path: root/doc/operation.rst
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+.. highlight:: console
+.. _Operation:
+The Knot DNS server part ``knotd`` can run either in the foreground, or in the background
+using the ``-d`` option. When run in the foreground, it doesn't create a PID file.
+Other than that, there are no differences and you can control both the same way.
+The tool ``knotc`` is designed as a user front-end, making it easier to control running
+server daemon. If you want to control the daemon directly, use ``SIGINT`` to quit
+the process or ``SIGHUP`` to reload the configuration.
+If you pass neither configuration file (``-c`` parameter) nor configuration
+database (``-C`` parameter), the server will first attempt to use the default
+configuration database stored in ``/var/lib/knot/confdb`` or the
+default configuration file stored in ``/etc/knot/knot.conf``. Both the
+default paths can be reconfigured with ``--with-storage=path`` or
+``--with-configdir=path`` respectively.
+Example of server start as a daemon::
+ $ knotd -d -c knot.conf
+Example of server shutdown::
+ $ knotc -c knot.conf stop
+For a complete list of actions refer to the program help (``-h`` parameter)
+or to the corresponding manual page.
+Also, the server needs to create :ref:`server_rundir` and :ref:`zone_storage`
+directories in order to run properly.
+.. _Configuration database:
+Configuration database
+In the case of a huge configuration file, the configuration can be stored
+in a binary database. Such a database can be simply initialized::
+ $ knotc conf-init
+or preloaded from a file::
+ $ knotc conf-import input.conf
+Also the configuration database can be exported into a textual file::
+ $ knotc conf-export output.conf
+ The import and export commands access the configuration database
+ directly, without any interaction with the server. So it is strictly
+ recommended to perform these operations when the server is not running.
+.. _Dynamic configuration:
+Dynamic configuration
+The configuration database can be accessed using the server control interface
+while the server is running. To get the full power of the dynamic configuration,
+the server must be started with a specified configuration database location
+or with the default database initialized. Otherwise all the changes to the
+configuration will be temporary (until the server is stopped).
+.. NOTE::
+ The database can be :ref:`imported<Configuration database>` in advance.
+Most of the commands get an item name and value parameters. The item name is
+in the form of ``section[identifier].name``. If the item is multivalued,
+more values can be specified as individual (command line) arguments.
+ Beware of the possibility of pathname expansion by the shell. For this reason,
+ it is advisable to slash square brackets or to quote command parameters if
+ not executed in the interactive mode.
+To get the list of configuration sections or to get the list of section items::
+ $ knotc conf-list
+ $ knotc conf-list 'server'
+To get the whole configuration or to get the whole configuration section or
+to get all section identifiers or to get a specific configuration item::
+ $ knotc conf-read
+ $ knotc conf-read 'remote'
+ $ knotc conf-read 'zone.domain'
+ $ knotc conf-read 'zone[].master'
+ The following operations don't work on OpenBSD!
+Modifying operations require an active configuration database transaction.
+Just one transaction can be active at a time. Such a transaction then can
+be aborted or committed. A semantic check is executed automatically before
+every commit::
+ $ knotc conf-begin
+ $ knotc conf-abort
+ $ knotc conf-commit
+To set a configuration item value or to add more values or to add a new
+section identifier or to add a value to all identified sections::
+ $ knotc conf-set 'server.identity' 'Knot DNS'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'server.listen' '' '::@53'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'zone[]'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'zone.slave' 'slave2'
+.. NOTE::
+ Also the include operation can be performed. A non-absolute file
+ location is relative to the server binary path, not to the control binary
+ path!
+ ::
+ $ knotc conf-set 'include' '/tmp/new_zones.conf'
+To unset the whole configuration or to unset the whole configuration section
+or to unset an identified section or to unset an item or to unset a specific
+item value::
+ $ knotc conf-unset
+ $ knotc conf-unset 'zone'
+ $ knotc conf-unset 'zone[]'
+ $ knotc conf-unset 'zone[].master'
+ $ knotc conf-unset 'zone[].master' 'remote2' 'remote5'
+To get the change between the current configuration and the active transaction
+for the whole configuration or for a specific section or for a specific
+identified section or for a specific item::
+ $ knotc conf-diff
+ $ knotc conf-diff 'zone'
+ $ knotc conf-diff 'zone[]'
+ $ knotc conf-diff 'zone[].master'
+An example of possible configuration initialization::
+ $ knotc conf-begin
+ $ knotc conf-set 'server.listen' '' '::@53'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'remote[master_server]'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'remote[master_server].address' ''
+ $ knotc conf-set 'template[default]'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'template[default].storage' '/var/lib/knot/zones/'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'template[default].master' 'master_server'
+ $ knotc conf-set 'zone[]'
+ $ knotc conf-diff
+ $ knotc conf-commit
+.. _Running a slave server:
+Slave mode
+Running the server as a slave is very straightforward as you usually
+bootstrap zones over AXFR and thus avoid any manual zone operations.
+In contrast to AXFR, when the incremental transfer finishes, it stores
+the differences in the journal file and doesn't update the zone file
+immediately but after the :ref:`zone_zonefile-sync` period elapses.
+.. _Running a master server:
+Master mode
+If you just want to check the zone files before starting, you can use::
+ $ knotc zone-check
+For an approximate estimation of server's memory consumption, you can use::
+ $ knotc zone-memstats
+This action prints the count of resource records, percentage of signed
+records and finally estimation of memory consumption for each zone, unless
+specified otherwise. Please note that the estimated values may differ from the
+actual consumption. Also, for slave servers with incoming transfers
+enabled, be aware that the actual memory consumption might be double
+or higher during transfers.
+.. _Editing zones:
+Reading and editing zones
+Knot DNS allows you to read or change zone contents online using server
+control interface.
+ Avoid concurrent zone file modification, and/or dynamic updates, and/or
+ zone changing over control interface. Otherwise, the zone could be inconsistent.
+To get contents of all configured zones, or a specific zone contents, or zone
+records with a specific owner, or even with a specific record type::
+ $ knotc zone-read --
+ $ knotc zone-read
+ $ knotc zone-read ns1
+ $ knotc zone-read ns1 NS
+.. NOTE::
+ If the record owner is not a fully qualified domain name, then it is
+ considered as a relative name to the zone name.
+To start a writing transaction on all zones or on specific zones::
+ $ knotc zone-begin --
+ $ knotc zone-begin
+Now you can list all nodes within the transaction using the ```zone-get```
+command, which always returns current data with all changes included. The
+command has the same syntax as ```zone-read```.
+Within the transaction, you can add a record to a specific zone or to all
+zones with an open transaction::
+ $ knotc zone-set ns1 3600 A
+ $ knotc zone-set -- ns1 3600 A
+To remove all records with a specific owner, or a specific rrset, or a
+specific record data::
+ $ knotc zone-unset ns1
+ $ knotc zone-unset ns1 A
+ $ knotc zone-unset ns1 A
+To see the difference between the original zone and the current version::
+ $ knotc zone-diff
+Finally, either commit or abort your transaction::
+ $ knotc zone-commit
+ $ knotc zone-abort
+A full example of setting up a completely new zone from scratch::
+ $ knotc conf-begin
+ $ knotc conf-set zone.domain
+ $ knotc conf-commit
+ $ knotc zone-begin
+ $ knotc zone-set @ 7200 SOA ns hostmaster 1 86400 900 691200 3600
+ $ knotc zone-set ns 3600 A
+ $ knotc zone-set www 3600 A
+ $ knotc zone-commit
+.. NOTE::
+ If quotes are necessary for record data specification, don't forget to escape them::
+ $ knotc zone-set @ 3600 TXT \"v=spf1 -all\"
+.. _Editing zone file:
+Reading and editing the zone file safely
+It's always possible to read and edit the zone contents via zone file manipulation.
+However, it may lead to confusion if zone contents are continuously changing or
+in case of operator's mistake. This paragraph describes a safe way to modify zone
+by editing the zone file, taking advantage of zone freeze/thaw feature.::
+ $ knotc zone-freeze
+ $ while ! knotc zone-status +freeze | grep -q 'freeze: yes'; do sleep 1; done
+ $ knotc zone-flush
+After calling freeze to the zone, there still may be running zone operations (e.g. signing),
+causing freeze pending. So we watch the zone status until frozen. Then we can flush the
+frozen zone contents.
+Now we open a text editor and perform desired changes to the zone file. It's necessary
+to **increase SOA serial** in this step to keep consistency. Finally, we can load the
+modified zone file and if successful, thaw the zone.::
+ $ knotc zone-reload
+ $ knotc zone-thaw
+.. _Zone loading:
+Zone loading
+The process how the server loads a zone is influenced by the configuration of the
+:ref:`zonefile-load <zone_zonefile-load>` and :ref:`journal-content <zone_journal-content>`
+parameters (also DNSSEC signing applies), the existence of a zone file and journal
+(and their relative out-of-dateness), and whether it is a cold start of the server
+or a zone reload (e.g. invoked by the knotc interface). Please note that zone transfers
+are not taken into account here – they are planned after the zone is loaded
+(including AXFR bootstrap).
+If the zone file exists and is not excluded by the configuration, it is first loaded
+and according to its SOA serial number relevant journal changesets are applied.
+If this is a zone reload and we have "`zonefile-load: difference`", the difference
+between old and new contents is computed and stored into the journal like an update.
+The zone file should be either unchaged since last load or changed with incremented
+SOA serial. In the case of a decreased SOA serial, the load is interrupted with
+an error; if unchanged, it is increased by the server.
+If the procedure described above succeeds without errors, the resulting zone contents are (after potential DNSSEC signing)
+used as the new zone.
+The option "`journal-content: all`" lets the server, beside better performance, to keep
+track of the zone contents also across server restarts. It makes the cold start
+effectively work like a zone reload with the old contents loaded from the journal
+(unless this is the very first start with the zone not yet saved into the journal).
+.. _Journal behaviour:
+Journal behaviour
+The zone journal keeps some history of changes made to the zone. It is useful for
+responding to IXFR queries. Also if :ref:`zone file flush <zone_zonefile-sync>` is disabled,
+journal keeps diff between the zone file and zone for the case of server shutdown.
+The history is stored in changesets – diffs of zone contents between two
+(usually subsequent) zone serials.
+Journals of all zones are stored in a common LMDB database. Huge changesets are
+split into 70 KiB [#fn-hc]_ blocks to prevent fragmentation of the DB.
+Journal does each operation in one transaction to keep consistency of the DB and performance.
+The exception is when store transaction exceeds 5 % of the whole DB mapsize, it is split into multiple ones
+and some dirty-chunks-management involves.
+Each zone journal has own :ref:`usage limit <zone_max-journal-usage>`
+on how much DB space it may occupy. Before hitting the limit,
+changesets are stored one-by-one and whole history is linear. While hitting the limit,
+the zone is flushed into the zone file, and oldest changesets are deleted as needed to free
+some space. Actually, twice [#fn-hc]_ the needed amount is deleted to
+prevent too frequent deletes. Further zone file flush is invoked after the journal runs out of deletable
+"flushed changesets".
+If :ref:`zone file flush <zone_zonefile-sync>` is disabled, then instead of flushing the zone, the journal tries to
+save space by merging older changesets into one. It works well if the changes rewrite
+each other, e.g. periodically changing few zone records, re-signing whole zone...
+The difference between the zone file and the zone is thus preserved, even if journal deletes some
+older changesets.
+If the journal is used to store both zone history and contents, a special changeset
+is present with zone contents. When the journal gets full, the changes are merged into this
+special changeset.
+There is also a :ref:`safety hard limit <template_max-journal-db-size>` for overall
+journal database size, but it's strongly recommended to set the per-zone limits in
+a way to prevent hitting this one. For LMDB, it's hard to recover from the
+database-full state. For wiping one zone's journal, see *knotc zone-purge +journal*
+.. [#fn-hc] This constant is hardcoded.
+.. _Handling, zone file, journal, changes, serials:
+Handling zone file, journal, changes, serials
+Some configuration options regarding the zone file and journal, together with operation
+procedures, might lead to unexpected results. This chapter shall point out
+some interference and both recommend and warn before some combinations thereof.
+Unfortunately, there is no optimal combination of configuration options,
+every approach has some disadvantages.
+Example 1
+Keep the zone file updated::
+ zonefile-sync: 0
+ zonefile-load: whole
+ journal-content: changes
+This is actually setting default values. The user can always check the current zone
+contents in the zonei file, and also modify it (recommended with server turned-off or
+taking the :ref:`safe way<Editing zone file>`). Journal serves here just as a source of
+history for slaves' IXFR. Some users dislike that the server overwrites their prettily
+prepared zone file.
+Example 2
+Zonefileless setup::
+ zonefile-sync: -1
+ zonefile-load: none
+ journal-content: all
+Zone contents are stored just in the journal. The zone is updated by DDNS,
+zone transfer, or via the control interface. The user might have filled the
+zone contents initially from a zone file by setting "zonefile-load: whole" temporarily.
+It's also a good setup for slaves. Anyway, it's recommended to carefully tune
+the journal-size-related options to avoid surprises of journal getting full.
+Example 3
+Input-only zone file::
+ zonefile-sync: -1
+ zonefile-load: difference
+ journal-content: changes
+The user can make changes to the zone by editing the zone file, and his pretty zone file
+gets never overwritten and filled with DNSSEC-related autogenerated records – they are
+only stored in the journal.
+The zone file's SOA serial must be properly set to a number which is higher than the
+current SOA serial in the zone (not in the zone file) if manually updated!
+.. NOTE::
+ In the case of "zonefile-load: difference-no-serial", the SOA serial is
+ handled by the server automatically during server reload.
+.. _DNSSEC Key rollovers:
+DNSSEC key rollovers
+This section describes the process of DNSSEC key rollover and its implementation
+in Knot DNS, and how the operator might watch and check that it's working correctly.
+The prerequisite is automatic zone signing with enabled
+:ref:`automatic key management<dnssec-automatic-ksk-management>`.
+The KSK and ZSK rollovers are triggered by the respective zone key getting old according
+to the settings (see :ref:`KSK<policy_ksk-lifetime>` and :ref:`ZSK<policy_zsk-lifetime>` lifetimes).
+The algorithm rollover happens when the policy :ref:`algorithm<policy_algorithm>`
+field is updated to a different value.
+The signing scheme rollover happens when the policy :ref:`singing scheme<policy_single-type-signing>`
+field is changed.
+It's also possible to change the algorithm and signing scheme in one rollover.
+The operator may check the next rollover phase time by watching the next zone signing time,
+either in the log or via ``knotc zone-status``. There is no special log for finishing a rollover.
+.. NOTE::
+ There are never two key rollovers running in parallel for one zone. If
+ a rollover is triggered while another is in progress, it waits until the
+ first one is finished.
+The ZSK rollover is performed with Pre-publish method, KSK rollover uses Double-Signature
+scheme, as described in :rfc:`6781`.
+.. _DNSSEC KSK rollover example:
+KSK rollover example
+Let's start with the following set of keys::
+ 2017-10-24T15:40:48 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 4700, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:40:48 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 30936, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+The last fields hint the key state: ``public`` denotes a key that will be presented
+as the DNSKEY record, ``ready`` means that CDS/CDNSKEY records were created,
+``active`` tells us if the key is used for signing.
+Upon the zone's KSK lifetime expiration, the rollover continues along the
+lines of :rfc:`6781#section-4.1.2`::
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:17 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, KSK rollover started
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 6674, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 4700, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 30936, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:18 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T15:41:22
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 4700, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 6674, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, ready, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 30936, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T15:41:23
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:22 notice: [] DNSSEC, KSK submission, waiting for confirmation
+At this point new KSK has to be submitted to the parent zone. Knot detects the updated parent's DS
+record automatically (and waits for additional period of the DS's TTL before retiring the old key)
+if :ref:`parent DS check<Submission section>` is configured, otherwise the
+operator must confirm it manually with ``knotc zone-ksk-submitted``::
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 notice: [] DNSSEC, KSK submission, confirmed
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 6674, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 4700, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 30936, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, zone is up-to-date
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:23 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T15:41:28
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 4700, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 6674, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 30936, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:28 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T15:41:33
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:33 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:33 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 6674, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:33 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 30936, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:33 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:33 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T15:41:33 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T15:41:47
+.. TIP::
+ If systemd is available, the KSK submission event is logged into journald
+ in a structured way. The intended use case is to trigger a user-created script.
+ Example::
+ journalctl -f -t knotd -o json | python3 -c '
+ import json, sys
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ k = json.loads(line);
+ if "KEY_SUBMISSION" in k:
+ print("%s, zone=%s, keytag=%s" % (k["__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"], k["ZONE"], k["KEY_SUBMISSION"]))
+ '
+Algorithm rollover example
+Let's start with the following set of keys::
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:06 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 65225, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:06 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 47014, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+When the zone's DNSSEC policy algorithm is changed to ``ECDSAP256SHA256`` and the
+server is reloaded, the rollover continues along the lines of :rfc:`6781#section-4.1.4`::
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, algorithm rollover started
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 34608, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 13674, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 65225, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 47014, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:26 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T14:53:34
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 34608, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 13674, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 65225, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 47014, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:34 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T14:53:44
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 34608, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK, public, ready, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 13674, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 65225, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 47014, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-31T13:52:37
+ 2017-10-24T14:53:44 notice: [] DNSSEC, KSK submission, waiting for confirmation
+Again, KSK submission follows as in :ref:`KSK rollover example<DNSSEC ksk rollover example>`::
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 notice: [] DNSSEC, KSK submission, confirmed
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 34608, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 13674, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 65225, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 47014, algorithm RSASHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:20 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:21 info: [] DNSSEC, zone is up-to-date
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:21 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T14:54:30
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 34608, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 13674, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 65225, algorithm RSASHA256, KSK
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 47014, algorithm RSASHA256, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:30 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-24T14:54:40
+ ...
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:40 info: [] DNSSEC, signing zone
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:40 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 34608, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, KSK, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:40 info: [] DNSSEC, key, tag 13674, algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256, public, active
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:40 info: [] DNSSEC, signing started
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:40 info: [] DNSSEC, successfully signed
+ 2017-10-24T14:54:40 info: [] DNSSEC, next signing at 2017-10-31T13:53:26
+.. _DNSSEC Shared KSK:
+DNSSEC shared KSK
+Knot DNS allows, with automatic DNSSEC key management, to configure a shared KSK for multiple zones.
+By enabling :ref:`policy_ksk-shared`, we tell Knot to share all newly-created KSKs
+among all the zones with the same :ref:`DNSSEC signing policy<Policy section>` assigned.
+The feature works as follows. Each zone still manages its keys separately. If a new KSK shall be
+generated for the zone, it first checks if it can grab another zone's shared KSK instead -
+that is the last generated KSK in any of the zones with the same policy assigned.
+Anyway, only the cryptographic material is shared, the key may have different timers
+in each zone.
+.. rubric:: Consequences:
+If we have an initial setting with brand new zones without any DNSSEC keys,
+the initial keys for all zones are generated. With shared KSK, they will all have the same KSK,
+but different ZSKs. The KSK rollovers may take place at slightly different time for each of the zones,
+but the resulting new KSK will be shared again among all of them.
+If we have zones already having their keys, turning on the shared KSK feature triggers no action.
+But when a KSK rollover takes place, they will use the same new key afterwards.
+.. _DNSSEC Delete algorithm:
+DNSSEC delete algorithm
+This is a way how to "disconnect" a signed zone from DNSSEC-aware parent zone.
+More precisely, we tell the parent zone to remove our zone's DS record by
+publishing a special formatted CDNSKEY and CDS record. This is mostly useful
+if we want to turn off DNSSEC on our zone so it becomes insecure, but not bogus.
+With automatic DNSSEC signing and key management by Knot, this is as easy as
+configuring :ref:`policy_cds-cdnskey-publish` option and reloading the configuration.
+We check if the special CDNSKEY and CDS records with the rdata "0 3 0 AA==" and "0 0 0 00",
+respectively, appeared in the zone.
+After the parent zone notices and reflects the change, we wait for TTL expire
+(so all resolvers' caches get updated), and finally we may do anything with the
+zone, e.g. turning off DNSSEC, removing all the keys and signatures as desired.
+.. _DNSSEC Export Import KASP DB:
+Export/import KASP DB
+If you would like make a backup of your KASP DB or transfer your cryptographic
+keys to a different server,
+you may utilize the ``mdb_dump`` and ``mdb_load`` tools provided by the
+`lmdb-utils <>`_
+package on Ubuntu and Debian or by the `lmdb <>`_
+package on Fedora, CentOS and RHEL.
+These tools allow you to convert the contents of any LMDB database to a portable plain text format
+which can be imported to any other LMDB database. Note that the `keys` subdirectory of the
+:ref:`template_kasp-db` directory containing the \*.pem files has to be copied separately.
+.. NOTE::
+ Make sure to freeze DNSSEC events on a running server prior to applying the following
+ commands to its KASP DB. Use the ``knotc zone-freeze`` and ``knotc zone-thaw`` commands
+ as described in :ref:`Editing zone file`.
+Use the ``mdb_dump -a`` command with the configured :ref:`template_kasp-db` directory
+as an argument to convert the contents of the LMDB database to a portable text format:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ mdb_dump -a /path/to/keys
+Save the output of the command to a text file. You may then import the file
+into a different LMDB database using the ``mdb_load -f`` command, supplying the path
+to the file and the path to the database directory as arguments:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ mdb_load -f /path/to/dump_file /path/to/keys
+.. NOTE::
+ Depending on your use case, it might be necessary to call ``knotc zone-sign``
+ (e.g. to immediately sign the zones with the new imported keys) or ``knotc zone-reload``
+ (e.g. to refresh DNSSEC signatures generated by the :ref:`geoip module<mod-geoip>`)
+ after importing new content into the KASP DB of a running server.
+.. _Controlling running daemon:
+Daemon controls
+Knot DNS was designed to allow server reconfiguration on-the-fly
+without interrupting its operation. Thus it is possible to change
+both configuration and zone files and also add or remove zones without
+restarting the server. This can be done with::
+ $ knotc reload
+If you want to refresh the slave zones, you can do this with::
+ $ knotc zone-refresh
+.. _Statistics:
+The server provides some general statistics and optional query module statistics
+(see :ref:`mod-stats<mod-stats>`).
+Server statistics or global module statistics can be shown by::
+ $ knotc stats
+ $ knotc stats server # Show all server counters
+ $ knotc stats mod-stats # Show all mod-stats counters
+ $ knotc stats # Show specific server counter
+Per zone statistics can be shown by::
+ $ knotc zone-stats mod-stats
+To show all supported counters even with 0 value use the force option.
+A simple periodic statistic dumping to a YAML file can also be enabled. See
+:ref:`statistics_section` for the configuration details.
+As the statistics data can be accessed over the server control socket,
+it is possible to create an arbitrary script (Python is supported at the moment)
+which could, for example, publish the data in the JSON format via HTTP(S)
+or upload the data to a more efficient time series database. Take a look into
+the python folder of the project for these scripts.