package Devscripts::Uscan::Utils; use strict; use Devscripts::Uscan::Output; use Devscripts::Utils; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = ( qw(fix_href recursive_regex_dir newest_dir get_compression get_suffix get_priority quoted_regex_parse safe_replace mangle uscan_exec uscan_exec_no_fail) ); ####################################################################### # {{{ code 5: utility functions (download) ####################################################################### sub fix_href ($) { my ($href) = @_; # Remove newline (code moved from outside fix_href) $href =~ s/\n//g; # Remove whitespace from URLs: # $href =~ s/^\s+//; $href =~ s/\s+$//; return $href; } sub recursive_regex_dir ($$$$$$) { # If return '', parent code to cause return 1 my ($downloader, $base, $dirversionmangle, $watchfile, $lineptr, $download_version) = @_; $base =~ m%^(\w+://[^/]+)/(.*)$%; my $site = $1; my @dirs = (); if (defined $2) { @dirs = split /(\/)/, $2; } my $dir = '/'; foreach my $dirpattern (@dirs) { if ($dirpattern =~ /\(.*\)/) { uscan_verbose "dir=>$dir dirpattern=>$dirpattern"; my $newest_dir = newest_dir($downloader, $site, $dir, $dirpattern, $dirversionmangle, $watchfile, $lineptr, $download_version); uscan_verbose "newest_dir => '$newest_dir'"; if ($newest_dir ne '') { $dir .= "$newest_dir"; } else { uscan_debug "No \$newest_dir"; return ''; } } else { $dir .= "$dirpattern"; } } return $site . $dir; } # very similar to code above sub newest_dir ($$$$$$$$) { # return string $newdir as success # return string '' if error, to cause grand parent code to return 1 my ($downloader, $site, $dir, $pattern, $dirversionmangle, $watchfile, $lineptr, $download_version) = @_; my ($newdir); uscan_verbose "Requesting URL:\n $site$dir"; if ($site =~ m%^http(s)?://%) { require Devscripts::Uscan::http; $newdir = Devscripts::Uscan::http::http_newdir($1, @_); } elsif ($site =~ m%^ftp://%) { require Devscripts::Uscan::ftp; $newdir = Devscripts::Uscan::ftp::ftp_newdir(@_); } else { # Neither HTTP nor FTP site uscan_warn "neither HTTP nor FTP site, impossible case for newdir()."; $newdir = ''; } return $newdir; } ####################################################################### # }}} code 5: utility functions (download) ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # {{{ code 6: utility functions (compression) ####################################################################### # Get legal values for compression sub get_compression ($) { my $compression = $_[0]; my $canonical_compression; # be liberal in what you accept... my %opt2comp = ( gz => 'gzip', gzip => 'gzip', bz2 => 'bzip2', bzip2 => 'bzip2', lzma => 'lzma', xz => 'xz', zip => 'zip', ); # Normalize compression methods to the names used by Dpkg::Compression if (exists $opt2comp{$compression}) { $canonical_compression = $opt2comp{$compression}; } else { uscan_die "$progname: invalid compression, $compression given."; } return $canonical_compression; } # Get legal values for compression suffix sub get_suffix ($) { my $compression = $_[0]; my $canonical_suffix; # be liberal in what you accept... my %opt2suffix = ( gz => 'gz', gzip => 'gz', bz2 => 'bz2', bzip2 => 'bz2', lzma => 'lzma', xz => 'xz', zip => 'zip', ); # Normalize compression methods to the names used by Dpkg::Compression if (exists $opt2suffix{$compression}) { $canonical_suffix = $opt2suffix{$compression}; } elsif ($compression eq 'default') { require Devscripts::MkOrigtargz::Config; return &Devscripts::MkOrigtargz::Config::default_compression; } else { uscan_die "$progname: invalid suffix, $compression given."; } return $canonical_suffix; } # Get compression priority sub get_priority ($) { my $href = $_[0]; my $priority = 0; if ($href =~ m/\.tar\.gz/i) { $priority = 1; } if ($href =~ m/\.tar\.bz2/i) { $priority = 2; } if ($href =~ m/\.tar\.lzma/i) { $priority = 3; } if ($href =~ m/\.tar\.xz/i) { $priority = 4; } return $priority; } ####################################################################### # }}} code 6: utility functions (compression) ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # {{{ code 7: utility functions (regex) ####################################################################### sub quoted_regex_parse($) { my $pattern = shift; my %closers = ('{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '<', '>'); $pattern =~ /^(s|tr|y)(.)(.*)$/; my ($sep, $rest) = ($2, $3 || ''); my $closer = $closers{$sep}; my $parsed_ok = 1; my $regexp = ''; my $replacement = ''; my $flags = ''; my $open = 1; my $last_was_escape = 0; my $in_replacement = 0; for my $char (split //, $rest) { if ($char eq $sep and !$last_was_escape) { $open++; if ($open == 1) { if ($in_replacement) { # Separator after end of replacement uscan_warn "Extra \"$sep\" after end of replacement."; $parsed_ok = 0; last; } else { $in_replacement = 1; } } else { if ($open > 1) { if ($in_replacement) { $replacement .= $char; } else { $regexp .= $char; } } } } elsif ($char eq $closer and !$last_was_escape) { $open--; if ($open > 0) { if ($in_replacement) { $replacement .= $char; } else { $regexp .= $char; } } elsif ($open < 0) { uscan_warn "Extra \"$closer\" after end of replacement."; $parsed_ok = 0; last; } } else { if ($in_replacement) { if ($open) { $replacement .= $char; } else { $flags .= $char; } } else { if ($open) { $regexp .= $char; } elsif ($char !~ m/\s/) { uscan_warn "Non-whitespace between <...> and <...> (or similars)."; $parsed_ok = 0; last; } # skip if blanks between <...> and <...> (or similars) } } # Don't treat \\ as an escape $last_was_escape = ($char eq '\\' and !$last_was_escape); } unless ($in_replacement and $open == 0) { uscan_warn "Empty replacement string."; $parsed_ok = 0; } return ($parsed_ok, $regexp, $replacement, $flags); } sub safe_replace($$) { my ($in, $pat) = @_; eval "uscan_debug \"safe_replace input=\\\"\$\$in\\\"\\n\""; $pat =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $pat =~ /^(s|tr|y)(.)/; my ($op, $sep) = ($1, $2 || ''); my $esc = "\Q$sep\E"; my ($parsed_ok, $regexp, $replacement, $flags); if ($sep eq '{' or $sep eq '(' or $sep eq '[' or $sep eq '<') { ($parsed_ok, $regexp, $replacement, $flags) = quoted_regex_parse($pat); unless ($parsed_ok) { uscan_warn "stop mangling: rule=\"$pat\"\n" . " mangling rule with <...>, (...), {...} failed."; return 0; } } elsif ($pat !~ /^(?:s|tr|y)$esc((?:\\.|[^\\$esc])*)$esc((?:\\.|[^\\$esc])*)$esc([a-z]*)$/ ) { $sep = "/" if $sep eq ''; uscan_warn "stop mangling: rule=\"$pat\"\n" . " rule doesn't match \"(s|tr|y)$sep.*$sep.*$sep\[a-z\]*\" (or similar)."; return 0; } else { ($regexp, $replacement, $flags) = ($1, $2, $3); } uscan_debug "safe_replace with regexp=\"$regexp\", replacement=\"$replacement\", and flags=\"$flags\""; my $safeflags = $flags; if ($op eq 'tr' or $op eq 'y') { $safeflags =~ tr/cds//cd; if ($safeflags ne $flags) { uscan_warn "stop mangling: rule=\"$pat\"\n" . " flags must consist of \"cds\" only."; return 0; } $regexp =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $replacement =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $regexp =~ s/([^-])/'\\x' . unpack 'H*', $1/ge; $replacement =~ s/([^-])/'\\x' . unpack 'H*', $1/ge; eval "\$\$in =~ tr<$regexp><$replacement>$flags;"; if ($@) { uscan_warn "stop mangling: rule=\"$pat\"\n" . " mangling \"tr\" or \"y\" rule execution failed."; return 0; } else { return 1; } } else { $safeflags =~ tr/gix//cd; if ($safeflags ne $flags) { uscan_warn "stop mangling: rule=\"$pat\"\n" . " flags must consist of \"gix\" only."; return 0; } my $global = ($flags =~ s/g//); $flags = "(?$flags)" if length $flags; my $slashg; if ($regexp =~ /(?\E/>/g if $sep eq '<'; # The replacement below will modify $replacement so keep # a copy. We'll need to restore it to the current value if # the global flag was set on the input pattern. my $orig_replacement = $replacement; my ($first, $last, $pos, $zerowidth, $matched, @captures) = (0, -1, 0); while (1) { eval { # handle errors due to unsafe constructs in $regexp no re 'eval'; # restore position pos($$in) = $pos if $pos; if ($zerowidth) { # previous match was a zero-width match, simulate it to set # the internal flag that avoids the infinite loop $$in =~ /()/g; } # Need to use /g to make it use and save pos() $matched = ($$in =~ /$flags$regexp/g); if ($matched) { # save position and size of the match my $oldpos = $pos; $pos = pos($$in); ($first, $last) = ($-[0], $+[0]); if ($slashg) { # \G in the match, weird things can happen $zerowidth = ($pos == $oldpos); # For example, matching without a match $matched = 0 if ( not defined $first or not defined $last); } else { $zerowidth = ($last - $first == 0); } for my $i (0 .. $#-) { $captures[$i] = substr $$in, $-[$i], $+[$i] - $-[$i]; } } }; if ($@) { uscan_warn "stop mangling: rule=\"$pat\"\n" . " mangling \"s\" rule execution failed."; return 0; } # No match; leave the original string untouched but return # success as there was nothing wrong with the pattern return 1 unless $matched; # Replace $X $replacement =~ s/[\$\\](\d)/defined $captures[$1] ? $captures[$1] : ''/ge; $replacement =~ s/\$\{(\d)\}/defined $captures[$1] ? $captures[$1] : ''/ge; $replacement =~ s/\$&/$captures[0]/g; # Make \l etc escapes work $replacement =~ s/\\l(.)/lc $1/e; $replacement =~ s/\\L(.*?)(\\E|\z)/lc $1/e; $replacement =~ s/\\u(.)/uc $1/e; $replacement =~ s/\\U(.*?)(\\E|\z)/uc $1/e; # Actually do the replacement substr $$in, $first, $last - $first, $replacement; # Update position $pos += length($replacement) - ($last - $first); if ($global) { $replacement = $orig_replacement; } else { last; } } return 1; } } # call this as # if mangle($watchfile, \$line, 'uversionmangle:', # \@{$options{'uversionmangle'}}, \$version) { # return 1; # } sub mangle($$$$$) { my ($watchfile, $lineptr, $name, $rulesptr, $verptr) = @_; foreach my $pat (@{$rulesptr}) { if (!safe_replace($verptr, $pat)) { uscan_warn "In $watchfile, potentially" . " unsafe or malformed $name" . " pattern:\n '$pat'" . " found. Skipping watchline\n" . " $$lineptr"; return 1; } uscan_debug "After $name $$verptr"; } return 0; } *uscan_exec_no_fail = \&ds_exec_no_fail; *uscan_exec = \&ds_exec; ####################################################################### # }}} code 7: utility functions (regex) ####################################################################### 1;