class Epoch.Chart.Histogram extends Epoch.Chart.Bar defaults = type: 'histogram' domain: [0, 100] bucketRange: [0, 100] buckets: 10 cutOutliers: false optionListeners = 'option:bucketRange': 'bucketRangeChanged' 'option:buckets': 'bucketsChanged' 'option:cutOutliers': 'cutOutliersChanged' constructor: (@options={}) -> super(@options = Epoch.Util.defaults(@options, defaults)) @onAll optionListeners @draw() # Prepares data by sorting it into histogram buckets as instructed by the chart options. # @param [Array] data Data to prepare for rendering. # @return [Array] The data prepared to be displayed as a histogram. _prepareData: (data) -> bucketSize = (@options.bucketRange[1] - @options.bucketRange[0]) / @options.buckets prepared = [] for layer in data buckets = (0 for i in [0...@options.buckets]) for point in layer.values index = parseInt((point.x - @options.bucketRange[0]) / bucketSize) if @options.cutOutliers and ((index < 0) or (index >= @options.buckets)) continue if index < 0 index = 0 else if index >= @options.buckets index = @options.buckets - 1 buckets[index] += parseInt point.y preparedLayer = { values: ( (d, i) -> {x: parseInt(i) * bucketSize, y: d}) } for own k, v of layer preparedLayer[k] = v unless k == 'values' prepared.push preparedLayer return prepared # Called when options change, this prepares the raw data for the chart according to the new # options, sets it, and renders the chart. resetData: -> @setData @rawData @draw() # Updates the chart in response to an option:bucketRange event. bucketRangeChanged: -> @resetData() # Updates the chart in response to an option:buckets event. bucketsChanged: -> @resetData() # Updates the chart in response to an option:cutOutliers event. cutOutliersChanged: -> @resetData()