=head1 NAME Devscripts::Uscan::WatchFile - watchfile object for L =head1 SYNOPSIS use Devscripts::Uscan::Config; use Devscripts::Uscan::WatchFile; my $config = Devscripts::Uscan::Config->new({ # Uscan config parameters. Example: destdir => '..', }); # You can use Devscripts::Uscan::FindFiles to find watchfiles my $wf = Devscripts::Uscan::WatchFile->new({ config => $config, package => $package, pkg_dir => $pkg_dir, pkg_version => $version, watchfile => $watchfile, }); return $wf->status if ( $wf->status ); # Do the job return $wf->process_lines; =head1 DESCRIPTION Uscan class to parse watchfiles. =head1 METHODS =head2 new() I<(Constructor)> Parse watch file and creates L objects for each line. =head3 Required parameters =over =item config: L object =item package: Debian package name =item pkg_dir: Working directory =item pkg_version: Current Debian package version =back =head2 Main accessors =over =item watchlines: ref to the array that contains watchlines objects =item watch_version: format version of the watchfile =back =head2 process_lines() Method that launches Devscripts::Uscan::WatchLine::process() on each watchline. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR B was originally written by Christoph Lameter Eclameter@debian.orgE (I believe), modified by Julian Gilbey Ejdg@debian.orgE. HTTP support was added by Piotr Roszatycki Edexter@debian.orgE. B was rewritten in Perl by Julian Gilbey. Xavier Guimard Eyadd@debian.orgE rewrote uscan in object oriented Perl. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2002-2006 by Julian Gilbey , 2018 by Xavier Guimard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =cut package Devscripts::Uscan::WatchFile; use strict; use Devscripts::Uscan::Downloader; use Devscripts::Uscan::Output; use Devscripts::Uscan::WatchLine; use File::Copy qw/copy move/; use List::Util qw/first/; use Moo; use constant { ANY_VERSION => '(?:[-_]?(\d[\-+\.:\~\da-zA-Z]*))', ARCHIVE_EXT => '(?i)(?:\.(?:tar\.xz|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|zip|tgz|tbz|txz))', DEB_EXT => '(?:[\+~](debian|dfsg|ds|deb)(\.)?(\d+)?$)', }; use constant SIGNATURE_EXT => ARCHIVE_EXT . '(?:\.(?:asc|pgp|gpg|sig|sign))'; # Required new() parameters has config => (is => 'rw', required => 1); has package => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # Debian package has pkg_dir => (is => 'ro', required => 1); has pkg_version => (is => 'ro', required => 1); has bare => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { $_[0]->config->bare }); has download => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { $_[0]->config->download }); has downloader => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { Devscripts::Uscan::Downloader->new({ timeout => $_[0]->config->timeout, agent => $_[0]->config->user_agent, pasv => $_[0]->config->pasv, destdir => $_[0]->config->destdir, }); }, ); has signature => ( is => 'rw', required => 1, lazy => 1, default => sub { $_[0]->config->signature }); has watchfile => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # usually debian/watch # Internal attributes has group => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }); has origcount => (is => 'rw'); has origtars => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }); has status => (is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 }); has watch_version => (is => 'rw'); has watchlines => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }); # Values shared between lines has shared => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => \&new_shared, ); sub new_shared { return { bare => $_[0]->bare, components => [], common_newversion => undef, common_mangled_newversion => undef, download => $_[0]->download, download_version => undef, origcount => undef, origtars => [], previous_download_available => undef, previous_newversion => undef, previous_newfile_base => undef, previous_sigfile_base => undef, signature => $_[0]->signature, uscanlog => undef, }; } has keyring => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { Devscripts::Uscan::Keyring->new }); sub BUILD { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $watch_version = 0; my $nextline; $dehs_tags = {}; uscan_verbose "Process watch file at: $args->{watchfile}\n" . " package = $args->{package}\n" . " version = $args->{pkg_version}\n" . " pkg_dir = $args->{pkg_dir}"; $self->origcount(0); # reset to 0 for each watch file unless (open WATCH, $args->{watchfile}) { uscan_warn "could not open $args->{watchfile}: $!"; return 1; } my $lineNumber = 0; while () { next if /^\s*\#/; next if /^\s*$/; s/^\s*//; CHOMP: # Reassemble lines split using \ chomp; if (s/(?{watchfile} ended with \\; skipping last line"; $self->status(1); last; } if ($watch_version > 3) { # drop leading \s only if version 4 $nextline = ; $nextline =~ s/^\s*//; $_ .= $nextline; } else { $_ .= ; } goto CHOMP; } # "version" must be the first field if (!$watch_version) { # Looking for "version" field. if (/^version\s*=\s*(\d+)(\s|$)/) { # Found $watch_version = $1; # Note that version=1 watchfiles have no "version" field so # authorizated values are >= 2 and <= CURRENT_WATCHFILE_VERSION if ( $watch_version < 2 or $watch_version > $Devscripts::Uscan::Config::CURRENT_WATCHFILE_VERSION) { # "version" field found but has no authorizated value uscan_warn "$args->{watchfile} version number is unrecognised; skipping watch file"; last; } # Next line next; } # version=1 is deprecated else { uscan_warn "$args->{watchfile} is an obsolete version 1 watch file;\n" . " please upgrade to a higher version\n" . " (see uscan(1) for details)."; $watch_version = 1; } } # "version" is fixed, parsing lines now # Are there any warnings from this part to give if we're using dehs? dehs_output if ($dehs); # Handle shell \\ -> \ s/\\\\/\\/g if $watch_version == 1; # Handle @PACKAGE@ @ANY_VERSION@ @ARCHIVE_EXT@ substitutions s/\@PACKAGE\@/$args->{package}/g; s/\@ANY_VERSION\@/ANY_VERSION/ge; s/\@ARCHIVE_EXT\@/ARCHIVE_EXT/ge; s/\@SIGNATURE_EXT\@/SIGNATURE_EXT/ge; s/\@DEB_EXT\@/DEB_EXT/ge; my $line = Devscripts::Uscan::WatchLine->new({ # Shared between lines config => $self->config, downloader => $self->downloader, shared => $self->shared, keyring => $self->keyring, # Other parameters line => $_, pkg => $self->package, pkg_dir => $self->pkg_dir, pkg_version => $self->pkg_version, watch_version => $watch_version, watchfile => $self->watchfile, }); push @{ $self->group }, $lineNumber if ($line->type and $line->type eq 'group'); push @{ $self->watchlines }, $line; $lineNumber++; } close WATCH or $self->status(1), uscan_warn "problems reading $$args->{watchfile}: $!"; $self->watch_version($watch_version); } sub process_lines { my ($self) = shift; return $self->process_group if (@{ $self->group }); foreach (@{ $self->watchlines }) { # search newfile and newversion my $res = $_->process; $self->status($res) if ($res); } return $self->{status}; } sub process_group { my ($self) = @_; # Build version my @cur_versions = split /\+~/, $self->pkg_version; my (@new_versions, @last_debian_mangled_uversions, @last_versions); my $download = 0; my $last_shared = $self->shared; my $last_comp_version; # Isolate component and following lines foreach my $line (@{ $self->watchlines }) { if ($line->type and $line->type eq 'group') { $last_shared = $self->new_shared; $last_comp_version = shift @cur_versions; } $line->shared($last_shared); $line->pkg_version($last_comp_version || 0); } # Check if download is needed foreach my $line (@{ $self->watchlines }) { next unless ($line->type eq 'group'); # Stop on error if ( $line->parse or $line->search or $line->get_upstream_url or $line->get_newfile_base or $line->cmp_versions) { $self->{status} += $line->status; return $self->{status}; } $download = $line->shared->{download} if ($line->shared->{download} > $download); } foreach my $line (@{ $self->watchlines }) { # Set same $download for all $line->shared->{download} = $download; # Non "group" lines where not initialized unless ($line->type eq 'group') { if ( $line->parse or $line->search or $line->get_upstream_url or $line->get_newfile_base or $line->cmp_versions) { $self->{status} += $line->status; return $self->{status}; } } if ($line->download_file_and_sig) { $self->{status} += $line->status; return $self->{status}; } if ($line->mkorigtargz) { $self->{status} += $line->status; return $self->{status}; } if ($line->type eq 'group') { push @new_versions, $line->shared->{common_mangled_newversion} || $line->shared->{common_newversion} || (); push @last_versions, $line->parse_result->{lastversion}; push @last_debian_mangled_uversions, $line->parse_result->{mangled_lastversion}; } } my $new_version = join '+~', @new_versions; $dehs_tags->{'upstream-version'} = $new_version; $dehs_tags->{'debian-uversion'} = join('+~', @last_versions) if (grep { $_ } @last_versions); $dehs_tags->{'debian-mangled-uversion'} = join '+~', @last_debian_mangled_uversions if (grep { $_ } @last_debian_mangled_uversions); my $mangled_ver = Dpkg::Version->new("1:" . $dehs_tags->{'debian-uversion'} . "-0", check => 0); my $upstream_ver = Dpkg::Version->new("1:$new_version-0", check => 0); if ($mangled_ver == $upstream_ver) { $dehs_tags->{'status'} = "up to date"; } elsif ($mangled_ver > $upstream_ver) { $dehs_tags->{'status'} = "only older package available"; } else { $dehs_tags->{'status'} = "newer package available"; } foreach my $line (@{ $self->watchlines }) { my $path = $line->destfile or next; my $ver = $line->shared->{common_mangled_newversion}; $path =~ s/\Q$ver\E/$new_version/; print STDERR "mv $line->{destfile} to $path\n"; rename $line->{destfile}, $path; if ($line->signature_available) { rename "$line->{destfile}.asc", "$path.asc"; rename "$line->{destfile}.sig", "$path.sig"; } } return 0; } 1;