describe 'Epoch.QueryCSS', -> styleMap = '#container rect': 'fill': 'blue' 'stroke': 'red' 'stroke-width': '5px' '#container rect.a': 'fill': 'green' 'stroke': 'yellow' 'stroke-width': '1px' 'rect#byid': 'fill': 'purple' 'stroke': '#94105A' 'stroke-width': '15px' 'body.alt-color rect#byid': 'fill': '#abcdef1' 'stroke': '#48419A' 'stroke-width': '2em' [container, svg, styleTag] = [null, null, null] makeStyleSheet = -> cssStatements = [] for selector, rules of styleMap cssStatements.push (selector + "{" + ("#{k}: #{v}" for k, v of rules).join(';') + "}") css = cssStatements.join('\n') styleTag = addStyleSheet(css) makeContainer = -> container ='div') .attr('id', 'container') svg = container.append('svg') .attr('width', 10) .attr('height', 10) assertStyles = (object, selector) -> unless object? assert(false, "Object contains no styles") unless (mapping = styleMap[selector])? assert(false, "Could not find styles with selector: #{selector}") for key, value of mapping assert.equal object[key], value, "Style mismatch on rule '#{key}'" before (done) -> makeStyleSheet() makeContainer() done() after (done) -> doc.head.removeChild(styleTag) doc.body.removeChild(container.node()) done() describe 'getStyles', -> it 'should find styles for an svg element', -> styles = Epoch.QueryCSS.getStyles('rect', container) assertStyles styles, '#container rect' it 'should find styles using a specific class name', -> styles = Epoch.QueryCSS.getStyles('rect.a', container) assertStyles styles, '#container rect.a' it 'should find styles using an id', -> styles = Epoch.QueryCSS.getStyles('rect#byid', container) assertStyles styles, 'rect#byid' describe 'purge', -> before (done) ->'class', 'alt-color') done() after (done) ->'class', null) done() it 'should find cached styles before a purge', -> styles = Epoch.QueryCSS.getStyles('rect#byid', container) assertStyles styles, 'rect#byid' it 'should find new styles after purging the cache', -> Epoch.QueryCSS.purge() styles = Epoch.QueryCSS.getStyles('rect#byid', container) assertStyles styles, 'body.alt-color rect#byid'