var colours = ["#081d58", "#253494", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#edf8b1", "#edf8b1"]; var latency = ["slow", "1500ms", "1000ms", "500ms", "250ms", "100ms", "50ms", "10ms", "1ms"]; var Socket = "MozWebSocket" in window ? MozWebSocket : WebSocket; let isGraphPaused = false; $(function() { /* Helper functions */ function colorBracket(rtt) { for (var i = latency.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (rtt <= parseInt(latency[i])) { return 'q' + i; } } return 'q8'; } function toGeokey(lon, lat) { return lon.toFixed(0)+'#'+lat.toFixed(0); } function updateVisibility(graph, metrics, id, toggle) { /* Some labels are aggregates */ if (metrics[id] == null) { for (var key in metrics) { const m = metrics[key]; if (m.length > 3 && m[3] == id) { graph.setVisibility(m[0], toggle); } } } else { graph.setVisibility(metrics[id][0], toggle); } } function formatNumber(n) { with (Math) { var base = floor(log(abs(n))/log(1000)); var suffix = 'KMB'[base-1]; return suffix ? String(n/pow(1000,base)).substring(0,3)+suffix : ''+n; } } /* Initialize snippets. */ $('section').each(function () { const heading = $(this).find('h2'); $('#modules-dropdown').append('
  • '+heading.text()+'
  • '); }); /* Render other interesting metrics as lines (hidden by default) */ var data = []; var last_metric = 17; var metrics = { 'answer.noerror': [0, 'NOERROR', null, 'By RCODE'], 'answer.nodata': [1, 'NODATA', null, 'By RCODE'], 'answer.nxdomain': [2, 'NXDOMAIN', null, 'By RCODE'], 'answer.servfail': [3, 'SERVFAIL', null, 'By RCODE'], 'answer.dnssec': [4, 'DNSSEC', null, 'By RCODE'], 'cache.hit': [5, 'Cache hit'], 'cache.miss': [6, 'Cache miss'], 'cache.insert': [7, 'Cache insert'], 'cache.delete': [8, 'Cache delete'], 'worker.udp': [9, 'UDP queries'], 'worker.tcp': [10, 'TCP queries'], 'worker.ipv4': [11, 'IPv4 queries'], 'worker.ipv6': [12, 'IPv6 queries'], 'worker.concurrent': [13, 'Concurrent requests'], 'worker.queries': [14, 'Queries received/s'], 'worker.dropped': [15, 'Queries dropped'], 'worker.usertime': [16, 'CPU (user)', null, 'Workers'], 'worker.systime': [17, 'CPU (sys)', null, 'Workers'], }; /* Render latency metrics as sort of a heatmap */ var series = {}; for (var i in latency) { const name = 'RTT '+latency[i]; const colour = colours[colours.length - i - 1]; last_metric = last_metric + 1; metrics['answer.'+latency[i]] = [last_metric, name, colour, 'latency']; series[name] = {fillGraph: true, color: colour, fillAlpha: 1.0}; } var labels = ['x']; var visibility = []; for (var key in metrics) { labels.push(metrics[key][1]); visibility.push(false); } /* Define how graph looks like. */ const graphContainer = $('#stats'); const graph = new Dygraph( document.getElementById("chart"), data, { labels: labels, labelsUTC: true, labelsShowZeroValues: false, visibility: visibility, axes: { y: { axisLabelFormatter: function(d) { return formatNumber(d) + 'pps'; }, }}, series: series, strokeWidth: 1, highlightSeriesOpts: { strokeWidth: 3, strokeBorderWidth: 1, highlightCircleSize: 5, }, }); /* Define metric selector */ const chartSelector = $('#chart-selector').selectize({ maxItems: null, create: false, onItemAdd: function (x) { updateVisibility(graph, metrics, x, true); }, onItemRemove: function (x) { updateVisibility(graph, metrics, x, false); } })[0].selectize; for (var key in metrics) { const m = metrics[key]; const groupid = m.length > 3 ? m[3] : key.split('.')[0]; const group = m.length > 3 ? m[3] : m[1].split(' ')[0]; /* Latency has a special aggregated item */ if (group != 'latency') { chartSelector.addOptionGroup(groupid, { label: group } ); chartSelector.addOption({ text: m[1], value: key, optgroup: groupid }); } } /* Add latency as default */ chartSelector.addOption({ text: 'Latency', value: 'latency', optgroup: 'Queries' }); chartSelector.addItem('latency'); /* Add stacked graph control */ $('#chart-stacked').on('change', function(e) { graph.updateOptions({stackedGraph: this.checked}); }).click(); /* Data map */ var fills = { defaultFill: '#F5F5F5' }; for (var i in colours) { fills['q' + i] = colours[i]; } const map = new Datamap({ element: document.getElementById('map'), fills: fills, data: {}, height: 400, geographyConfig: { highlightOnHover: false, borderColor: '#ccc', borderWidth: 0.5, popupTemplate: function(geo, data) { return ['
    ', '',, '', '
    Queries: ', data ? data.queries : '0', '', '
    '].join(''); } }, bubblesConfig: { popupTemplate: function(geo, data) { return ['
    ', '',, '', '
    Queries: ', data ? data.queries : '0', '', '
    Average RTT: ', data ? parseInt(data.rtt) : '0', ' ms', '
    '].join(''); } } }); /* Realtime updates over WebSockets */ function pushMetrics(resp, now, buffer) { var line = new Array(labels.length); line[0] = new Date(now * 1000); for (var lb in resp) { /* Push new datapoints */ const metric = metrics[lb]; if (metric) { line[metric[0] + 1] = resp[lb]; } } /* Buffer graph changes. */ data.push(line); if (data.length > 1000) { data.shift(); } if ( !buffer ) { if ( !isGraphPaused ) { graph.updateOptions( { 'file': data } ); } } } var age = 0; var bubbles = []; var bubblemap = {}; function pushUpstreams(resp) { if (resp == null) { $('#map-container').hide(); return; } else { $('#map-container').show(); } /* Get current maximum number of queries for bubble diameter adjustment */ var maxQueries = 1; for (var key in resp) { var val = resp[key]; if ('data' in val) { maxQueries = Math.max(maxQueries, resp[key].data.length) } } /* Update bubbles and prune the oldest */ for (var key in resp) { var val = resp[key]; if (! || !val.location || val.location.longitude == null) { continue; } var sum =, b) { return a + b; }); var avg = sum /; var geokey = toGeokey(val.location.longitude, val.location.latitude) var found = bubblemap[geokey]; if (!found) { found = { name: [key], longitude: val.location.longitude, latitude: val.location.latitude, queries: 0, rtt: avg, } bubbles.push(found); bubblemap[geokey] = found; } /* Update bubble parameters */ if (!(key in {; } found.rtt = (found.rtt + avg) / 2.0; found.fillKey = colorBracket(found.rtt); found.queries = found.queries +; found.radius = Math.max(5, 15*(; found.age = age; } /* Prune bubbles not updated in a while. */ for (var i in bubbles) { var b = bubbles[i]; if (b.age <= age - 5) { bubbles.splice(i, 1) bubblemap[i] = null; } } map.bubbles(bubbles); age = age + 1; } /* Per-worker information */ function updateRate(x, y, dt) { return (100.0 * ((x - y) / dt)).toFixed(1); } function updateWorker(row, next, data, timestamp, buffer) { const dt = timestamp - data.timestamp; const cell = row.find('td'); /* Update spark lines and CPU times first */ if (dt > 0.0) { const utimeRate = updateRate(next.usertime, data.last.usertime, dt); const stimeRate = updateRate(next.systime, data.last.systime, dt); cell.eq(1).find('span').text(utimeRate + '% / ' + stimeRate + '%'); /* Update sparkline graph */[new Date(timestamp * 1000), Number(utimeRate), Number(stimeRate)]); if ( > 60) {; } if (!buffer) { data.graph.updateOptions( { 'file': } ); } } /* Update other fields */ if (!buffer) { cell.eq(2).text(formatNumber(next.rss) + 'B'); cell.eq(3).text(next.pagefaults); cell.eq(4).text('Healthy').addClass('text-success'); } } var workerData = {}; function pushWorkers(resp, timestamp, buffer) { if (resp == null) { return; } const workerTable = $('#workers'); for (var pid in resp) { var row = workerTable.find('tr[data-pid='+pid+']'); if (row.length == 0) { row = workerTable.append( ''+pid+''+ '
    '+ ''); /* Create sparkline visualisation */ const spark = row.find('#spark-'+pid); spark.css({'margin-right': '1em', width: '80px', height: '1.4em'}); workerData[pid] = {timestamp: timestamp, data: [[new Date(timestamp * 1000),0,0]], last: resp[pid]}; const workerGraph = new Dygraph(spark[0], workerData[pid].data, { valueRange: [0, 100], legend: 'never', axes : { x : { drawGrid: false, drawAxis : false, }, y : { drawGrid: false, drawAxis : false, } }, labels: ['x', '%user', '%sys'], labelsDiv: '', stackedGraph: true, } ); workerData[pid].graph = workerGraph; } updateWorker(row, resp[pid], workerData[pid], timestamp, buffer); /* Track last datapoint */ workerData[pid].last = resp[pid]; workerData[pid].timestamp = timestamp; } /* Prune unhealthy PIDs */ if (!buffer) { workerTable.find('tr').each(function () { const e = $(this); if (!('pid') in resp)) { const healthCell = e.find('td').last(); healthCell.removeClass('text-success') healthCell.text('Dead').addClass('text-danger'); } }); } } /* WebSocket endpoints */ var wsStats = (secure ? 'wss://' : 'ws://') + + '/stats'; var ws = new Socket(wsStats); ws.onmessage = function(evt) { var data = JSON.parse(; if (data[0]) { if (data.length > 0) { pushUpstreams(data[data.length - 1].upstreams); } /* Buffer datapoints and redraw last */ for (var i in data) { const is_last = (i == data.length - 1); pushWorkers(data[i].workers, data[i].time, !is_last); pushMetrics(data[i].stats, data[i].time, !is_last); } } else { pushUpstreams(data.upstreams); pushWorkers(data.workers, data.time); pushMetrics(data.stats, data.time); } }; chartElement.addEventListener( 'mouseover', ( event ) => { isGraphPaused = true; }, false ); chartElement.addEventListener( 'mouseout', ( event ) => { isGraphPaused = false; }, false ); });