#!/bin/sh # # getbuildlog: download package build logs from Debian auto-builders # # Copyright © 2008 Frank S. Thomas # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA set -e PROGNAME=`basename $0` usage() { cat < [] [] Downloads build logs of from Debian auto-builders. If or are given, only build logs whose versions and architectures, respectively, matches the given patterns are downloaded. If is "last" then only the logs for the most recent version of found on buildd.debian.org will be downloaded. If is "last-all" then the logs for the most recent version found on each build log index will be downloaded. Options: -h, --help Show this help message. -V, --version Show version and copyright information. Examples: # Download amd64 build log for hello version 2.2-1: $PROGNAME hello 2\.2-1 amd64 # Download mips(el) build logs of all glibc versions: $PROGNAME glibc "" mips.* # Download all build logs of backported wesnoth versions: $PROGNAME wesnoth .*bpo.* EOT } version() { cat </dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$PROGNAME: this program requires the wget package to be installed"; exit 1 fi PACKAGE=$1 VERSION=${2:-[:~+.[:alnum:]-]+} ARCH=${3:-[[:alnum:]-]+} ESCAPED_PACKAGE=`echo "$PACKAGE" | sed -e 's/\+/\\\+/g'` GET_LAST_VERSION=no if [ "$VERSION" = "last" ]; then GET_LAST_VERSION=yes VERSION=[:~+.[:alnum:]-]+ elif [ "$VERSION" = "last-all" ]; then GET_LAST_VERSION=all VERSION=[:~+.[:alnum:]-]+ fi PATTERN="fetch\.(cgi|php)\?pkg=$ESCAPED_PACKAGE&arch=$ARCH&ver=$VERSION&\ stamp=[[:digit:]]+" getbuildlog() { BASE=$1 ALL_LOGS=$(mktemp --tmpdir getbuildlog.tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) trap 'rm -f "$ALL_LOGS"' EXIT wget -q -O $ALL_LOGS "$BASE/status/logs.php?pkg=$PACKAGE" # Put each href in $ALL_LOGS on a separate line so that $PATTERN # matches only one href. This is required because grep is greedy. sed -i -e "s/href=\"/\nhref=\"/g" $ALL_LOGS # Quick-and-dirty unescaping sed -i -e "s/&/\&/g" -e "s/%2B/\+/g" -e "s/%3A/:/g" -e "s/%7E/~/g" $ALL_LOGS # If only the last version was requested, extract and sort # the listed versions and determine the highest if [ "$GET_LAST_VERSION" != "no" ]; then LASTVERSION=$( \ for match in `grep -E -o "$PATTERN" $ALL_LOGS`; do ver=${match##*ver=} echo ${ver%%&*} done | perl -e ' use Devscripts::Versort; while (<>) { push @versions, [$_]; } @versions = Devscripts::Versort::versort(@versions); print $versions[0][0]; ' | sed -e "s/\+/\\\+/g" ) NEWPATTERN="fetch\.(cgi|php)\?pkg=$ESCAPED_PACKAGE&\ arch=$ARCH&ver=$LASTVERSION&stamp=[[:digit:]]+" else NEWPATTERN=$PATTERN fi for match in `grep -E -o "$NEWPATTERN" $ALL_LOGS`; do ver=${match##*ver=} ver=${ver%%&*} arch=${match##*arch=} arch=${arch%%&*} match=`echo $match | sed -e 's/\+/%2B/g'` # Mimic wget's behaviour, using a numerical suffix if needed, # to support downloading several logs for a given tuple # (unfortunately, -nc and -O means only the first file gets # downloaded): filename="${PACKAGE}_${ver}_${arch}.log" if [ -f "$filename" ]; then suffix=1 while [ -f "$filename.$suffix" ]; do suffix=$((suffix+1)); done filename="$filename.$suffix" fi wget -O "$filename" "$BASE/status/$match&raw=1" done rm -f $ALL_LOGS if [ "$GET_LAST_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then PATTERN=$NEWPATTERN GET_LAST_VERSION=no fi } getbuildlog https://buildd.debian.org