# Real-time Plot Base Class. Uses an html5 canvas to recreate the basic d3 drawing routines
# while simultaneously reducing the load on the viewer's cpu (and, you know, not leaking
# memory which ultimately leads to a crashed browser).
# The class also handles the creation of axes and margins common to all time-series plots.
# Furthermore it layers the canvas below an SVG element to keep visual consistency when
# rendering text, glyphs, etc.
class Epoch.Time.Plot extends Epoch.Chart.Canvas
defaults =
range: null
fps: 24
historySize: 120
windowSize: 40
queueSize: 10
axes: ['bottom']
time: 15
left: 5
right: 5
top: Epoch.Formats.seconds
bottom: Epoch.Formats.seconds
left: Epoch.Formats.si
right: Epoch.Formats.si
defaultAxisMargins =
top: 25
right: 50
bottom: 25
left: 50
optionListeners =
'option:margins': 'marginsChanged'
'option:margins.top': 'marginsChanged'
'option:margins.right': 'marginsChanged'
'option:margins.bottom': 'marginsChanged'
'option:margins.left': 'marginsChanged'
'option:axes': 'axesChanged'
'option:ticks': 'ticksChanged'
'option:ticks.top': 'ticksChanged'
'option:ticks.right': 'ticksChanged'
'option:ticks.bottom': 'ticksChanged'
'option:ticks.left': 'ticksChanged'
'option:tickFormats': 'tickFormatsChanged'
'option:tickFormats.top': 'tickFormatsChanged'
'option:tickFormats.right': 'tickFormatsChanged'
'option:tickFormats.bottom': 'tickFormatsChanged'
'option:tickFormats.left': 'tickFormatsChanged'
# Creates a new real-time plot.
# @param [Object] options Options for the plot.
# @option options [Integer] fps Number of frames per second to use when animating
# the plot.
# @option options [Integer] historySize Maximum number of elements to keep in history
# for the plot.
# @option options [Integer] windowSize Number of entries to simultaneously display
# when rendering the visualization.
# @option options [Integer] queueSize Number of elements to queue while not animating
# but still recieving elements. In some browsers, intervals will not fire if the
# page containing them is not the active tab. By setting a maximum limit to the
# number of unprocessed data points we can ensure that the memory footprint of the
# page does not get out of hand.
# @option options [Object] margins Explicit margins to use for the visualization. Note
# that these are optional and will be automatically generated based on which axes are
# used for the visualization. Margins are keyed by their position (top, left, bottom
# and/or right) and should map to [Integer] values.
# @option options [Array] axes Which axes to display when rendering the visualization
# (top, left, bottom, and/or right).
# @option options [Object] ticks Number of ticks to display on each axis available axes
# ares: time, left, and right. The number provided for the left and right axes are in
# absolute terms (i.e. there will be exactly that number of ticks). The time ticks
# denote how often a tick should be generated (e.g. if 5 is provided then a tick will
# be added every fifth time you push a new data entry into the visualization).
# @option options [Object] tickFormats Formatting functions for ticks on the given axes.
# The avaiable axes are: top, bottom, left, and right.
constructor: (@options) ->
givenMargins = Epoch.Util.copy(@options.margins) or {}
super(@options = Epoch.Util.defaults(@options, defaults))
if @options.model
@options.model.on 'data:push', => @pushFromModel()
# Queue entering data to get around memory bloat and "non-active" tab issues
@_queue = []
# Margins
@margins = {}
for pos in ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']
@margins[pos] = if @options.margins? and @options.margins[pos]?
else if @hasAxis(pos)
# SVG Overlay
@svg = @el.insert('svg', ':first-child')
.attr('width', @width)
.attr('height', @height)
.style('z-index', '1000')
# Position the canvas "under" the SVG element
if @el.style('position') != 'absolute' and @el.style('position') != 'relative'
@el.style('position', 'relative')
@canvas.style { position: 'absolute', 'z-index': '999' }
# Animation / Transitions
@animation =
interval: null
active: false
delta: => -(@w() / @options.fps),
tickDelta: => -( (@w() / @pixelRatio) / @options.fps )
frame: 0,
duration: @options.fps
# Add SVG Axes
# Callback used for animation
@animationCallback = => @_animate()
# Listen for specific option changes
@onAll optionListeners
# Positions and sizes the canvas based on margins and axes.
_sizeCanvas: ->
width: @innerWidth()
height: @innerHeight()
width: "#{@innerWidth() / @pixelRatio}px"
height: "#{@innerHeight() / @pixelRatio}px"
top: "#{@margins.top}px"
left: "#{@margins.left}px"
# Removes any axes found in the SVG and adds both the time and range axes to the plot.
_buildAxes: ->
# Works exactly as in Epoch.Chart.Base with the addition of truncating value arrays
# to that of the historySize defined in the chart's options.
_annotateLayers: (prepared) ->
data = []
for own i, layer of prepared
copy = Epoch.Util.copy(layer)
start = Math.max(0, layer.values.length - @options.historySize)
copy.values = layer.values.slice(start)
classes = ['layer']
classes.push "category#{(i|0)+1}"
classes.push(Epoch.Util.dasherize layer.label) if layer.label?
copy.className = classes.join(' ')
copy.visible = true
data.push copy
return data
# This method is called to provide a small offset for placement of horizontal ticks.
# The value returned will be added to the x value of each tick as they are being
# rendered.
# @return [Number] The horizontal offset for the top and bottom axes ticks.
_offsetX: -> 0
# Builds time axes (bottom and top)
_prepareTimeAxes: ->
if @hasAxis('bottom')
axis = @bottomAxis = @svg.append('g')
.attr('class', "x axis bottom canvas")
.attr('transform', "translate(#{@margins.left-1}, #{@innerHeight()/@pixelRatio+@margins.top})")
.attr('class', 'domain')
.attr('d', "M0,0H#{@innerWidth()/@pixelRatio+1}")
if @hasAxis('top')
axis = @topAxis = @svg.append('g')
.attr('class', "x axis top canvas")
.attr('transform', "translate(#{@margins.left-1}, #{@margins.top})")
.attr('class', 'domain')
.attr('d', "M0,0H#{@innerWidth()/@pixelRatio+1}")
# Resets the initial ticks for the time axes.
_resetInitialTimeTicks: ->
tickInterval = @options.ticks.time
@_ticks = []
@_tickTimer = tickInterval
@bottomAxis.selectAll('.tick').remove() if @bottomAxis?
@topAxis.selectAll('.tick').remove() if @topAxis?
for layer in @data
continue unless Epoch.isNonEmptyArray(layer.values)
[i, k] = [@options.windowSize-1, layer.values.length-1]
while i >= 0 and k >= 0
@_pushTick i, layer.values[k].time, false, true
i -= tickInterval
k -= tickInterval
# Builds the range axes (left and right)
_prepareRangeAxes: ->
if @hasAxis('left')
.attr("class", "y axis left")
.attr('transform', "translate(#{@margins.left-1}, #{@margins.top})")
if @hasAxis('right')
.attr('class', 'y axis right')
.attr('transform', "translate(#{@width - @margins.right}, #{@margins.top})")
# @return [Object] The d3 left axis.
leftAxis: ->
ticks = @options.ticks.left
axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@ySvgLeft()).orient('left')
if ticks == 2
axis.tickValues @extent((d) -> d.y)
# @return [Object] The d3 right axis.
rightAxis: ->
extent = @extent((d) -> d.y)
ticks = @options.ticks.right
axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@ySvgRight()).orient('right')
if ticks == 2
axis.tickValues @extent((d) -> d.y)
# Determines if the visualization is displaying the axis with the given name.
# @param [String] name Name of the axis
# @return [Boolean] true
if the axis was set in the options, false
hasAxis: (name) ->
@options.axes.indexOf(name) > -1
# @return [Number] the width of the visualization area of the plot (full width - margins)
innerWidth: ->
(@width - (@margins.left + @margins.right)) * @pixelRatio
# @return [Number] the height of the visualization area of the plot (full height - margins)
innerHeight: ->
(@height - (@margins.top + @margins.bottom)) * @pixelRatio
# Abstract method for performing any preprocessing before queuing new entries
# @param entry [Object] The entry to prepare.
# @return [Object] The prepared entry.
_prepareEntry: (entry) -> entry
# Abstract method for preparing a group of layered entries entering the visualization
# @param [Array] layers The layered entries to prepare.
# @return [Array] The prepared layers.
_prepareLayers: (layers) -> layers
# This method will remove the first incoming entry from the visualization's queue
# and shift it into the working set (aka window). It then starts the animating the
# transition of the element into the visualization.
# @event transition:start in the case that animation is actually started.
_startTransition: ->
return if @animation.active == true or @_queue.length == 0
@trigger 'transition:start'
@animation.active = true
@animation.interval = setInterval(@animationCallback, 1000/@options.fps)
# Stops animating and clears the animation interval given there is no more
# incoming data to process. Also finalizes tick entering and exiting.
# @event transition:end After the transition has completed.
_stopTransition: ->
return unless @inTransition()
# Shift data off the end
for layer in @data
continue unless layer.values.length > @options.windowSize + 1
# Finalize tick transitions
[firstTick, lastTick] = [@_ticks[0], @_ticks[@_ticks.length-1]]
if lastTick? and lastTick.enter
lastTick.enter = false
lastTick.opacity = 1
if firstTick? and firstTick.exit
# Reset the animation frame modulus
@animation.frame = 0
# Trigger that we are done transitioning
@trigger 'transition:end'
# Clear the transition interval unless another entry is already queued
if @_queue.length > 0
@animation.active = false
clearInterval @animation.interval
# Determines if the plot is currently animating a transition.
# @return [Boolean] true
if the plot is animating, false
inTransition: ->
# This method is used by the application programmer to introduce new data into
# the timeseries plot. The method queues the incoming data, ensures a fixed size
# for the data queue, and finally calls _startTransition
method to
# begin animating the plot.
# @param [Array] layers Layered incoming visualization data.
# @event push Triggered after the new data has been pushed into the queue.
push: (layers) ->
layers = @_prepareLayers(layers)
# Handle entry queue maximum size
if @_queue.length > @options.queueSize
@_queue.splice @options.queueSize, (@_queue.length - @options.queueSize)
return false if @_queue.length == @options.queueSize
# Push the entry into the queue
@_queue.push layers.map((entry) => @_prepareEntry(entry))
@trigger 'push'
# Begin the transition unless we are already doing so
@_startTransition() unless @inTransition()
# Fetches new entry data from the model in response to a 'data:push' event.
pushFromModel: ->
@push @options.model.getNext(@options.type, @options.dataFormat)
# Shift elements off the incoming data queue (see the implementation of
# push above).
# If there's data to be shoved into the visualization it will pull it
# off the queue and put it into the working dataset. It also calls through
# to @_updateTicks to handle horizontal (or "time") axes tick transitions
# since we're implementing independent of d3 as well.
# @event before:shift Before an element has been shifted off the queue.
# @event after:shift After the element has been shifted off the queue.
_shift: ->
@trigger 'before:shift'
entry = @_queue.shift()
layer.values.push(entry[i]) for own i, layer of @data
@trigger 'after:shift'
# Transitions the left and right axes when the range of the plot has changed.
_transitionRangeAxes: ->
if @hasAxis('left')
if @hasAxis('right')
# Performs the animation for transitioning elements in the visualization.
_animate: ->
return unless @inTransition()
@_stopTransition() if ++@animation.frame == @animation.duration
@draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta())
# @param [Array] givenDomain A given domain for the scale
# @return [Function] The y scale for the plot
y: (givenDomain) ->
.range([@innerHeight(), 0])
# @param [Array] givenDomain Optional domain to override default
# @return [Function] The y scale for the svg portions of the plot
ySvg: (givenDomain) ->
.range([@innerHeight() / @pixelRatio, 0])
# @return [Function] The y scale for the svg portion of the plot for the left axis
ySvgLeft: ->
if @options.range?
@ySvg @options.range.left
# @return [Function] The y scale for the svg portion of the plot for the right axis
ySvgRight: ->
if @options.range?
@ySvg @options.range.right
# @return [Number] The width of a single section of the graph pertaining to a data point
w: ->
@innerWidth() / @options.windowSize
# This is called every time we introduce new data (as a result of _shift)
# it checks to see if we also need to update the working tick set and
# makes the approriate changes for handling tick animation (enter, exit,
# and update in the d3 model).
# @param [Integer] newTime Current newest timestamp in the data
_updateTicks: (newTime) ->
return unless @hasAxis('top') or @hasAxis('bottom')
# Incoming ticks
unless (++@_tickTimer) % @options.ticks.time
@_pushTick(@options.windowSize, newTime, true)
# Outgoing ticks
return unless @_ticks.length > 0
unless @_ticks[0].x - (@w()/@pixelRatio) >= 0
@_ticks[0].exit = true
# Makes and pushes a new tick into the visualization.
# @param bucket Index in the data window where the tick should initially be position
# @param time The unix timestamp associated with the tick
# @param enter Whether or not the tick should be considered as "newly entering"
# Used primarily for performing the tick opacity tween.
_pushTick: (bucket, time, enter=false, reverse=false) ->
return unless @hasAxis('top') or @hasAxis('bottom')
tick =
time: time
x: bucket*(@w()/@pixelRatio) + @_offsetX()
opacity: if enter then 0 else 1
enter: if enter then true else false
exit: false
if @hasAxis('bottom')
g = @bottomAxis.append('g')
.attr('class', 'tick major')
.attr('transform', "translate(#{tick.x+1},0)")
.style('opacity', tick.opacity)
.attr('y2', 6)
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('dy', 19)
tick.bottomEl = g
if @hasAxis('top')
g = @topAxis.append('g')
.attr('class', 'tick major')
.attr('transform', "translate(#{tick.x+1},0)")
.style('opacity', tick.opacity)
.attr('y2', -6)
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('dy', -10)
tick.topEl = g
if reverse
@_ticks.unshift tick
@_ticks.push tick
return tick
# Shifts a tick that is no longer needed out of the visualization.
_shiftTick: ->
return unless @_ticks.length > 0
tick = @_ticks.shift()
tick.topEl.remove() if tick.topEl?
tick.bottomEl.remove() if tick.bottomEl?
# This performs animations for the time axes (top and bottom).
_updateTimeAxes: ->
return unless @hasAxis('top') or @hasAxis('bottom')
[dx, dop] = [@animation.tickDelta(), 1 / @options.fps]
for tick in @_ticks
tick.x += dx
if @hasAxis('bottom')
tick.bottomEl.attr('transform', "translate(#{tick.x+1},0)")
if @hasAxis('top')
tick.topEl.attr('transform', "translate(#{tick.x+1},0)")
if tick.enter
tick.opacity += dop
else if tick.exit
tick.opacity -= dop
if tick.enter or tick.exit
tick.bottomEl.style('opacity', tick.opacity) if @hasAxis('bottom')
tick.topEl.style('opacity', tick.opacity) if @hasAxis('top')
# Draws the visualization in the plot's canvas.
# @param delta The current x offset to apply to all elements when rendering. This number
# will be 0 when the plot is not animating and negative when it is.
# @abstract It does nothing on its own but is provided so that subclasses can
# define a custom rendering routine.
draw: (delta=0) -> super()
dimensionsChanged: ->
@svg.attr('width', @width).attr('height', @height)
@draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta())
# Updates axes in response to an option:axes
axesChanged: ->
for pos in ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']
continue if @options.margins? and @options.margins[pos]?
if @hasAxis(pos)
@margins[pos] = defaultAxisMargins[pos]
@margins[pos] = 6
@draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta())
# Updates ticks in response to an option.ticks.*
ticksChanged: ->
@draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta())
# Updates tick formats in response to an option.tickFormats.*
tickFormatsChanged: ->
@draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta())
# Updates margins in response to an option.margins.*
marginsChanged: ->
return unless @options.margins?
for own pos, size of @options.margins
unless size?
@margins[pos] = 6
@margins[pos] = size
@draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta())
layerChanged: ->
# Base class for all "stacked" plot types (e.g. bar charts, area charts, etc.)
# @abstract It does not perform rendering but instead formats the data
# so as to ease the process of rendering stacked plots.
class Epoch.Time.Stack extends Epoch.Time.Plot
# Sets stacking information (y0) for each of the points in each layer
_stackLayers: ->
return unless (layers = @getVisibleLayers()).length > 0
for i in [0...layers[0].values.length]
y0 = 0
for layer in layers
layer.values[i].y0 = y0
y0 += layer.values[i].y
# Adds stacking information for layers entering the visualization.
# @param [Array] layers Layers to stack.
_prepareLayers: (layers) ->
y0 = 0
for own i, d of layers
continue unless @data[i].visible
d.y0 = y0
y0 += d.y
return layers
# Ensures that elements are stacked when setting the initial data.
# @param [Array] data Layered data to set for the visualization.
setData: (data) ->
# Finds the correct extent to use for range axes (left and right).
# @return [Array] An extent array with the first element equal to 0
# and the second element equal to the maximum value amongst the
# stacked entries.
extent: ->
[max, layers] = [0, @getVisibleLayers()]
return [0, 0] unless layers.length
for i in [0...layers[0].values.length]
sum = 0
for j in [0...layers.length]
sum += layers[j].values[i].y
max = sum if sum > max
[0, max]
layerChanged: ->
@_prepareLayers(layers) for layers in @_queue