); oldsize = stackcount * sizeof(*stack); tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; if (stackcount != 0) { memmove(tmp, stack, oldsize); isc_mem_put(mctx, stack, oldsize); } stack = tmp; stackcount = newlen; } /* * We want to resume processing this list on the * next element. */ stack[pushed].element = cfg_list_next(element); stack[pushed].port = port; stack[pushed].dscp = dscp; pushed++; goto newlist; } if (i == addrcount) { void * tmp; uint32_t newlen = addrcount + 16; size_t newsize, oldsize; newsize = newlen * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t); oldsize = addrcount * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t); tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; if (addrcount != 0) { memmove(tmp, addrs, oldsize); isc_mem_put(mctx, addrs, oldsize); } addrs = tmp; addrcount = newlen; newsize = newlen * sizeof(isc_dscp_t); oldsize = dscpcount * sizeof(isc_dscp_t); tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; if (dscpcount != 0) { memmove(tmp, dscps, oldsize); isc_mem_put(mctx, dscps, oldsize); } dscps = tmp; dscpcount = newlen; newsize = newlen * sizeof(dns_name_t *); oldsize = keycount * sizeof(dns_name_t *); tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; if (keycount != 0) { memmove(tmp, keys, oldsize); isc_mem_put(mctx, keys, oldsize); } keys = tmp; keycount = newlen; } addrs[i] = *cfg_obj_assockaddr(addr); if (isc_sockaddr_getport(&addrs[i]) == 0) isc_sockaddr_setport(&addrs[i], port); dscps[i] = cfg_obj_getdscp(addr); if (dscps[i] == -1) dscps[i] = dscp; keys[i] = NULL; i++; /* Increment here so that cleanup on error works. */ if (!cfg_obj_isstring(key)) continue; keys[i - 1] = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(dns_name_t)); if (keys[i - 1] == NULL) goto cleanup; dns_name_init(keys[i - 1], NULL); keystr = cfg_obj_asstring(key); isc_buffer_constinit(&b, keystr, strlen(keystr)); isc_buffer_add(&b, strlen(keystr)); dns_fixedname_init(&fname); result = dns_name_fromtext(dns_fixedname_name(&fname), &b, dns_rootname, 0, NULL); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; result = dns_name_dup(dns_fixedname_name(&fname), mctx, keys[i - 1]); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; } if (pushed != 0) { pushed--; element = stack[pushed].element; port = stack[pushed].port; dscp = stack[pushed].dscp; goto resume; } if (i < addrcount) { void * tmp; size_t newsize, oldsize; newsize = i * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t); oldsize = addrcount * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t); if (i != 0) { tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; memmove(tmp, addrs, newsize); } else tmp = NULL; isc_mem_put(mctx, addrs, oldsize); addrs = tmp; addrcount = i; newsize = i * sizeof(isc_dscp_t); oldsize = dscpcount * sizeof(isc_dscp_t); if (i != 0) { tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; memmove(tmp, dscps, newsize); } else tmp = NULL; isc_mem_put(mctx, dscps, oldsize); dscps = tmp; dscpcount = i; newsize = i * sizeof(dns_name_t *); oldsize = keycount * sizeof(dns_name_t *); if (i != 0) { tmp = isc_mem_get(mctx, newsize); if (tmp == NULL) goto cleanup; memmove(tmp, keys, newsize); } else tmp = NULL; isc_mem_put(mctx, keys, oldsize); keys = tmp; keycount = i; } if (lists != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, lists, listcount * sizeof(*lists)); if (stack != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, stack, stackcount * sizeof(*stack)); INSIST(keycount == addrcount); ipkl->addrs = addrs; ipkl->dscps = dscps; ipkl->keys = keys; ipkl->count = addrcount; ipkl->allocated = addrcount; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: if (addrs != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, addrs, addrcount * sizeof(isc_sockaddr_t)); if (dscps != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, dscps, dscpcount * sizeof(isc_dscp_t)); if (keys != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (keys[j] == NULL) continue; if (dns_name_dynamic(keys[j])) dns_name_free(keys[j], mctx); isc_mem_put(mctx, keys[j], sizeof(dns_name_t)); } isc_mem_put(mctx, keys, keycount * sizeof(dns_name_t *)); } if (lists != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, lists, listcount * sizeof(*lists)); if (stack != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, stack, stackcount * sizeof(*stack)); return (result); } isc_result_t ns_config_getport(const cfg_obj_t *config, in_port_t *portp) { const cfg_obj_t *maps[3]; const cfg_obj_t *options = NULL; const cfg_obj_t *portobj = NULL; isc_result_t result; int i; (void)cfg_map_get(config, "options", &options); i = 0; if (options != NULL) maps[i++] = options; maps[i++] = ns_g_defaults; maps[i] = NULL; result = ns_config_get(maps, "port", &portobj); INSIST(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); if (cfg_obj_asuint32(portobj) >= UINT16_MAX) { cfg_obj_log(portobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "port '%u' out of range", cfg_obj_asuint32(portobj)); return (ISC_R_RANGE); } *portp = (in_port_t)cfg_obj_asuint32(portobj); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } isc_result_t ns_config_getdscp(const cfg_obj_t *config, isc_dscp_t *dscpp) { const cfg_obj_t *options = NULL; const cfg_obj_t *dscpobj = NULL; isc_result_t result; (void)cfg_map_get(config, "options", &options); if (options == NULL) return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); result = cfg_map_get(options, "dscp", &dscpobj); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS || dscpobj == NULL) { *dscpp = -1; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } if (cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj) >= 64) { cfg_obj_log(dscpobj, ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "dscp '%u' out of range", cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj)); return (ISC_R_RANGE); } *dscpp = (isc_dscp_t)cfg_obj_asuint32(dscpobj); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } struct keyalgorithms { const char *str; enum { hmacnone, hmacmd5, hmacsha1, hmacsha224, hmacsha256, hmacsha384, hmacsha512 } hmac; unsigned int type; uint16_t size; } algorithms[] = { #ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE { "hmac-md5", hmacmd5, DST_ALG_HMACMD5, 128 }, { "hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int", hmacmd5, DST_ALG_HMACMD5, 0 }, { "hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int.", hmacmd5, DST_ALG_HMACMD5, 0 }, #endif { "hmac-sha1", hmacsha1, DST_ALG_HMACSHA1, 160 }, { "hmac-sha224", hmacsha224, DST_ALG_HMACSHA224, 224 }, { "hmac-sha256", hmacsha256, DST_ALG_HMACSHA256, 256 }, { "hmac-sha384", hmacsha384, DST_ALG_HMACSHA384, 384 }, { "hmac-sha512", hmacsha512, DST_ALG_HMACSHA512, 512 }, { NULL, hmacnone, DST_ALG_UNKNOWN, 0 } }; isc_result_t ns_config_getkeyalgorithm(const char *str, dns_name_t **name, uint16_t *digestbits) { return (ns_config_getkeyalgorithm2(str, name, NULL, digestbits)); } isc_result_t ns_config_getkeyalgorithm2(const char *str, dns_name_t **name, unsigned int *typep, uint16_t *digestbits) { int i; size_t len = 0; uint16_t bits; isc_result_t result; for (i = 0; algorithms[i].str != NULL; i++) { len = strlen(algorithms[i].str); if (strncasecmp(algorithms[i].str, str, len) == 0 && (str[len] == '\0' || (algorithms[i].size != 0 && str[len] == '-'))) break; } if (algorithms[i].str == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND); if (str[len] == '-') { result = isc_parse_uint16(&bits, str + len + 1, 10); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); if (bits > algorithms[i].size) return (ISC_R_RANGE); } else if (algorithms[i].size == 0) bits = 128; else bits = algorithms[i].size; if (name != NULL) { switch (algorithms[i].hmac) { #ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE case hmacmd5: *name = dns_tsig_hmacmd5_name; break; #endif case hmacsha1: *name = dns_tsig_hmacsha1_name; break; case hmacsha224: *name = dns_tsig_hmacsha224_name; break; case hmacsha256: *name = dns_tsig_hmacsha256_name; break; case hmacsha384: *name = dns_tsig_hmacsha384_name; break; case hmacsha512: *name = dns_tsig_hmacsha512_name; break; default: INSIST(0); } } if (typep != NULL) *typep = algorithms[i].type; if (digestbits != NULL) *digestbits = bits; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); }