TODO ===== This is the TODO list of this project. It should give you some hints of things which need to be implemented. If you can spend some time on this project, then look at the list below. Library: --------- Goals: * Thread safety * The proposed way ==> - fd-passing for tcp sockets (for free) Approach: - tdb "in small". So a "db file". - for each socket an entry in the db file (file, mmap, robust mutex. e.g. one file per local ip addr) - socket_info : structure in db. protected by pthread robust mutexes - socket_info_fd : --> pointer into mmap area of db - free-list - fd-passing: pass index in array - the last element we pass is not a fd but the index number in the mmaped file * Use realpath() in socket_wrapper_dir(). Testing: --------- * Add a test to make sure detect stale file descriptors. * Add a test for sento() to broadcast * Add a test to check that read/readv/send/ only work on connected sockets. * Add unit tests for conversion functions like convert_in_un_remote(). * Add threaded tests.