#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*- # vim: set ai shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: # Copyright (C) Patrick Schoenfeld # 2015 Johannes Schauer # 2017 James McCoy # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. =head1 NAME build-rdeps - find packages that depend on a specific package to build (reverse build depends) =head1 SYNOPSIS B I =head1 DESCRIPTION B searches for all packages that build-depend on the specified package. The default behaviour is to just `grep` for the given dependency in the Build-Depends field of apt's Sources files. If the package dose-extra >= 4.0 is installed, then a more complete reverse build dependency computation is carried out. In particular, with that package installed, build-rdeps will find transitive reverse dependencies, respect architecture and build profile restrictions, take Provides relationships, Conflicts, Pre-Depends, Build-Depends-Arch and versioned dependencies into account and correctly resolve multiarch relationships for crossbuild reverse dependency resolution. (This tends to be a slow process due to the complexity of the package interdependencies.) =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-u>, B<--update> Run apt-get update before searching for build-depends. =item B<-s>, B<--sudo> Use sudo when running apt-get update. Has no effect if -u is omitted. =item B<--distribution> Select another distribution, which is searched for build-depends. =item B<--only-main> Ignore contrib and non-free =item B<--exclude-component> Ignore the given component (e.g. main, contrib, non-free). =item B<--origin> Restrict the search to only the specified origin (such as "Debian"). =item B<-m>, B<--print-maintainer> Print the value of the maintainer field for each package. =item B<--host-arch> Explicitly set the host architecture. The default is the value of `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`. This option only works if dose-extra >= 4.0 is installed. =item B<--old> Force the old simple behaviour without dose-ceve support even if dose-extra >= 4.0 is installed. (This tends to be faster.) Notice, that the old behaviour only finds direct dependencies, ignores virtual dependencies, does not find transitive dependencies and does not take version relationships, architecture restrictions, build profiles or multiarch relationships into account. =item B<--build-arch> Explicitly set the build architecture. The default is the value of `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH`. This option only works if dose-extra >= 4.0 is installed. =item B<--quiet> Don't print meta information (header, counter). Making it easier to use in scripts. =item B<-d>, B<--debug> Run the debug mode =item B<--help> Show the usage information. =item B<--version> Show the version information. =back =head1 REQUIREMENTS The tool requires apt Sources files to be around for the checked components. In the default case this means that in /var/lib/apt/lists files need to be around for main, contrib and non-free. In practice this means one needs to add one deb-src line for each component, e.g. deb-src http:///debian main contrib non-free and run apt-get update afterwards or use the update option of this tool. =cut use warnings; use strict; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling permute no_getopt_compat); use Dpkg::Control; use Dpkg::Vendor qw(get_current_vendor); my $progname = basename($0); my $version = '1.0'; my $use_ceve = 0; my $ceve_compatible; my $opt_debug; my $opt_update; my $opt_sudo; my $opt_maintainer; my $opt_mainonly; my $opt_distribution; my $opt_origin = 'Debian'; my @opt_exclude_components; my $opt_buildarch; my $opt_hostarch; my $opt_without_ceve; my $opt_quiet; sub version { print <<"EOT"; This is $progname $version, from the Debian devscripts package, v. ###VERSION### This code is copyright by Patrick Schoenfeld, all rights reserved. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. EOT exit(0); } sub usage { print <<"EOT"; usage: $progname packagename $progname --help $progname --version Searches for all packages that build-depend on the specified package. Options: -u, --update Run apt-get update before searching for build-depends. (needs root privileges) -s, --sudo Use sudo when running apt-get update (has no effect when -u is omitted) -q, --quiet Don't print meta information -d, --debug Enable the debug mode -m, --print-maintainer Print the maintainer information (experimental) --distribution distribution Select a distribution to search for build-depends (Default: unstable) --origin origin Select an origin to search for build-depends (Default: Debian) --only-main Ignore contrib and non-free --exclude-component COMPONENT Ignore the specified component (can be given multiple times) --host-arch Set the host architecture (requires dose-extra >= 4.0) --build-arch Set the build architecture (requires dose-extra >= 4.0) --old Use the old simple reverse dependency resolution EOT version; } sub test_ceve { return $ceve_compatible if defined $ceve_compatible; # test if the debsrc input and output format is supported by the installed # ceve version system('dose-ceve -T debsrc debsrc:///dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1'); if ($? == -1) { print STDERR "DEBUG: dose-ceve cannot be executed: $!\n" if ($opt_debug); $ceve_compatible = 0; } elsif ($? == 0) { $ceve_compatible = 1; } else { print STDERR "DEBUG: dose-ceve is too old\n" if ($opt_debug); $ceve_compatible = 0; } return $ceve_compatible; } sub is_devel_release { my $ctrl = shift; if (get_current_vendor() eq 'Debian') { return $ctrl->{Suite} eq 'unstable' || $ctrl->{Codename} eq 'sid'; } else { return $ctrl->{Suite} eq 'devel'; } } sub indextargets { my @cmd = ('apt-get', 'indextargets', 'DefaultEnabled: yes'); if (!$use_ceve) { # ceve needs both Packages and Sources push(@cmd, 'Created-By: Sources'); } if ($opt_origin) { push(@cmd, "Origin: $opt_origin"); } if ($opt_mainonly) { push(@cmd, 'Component: main'); } print STDERR 'DEBUG: Running ' . join(' ', map { "'$_'" } @cmd) . "\n" if $opt_debug; return @cmd; } # Gather information about the available package/source lists. # # Returns a hash reference following this structure: # # => { # => { # => { # sources => $src_fname, # => $arch1_fname, # ..., # }, # }, # ..., sub collect_files { my %info = (); open(my $targets, '-|', indextargets()); until (eof $targets) { my $ctrl = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_UNKNOWN); if (!$ctrl->parse($targets, 'apt-get indextargets')) { next; } # Only need Sources/Packages stanzas if ( $ctrl->{'Created-By'} ne 'Packages' && $ctrl->{'Created-By'} ne 'Sources') { next; } # In expected components if ( !$opt_mainonly && exists $ctrl->{Component} && @opt_exclude_components) { my $invalid_component = '(?:' . join('|', map { "\Q$_\E" } @opt_exclude_components) . ')'; if ($ctrl->{Component} =~ m/$invalid_component/) { next; } } # And the provided distribution if ($opt_distribution) { if ( $ctrl->{Suite} !~ m/\Q$opt_distribution\E/ && $ctrl->{Codename} !~ m/\Q$opt_distribution\E/) { next; } } elsif (!is_devel_release($ctrl)) { next; } $info{ $ctrl->{Site} }{ $ctrl->{Suite} }{ $ctrl->{Component} } ||= {}; my $ref = $info{ $ctrl->{Site} }{ $ctrl->{Suite} }{ $ctrl->{Component} }; if ($ctrl->{'Created-By'} eq 'Sources') { $ref->{sources} = $ctrl->{Filename}; print STDERR "DEBUG: Added source file: $ctrl->{Filename}\n" if $opt_debug; } else { $ref->{ $ctrl->{Architecture} } = $ctrl->{Filename}; } } close($targets); return \%info; } sub findreversebuilddeps { my ($package, $info) = @_; my $count = 0; my $source_file = $info->{sources}; if ($use_ceve) { die "build arch undefined" if !defined $opt_buildarch; die "host arch undefined" if !defined $opt_hostarch; my $buildarch_file = $info->{$opt_buildarch}; my $hostarch_file = $info->{$opt_hostarch}; my @ceve_cmd = ( 'dose-ceve', '-T', 'debsrc', '-r', $package, '-G', 'pkg', "--deb-native-arch=$opt_buildarch", "deb://$buildarch_file", "debsrc://$source_file" ); if ($opt_buildarch ne $opt_hostarch) { push(@ceve_cmd, "--deb-host-arch=$opt_hostarch", "deb://$hostarch_file"); } my %sources; print STDERR 'DEBUG: executing: ' . join(' ', @ceve_cmd) if ($opt_debug); open(SOURCES, '-|', @ceve_cmd); while () { next unless s/^Package:\s+//; chomp; $sources{$_} = 1; } for my $source (sort keys %sources) { print $source; if ($opt_maintainer) { my $maintainer = `apt-cache showsrc $source | grep-dctrl -n -s Maintainer '' | sort -u`; print " ($maintainer)"; } print "\n"; $count += 1; } } else { open(my $out, '-|', '/usr/lib/apt/apt-helper', 'cat-file', $source_file) or die "$progname: Unable to run \"apt-helper cat-file '$source_file'\": $!"; my %packages; until (eof $out) { my $ctrl = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_INDEX_SRC); if (!$ctrl->parse($out, 'apt-helper cat-file')) { next; } print STDERR "$ctrl\n" if ($opt_debug); for my $relation ( qw(Build-Depends Build-Depends-Indep Build-Depends-Arch)) { if (exists $ctrl->{$relation}) { if ($ctrl->{$relation} =~ m/^(.*\s)?\Q$package\E(?::[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?([\s,]|$)/ ) { $packages{ $ctrl->{Package} }{Maintainer} = $ctrl->{Maintainer}; } } } } close($out); while (my $depending_package = each(%packages)) { print $depending_package; if ($opt_maintainer) { print " ($packages{$depending_package}->{'Maintainer'})"; } print "\n"; $count += 1; } } if (!$opt_quiet) { if ($count == 0) { print "No reverse build-depends found for $package.\n\n"; } else { print "\nFound a total of $count reverse build-depend(s) for $package.\n\n"; } } } if ($#ARGV < 0) { usage; exit(0); } GetOptions( "u|update" => \$opt_update, "s|sudo" => \$opt_sudo, "m|print-maintainer" => \$opt_maintainer, "distribution=s" => \$opt_distribution, "only-main" => \$opt_mainonly, "exclude-component=s" => \@opt_exclude_components, "origin=s" => \$opt_origin, "host-arch=s" => \$opt_hostarch, "build-arch=s" => \$opt_buildarch, # "profiles=s" => \$opt_profiles, # FIXME: add build profile support # once dose-ceve has a # --deb-profiles option "old" => \$opt_without_ceve, "q|quiet" => \$opt_quiet, "d|debug" => \$opt_debug, "h|help" => sub { usage; }, "v|version" => sub { version; }) or do { usage; exit 1; }; my $package = shift; if (!$package) { die "$progname: missing argument. expecting packagename\n"; } print STDERR "DEBUG: Package => $package\n" if ($opt_debug); if ($opt_hostarch) { if ($opt_without_ceve) { die "$progname: the --host-arch option cannot be used together with --old\n"; } if (test_ceve()) { $use_ceve = 1; } else { die "$progname: the --host-arch option requires dose-extra >= 4.0 to be installed\n"; } } if ($opt_buildarch) { if ($opt_without_ceve) { die "$progname: the --build-arch option cannot be used together with --old\n"; } if (test_ceve()) { $use_ceve = 1; } else { die "$progname: the --build-arch option requires dose-extra >= 4.0 to be installed\n"; } } # if ceve usage has not been activated yet, check if it can be activated if (!$use_ceve and !$opt_without_ceve) { if (test_ceve()) { $use_ceve = 1; } else { print STDERR "WARNING: dose-extra >= 4.0 is not installed. Falling back to old unreliable behaviour.\n"; } } if ($use_ceve) { if (system('command -v grep-dctrl >/dev/null 2>&1')) { die "$progname: Fatal error. grep-dctrl is not available.\nPlease install the 'dctrl-tools' package.\n"; } # set hostarch and buildarch if they have not been set yet if (!$opt_hostarch) { $opt_hostarch = `dpkg-architecture --query DEB_HOST_ARCH`; chomp $opt_hostarch; } if (!$opt_buildarch) { $opt_buildarch = `dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_ARCH`; chomp $opt_buildarch; } print STDERR "DEBUG: running with dose-ceve resolver\n" if ($opt_debug); print STDERR "DEBUG: buildarch=$opt_buildarch hostarch=$opt_hostarch\n" if ($opt_debug); } else { print STDERR "DEBUG: running with old resolver\n" if ($opt_debug); } if ($opt_update) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Updating apt-cache before search\n" if ($opt_debug); my @cmd; if ($opt_sudo) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Using sudo to become root\n" if ($opt_debug); push(@cmd, 'sudo'); } push(@cmd, 'apt-get', 'update'); system @cmd; } my $file_info = collect_files(); if (!%{$file_info}) { die "$progname: unable to find sources files.\nDid you forget to run apt-get update (or add --update to this command)?"; } foreach my $site (sort keys %{$file_info}) { foreach my $suite (sort keys %{ $file_info->{$site} }) { foreach my $comp (qw(main contrib non-free)) { if (exists $file_info->{$site}{$suite}{$comp}) { if (!$opt_quiet) { print "Reverse Build-depends in ${comp}:\n"; print "------------------------------\n\n"; } findreversebuilddeps($package, $file_info->{$site}{$suite}{$comp}); } } } } =head1 LICENSE This code is copyright by Patrick Schoenfeld , all rights reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELEY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. =head1 AUTHOR Patrick Schoenfeld =cut