# Salsa configuration (inherits from Devscripts::Config) package Devscripts::Salsa::Config; use strict; use Devscripts::Output; use Moo; extends 'Devscripts::Config'; # Declare accessors for each option foreach (qw( all api_url cache_file command desc desc_pattern dest_branch rename_head disable_irker disable_issues disable_kgb disable_mr disable_tagpending enable_issues enable_mr irc_channel git_server_url irker irker_server_url irker_host irker_port kgb kgb_server_url kgb_options mr_allow_squash mr_desc mr_dst_branch mr_dst_project mr_remove_source_branch mr_src_branch mr_src_project mr_title no_fail path private_token skip source_branch group group_id user user_id tagpending tagpending_server_url email email_recipient disable_email ci_config_path ) ) { has $_ => (is => 'rw'); } my $cacheDir; our @kgbOpt = qw(push_events issues_events confidential_issues_events confidential_comments_events merge_requests_events tag_push_events note_events job_events pipeline_events wiki_page_events confidential_note_events enable_ssl_verification); BEGIN { $cacheDir = $ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} || $ENV{HOME} . '/.cache'; } # Options use constant keys => [ # General options [ 'C|chdir=s', undef, sub { return (chdir($_[1]) ? 1 : (0, "$_[1] doesn't exist")) } ], [ 'cache-file', 'SALSA_CACHE_FILE', sub { $_[0]->cache_file($_[1] ? $_[1] : undef); }, "$cacheDir/salsa.json" ], [ 'no-cache', 'SALSA_NO_CACHE', sub { $_[0]->cache_file(undef) if ($_[1] !~ /^(?:no|0+)$/i); return 1; } ], ['debug', undef, sub { $verbose = 2 }], ['info|i', 'SALSA_INFO', sub { info(-1, 'SALSA_INFO', @_) }], [ 'path=s', 'SALSA_REPO_PATH', sub { $_ = $_[1]; s#/*(.*)/*#$1#; $_[0]->path($_); return /^[\w\d\-]+$/ ? 1 : (0, "Bad path $_"); } ], ['group=s', 'SALSA_GROUP', qr/^[\/\-\w]+$/], ['group-id=s', 'SALSA_GROUP_ID', qr/^\d+$/], ['token', 'SALSA_TOKEN', sub { $_[0]->private_token($_[1]) }], [ 'token-file', 'SALSA_TOKEN_FILE', sub { my ($self, $v) = @_; return (0, "Unable to open token file") unless (-r $v); open F, $v; my $s = join '', ; close F; if ($s =~ m/^[^#]*(?:SALSA_(?:PRIVATE_)?TOKEN)\s*=\s*(["'])?([-\w]+)\1?$/m ) { $self->private_token($2); return 1; } else { return (0, "No token found in file $v"); } } ], ['user=s', 'SALSA_USER', qr/^[\-\w]+$/], ['user-id=s', 'SALSA_USER_ID', qr/^\d+$/], ['verbose', 'SALSA_VERBOSE', sub { $verbose = 1 }], ['yes!', 'SALSA_YES', sub { info(1, "SALSA_YES", @_) },], # Update/create repo options ['all'], ['skip=s', 'SALSA_SKIP', undef, sub { [] }], [ 'skip-file=s', 'SALSA_SKIP_FILE', sub { return 1 unless $_[1]; return (0, "Unable to read $_[1]") unless (-r $_[1]); open my $fh, $_[1]; push @{ $_[0]->skip }, (map { chomp $_; ($_ ? $_ : ()) } <$fh>); return 1; } ], ['no-skip', undef, sub { $_[0]->skip([]); $_[0]->skip_file(undef); }], ['ci-config-path=s', 'SALSA_CI_CONFIG_PATH', qr/\./], ['desc!', 'SALSA_DESC', 'bool'], ['desc-pattern=s', 'SALSA_DESC_PATTERN', qr/\w/, 'Debian package %p'], [ 'enable-issues!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('yes', 'enable_issues', 'disable_issues'); } ], [ 'disable-issues!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('no', 'enable_issues', 'disable_issues'); } ], [ undef, 'SALSA_ENABLE_ISSUES', sub { $_[0]->enable($_[1], 'enable_issues', 'disable_issues'); } ], [ 'email!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('yes', 'email', 'disable_email'); } ], [ 'disable-email!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('no', 'email', 'disable_email'); } ], [ undef, 'SALSA_EMAIL', sub { $_[0]->enable($_[1], 'email', 'disable_email'); } ], ['email-recipient=s', 'SALSA_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS', undef, sub { [] },], [ 'enable-mr!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('yes', 'enable_mr', 'disable_mr'); } ], [ 'disable-mr!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('no', 'enable_mr', 'disable_mr'); } ], [ undef, 'SALSA_ENABLE_MR', sub { $_[0]->enable($_[1], 'enable_mr', 'disable_mr'); } ], ['irc-channel|irc=s', 'SALSA_IRC_CHANNEL', undef, sub { [] }], [ 'irker!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('yes', 'irker', 'disable_irker'); } ], [ 'disable-irker!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('no', 'irker', 'disable_irker'); } ], [ undef, 'SALSA_IRKER', sub { $_[0]->enable($_[1], 'irker', 'disable_irker'); } ], ['irker-host=s', 'SALSA_IRKER_HOST', undef, 'ruprecht.snow-crash.org'], ['irker-port=s', 'SALSA_IRKER_PORT', qr/^\d*$/], [ 'kgb!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('yes', 'kgb', 'disable_kgb'); } ], [ 'disable-kgb!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('no', 'kgb', 'disable_kgb'); } ], [undef, 'SALSA_KGB', sub { $_[0]->enable($_[1], 'kgb', 'disable_kgb'); }], [ 'kgb-options=s', 'SALSA_KGB_OPTIONS', qr/\w/, 'push_events,issues_events,merge_requests_events,tag_push_events,' . 'note_events,pipeline_events,wiki_page_events' ], ['no-fail', 'SALSA_NO_FAIL', 'bool'], ['rename-head!', 'SALSA_RENAME_HEAD', 'bool'], ['source-branch=s', 'SALSA_SOURCE_BRANCH', undef, 'master'], ['dest-branch=s', 'SALSA_DEST_BRANCH', undef, 'debian/master'], [ 'tagpending!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('yes', 'tagpending', 'disable_tagpending'); } ], [ 'disable-tagpending!', undef, sub { !$_[1] or $_[0]->enable('no', 'tagpending', 'disable_tagpending'); } ], [ undef, 'SALSA_TAGPENDING', sub { $_[0]->enable($_[1], 'tagpending', 'disable_tagpending'); } ], # Merge requests options ['mr-allow-squash!', 'SALSA_MR_ALLOW_SQUASH', 'bool', 1], ['mr-desc=s'], ['mr-dst-branch=s', undef, undef, 'master'], ['mr-dst-project=s'], ['mr-remove-source-branch!', 'SALSA_MR_REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH', 'bool', 0], ['mr-src-branch=s'], ['mr-src-project=s'], ['mr-title=s'], # Options to manage other Gitlab instances [ 'api-url=s', 'SALSA_API_URL', qr#^https?://#, 'https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4' ], [ 'git-server-url=s', 'SALSA_GIT_SERVER_URL', qr/^\S+\@\S+/, 'git@salsa.debian.org:' ], [ 'irker-server-url=s', 'SALSA_IRKER_SERVER_URL', qr'^ircs?://', 'ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/' ], [ 'kgb-server-url=s', 'SALSA_KGB_SERVER_URL', qr'^https?://', 'http://kgb.debian.net:9418/webhook/?channel=' ], [ 'tagpending-server-url=s', 'SALSA_TAGPENDING_SERVER_URL', qr'^https?://', 'https://webhook.salsa.debian.org/tagpending/' ], ]; # Consistency rules use constant rules => [ # Reject unless token exists sub { return (1, "SALSA_TOKEN not set in ~/.devscripts. Some commands may fail") unless ($_[0]->private_token); }, # Get command sub { return (0, "No command given, aborting") unless (@ARGV); $_[0]->command(shift @ARGV); return (0, "Malformed command: " . $_[0]->command) unless ($_[0]->command =~ /^[a-z_]+$/); return 1; }, sub { if ( ($_[0]->group or $_[0]->group_id) and ($_[0]->user_id or $_[0]->user)) { ds_warn( "Both --user-id and --group-id are set, ignore --group-id"); $_[0]->group(undef); $_[0]->group_id(undef); } return 1; }, sub { if ($_[0]->group and $_[0]->group_id) { ds_warn("Both --group-id and --group are set, ignore --group"); $_[0]->group(undef); } return 1; }, sub { if ($_[0]->user and $_[0]->user_id) { ds_warn("Both --user-id and --user are set, ignore --user"); $_[0]->user(undef); } return 1; }, sub { if ($_[0]->email and not @{ $_[0]->email_recipient }) { return (0, '--email-recipient needed with --email'); } return 1; }, sub { if (@{ $_[0]->irc_channel }) { foreach (@{ $_[0]->irc_channel }) { if (/^#/) { return (1, "# found in --irc-channel, assuming double hash is wanted" ); } } if ($_[0]->irc_channel->[1] and $_[0]->kgb) { return (0, "Only one IRC channel is accepted with --kgb"); } } return 1; }, sub { $_[0]->kgb_options([sort split ',\s*', $_[0]->kgb_options]); my @err; foreach my $o (@{ $_[0]->kgb_options }) { unless (grep { $_ eq $o } @kgbOpt) { push @err, $o; } } return (0, 'Unknown KGB options: ' . join(', ', @err)) if @err; return 1; }, ]; sub usage { print < Most used commands: - whoami : gives information on the token owner - checkout, co: clone repo in current dir - fork : fork a project - mr : create a merge request - push_repo : push local git repo to upstream repository See salsa(1) manpage for more. END } sub info { my ($num, $key, undef, $nv) = @_; $nv = ( $nv =~ /^yes|1$/ ? $num : $nv =~ /^no|0$/i ? 0 : return (0, "Bad $key value")); $ds_yes = $nv; } sub enable { my ($self, $v, $en, $dis) = @_; $v = lc($v); if ($v eq 'ignore') { $self->{$en} = $self->{$dis} = 0; } elsif ($v eq 'yes') { $self->{$en} = 1; $self->{$dis} = 0; } elsif ($v eq 'no') { $self->{$en} = 0; $self->{$dis} = 1; } else { return (0, "Bad value for SALSA_" . uc($en)); } return 1; } 1;