FROM debian:unstable MAINTAINER Knot Resolver ARG KNOT_BRANCH=2.7 WORKDIR /root CMD ["/bin/bash"] # generic cleanup RUN apt-get update -qq RUN apt-get upgrade -y -qqq # Knot and Knot Resolver dependecies RUN apt-get install -y -qqq make cmake pkg-config git build-essential bsdmainutils libtool autoconf liburcu-dev libgnutls28-dev libedit-dev liblmdb-dev libcap-ng-dev libsystemd-dev libidn11-dev protobuf-c-compiler libfstrm-dev libuv1-dev libcmocka-dev libluajit-5.1-dev lua-sec lua-socket lua-http # build and install latest version of Knot DNS # (kresd depends on libknot and libdnssec) RUN git clone --depth=1 --branch=$KNOT_BRANCH /tmp/knot WORKDIR /tmp/knot RUN pwd RUN autoreconf -if RUN ./configure --prefix=/usr RUN make RUN make install RUN ldconfig # Valgrind for kresd CI RUN apt-get install valgrind wget -y -qqq RUN wget -O /lj.supp # TODO: rebuild LuaJIT with Valgrind support # Lua lint for kresd CI RUN apt-get install luarocks -y -qqq RUN luarocks install luacheck # code coverage RUN apt-get install -y -qqq lcov RUN luarocks install luacov # LuaJIT binary for stand-alone scripting RUN apt-get install -y -qqq luajit # clang for kresd CI, version updated as debian updates it RUN apt-get install -y -qqq clang clang-tools clang-tidy