#!/bin/sh set -u base="$(readlink -f "${0%/*}"/..)" # perltidy test is ran only during dev if test "$(cd "$base" && dpkg-parsechangelog -c0 -SDistribution)" != UNRELEASED; then echo "SKIP: Not checking a released version with perltidy." exit 0 fi # perltidy test isn't ran in autopkgtest environment if test "${1:-}" = --installed; then echo "SKIP: Not running perltidy in autopkgtest." exit 0 fi # Don't run this test with old Perltidy versions if test "$(perl -MPerl::Tidy -le 'print $Perl::Tidy::VERSION')" -lt 20180000; then echo "SKIP: perltidy version too old, skipping this test." exit 0 fi testPerltidy() { LIST=$(find "$base/lib/" "$base/scripts/" -iname '*.pl' -or -iname '*.pm') for file in $LIST; do perltidy --output-path="$SHUNIT_TMPDIR/" --profile="$base/.perltidyrc" "$file" cmp -s "$file" "$SHUNIT_TMPDIR/$(basename "$file").tdy" retval=$? assertEquals "## $file isn't following perltidy" 0 "$retval" done } . shunit2