/* * dm-verity volume handling * * Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "verity.h" #include "internal.h" #define VERITY_MAX_LEVELS 63 static unsigned get_bits_up(size_t u) { unsigned i = 0; while ((1U << i) < u) i++; return i; } static unsigned get_bits_down(size_t u) { unsigned i = 0; while ((u >> i) > 1U) i++; return i; } static int verify_zero(struct crypt_device *cd, FILE *wr, size_t bytes) { char block[bytes]; size_t i; if (fread(block, bytes, 1, wr) != 1) { log_dbg(cd, "EIO while reading spare area."); return -EIO; } for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) if (block[i]) { log_err(cd, _("Spare area is not zeroed at position %" PRIu64 "."), ftello(wr) - bytes); return -EPERM; } return 0; } static int verify_hash_block(const char *hash_name, int version, char *hash, size_t hash_size, const char *data, size_t data_size, const char *salt, size_t salt_size) { struct crypt_hash *ctx = NULL; int r; if (crypt_hash_init(&ctx, hash_name)) return -EINVAL; if (version == 1 && (r = crypt_hash_write(ctx, salt, salt_size))) goto out; if ((r = crypt_hash_write(ctx, data, data_size))) goto out; if (version == 0 && (r = crypt_hash_write(ctx, salt, salt_size))) goto out; r = crypt_hash_final(ctx, hash, hash_size); out: crypt_hash_destroy(ctx); return r; } static int mult_overflow(off_t *u, off_t b, size_t size) { *u = (uint64_t)b * size; if ((off_t)(*u / size) != b || (off_t)*u < 0) return 1; return 0; } static int hash_levels(size_t hash_block_size, size_t digest_size, off_t data_file_blocks, off_t *hash_position, int *levels, off_t *hash_level_block, off_t *hash_level_size) { size_t hash_per_block_bits; off_t s; int i; if (!digest_size) return -EINVAL; hash_per_block_bits = get_bits_down(hash_block_size / digest_size); if (!hash_per_block_bits) return -EINVAL; *levels = 0; while (hash_per_block_bits * *levels < 64 && (data_file_blocks - 1) >> (hash_per_block_bits * *levels)) (*levels)++; if (*levels > VERITY_MAX_LEVELS) return -EINVAL; for (i = *levels - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (hash_level_block) hash_level_block[i] = *hash_position; // verity position of block data_file_blocks at level i s = (data_file_blocks + ((off_t)1 << ((i + 1) * hash_per_block_bits)) - 1) >> ((i + 1) * hash_per_block_bits); if (hash_level_size) hash_level_size[i] = s; if ((*hash_position + s) < *hash_position || (*hash_position + s) < 0) return -EINVAL; *hash_position += s; } return 0; } static int create_or_verify(struct crypt_device *cd, FILE *rd, FILE *wr, off_t data_block, size_t data_block_size, off_t hash_block, size_t hash_block_size, off_t blocks, int version, const char *hash_name, int verify, char *calculated_digest, size_t digest_size, const char *salt, size_t salt_size) { char left_block[hash_block_size]; char data_buffer[data_block_size]; char read_digest[digest_size]; size_t hash_per_block = 1 << get_bits_down(hash_block_size / digest_size); size_t digest_size_full = 1 << get_bits_up(digest_size); off_t blocks_to_write = (blocks + hash_per_block - 1) / hash_per_block; off_t seek_rd, seek_wr; size_t left_bytes; unsigned i; int r; if (mult_overflow(&seek_rd, data_block, data_block_size) || mult_overflow(&seek_wr, hash_block, hash_block_size)) { log_err(cd, _("Device offset overflow.")); return -EINVAL; } if (fseeko(rd, seek_rd, SEEK_SET)) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot seek to requested position in data device."); return -EIO; } if (wr && fseeko(wr, seek_wr, SEEK_SET)) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot seek to requested position in hash device."); return -EIO; } memset(left_block, 0, hash_block_size); while (blocks_to_write--) { left_bytes = hash_block_size; for (i = 0; i < hash_per_block; i++) { if (!blocks) break; blocks--; if (fread(data_buffer, data_block_size, 1, rd) != 1) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot read data device block."); return -EIO; } if (verify_hash_block(hash_name, version, calculated_digest, digest_size, data_buffer, data_block_size, salt, salt_size)) return -EINVAL; if (!wr) break; if (verify) { if (fread(read_digest, digest_size, 1, wr) != 1) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot read digest form hash device."); return -EIO; } if (memcmp(read_digest, calculated_digest, digest_size)) { log_err(cd, _("Verification failed at position %" PRIu64 "."), ftello(rd) - data_block_size); return -EPERM; } } else { if (fwrite(calculated_digest, digest_size, 1, wr) != 1) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot write digest to hash device."); return -EIO; } } if (version == 0) { left_bytes -= digest_size; } else { if (digest_size_full - digest_size) { if (verify) { r = verify_zero(cd, wr, digest_size_full - digest_size); if (r) return r; } else if (fwrite(left_block, digest_size_full - digest_size, 1, wr) != 1) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot write spare area to hash device."); return -EIO; } } left_bytes -= digest_size_full; } } if (wr && left_bytes) { if (verify) { r = verify_zero(cd , wr, left_bytes); if (r) return r; } else if (fwrite(left_block, left_bytes, 1, wr) != 1) { log_dbg(cd, "Cannot write remaining spare area to hash device."); return -EIO; } } } return 0; } static int VERITY_create_or_verify_hash(struct crypt_device *cd, int verify, int version, const char *hash_name, struct device *hash_device, struct device *data_device, size_t hash_block_size, size_t data_block_size, off_t data_blocks, off_t hash_position, char *root_hash, size_t digest_size, const char *salt, size_t salt_size) { char calculated_digest[digest_size]; FILE *data_file = NULL; FILE *hash_file = NULL, *hash_file_2; off_t hash_level_block[VERITY_MAX_LEVELS]; off_t hash_level_size[VERITY_MAX_LEVELS]; off_t data_file_blocks; off_t data_device_size = 0, hash_device_size = 0; uint64_t dev_size; int levels, i, r; log_dbg(cd, "Hash %s %s, data device %s, data blocks %" PRIu64 ", hash_device %s, offset %" PRIu64 ".", verify ? "verification" : "creation", hash_name, device_path(data_device), data_blocks, device_path(hash_device), hash_position); if (data_blocks < 0 || hash_position < 0) { log_err(cd, _("Invalid size parameters for verity device.")); return -EINVAL; } if (!data_blocks) { r = device_size(data_device, &dev_size); if (r < 0) return r; data_file_blocks = dev_size / data_block_size; } else data_file_blocks = data_blocks; if (mult_overflow(&data_device_size, data_blocks, data_block_size)) { log_err(cd, _("Device offset overflow.")); return -EINVAL; } if (hash_levels(hash_block_size, digest_size, data_file_blocks, &hash_position, &levels, &hash_level_block[0], &hash_level_size[0])) { log_err(cd, _("Hash area overflow.")); return -EINVAL; } log_dbg(cd, "Using %d hash levels.", levels); if (mult_overflow(&hash_device_size, hash_position, hash_block_size)) { log_err(cd, _("Device offset overflow.")); return -EINVAL; } log_dbg(cd, "Data device size required: %" PRIu64 " bytes.", data_device_size); data_file = fopen(device_path(data_device), "r"); if (!data_file) { log_err(cd, _("Cannot open device %s."), device_path(data_device) ); r = -EIO; goto out; } log_dbg(cd, "Hash device size required: %" PRIu64 " bytes.", hash_device_size); hash_file = fopen(device_path(hash_device), verify ? "r" : "r+"); if (!hash_file) { log_err(cd, _("Cannot open device %s."), device_path(hash_device)); r = -EIO; goto out; } memset(calculated_digest, 0, digest_size); for (i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (!i) { r = create_or_verify(cd, data_file, hash_file, 0, data_block_size, hash_level_block[i], hash_block_size, data_file_blocks, version, hash_name, verify, calculated_digest, digest_size, salt, salt_size); if (r) goto out; } else { hash_file_2 = fopen(device_path(hash_device), "r"); if (!hash_file_2) { log_err(cd, _("Cannot open device %s."), device_path(hash_device)); r = -EIO; goto out; } r = create_or_verify(cd, hash_file_2, hash_file, hash_level_block[i - 1], hash_block_size, hash_level_block[i], hash_block_size, hash_level_size[i - 1], version, hash_name, verify, calculated_digest, digest_size, salt, salt_size); fclose(hash_file_2); if (r) goto out; } } if (levels) r = create_or_verify(cd, hash_file, NULL, hash_level_block[levels - 1], hash_block_size, 0, hash_block_size, 1, version, hash_name, verify, calculated_digest, digest_size, salt, salt_size); else r = create_or_verify(cd, data_file, NULL, 0, data_block_size, 0, hash_block_size, data_file_blocks, version, hash_name, verify, calculated_digest, digest_size, salt, salt_size); out: if (verify) { if (r) log_err(cd, _("Verification of data area failed.")); else { log_dbg(cd, "Verification of data area succeeded."); r = memcmp(root_hash, calculated_digest, digest_size) ? -EPERM : 0; if (r) log_err(cd, _("Verification of root hash failed.")); else log_dbg(cd, "Verification of root hash succeeded."); } } else { if (r == -EIO) log_err(cd, _("Input/output error while creating hash area.")); else if (r) log_err(cd, _("Creation of hash area failed.")); else { fsync(fileno(hash_file)); memcpy(root_hash, calculated_digest, digest_size); } } if (data_file) fclose(data_file); if (hash_file) fclose(hash_file); return r; } /* Verify verity device using userspace crypto backend */ int VERITY_verify(struct crypt_device *cd, struct crypt_params_verity *verity_hdr, const char *root_hash, size_t root_hash_size) { return VERITY_create_or_verify_hash(cd, 1, verity_hdr->hash_type, verity_hdr->hash_name, crypt_metadata_device(cd), crypt_data_device(cd), verity_hdr->hash_block_size, verity_hdr->data_block_size, verity_hdr->data_size, VERITY_hash_offset_block(verity_hdr), CONST_CAST(char*)root_hash, root_hash_size, verity_hdr->salt, verity_hdr->salt_size); } /* Create verity hash */ int VERITY_create(struct crypt_device *cd, struct crypt_params_verity *verity_hdr, char *root_hash, size_t root_hash_size) { unsigned pgsize = (unsigned)crypt_getpagesize(); if (verity_hdr->salt_size > 256) return -EINVAL; if (verity_hdr->data_block_size > pgsize) log_err(cd, _("WARNING: Kernel cannot activate device if data " "block size exceeds page size (%u)."), pgsize); return VERITY_create_or_verify_hash(cd, 0, verity_hdr->hash_type, verity_hdr->hash_name, crypt_metadata_device(cd), crypt_data_device(cd), verity_hdr->hash_block_size, verity_hdr->data_block_size, verity_hdr->data_size, VERITY_hash_offset_block(verity_hdr), root_hash, root_hash_size, verity_hdr->salt, verity_hdr->salt_size); } uint64_t VERITY_hash_blocks(struct crypt_device *cd, struct crypt_params_verity *params) { off_t hash_position = 0; int levels = 0; if (hash_levels(params->hash_block_size, crypt_get_volume_key_size(cd), params->data_size, &hash_position, &levels, NULL, NULL)) return 0; return (uint64_t)hash_position; }