AT_TESTED([dpkg-split]) AT_SETUP([dpkg-split options]) AT_KEYWORDS([dpkg-split command-line]) AT_CHECK([dpkg-split --help], [], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([dpkg-split .deb format]) AT_KEYWORDS([dpkg-split deb-split]) DPKG_GEN_CONTROL([pkg-split]) DPKG_MOD_CONTROL([pkg-split], [s/^Description:.*$/& - normal package to be split/]) AT_CHECK([ # Initialize the template package chmod -R u+w pkg-split # XXX: Some environments set SIGPIPE to ignore which we cannot reset, and 'yes' # does check print error conditions, so we ignore its error message here. yes 2>/dev/null | dd of=pkg-split/data-file bs=1024 count=1024 status=none find pkg-split | xargs touch -t 197001010100.00 dpkg-deb --root-owner-group -Znone -b pkg-split >/dev/null ]) AT_CHECK([ # Test splitting a package (in 3 parts: 400 KiB + 400 KiB + 224 KiB) dpkg-split -S 400 -s pkg-split.deb pkg-split-part test -f pkg-split-part.1of3.deb test -f pkg-split-part.2of3.deb test -f pkg-split-part.3of3.deb ], [], [Splitting package pkg-split into 3 parts: 1 2 3 done ]) DEB_SPLIT_MD5SUM=c669258de88761bf90ad6621bdffd6f1 DEB_SPLIT_LENGTH=1065152 AT_CHECK_UNQUOTED([ # Test getting information about the split parts (parsing verification) dpkg-split -I pkg-split-part.1of3.deb dpkg-split -I pkg-split-part.2of3.deb dpkg-split -I pkg-split-part.3of3.deb ], [], [pkg-split-part.1of3.deb: Part format version: 2.1 Part of package: pkg-split ... version: 0.0-1 ... architecture: all ... MD5 checksum: $DEB_SPLIT_MD5SUM ... length: $DEB_SPLIT_LENGTH bytes ... split every: 408576 bytes Part number: 1/3 Part length: 408576 bytes Part offset: 0 bytes Part file size (used portion): 408780 bytes pkg-split-part.2of3.deb: Part format version: 2.1 Part of package: pkg-split ... version: 0.0-1 ... architecture: all ... MD5 checksum: $DEB_SPLIT_MD5SUM ... length: $DEB_SPLIT_LENGTH bytes ... split every: 408576 bytes Part number: 2/3 Part length: 408576 bytes Part offset: 408576 bytes Part file size (used portion): 408780 bytes pkg-split-part.3of3.deb: Part format version: 2.1 Part of package: pkg-split ... version: 0.0-1 ... architecture: all ... MD5 checksum: $DEB_SPLIT_MD5SUM ... length: $DEB_SPLIT_LENGTH bytes ... split every: 408576 bytes Part number: 3/3 Part length: 248000 bytes Part offset: 817152 bytes Part file size (used portion): 248204 bytes ]) AT_CHECK([ # Test joining the split parts back together dpkg-split -o pkg-joined.deb -j pkg-split-part.*.deb cmp pkg-split.deb pkg-joined.deb ], [], [Putting package pkg-split together from 3 parts: 1 2 3 done ]) AT_CLEANUP