=head1 NAME Devscripts::Config - devscripts Perl scripts configuration object =head1 SYNOPSIS # Configuration module package Devscripts::My::Config; use Moo; extends 'Devscripts::Config'; use constant keys => [ [ 'text1=s', 'MY_TEXT', qr/^\S/, 'Default_text' ], # ... ]; has text1 => ( is => 'rw' ); # Main package or script package Devscripts::My; use Moo; my $config = Devscripts::My::Config->new->parse; 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION Devscripts Perl scripts configuration object. It can scan configuration files (B and B<~/.devscripts>) and command line arguments. A devscripts configuration package has just to declare: =over =item B constant: array ref I<(see below)> =item B constant: hash ref I<(see below)> =back =head1 KEYS Each element of B constant is an array containing four elements which can be undefined: =over =item the string to give to L =item the name of the B key =item the rule to check value. It can be: =over =item B ref: will be applied to the value. If it fails against the devscripts.conf value, Devscripts::Config will warn. If it fails against the command line argument, Devscripts::Config will die. =item B ref: function will be called with 2 arguments: current config object and proposed value. Function must return a true value to continue or 0 to stop. This is not simply a "check" function: Devscripts::Config will not do anything else than read the result to continue with next argument or stop. =item B<"bool"> string: means that value is a boolean. devscripts.conf value can be either "yes", 1, "no", 0. =back =item the default value =back =head2 RULES It is possible to declare some additional rules to check the logic between options: use constant rules => [ sub { my($self)=@_; # OK return 1 if( $self->a < $self->b ); # OK with warning return ( 1, 'a should be lower than b ) if( $self->a > $self->b ); # NOK with an error return ( 0, 'a must not be equal to b !' ); }, sub { my($self)=@_; # ... return 1; }, ]; =head1 METHODS =head2 new() Constructor =cut package Devscripts::Config; use strict; use Devscripts::Output; use Dpkg::IPC; use File::HomeDir; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling permute no_getopt_compat); use Moo; # Common options has common_opts => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { [[ 'help', undef, sub { if ($_[1]) { $_[0]->usage; exit 0 } } ]] }); # Internal attributes has modified_conf_msg => (is => 'rw', default => sub { '' }); $ENV{HOME} = File::HomeDir->my_home; our @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', ($ENV{HOME} ? "$ENV{HOME}/.devscripts" : ())); sub keys { die "conffile_keys() must be defined in sub classes"; } =head2 parse() Launches B, B and B =cut sub BUILD { my ($self) = @_; $self->set_default; } sub parse { my ($self) = @_; # 1 - Parse /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts $self->parse_conf_files; # 2 - Parse command line $self->parse_command_line; # 3 - Check rules $self->check_rules; return $self; } # I - Parse /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts =head2 parse_conf_files() Reads values in B and B<~/.devscripts> =cut sub set_default { my ($self) = @_; my $keys = $self->keys; foreach my $key (@$keys) { my ($kname, $name, $check, $default) = @$key; next unless (defined $default); $kname =~ s/^\-\-//; $kname =~ s/-/_/g; $kname =~ s/[!\|=].*$//; if (ref $default) { unless (ref $default eq 'CODE') { die "Default value must be a sub ($kname)"; } $self->{$kname} = $default->(); } else { $self->{$kname} = $default; } } } sub parse_conf_files { my ($self) = @_; my @cfg_files = @config_files; if (@ARGV) { if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) { $self->modified_conf_msg(" (no configuration files read)"); shift @ARGV; return $self; } my @tmp; while ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ s/^--conf-?file(?:=(.+))?//) { shift @ARGV; my $file = $1 || shift(@ARGV); if ($file) { unless ($file =~ s/^\+//) { @cfg_files = (); } push @tmp, $file; } else { return ds_die "Unable to parse --conf-file option, aborting parsing"; } } push @cfg_files, @tmp; } @cfg_files = grep { -r $_ } @cfg_files; my $keys = $self->keys; if (@cfg_files) { my @key_names = map { $_->[1] ? $_->[1] : () } @$keys; my %config_vars; my $shell_cmd = 'for file in ' . join(" ", @cfg_files) . '; do . $file; done;'; # Read back values foreach my $var (@key_names) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n"; } my $shell_out; spawn( exec => ['/bin/bash', '-c', $shell_cmd], wait_child => 1, to_string => \$shell_out ); @config_vars{@key_names} = map { s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/ ? $_ : undef } split(/\n/, $shell_out, -1); # Check validity and set value foreach my $key (@$keys) { my ($kname, $name, $check, $default) = @$key; next unless ($name); $kname //= ''; $kname =~ s/^\-\-//; $kname =~ s/-/_/g; $kname =~ s/[!|=+].*$//; # Case 1: nothing in conf files, set default next unless (length $config_vars{$name}); if (defined $check) { if (not(ref $check)) { $check = $self->_subs_check($check, $kname, $name, $default); } if (ref $check eq 'CODE') { my ($res, $msg) = $check->($self, $config_vars{$name}, $kname); ds_warn $msg unless ($res); next; } elsif (ref $check eq 'Regexp') { unless ($config_vars{$name} =~ $check) { ds_warn("Bad $name value $config_vars{$name}"); next; } } else { ds_die("Unknown check type for $name"); return undef; } } $self->{$kname} = $config_vars{$name}; $self->{modified_conf_msg} .= " $name=$config_vars{$name}\n"; if (ref $default and ref($default->()) eq 'ARRAY') { my @tmp = ($config_vars{$name} =~ /\s+"([^"]*)"\s+/g); $config_vars{$name} =~ s/\s+"([^"]*)"\s+/ /g; push @tmp, split(/\s+/, $config_vars{$name}); $self->{$kname} = \@tmp; } } } return $self; } # II - Parse command line =head2 parse_command_line() Parse command line arguments =cut sub parse_command_line { my ($self, @arrays) = @_; my $opts = {}; my $keys = [@{ $self->common_opts }, @{ $self->keys }]; # If default value is set to [], we must prepare hash ref to be able to # receive more than one value foreach (@$keys) { if ($_->[3] and ref($_->[3])) { my $kname = $_->[0]; $kname =~ s/[!\|=].*$//; $opts->{$kname} = $_->[3]->(); } } unless (GetOptions($opts, map { $_->[0] ? ($_->[0]) : () } @$keys)) { $_[0]->usage; exit 1; } foreach my $key (@$keys) { my ($kname, $tmp, $check, $default) = @$key; next unless ($kname); $kname =~ s/[!|=+].*$//; my $name = $kname; $kname =~ s/-/_/g; if (defined $opts->{$name}) { next if (ref $opts->{$name} and !@{ $opts->{$name} }); if (defined $check) { if (not(ref $check)) { $check = $self->_subs_check($check, $kname, $name, $default); } if (ref $check eq 'CODE') { my ($res, $msg) = $check->($self, $opts->{$name}, $kname); ds_die "Bad value for $name: $msg" unless ($res); } elsif (ref $check eq 'Regexp') { if ($opts->{$name} =~ $check) { $self->{$kname} = $opts->{$name}; } else { ds_die("Bad $name value in command line"); } } else { ds_die("Unknown check type for $name"); } } else { $self->{$kname} = $opts->{$name}; } } } return $self; } sub check_rules { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->can('rules')) { if (my $rules = $self->rules) { my $i = 0; foreach my $sub (@$rules) { $i++; my ($res, $msg) = $sub->($self); if ($res) { ds_warn($msg) if ($msg); } else { ds_error($msg || "config rule $i"); # ds_error may not die if $Devscripts::Output::die_on_error # is set to 0 next; } } } } return $self; } sub _subs_check { my ($self, $check, $kname, $name, $default) = @_; if ($check eq 'bool') { $check = sub { $_[0]->{$kname} = ( $_[1] =~ /^(?:1|yes)$/i ? 1 : $_[1] =~ /^(?:0|no)$/i ? 0 : $default ? $default : undef ); return 1; }; } else { $self->die("Unknown check type for $name"); } return $check; } # Default usage: switch to manpage sub usage { $progname =~ s/\.pl//; exec("man", '-P', '/bin/cat', $progname); } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Xavier Guimard Eyadd@debian.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2018 by Xavier Guimard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =cut