Deckard scenario guide ====================== .. contents:: On the highest level, Deckard scenario consists of three parts (in this order): - scenario-specific configuration in the header, - declarative description of the simulated network environment, - sequence of test steps. The scenario is stored as ASCII encoded text file with following structure: .. code-block:: ; configuration part starts on beginning of the file ; comments start with semicolon CONFIG_END SCENARIO_BEGIN ; SCENARIO block combines declarative description and sequence of steps ; declarative description of network environment starts here RANGE_BEGIN a b ENTRY_BEGIN ; entries inside RANGE block describe DNS messages ; used as answers from simulated network ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; sequence of test steps begins here STEP x QUERY ; this is step number x ENTRY_BEGIN ; ENTRY inside STEP may describe DNS message sent as query ENTRY_END STEP y CHECK_ANSWER ; arbitrary number of steps is allowed ENTRY_BEGIN ; also, ENTRY inside STEP may describe DNS message with expected answer ENTRY_END SCENARIO_END The scenario is processed as follows: - Deckard parses configuration block and generates configuration files for binaries under test - binaries are executed in an isolated network environment - Deckard walks through all ``STEP`` blocks and sends queries to the binary under test, and checks answers it receives - when a binary attempts to contact another server, Deckard intercepts the communication and replies with scripted answer as defined in ``RANGE`` blocks To better understand this structure, we will walk-through from sequential steps through declarative description up to scenario-specific configuration. Scenario -------- Scenario part starts with ``SCENARIO_BEGIN`` and ends with ``SCENARIO_END`` statements, which are present after ``CONFIG_END`` keyword. ``SCENARIO_BEGIN`` keyword must be followed by scenario description: .. code-block:: SCENARIO_BEGIN Test basic query minimization ... SCENARIO_END Test steps (``STEP``) --------------------- One ``STEP`` describes one action during scenario execution. It might be action like send next query to binary under test, send reply to binary under test, change faked system time, or check the last answer. Sequence of two steps might look like this: .. code-block:: STEP 1 QUERY ; send query specified in the following ENTRY to the binary ENTRY_BEGIN ; ENTRY defines content of DNS message REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION IN A ENTRY_END STEP 10 CHECK_ANSWER ; check that answer to the previous query matches following ENTRY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH all ; MATCH specifies what fields in answer have to match the ENTRY REPLY QR RD RA NOERROR SECTION QUESTION IN A SECTION ANSWER IN CNAME IN A SECTION AUTHORITY SECTION ADDITIONAL ENTRY_END Most important parts of a step are: - id - number specifying order in which steps are executed, e.g. ``1`` or ``10`` - type - action to execute, e.g. ``QUERY`` or ``CHECK_ANSWER`` - entry - DNS message content, while meaning of the message depends on the step *type* One ``STEP`` block starts with ``STEP`` keyword and continues until one of {``STEP``, ``RANGE``, ``END_SCENARIO``} keywords is found. Format ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: STEP id type [additional data] - id - step identifier, a positive integer value; all steps must have different id's. This value used within RANGE block, see above. - type - step type; can be ``QUERY`` | ``REPLY`` | ``CHECK_ANSWER`` | ``TIME_PASSES ELAPSE`` *seconds* - QUERY - send query defined by associated ``ENTRY`` to binary under test - CHECK_ANSWER - check if last received answer matches associated ``ENTRY`` - TIME_PASSES ELAPSE - move faked system time for binary under test by number of *seconds* to future - REPLY - *use of this type is discouraged*; it defines one-shot reply to query from binary under test .. warning:: - ``REPLY`` type is useful only if you know exact order of queries sent *by the binary under test* - steps of this type are used only when no matching ``RANGE`` datablock exists - priority of ``REPLY`` type is going to change in future .. _entry: DNS messages (normal ``ENTRY``) ------------------------------- One ``ENTRY`` describes one DNS message plus additional metadata, depending on intended use of the entry. There are three possible uses of entry which require little bit different entry format. An entry might define: #. *query message* to be sent in ``STEP QUERY`` #. *expected message* to be compared with a message received from binary in ``STEP CHECK_ANSWER`` #. *answer template message* to be used for simulating answers from network in ``RANGE`` block Particular use of data in an ``ENTRY`` depends on context and is different for ``STEP`` types and ``RANGE`` blocks, see details below. In any case, entry starts with ``ENTRY_BEGIN`` and ends with ``ENTRY_END`` keywords and share ``REPLY`` and ``SECTION`` definitions. Some fields in DNS messages have default values which can be overriden by explicit specification. Format of query messages (for ``STEP QUERY``) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``STEP QUERY`` requires a DNS message which will be sent by Deckard to the binary under test. Structure of the entry is: .. code-block:: STEP QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY ; REPLY is a bad keyword name, OPCODE and flags will be sent out! SECTION QUESTION ; it is possible to replace QUESTION section or omit it ; to simulate weird queries ENTRY_END The message will be assigned a random message ID, converted into DNS wire format, and sent to the binary under test. .. warning:: The keyword ``REPLY`` in fact defines value of flags in the outgoing message. The confusing name is here for compatibility with the original ``testbound``. Format of expected messages (for ``STEP CHECK_ANSWER``) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``STEP CHECK_ANSWER`` requires a DNS message which will be compared with a reply received from the binary under test. Structure of the entry describing the expected message is: .. code-block:: ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH ; MATCH elements define what message fields will be compared REPLY ; REPLY field here defines expected OPCODE, RCODE as well as flags! SECTION QUESTION ; to simulate weird queries SECTION ENTRY_END Deckard will compare messages according to **. Any mismatch between *received* message and the *expected* message (specified by the entry) will result in test failure. (See chapter `entry matching`_.) Format of answer templates (for ``RANGE``) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Entries in ``RANGE`` blocks are used to answer queries *from binaries under test*. E.g. if a DNS resolver under test sends query ``. IN NS`` to a simulated server, Deckard will use matching entry associated with the simulated server for reply. Entry used for answer is selected using the same `entry matching`_ logic as with ``STEP CHECK_ANSWER``. The difference is that entry is automatically modified before sending out the answer. These modifications are specified by ``ADJUST`` and ``REPLY`` keywords. It's also possible to not send any reply using the ``ADJUST do_not_answer`` option. See chapters `entry adjusting`_ and `entry flags`_. .. code-block:: ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH ; all MATCH elements must match before using this answer template ADJUST ; ADJUST fields will be modified before answering REPLY ; OPCODE, RCODE, and flags to be set in the outgoing answer SECTION SECTION ENTRY_END .. _`entry matching`: Entry matching ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Entries present in Deckard scenario define values *expected* in DNS messages. The *expected* values are compared with values in messages *received* from the network. Entry matches only if all specified elements match. .. code-block:: MATCH ** is a space-separated list of elements in *expected* and *received* messages to be compared. Supported elements are: ============ ========================================================================================= element DNS message fields and additional rules ============ ========================================================================================= opcode ``OPCODE`` as `defined in IANA registry `_ - *expected* message ``OPCODE`` is defined by ``REPLY`` keyword qtype RR type in question section [qmatch]_ qname name in question section (case insensitive) [qmatch]_ qcase name in question section (case sensitive) [qmatch]_ subdomain name in question section of the *received* message is a subdomain of the name in *expected* question section (case insensitive, exact match accepted) [qmatch]_ flags all `defined flags `_ in message header: ``QR AA TC RD RA AD CD`` - it does not match on ``DO`` flag which resides in EDNS header flags - *expected* message flags are defined by ``REPLY`` keyword rcode extended response code (``RCODE`` value `combined from message header and EDNS header `_) - *expected* message ``RCODE`` is defined by ``REPLY`` keyword question equivalent to ``qtype qname`` answer whole ANSWER section [sectmatch]_ authority whole AUTHORITY section [sectmatch]_ additional whole ADDITIONAL section [sectmatch]_ edns EDNS `version `_ and EDNS `payload `_ size nsid `NSID `_ presence and value all equivalent to ``opcode qtype qname flags rcode answer authority additional`` ============ ========================================================================================= .. [qmatch] *Expected* values are defined by QUESTION section in the entry. If the *expected* QUESTION section is empty, the conditions is ignored. Only values from the first (qname, qclass, qtype) tuple are checked. Question matching is case insensitive (except for ``qcase``). .. [sectmatch] Number of records must match. Owner names are case-insensitive and TTL is ignored. RR data are compared according to type-specific rules. Each RR present in the *expected* message must be present in the *received* message and vice versa. .. _`entry adjusting`: Entry adjusting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: ADJUST An entry used as a template to prepare an answer to an incoming query might be preprocessed. Adjust element list defines what fields will be modified: ============= =========================================================================================== element modification to the DNS message ============= =========================================================================================== copy_id query id + query domain name will be copied from incoming message [copy_id_bug]_ copy_query whole question section will be copied from incoming message raw_id query id will be copied into the first two bytes of RAW answer do_not_answer no response will be sent at all ============= =========================================================================================== .. [copy_id_bug] .. _`entry flags`: Entry flags ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: REPLY ** is space-separated RCODE and list of flags in the entry. Usage of these flags depend on entry context. Supported values: - NOERROR, FORMERR, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN, NOTIMP, REFUSED, YXDOMAIN, YXRRSET, NXRRSET, NOTAUTH, NOTZONE, BADVERS - standard rcodes - QR, AA, TC, RD, RA, AD, CD - i.e. standard dns flags - DO - enable 'DNSSEC desired' flag .. warning:: The keyword ``REPLY`` has different meaning depending on the ``ENTRY`` context. Entry RR sections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An entry might specify content of DNS message sections QUESTION, ANSWER, AUTHORITY, and ADDITIONAL. Syntax is of resource records is the same as in zone file. Format: .. code-block:: SECTION QUESTION [class] ; QUESTION is special SECTION [TTL] [class] ; same as in zone file ... [TTL] [class] Example: .. code-block:: SECTION QUESTION IN A SECTION ANSWER IN A SECTION AUTHORITY IN NS SECTION ADDITIONAL IN A Default values for DNS messages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ========== =========================================================================================== feature default value ========== =========================================================================================== EDNS version 0 with buffer size 4096 B REPLY QUERY, NOERROR ========== =========================================================================================== Entry with RAW data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An entry might have special section named ``RAW``. This section is used only for sending raw, potentially invalid DNS messages. The section contains a single-line data interpreted as hexadecimal string. Data decoded from this string will be sent to binary under test without any changes. Deckard does not expect any answer to RAW queries, so ``STEP CHECK_ANSWER`` is not needed. Main intent of this behavior is to check if binary under test is able to process valid queries after getting series badly formed packets. It is also possible to use ``RAW`` in conjuction with ``SECTION`` for the purpose of responding with raw data to a query that matches the ``SECTION``. It's possible to modify raw data to use query's ID by using ``ADJUST raw_id``. One ``ENTRY`` can contain only one ``RAW`` section. Example .. code-block:: ENTRY_BEGIN RAW b5c9ca3d50104320f4120000000000000000 ENTRY_END Mock answers (``RANGE``) ------------------------ When Deckard receives a query *from binary under test*, it searches for mock answers. A set of mock answers for particular set of IP addresses and ID range is described using ``RANGE`` block starting with ``RANGE_BEGIN`` keyword. The ``RANGE`` contains mock DNS messages represented as ENTRY_ blocks which specify `entry matching`_ conditions along with `entry adjusting`_ actions and `entry flags`_ specification. Format: .. code-block:: ; comment before the range, e.g. K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. RANGE_BEGIN 0 100 ; this RANGE is valid for STEP IDs <0, 100> ADDRESS ; IP address simulated by this range ;ADDRESS ; multiple IP addresses are allowed ENTRY_BEGIN ; first ENTRY in this range MATCH opcode qtype qname ; use this entry only if all these match the query ADJUST copy_id ; adjust message ID before senting the answer REPLY QR NOERROR ; answer with RCODE NOERROR and QR flag set SECTION QUESTION . IN NS ; MATCH qname qtype are compared with this value SECTION ANSWER ; all this will be copied verbatim to the answer . IN NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. SECTION ADDITIONAL K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. IN A ENTRY_END ENTRY_BEGIN ; second ENTRY in this range ... ENTRY_END RANGE_END When Deckard receives a query *from binary under test*, it searches for an eligible range. When an eligible range is found, it searches inside the range to find a mock answer. In detail, it works like this: #. Deckard searches for an eligible ``RANGE`` block. Following two conditions must be fulfilled: - current ``STEP ID`` is inside ID range specified by ``RANGE_BEGIN`` keyword. - target IP address of the query is in set of IP addresses specified using ``ADDRESS`` keywords #. If an eligible range is found, Deckard examines all entries in the range and evaluate all ``MATCH`` conditions associated with entries. #. An entry where all MATCH conditions are fulfilled is used as template for the mock answer. (See `entry matching`_.) #. Mock answer is modified according to ``ADJUST`` and ``REPLY`` keywords. (See `entry adjusting`_ actions and `entry flags`_ specification.) #. The modified answer message is sent to the binary under test. Valid scenario must specify answers for all queries generated by the binary under test. The test will fail if no answer is found in the eligible range or if no eligible range is defined. .. note:: Behavior of the binary under test, including queries it generates, depends on its configuration. For example enabling or disabling query name minimization will change minimal set of queries which a test scenario has to describe using ``RANGE`` blocks. .. tip:: It is recommended to construct scenarios that support multiple configurations and possibly software implementations. This leads to higher number of entries in ``RANGE`` blocks but provides robustness against changes in particular implementation. E.g. a scenario for DNS resolver testing can be developed using multiple DNS resolver implementations and combine entries for all of them inside single scenario. With this approach a small change in a resolver implementation will likely not require further changes to the scenario. Configuration (``CONFIG_END``) ------------------------------ Configuration block affects behavior of the binary under test. Deckard transforms configuration block into configuration for the binary under test. Format is list of "key: value" pairs, one pair per line. There is no explicit start keyword, configuration block starts immediately at scenario file begin and ends with keyword ``CONFIG_END``. .. code-block:: ; config options query-minimization: on stub-addr: ; K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. trust-anchor: ". 3600 IN DS 10000 13 4 ABCDEF0123456789" val-override-date: "1442323400" CONFIG_END ========================== ======= ===================================================================== config option default meaning ========================== ======= ===================================================================== do-not-query-localhost on on = queries cannot be sent to or ::1/128 addresses domain-insecure (none) domain name specifying DNS sub-tree with explicitly disabled DNSSEC validation force-ipv6 off use a IPv6 address as ``stub-addr`` harden-glue on additional checks on glue addresses query-minimization on RFC 7816 query algorithm enabled; default inherited from QMIN environment variable stub-addr (none) IP address for resolver priming queries (RFC 8109) trust-anchor (none) owner name with its DS records (this option can be repeated multiple times) val-override-date (none) system time reported to binary under the test; format ``YYYYMMDDHHMMSS``, so ``20120420235959`` means ``Fri Apr 20 23:59:59 2012`` val-override-timestamp (none) system time reported to binary under the test: format POSIX timestamp ========================== ======= ===================================================================== Examples -------- See `scenatio example `_. The example there is a bit terse but still valid.