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diff --git a/docs/COPYING b/docs/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3912109 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> + Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/docs/COPYING.LIB b/docs/COPYING.LIB new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8add30a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/COPYING.LIB @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.> + Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/docs/HACKING b/docs/HACKING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..359a173 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/HACKING @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +Hacking on man-db +================= + +man-db is not a large or particularly complicated project, but there is +still plenty for an interested developer to contribute. Here's a very brief +guide on how to get started. + + +Directory layout +---------------- + +The source tree looks something like this, ignoring some directories added +by autoconf, automake, gettext, and gnulib: + + docs/ + Assorted documentation. + man/ + Man pages for man-db's programs. + manual/ + The man-db manual, written in troff. + include/ + Header files used throughout the package. + lib/ + Basic library files, some of which supplement inadequate C libraries on + various systems and some of which implement utility functions used + throughout the package. + libdb/ + The database access library. Code outside this directory should not know + about specific back-end database implementations. + src/ + Source code to the man-db programs themselves. + tools/ + Miscellaneous add-on scripts. + po/ + Translations. + + +Coding style +------------ + +Each indent is a single tab. Brace style is K&R. Each function name is +separated from the following opening parenthesis by a single space. (All +this is almost certainly controversial somewhere, but it's as close as +you'll get to a prevailing style here.) + +Keep all code within 80 columns (counting tabs as 8). This can sometimes be +a little tight with the deep indent; think of it as a useful discipline to +stop indentation levels getting out of hand. :-) (This rule is currently +broken for argp option declarations, for the sake of other kinds of +readability. This may change.) + +If you're editing existing code and it differs from any of the above, stick +with whatever the existing code does. Likewise, if in doubt, find similar +code and use its style. Maintaining a consistent style is important for +general readability, and is more important than any individual point. It's +also the easiest way to avoid long and tedious debates about "correct" +style. + + +Facilities and portability +-------------------------- + +man-db uses Gnulib to provide portability support and utility functions +common to many GNU packages (although man-db is not itself a GNU package), +while the lib/ directory provides some other utility functions specific to +man-db. Please make use of these facilities where available. In particular, +there are various functions beginning with 'x' which check the return values +from the system's memory allocation calls, which you should use instead of +their non-'x' siblings. + +appendstr() provides manageable string concatenation. Use it where +appropriate. Remember to terminate its argument list with a NULL. In many +cases, xasprintf() from Gnulib may be more readable. + +If you're calling any of the is*() or to*() functions in <ctype.h>, please +do so via the CTYPE() macro in include/manconfig.h to ensure that the +argument type is correct. + +You may assume C89 (e.g. no need to support K&R-style function definitions), +but please do not assume C99 (e.g. do not use nested functions or // +comments). + + +Testing +------- + +There is a small test suite in src/tests/, as well as basic tests in man/ to +ensure that man-db's own manual pages format without errors. Tests for new +bug fixes are not *required*, but are generally a good idea. + +Various test library facilities are available in src/tests/testlib.sh. Feel +free to extend this as necessary. + + +Things to do +------------ + +docs/TODO has a number of outstanding projects. Things near the bottom are +usually more detailed and accurate. + +The Debian bug tracking system has a number of outstanding reports on man-db +at <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=man-db;ordering=upstream>. + +Much of the work needed on man-db is for maintainability. Patches that take +difficult-to-understand code with hairy memory allocation and replace it +with clean, obvious, and reliable code are most welcome, especially if they +introduce new abstractions which are of more general use. The replacement of +splitline() with the page_description interface is a good example of this. + +Work on porting to platforms other than GNU/Linux is welcome. It's been a +while since serious effort in that direction has been invested in man-db. +Most of the code should be quite portable, but the occasional teething +problem would not be a surprise. + + +Sending patches +--------------- + +Please send patches in unified diff format (use 'git diff', or GNU diff with +the -u option) to man-db-devel@nongnu.org. See +https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/man-db-devel for subscription +instructions. + + +Revision control +---------------- + +man-db is revision-controlled using git (https://git-scm.com/). The archive +may be fetched from here using 'git clone': + + https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/man-db.git + +To browse changes or source code in a web browser, use this URL instead: + + https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/man-db.git + +Members of the man-db project on Savannah can commit directly by pushing to +this URL: + + ssh://git.sv.gnu.org/srv/git/man-db.git + +Otherwise, since git is a distributed revision control system, you are of +course free to make and publish branches which can then be merged into the +main tree. See the git documentation for further details. + +Generated files should be added to .gitignore and should not be committed to +revision control. + + +Release process +--------------- + +1. Update the AC_INIT version number in configure.ac to "x.y.z-pre1". Commit + and tag. + +2. Run ./release.sh to produce a preliminary tarball for translators. This + doesn't have to be particularly well-tested or even compile; it's only + there to provide context for po/man-db.pot. Send this to the Translation + Project robot. + +3. Wait a couple of weeks for a reasonable number of translation updates to + arrive. During this time, test until your eyeballs fall out, but try to + avoid changing any translated messages. + +4. Ensure that NEWS and docs/man-db.lsm are up to date. Commit. + +5. Update the AC_INIT version number and 'date' in configure.ac, but don't + commit yet. + +6. Run ./release.sh, which will spit out a tarball. Test it. + +7. Commit the changes from step 5. + +8. Tag everything. + +9. Run ./release.sh. This is the distribution tarball; test it as thoroughly + as you can. + +10. Upload the tarball to Savannah. + +11. Announce to wherever seems appropriate. diff --git a/docs/INSTALL.autoconf b/docs/INSTALL.autoconf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8865734 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/INSTALL.autoconf @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +Installation Instructions +************************* + + Copyright (C) 1994-1996, 1999-2002, 2004-2016 Free Software +Foundation, Inc. + + Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, +are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright +notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, +without warranty of any kind. + +Basic Installation +================== + + Briefly, the shell command './configure && make && make install' +should configure, build, and install this package. The following +more-detailed instructions are generic; see the 'README' file for +instructions specific to this package. Some packages provide this +'INSTALL' file but do not implement all of the features documented +below. The lack of an optional feature in a given package is not +necessarily a bug. More recommendations for GNU packages can be found +in *note Makefile Conventions: (standards)Makefile Conventions. + + The 'configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a 'Makefile' in each directory of the package. +It may also create one or more '.h' files containing system-dependent +definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script 'config.status' that +you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a +file 'config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for +debugging 'configure'). + + It can also use an optional file (typically called 'config.cache' and +enabled with '--cache-file=config.cache' or simply '-C') that saves the +results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. Caching is disabled by +default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale cache files. + + If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try +to figure out how 'configure' could check whether to do them, and mail +diffs or instructions to the address given in the 'README' so they can +be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at +some point 'config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you +may remove or edit it. + + The file 'configure.ac' (or 'configure.in') is used to create +'configure' by a program called 'autoconf'. You need 'configure.ac' if +you want to change it or regenerate 'configure' using a newer version of +'autoconf'. + + The simplest way to compile this package is: + + 1. 'cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type + './configure' to configure the package for your system. + + Running 'configure' might take a while. While running, it prints + some messages telling which features it is checking for. + + 2. Type 'make' to compile the package. + + 3. Optionally, type 'make check' to run any self-tests that come with + the package, generally using the just-built uninstalled binaries. + + 4. Type 'make install' to install the programs and any data files and + documentation. When installing into a prefix owned by root, it is + recommended that the package be configured and built as a regular + user, and only the 'make install' phase executed with root + privileges. + + 5. Optionally, type 'make installcheck' to repeat any self-tests, but + this time using the binaries in their final installed location. + This target does not install anything. Running this target as a + regular user, particularly if the prior 'make install' required + root privileges, verifies that the installation completed + correctly. + + 6. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the + source code directory by typing 'make clean'. To also remove the + files that 'configure' created (so you can compile the package for + a different kind of computer), type 'make distclean'. There is + also a 'make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly + for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get + all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came + with the distribution. + + 7. Often, you can also type 'make uninstall' to remove the installed + files again. In practice, not all packages have tested that + uninstallation works correctly, even though it is required by the + GNU Coding Standards. + + 8. Some packages, particularly those that use Automake, provide 'make + distcheck', which can by used by developers to test that all other + targets like 'make install' and 'make uninstall' work correctly. + This target is generally not run by end users. + +Compilers and Options +===================== + + Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that +the 'configure' script does not know about. Run './configure --help' +for details on some of the pertinent environment variables. + + You can give 'configure' initial values for configuration parameters +by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here is +an example: + + ./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix + + *Note Defining Variables::, for more details. + +Compiling For Multiple Architectures +==================================== + + You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the +same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their +own directory. To do this, you can use GNU 'make'. 'cd' to the +directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run +the 'configure' script. 'configure' automatically checks for the source +code in the directory that 'configure' is in and in '..'. This is known +as a "VPATH" build. + + With a non-GNU 'make', it is safer to compile the package for one +architecture at a time in the source code directory. After you have +installed the package for one architecture, use 'make distclean' before +reconfiguring for another architecture. + + On MacOS X 10.5 and later systems, you can create libraries and +executables that work on multiple system types--known as "fat" or +"universal" binaries--by specifying multiple '-arch' options to the +compiler but only a single '-arch' option to the preprocessor. Like +this: + + ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \ + CXX="g++ -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \ + CPP="gcc -E" CXXCPP="g++ -E" + + This is not guaranteed to produce working output in all cases, you +may have to build one architecture at a time and combine the results +using the 'lipo' tool if you have problems. + +Installation Names +================== + + By default, 'make install' installs the package's commands under +'/usr/local/bin', include files under '/usr/local/include', etc. You +can specify an installation prefix other than '/usr/local' by giving +'configure' the option '--prefix=PREFIX', where PREFIX must be an +absolute file name. + + You can specify separate installation prefixes for +architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you +pass the option '--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to 'configure', the package uses +PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. +Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix. + + In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give +options like '--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular +kinds of files. Run 'configure --help' for a list of the directories +you can set and what kinds of files go in them. In general, the default +for these options is expressed in terms of '${prefix}', so that +specifying just '--prefix' will affect all of the other directory +specifications that were not explicitly provided. + + The most portable way to affect installation locations is to pass the +correct locations to 'configure'; however, many packages provide one or +both of the following shortcuts of passing variable assignments to the +'make install' command line to change installation locations without +having to reconfigure or recompile. + + The first method involves providing an override variable for each +affected directory. For example, 'make install +prefix=/alternate/directory' will choose an alternate location for all +directory configuration variables that were expressed in terms of +'${prefix}'. Any directories that were specified during 'configure', +but not in terms of '${prefix}', must each be overridden at install time +for the entire installation to be relocated. The approach of makefile +variable overrides for each directory variable is required by the GNU +Coding Standards, and ideally causes no recompilation. However, some +platforms have known limitations with the semantics of shared libraries +that end up requiring recompilation when using this method, particularly +noticeable in packages that use GNU Libtool. + + The second method involves providing the 'DESTDIR' variable. For +example, 'make install DESTDIR=/alternate/directory' will prepend +'/alternate/directory' before all installation names. The approach of +'DESTDIR' overrides is not required by the GNU Coding Standards, and +does not work on platforms that have drive letters. On the other hand, +it does better at avoiding recompilation issues, and works well even +when some directory options were not specified in terms of '${prefix}' +at 'configure' time. + +Optional Features +================= + + If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving 'configure' the +option '--program-prefix=PREFIX' or '--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + + Some packages pay attention to '--enable-FEATURE' options to +'configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. +They may also pay attention to '--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE +is something like 'gnu-as' or 'x' (for the X Window System). The +'README' should mention any '--enable-' and '--with-' options that the +package recognizes. + + For packages that use the X Window System, 'configure' can usually +find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, +you can use the 'configure' options '--x-includes=DIR' and +'--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. + + Some packages offer the ability to configure how verbose the +execution of 'make' will be. For these packages, running './configure +--enable-silent-rules' sets the default to minimal output, which can be +overridden with 'make V=1'; while running './configure +--disable-silent-rules' sets the default to verbose, which can be +overridden with 'make V=0'. + +Particular systems +================== + + On HP-UX, the default C compiler is not ANSI C compatible. If GNU CC +is not installed, it is recommended to use the following options in +order to use an ANSI C compiler: + + ./configure CC="cc -Ae -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500" + +and if that doesn't work, install pre-built binaries of GCC for HP-UX. + + HP-UX 'make' updates targets which have the same time stamps as their +prerequisites, which makes it generally unusable when shipped generated +files such as 'configure' are involved. Use GNU 'make' instead. + + On OSF/1 a.k.a. Tru64, some versions of the default C compiler cannot +parse its '<wchar.h>' header file. The option '-nodtk' can be used as a +workaround. If GNU CC is not installed, it is therefore recommended to +try + + ./configure CC="cc" + +and if that doesn't work, try + + ./configure CC="cc -nodtk" + + On Solaris, don't put '/usr/ucb' early in your 'PATH'. This +directory contains several dysfunctional programs; working variants of +these programs are available in '/usr/bin'. So, if you need '/usr/ucb' +in your 'PATH', put it _after_ '/usr/bin'. + + On Haiku, software installed for all users goes in '/boot/common', +not '/usr/local'. It is recommended to use the following options: + + ./configure --prefix=/boot/common + +Specifying the System Type +========================== + + There may be some features 'configure' cannot figure out +automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package +will run on. Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the +_same_ architectures, 'configure' can figure that out, but if it prints +a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the +'--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system +type, such as 'sun4', or a canonical name which has the form: + + CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM + +where SYSTEM can have one of these forms: + + OS + KERNEL-OS + + See the file 'config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If +'config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't +need to know the machine type. + + If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should +use the option '--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will +produce code for. + + If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a +platform different from the build platform, you should specify the +"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will +eventually be run) with '--host=TYPE'. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + + If you want to set default values for 'configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called 'config.site' that gives +default values for variables like 'CC', 'cache_file', and 'prefix'. +'configure' looks for 'PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then +'PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the +'CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all 'configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Defining Variables +================== + + Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the +environment passed to 'configure'. However, some packages may run +configure again during the build, and the customized values of these +variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set +them in the 'configure' command line, using 'VAR=value'. For example: + + ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc + +causes the specified 'gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is +overridden in the site shell script). + +Unfortunately, this technique does not work for 'CONFIG_SHELL' due to an +Autoconf limitation. Until the limitation is lifted, you can use this +workaround: + + CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash + +'configure' Invocation +====================== + + 'configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +'--help' +'-h' + Print a summary of all of the options to 'configure', and exit. + +'--help=short' +'--help=recursive' + Print a summary of the options unique to this package's + 'configure', and exit. The 'short' variant lists options used only + in the top level, while the 'recursive' variant lists options also + present in any nested packages. + +'--version' +'-V' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the 'configure' + script, and exit. + +'--cache-file=FILE' + Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE, + traditionally 'config.cache'. FILE defaults to '/dev/null' to + disable caching. + +'--config-cache' +'-C' + Alias for '--cache-file=config.cache'. + +'--quiet' +'--silent' +'-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To + suppress all normal output, redirect it to '/dev/null' (any error + messages will still be shown). + +'--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + 'configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +'--prefix=DIR' + Use DIR as the installation prefix. *note Installation Names:: for + more details, including other options available for fine-tuning the + installation locations. + +'--no-create' +'-n' + Run the configure checks, but stop before creating any output + files. + +'configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run +'configure --help' for more details. diff --git a/docs/INSTALL.quick b/docs/INSTALL.quick new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4286959 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/INSTALL.quick @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +Full installation details are included in ../README. If you are simply +upgrading an old version of man-db and know that all of the defaults +are correct (your config file will NOT be overwritten), you may follow +the Quick install below. + +man-db requires several external packages: + + * libpipeline >= 1.5.0 (http://libpipeline.nongnu.org/) + * flex >= 2.5.30 (http://flex.sf.net/) + * a database library, one of: + GDBM (https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/gdbm/) + Berkeley DB < 6 + NDBM + +and on systems without GNU libc: + + * libiconv >= 1.8 (https://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/) + +Some other packages are recommended and used if available: + + * zlib (https://zlib.net/) + * libseccomp (https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp) + +Quick INSTALL +============= + + * RUN `./configure <appropriate flags>' + * EDIT configuration files/headers if necessary + * RUN `make <appropriate variable definitions>' + * RUN `make install <appropriate variable definitions>' + +Note (1): If you don't know what <appropriate flags> or <appropriate +variable definitions> mean, you should be reading/following the install +procedure in ../README instead. + +Note (2): You must not replace the `make install' step by copying the +binaries to wherever you may want them. Various paths are hard coded +into the binaries during `make' and unless you know exactly what you +are doing, it is likely that run time errors will occur. + +Note (3): If you run make with path/prefix/name_transformation variable +definitions such as `make prefix=/tmp zsoelim=soelim', you must supply +the same variable definitions to `make install'. In general it is +better to run `./configure' with the appropriate options rather than +waiting until the make stage of the build. diff --git a/docs/Makefile.am b/docs/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5e7f0b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +dist_noinst_DATA = \ + HACKING \ + TODO \ + man-db.lsm \ + manpage.example \ + manpage.example.mdoc \ + manpage.example.pod \ + manpage.example.sgml + +EXTRA_DIST = \ + INSTALL.autoconf \ + INSTALL.quick diff --git a/docs/Makefile.in b/docs/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 0000000..344282e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,1566 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.16.1 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +VPATH = @srcdir@ +am__is_gnu_make = { \ + if test -z '$(MAKELEVEL)'; then \ + false; \ + elif test -n '$(MAKE_HOST)'; then \ + true; \ + elif test -n '$(MAKE_VERSION)' && test -n '$(CURDIR)'; then \ + true; \ + else \ + false; \ + fi; \ +} +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ + case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ + *\\[\ \ ]*) \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@ +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = docs +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-automatic-create.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-automatic-update.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-cache-owner.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-cats.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-config-file.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-db.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-device.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-mandirs.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-override-dir.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-sections.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-setuid.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-systemdsystemunitdir.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-systemdtmpfilesdir.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-arg-undoc.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-bdb.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-check-progs.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-compress-lib.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-gnu-nroff.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-heirloom-nroff.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-libseccomp.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-linguas.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-po4a.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-tar-sort-name.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/man-trans-subst.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/00gnulib.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/__inline.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/absolute-header.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/alloca.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/argp.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/asm-underscore.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/btowc.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/builtin-expect.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/canonicalize.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/chdir-long.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/clock_time.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/close.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/closedir.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/codeset.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/d-ino.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/d-type.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/dirent_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/dirfd.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/dirname.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/double-slash-root.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/dup.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/dup2.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/eealloc.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/environ.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/errno_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/error.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/exponentd.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/extensions.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/extern-inline.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fchdir.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fcntl-o.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fcntl.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fcntl_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fdopendir.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/filenamecat.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/flexmember.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/float_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/flock.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fnmatch.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fnmatch_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fstat.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/fstatat.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/futimens.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getcwd-abort-bug.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getcwd-path-max.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getcwd.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getdelim.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getdtablesize.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getline.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getlogin.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getlogin_r.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getopt.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getpagesize.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/getprogname.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/gettime.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/gettimeofday.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/glibc21.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/glob.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/glob_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/gnulib-common.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/gnulib-comp.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/host-cpu-c-abi.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/idpriv.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/include_next.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/intmax_t.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/inttypes_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/ioctl.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/langinfo_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/largefile.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lib-ignore.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lib-ld.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lib-link.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/limits-h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/localcharset.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/locale-fr.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/locale-ja.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/locale-zh.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/locale_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/localeconv.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/localtime-buffer.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lock.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/longlong.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lstat.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/ltsugar.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/ltversion.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/malloc.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/malloca.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mbrtowc.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mbsinit.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mbsrtowcs.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mbstate_t.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mbtowc.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/memchr.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/memmem.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mempcpy.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/memrchr.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/minmax.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mkdir.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mkdtemp.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mkstemp.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mmap-anon.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/mode_t.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/msvc-inval.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/msvc-nothrow.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/multiarch.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/nanosleep.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/nl_langinfo.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/nls.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/nocrash.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/nonblocking.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/off_t.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/open-cloexec.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/open.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/openat.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/opendir.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/pathmax.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/printf.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/progtest.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/pthread_rwlock_rdlock.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/raise.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/rawmemchr.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/readdir.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/readlink.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/realloc.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/regex.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/rename.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/rewinddir.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/rmdir.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/same.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/save-cwd.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/select.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/setenv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sigaction.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/signal_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/signalblocking.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/size_max.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sleep.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/socketlib.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sockets.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/socklen.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/ssize_t.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stat-time.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stat.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/std-gnu11.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdalign.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdarg.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdbool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stddef_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdint.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdint_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdio_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/stdlib_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strcase.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strcasestr.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strchrnul.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strdup.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strerror.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/string_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strings_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strndup.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strnlen.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/strsep.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_file_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_ioctl_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_select_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_socket_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_stat_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_time_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_types_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sys_uio_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/sysexits.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/tempname.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/threadlib.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/time_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/timespec.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/unistd-safer.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/unistd_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/utime.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/utime_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/utimens.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/utimes.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/vasnprintf.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/vasprintf.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/vsnprintf.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/warn-on-use.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/warnings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/wchar_h.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/wchar_t.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/wcrtomb.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/wctype_h.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/wint_t.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/xalloc.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/xgetcwd.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/xsize.m4 $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/xstrndup.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/gl/m4/xvasprintf.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(dist_noinst_DATA) \ + $(am__DIST_COMMON) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = +SOURCES = +DIST_SOURCES = +am__can_run_installinfo = \ + case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ + n|no|NO) false;; \ + *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ + esac +DATA = $(dist_noinst_DATA) +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +am__DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in COPYING COPYING.LIB TODO +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +ALLOCA = @ALLOCA@ +ALLOCA_H = @ALLOCA_H@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ +APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD = @APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD@ +AR = @AR@ +ARFLAGS = @ARFLAGS@ +ASM_SYMBOL_PREFIX = @ASM_SYMBOL_PREFIX@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +BITSIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T = @BITSIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T@ +BITSIZEOF_SIG_ATOMIC_T = @BITSIZEOF_SIG_ATOMIC_T@ +BITSIZEOF_SIZE_T = @BITSIZEOF_SIZE_T@ +BITSIZEOF_WCHAR_T = @BITSIZEOF_WCHAR_T@ +BITSIZEOF_WINT_T = @BITSIZEOF_WINT_T@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DBLIBS = @DBLIBS@ +DBTYPE = @DBTYPE@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +DLLTOOL = @DLLTOOL@ +DSYMUTIL = @DSYMUTIL@ +DUMPBIN = @DUMPBIN@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EMULTIHOP_HIDDEN = @EMULTIHOP_HIDDEN@ +EMULTIHOP_VALUE = @EMULTIHOP_VALUE@ +ENOLINK_HIDDEN = @ENOLINK_HIDDEN@ +ENOLINK_VALUE = @ENOLINK_VALUE@ +EOVERFLOW_HIDDEN = @EOVERFLOW_HIDDEN@ +EOVERFLOW_VALUE = @EOVERFLOW_VALUE@ +ERRNO_H = @ERRNO_H@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +FGREP = @FGREP@ +FLOAT_H = @FLOAT_H@ +FNMATCH_H = @FNMATCH_H@ +GETOPT_CDEFS_H = @GETOPT_CDEFS_H@ +GETOPT_H = @GETOPT_H@ +GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ +GLIBC21 = @GLIBC21@ +GLOB_H = @GLOB_H@ +GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ +GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ +GNULIB_ACCEPT = @GNULIB_ACCEPT@ +GNULIB_ACCEPT4 = @GNULIB_ACCEPT4@ +GNULIB_ALPHASORT = @GNULIB_ALPHASORT@ +GNULIB_ATOLL = @GNULIB_ATOLL@ +GNULIB_BIND = @GNULIB_BIND@ +GNULIB_BTOWC = @GNULIB_BTOWC@ +GNULIB_CALLOC_POSIX = @GNULIB_CALLOC_POSIX@ +GNULIB_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME = @GNULIB_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME@ +GNULIB_CHDIR = @GNULIB_CHDIR@ +GNULIB_CHOWN = @GNULIB_CHOWN@ +GNULIB_CLOSE = @GNULIB_CLOSE@ +GNULIB_CLOSEDIR = @GNULIB_CLOSEDIR@ +GNULIB_CONNECT = @GNULIB_CONNECT@ +GNULIB_CTIME = @GNULIB_CTIME@ +GNULIB_DIRFD = @GNULIB_DIRFD@ +GNULIB_DPRINTF = @GNULIB_DPRINTF@ +GNULIB_DUP = @GNULIB_DUP@ +GNULIB_DUP2 = @GNULIB_DUP2@ +GNULIB_DUP3 = @GNULIB_DUP3@ +GNULIB_DUPLOCALE = @GNULIB_DUPLOCALE@ +GNULIB_ENVIRON = @GNULIB_ENVIRON@ +GNULIB_EUIDACCESS = @GNULIB_EUIDACCESS@ +GNULIB_EXPLICIT_BZERO = @GNULIB_EXPLICIT_BZERO@ +GNULIB_FACCESSAT = @GNULIB_FACCESSAT@ +GNULIB_FCHDIR = @GNULIB_FCHDIR@ +GNULIB_FCHMODAT = 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+REPLACE_ISWCNTRL = @REPLACE_ISWCNTRL@ +REPLACE_ITOLD = @REPLACE_ITOLD@ +REPLACE_LCHOWN = @REPLACE_LCHOWN@ +REPLACE_LINK = @REPLACE_LINK@ +REPLACE_LINKAT = @REPLACE_LINKAT@ +REPLACE_LOCALECONV = @REPLACE_LOCALECONV@ +REPLACE_LOCALTIME = @REPLACE_LOCALTIME@ +REPLACE_LOCALTIME_R = @REPLACE_LOCALTIME_R@ +REPLACE_LSEEK = @REPLACE_LSEEK@ +REPLACE_LSTAT = @REPLACE_LSTAT@ +REPLACE_MALLOC = @REPLACE_MALLOC@ +REPLACE_MBRLEN = @REPLACE_MBRLEN@ +REPLACE_MBRTOWC = @REPLACE_MBRTOWC@ +REPLACE_MBSINIT = @REPLACE_MBSINIT@ +REPLACE_MBSNRTOWCS = @REPLACE_MBSNRTOWCS@ +REPLACE_MBSRTOWCS = @REPLACE_MBSRTOWCS@ +REPLACE_MBSTATE_T = @REPLACE_MBSTATE_T@ +REPLACE_MBTOWC = @REPLACE_MBTOWC@ +REPLACE_MEMCHR = @REPLACE_MEMCHR@ +REPLACE_MEMMEM = @REPLACE_MEMMEM@ +REPLACE_MKDIR = @REPLACE_MKDIR@ +REPLACE_MKFIFO = @REPLACE_MKFIFO@ +REPLACE_MKNOD = @REPLACE_MKNOD@ +REPLACE_MKSTEMP = @REPLACE_MKSTEMP@ +REPLACE_MKTIME = @REPLACE_MKTIME@ +REPLACE_NANOSLEEP = @REPLACE_NANOSLEEP@ +REPLACE_NEWLOCALE = @REPLACE_NEWLOCALE@ +REPLACE_NL_LANGINFO = @REPLACE_NL_LANGINFO@ +REPLACE_NULL = @REPLACE_NULL@ +REPLACE_OBSTACK_PRINTF = @REPLACE_OBSTACK_PRINTF@ +REPLACE_OPEN = @REPLACE_OPEN@ +REPLACE_OPENAT = @REPLACE_OPENAT@ +REPLACE_OPENDIR = @REPLACE_OPENDIR@ +REPLACE_PERROR = @REPLACE_PERROR@ +REPLACE_POPEN = @REPLACE_POPEN@ +REPLACE_PREAD = @REPLACE_PREAD@ +REPLACE_PRINTF = @REPLACE_PRINTF@ +REPLACE_PSELECT = @REPLACE_PSELECT@ +REPLACE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK = @REPLACE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK@ +REPLACE_PTSNAME = @REPLACE_PTSNAME@ +REPLACE_PTSNAME_R = @REPLACE_PTSNAME_R@ +REPLACE_PUTENV = @REPLACE_PUTENV@ +REPLACE_PWRITE = @REPLACE_PWRITE@ +REPLACE_QSORT_R = @REPLACE_QSORT_R@ +REPLACE_RAISE = @REPLACE_RAISE@ +REPLACE_RANDOM_R = @REPLACE_RANDOM_R@ +REPLACE_READ = @REPLACE_READ@ +REPLACE_READLINK = @REPLACE_READLINK@ +REPLACE_READLINKAT = @REPLACE_READLINKAT@ +REPLACE_REALLOC = @REPLACE_REALLOC@ +REPLACE_REALPATH = @REPLACE_REALPATH@ +REPLACE_REMOVE = @REPLACE_REMOVE@ +REPLACE_RENAME = @REPLACE_RENAME@ +REPLACE_RENAMEAT = @REPLACE_RENAMEAT@ +REPLACE_RMDIR = @REPLACE_RMDIR@ +REPLACE_SELECT = @REPLACE_SELECT@ +REPLACE_SETENV = @REPLACE_SETENV@ +REPLACE_SETLOCALE = @REPLACE_SETLOCALE@ +REPLACE_SLEEP = @REPLACE_SLEEP@ +REPLACE_SNPRINTF = @REPLACE_SNPRINTF@ +REPLACE_SPRINTF = @REPLACE_SPRINTF@ +REPLACE_STAT = @REPLACE_STAT@ +REPLACE_STDIO_READ_FUNCS = @REPLACE_STDIO_READ_FUNCS@ +REPLACE_STDIO_WRITE_FUNCS = @REPLACE_STDIO_WRITE_FUNCS@ +REPLACE_STPNCPY = @REPLACE_STPNCPY@ +REPLACE_STRCASESTR = @REPLACE_STRCASESTR@ +REPLACE_STRCHRNUL = @REPLACE_STRCHRNUL@ +REPLACE_STRDUP = @REPLACE_STRDUP@ +REPLACE_STRERROR = @REPLACE_STRERROR@ +REPLACE_STRERROR_R = @REPLACE_STRERROR_R@ +REPLACE_STRFTIME = @REPLACE_STRFTIME@ +REPLACE_STRNCAT = @REPLACE_STRNCAT@ +REPLACE_STRNDUP = @REPLACE_STRNDUP@ +REPLACE_STRNLEN = @REPLACE_STRNLEN@ +REPLACE_STRSIGNAL = @REPLACE_STRSIGNAL@ +REPLACE_STRSTR = @REPLACE_STRSTR@ +REPLACE_STRTOD = @REPLACE_STRTOD@ +REPLACE_STRTOK_R = @REPLACE_STRTOK_R@ +REPLACE_STRUCT_LCONV = @REPLACE_STRUCT_LCONV@ +REPLACE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL = @REPLACE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL@ +REPLACE_SYMLINK = @REPLACE_SYMLINK@ +REPLACE_SYMLINKAT = @REPLACE_SYMLINKAT@ +REPLACE_TIMEGM = @REPLACE_TIMEGM@ +REPLACE_TMPFILE = @REPLACE_TMPFILE@ +REPLACE_TOWLOWER = @REPLACE_TOWLOWER@ +REPLACE_TRUNCATE = @REPLACE_TRUNCATE@ +REPLACE_TTYNAME_R = @REPLACE_TTYNAME_R@ +REPLACE_TZSET = @REPLACE_TZSET@ +REPLACE_UNLINK = @REPLACE_UNLINK@ +REPLACE_UNLINKAT = @REPLACE_UNLINKAT@ +REPLACE_UNSETENV = @REPLACE_UNSETENV@ +REPLACE_USLEEP = @REPLACE_USLEEP@ +REPLACE_UTIME = @REPLACE_UTIME@ +REPLACE_UTIMENSAT = @REPLACE_UTIMENSAT@ +REPLACE_VASPRINTF = @REPLACE_VASPRINTF@ +REPLACE_VDPRINTF = @REPLACE_VDPRINTF@ +REPLACE_VFPRINTF = @REPLACE_VFPRINTF@ +REPLACE_VPRINTF = @REPLACE_VPRINTF@ +REPLACE_VSNPRINTF = @REPLACE_VSNPRINTF@ +REPLACE_VSPRINTF = @REPLACE_VSPRINTF@ +REPLACE_WCRTOMB = @REPLACE_WCRTOMB@ +REPLACE_WCSFTIME = @REPLACE_WCSFTIME@ +REPLACE_WCSNRTOMBS = @REPLACE_WCSNRTOMBS@ +REPLACE_WCSRTOMBS = @REPLACE_WCSRTOMBS@ +REPLACE_WCSWIDTH = @REPLACE_WCSWIDTH@ +REPLACE_WCTOB = @REPLACE_WCTOB@ +REPLACE_WCTOMB = @REPLACE_WCTOMB@ +REPLACE_WCWIDTH = @REPLACE_WCWIDTH@ +REPLACE_WRITE = @REPLACE_WRITE@ +SED = @SED@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +SIG_ATOMIC_T_SUFFIX = @SIG_ATOMIC_T_SUFFIX@ +SIZE_T_SUFFIX = @SIZE_T_SUFFIX@ +STDALIGN_H = @STDALIGN_H@ +STDARG_H = @STDARG_H@ +STDBOOL_H = @STDBOOL_H@ +STDDEF_H = @STDDEF_H@ +STDINT_H = @STDINT_H@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +SYSEXITS_H = @SYSEXITS_H@ +SYS_IOCTL_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H = @SYS_IOCTL_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H@ +SYS_IOCTL_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H_AND_USE_SOCKETS = @SYS_IOCTL_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H_AND_USE_SOCKETS@ +SYS_TIME_H_DEFINES_STRUCT_TIMESPEC = @SYS_TIME_H_DEFINES_STRUCT_TIMESPEC@ +TBL_X_FORMAT = @TBL_X_FORMAT@ +TIME_H_DEFINES_STRUCT_TIMESPEC = @TIME_H_DEFINES_STRUCT_TIMESPEC@ +TRANS_APROPOS = @TRANS_APROPOS@ +TRANS_APROPOS_UPPER = @TRANS_APROPOS_UPPER@ +TRANS_CATMAN = @TRANS_CATMAN@ +TRANS_CATMAN_UPPER = @TRANS_CATMAN_UPPER@ +TRANS_LEXGROG = @TRANS_LEXGROG@ +TRANS_LEXGROG_UPPER = @TRANS_LEXGROG_UPPER@ +TRANS_MAN = @TRANS_MAN@ +TRANS_MANCONV = @TRANS_MANCONV@ +TRANS_MANCONV_UPPER = @TRANS_MANCONV_UPPER@ +TRANS_MANDB = @TRANS_MANDB@ +TRANS_MANDB_UPPER = @TRANS_MANDB_UPPER@ +TRANS_MANPATH = @TRANS_MANPATH@ +TRANS_MANPATH_UPPER = @TRANS_MANPATH_UPPER@ +TRANS_MAN_UPPER = @TRANS_MAN_UPPER@ +TRANS_WHATIS = @TRANS_WHATIS@ +TRANS_WHATIS_UPPER = @TRANS_WHATIS_UPPER@ +TRANS_ZSOELIM = @TRANS_ZSOELIM@ +TRANS_ZSOELIM_UPPER = @TRANS_ZSOELIM_UPPER@ +TROFF = @TROFF@ +UNDEFINE_STRTOK_R = @UNDEFINE_STRTOK_R@ +UNISTD_H_DEFINES_STRUCT_TIMESPEC = @UNISTD_H_DEFINES_STRUCT_TIMESPEC@ +UNISTD_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H = @UNISTD_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H@ +UNISTD_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H_AND_USE_SOCKETS = @UNISTD_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H_AND_USE_SOCKETS@ +USE_NLS = @USE_NLS@ +UTIME_H = @UTIME_H@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +WCHAR_T_SUFFIX = @WCHAR_T_SUFFIX@ +WINDOWS_64_BIT_OFF_T = @WINDOWS_64_BIT_OFF_T@ +WINDOWS_64_BIT_ST_SIZE = @WINDOWS_64_BIT_ST_SIZE@ +WINDOWS_STAT_INODES = @WINDOWS_STAT_INODES@ +WINDOWS_STAT_TIMESPEC = @WINDOWS_STAT_TIMESPEC@ +WINT_T_SUFFIX = @WINT_T_SUFFIX@ +XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ +XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ +XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ +abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@ +abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@ +abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@ +abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +browser = @browser@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +builddir = @builddir@ +bunzip2 = @bunzip2@ +bzip2 = @bzip2@ +cache_top_owner = @cache_top_owner@ +cat = @cat@ +col = @col@ +compress = @compress@ +compress_ext = @compress_ext@ +compressor = @compressor@ +config_file = @config_file@ +config_file_basename = @config_file_basename@ +config_file_dirname = @config_file_dirname@ +datadir = @datadir@ +datarootdir = @datarootdir@ +date = @date@ +docdir = @docdir@ +dvidir = @dvidir@ +eqn = @eqn@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +gl_LIBOBJS = @gl_LIBOBJS@ +gl_LTLIBOBJS = @gl_LTLIBOBJS@ +gltests_LIBOBJS = @gltests_LIBOBJS@ +gltests_LTLIBOBJS = @gltests_LTLIBOBJS@ +gltests_WITNESS = @gltests_WITNESS@ +grap = @grap@ +grep = @grep@ +gunzip = @gunzip@ +gzip = @gzip@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +htmldir = @htmldir@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +libpipeline_CFLAGS = @libpipeline_CFLAGS@ +libpipeline_LIBS = @libpipeline_LIBS@ +libseccomp_CFLAGS = @libseccomp_CFLAGS@ +libseccomp_LIBS = @libseccomp_LIBS@ +localedir = @localedir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +lzip = @lzip@ +lzma = @lzma@ +man_mode = @man_mode@ +man_owner = @man_owner@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +neqn = @neqn@ +nroff = @nroff@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +override_dir = @override_dir@ +pager = @pager@ +pdfdir = @pdfdir@ +pic = @pic@ +preconv = @preconv@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +psdir = @psdir@ +refer = @refer@ +roff_version = @roff_version@ +runstatedir = @runstatedir@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sections = @sections@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +systemdsystemunitdir = @systemdsystemunitdir@ +systemdtmpfilesdir = @systemdtmpfilesdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +tbl = @tbl@ +top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@ +top_builddir = @top_builddir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +tr = @tr@ +troff = @troff@ +uncompress = @uncompress@ +unlzip = @unlzip@ +unlzma = @unlzma@ +unxz = @unxz@ +vgrind = @vgrind@ +xz = @xz@ +dist_noinst_DATA = \ + HACKING \ + TODO \ + man-db.lsm \ + manpage.example \ + manpage.example.mdoc \ + manpage.example.pod \ + manpage.example.sgml + +EXTRA_DIST = \ + INSTALL.autoconf \ + INSTALL.quick + +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \ + && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign docs/Makefile'; \ + $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign docs/Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__maybe_remake_depfiles)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__maybe_remake_depfiles);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(am__aclocal_m4_deps): + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: + +cscope cscopelist: + + +distdir: $(BUILT_SOURCES) + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distdir-am + +distdir-am: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; \ + dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \ + sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ + -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \ + case $$dist_files in \ + */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \ + sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \ + sort -u` ;; \ + esac; \ + for file in $$dist_files; do \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(DATA) +installdirs: +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + if test -z '$(STRIP)'; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + install; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'" install; \ + fi +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +html-am: + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-dvi: install-dvi-am + +install-dvi-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-html: install-html-am + +install-html-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-info-am: + +install-man: + +install-pdf: install-pdf-am + +install-pdf-am: + +install-ps: install-ps-am + +install-ps-am: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: + +.MAKE: install-am install-strip + +.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \ + cscopelist-am ctags-am distclean distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \ + install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ + install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ + tags-am uninstall uninstall-am + +.PRECIOUS: Makefile + + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/docs/TODO b/docs/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70ce932 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +In progress: + +* store .so link in the db. +* reduce wasted/duplicated text stored within the databases. + 10-20% database size reduction so far. +* pipeline library: + - make COMMAND_FUNCTION child reentrant, so it doesn't have to be a + subprocess; will save lots of forks of zlib children in mandb + +In need of attention: + +* clear up the use of troff and/or groff +* complete configuration file redesign to allow better dynamic determination + of programs/paths/extensions etc. +* multiple debug levels? + +Case-insensitive lookup transition: + +* Solaris layout is broken. +* Need to make sure pointers trigger an exact-case lookup [done for whatis]. diff --git a/docs/man-db.lsm b/docs/man-db.lsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f6de84 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/man-db.lsm @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +Begin4 +Title: man-db +Version: 2.8.5 +Entered-date: 2019-01-05 +Description: This package provides the man command. This utility is + the primary way of examining the on-line help files + (manual pages). Other utilities provided include the + whatis and apropos commands for searching the manual + page database, the manpath utility for determining the + manual page search path, and the maintenance utilities + mandb, catman, and zsoelim. This package uses the groff + suite of programs to format and display the manual + pages. +Keywords: man, mandb, manpath, apropos, whatis, manpath.conf, + manual pager browser, zsoelim, manconv, accessdb, lexgrog. +Author: jwe@che.utexas.edu (John W Eaton) + G.Wilford@ee.surrey.ac.uk (Graeme Wilford) + fpolacco@debian.org (Fabrizio Polacco) + cjwatson@debian.org (Colin Watson) +Maintained-by: cjwatson@debian.org (Colin Watson) +Primary-site: https://savannah.nongnu.org/download/man-db/ + 1.8M man-db-2.8.5.tar.xz +Alternate-site: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/man-db/ +Platforms: Requires GNU groff 1.16. + Optionally uses GDBM or Berkeley DB (any version with 1.85 + compatibility). +Copying-policy: GPL +End diff --git a/docs/manpage.example b/docs/manpage.example new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efd9276 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/manpage.example @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +.\" In .TH, FOO should be all caps, SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection +.\" other parms are allowed: see man(7), man(1) +.\" +.\" This template provided by Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>. +.\" +.TH FOO SECTION +.SH NAME +foo, bar \- programs to do something +.SH SYNOPSIS +A short usage summary. +.PP +.B foo +{ +.BR this | that +} +[ +.B -flags +] +[ +.B \-o +.I option +] +.I argument +[ +.I more... +] +.SH DESCRIPTION +.\" Putting a newline after each sentence can generate better output. +Long drawn-out discussion of the program. +It's a good idea to break this up into subsections using the .SS macro, +like these: +.SS "A Sample Subsection" +.SS "Yet Another Sample Subsection" +References to the +.BR foo (SECTION) +(or other) manual page should use the .BR macro as here. +.PP +Use the .PP macro to start a new paragraph within a section. +.SH OPTIONS +Some people make this separate from the description. +The following style is typically used to document options: +.TP +.BR this | that +The user MUST specify either +.B this +or +.B that +to run the program. +The { and } braces mean one of the enclosed is required. +The bar (|) separates exclusive options (i.e. you cannot have both at once). +.TP +.B \-o +Pass the user-supplied +.I option +to +.B foo +to change its behaviour. +The fact that +.I option +is underlined or in italics means that the user replaces it with a valid +value for this option. +The [ and ] brackets mean it isn't required. +.IP +Use \(oq\e-\(cq rather than \(oq-\(cq for dashes in command-line options. +\(oq-\(cq means hyphen, and formats differently when using certain output +devices. +.TP +.I argument +The last +.I argument +is required, because it is not in brackets. +.TP +.I more +means that the user can optionally specify additional arguments at the end. +The ellipses (...) indicate one or more of this parameter is allowed. +.SH "RETURN VALUE" +What the program or function returns if successful. +.SH ERRORS +Return codes, either exit status or errno settings. +.SH EXAMPLES +Give some example uses of the program. +.SH ENVIRONMENT +Environment variables this program might care about. +.SH FILES +All files used by the program. +Typical usage is like this: +.br +.nf +.\" set tabstop to longest possible filename, plus a wee bit +.ta \w'/usr/lib/perl/getopts.pl 'u +\fI/usr/man\fR default man tree +\fI/usr/man/man*/*.*\fR unformatted (nroff source) man pages +.SH NOTES +Miscellaneous commentary. +.SH CAVEATS +Things to take special care with, sometimes called WARNINGS. +.SH DIAGNOSTICS +All the possible error messages the program can print out, +what they mean, and how to correct them if applicable. +.SH BUGS +Things that are broken or just don't work quite right. +.SH RESTRICTIONS +Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-) +.SH AUTHOR +Who wrote it (or AUTHORS if multiple). +.SH HISTORY +Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this. +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.\" Always quote multiple words for .SH +Other man pages to check out, like +.BR man (1), +.BR man (7), +.BR mandb (8), +.BR catman (8). diff --git a/docs/manpage.example.mdoc b/docs/manpage.example.mdoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b10fee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/manpage.example.mdoc @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +.\" -mdoc is a groff macro package supporting logical formatting. The author +.\" of this example considers it the best package available in groff for +.\" writing manual pages. If you're used to the traditional Unix -man +.\" macros, give this a try; it doesn't take long to learn. groff_mdoc(7) is +.\" a complete reference manual. +.\" +.\" Many of the macros below stack, so ".Op Ar foo" means an optional +.\" argument called "foo", while ".Ar foo" means an argument called "foo". +.\" Where you see things like ".Ql .Fl" below, the second dot causes ".Fl" +.\" to be interpreted as ordinary text rather than calling the .Fl macro. +.Dd June 4, 2005 +.Os FooOS +.Dt FOO 1 +.Sh NAME +.Nm foo +.Nd program to do something +.Sh SYNOPSIS +A short usage summary. +.Pp +.Nm +.Brq Cm this | Cm that +.Op Fl flags +.Op Fl o Ar option +.Ar argument +.\" Punctuation is treated specially by -mdoc, and often gets pushed up +.\" against whatever precedes it without the special formatting, so having +.\" an underlined argument immediately followed by a normal comma is easy. +.\" If you want to make sure this special handling isn't applied, put a +.\" zero-width space, \&, before the punctuation. +.Op Ar more \&... +.Sh DESCRIPTION +.\" Putting a newline after each sentence generates better output. +Long drawn-out discussion of the program. +It's a good idea to break this up into subsections using the +.Ql .Ss +macro, like these: +.Ss A Sample Subsection +.Ss Yet Another Sample Subsection +.Pp +References to the +.Xr foo SECTION +(or other) manual page should use the +.Ql .Xr +macro as here. +References to the +.Sx OPTIONS +(or other) section within this manual page should use the +.Ql .Sx +macro as here. +.Pp +Use the +.Ql .Pp +macro to start a new paragraph within a section. +.Sh OPTIONS +Some people make this separate from the description. +The following list style is typically used to document options: +.Bl -tag -width 4n +.It Cm this | Cm that +The user MUST specify either +.Cm this +or +.Cm that +to run the program. +The { and } braces (using the +.Ql .Brq +macro) mean one of the enclosed is required. +The bar (|) separates exclusive options (i.e. you cannot have both at once). +.It Fl o +Pass the user-supplied +.Ar option +to +.Nm +to change its behaviour. +The fact that +.Ar option +is underlined or in italics means that the user replaces it with a valid +value for this option. +The [ and ] brackets (using the +.Ql .Op +macro) mean it isn't required. +.Pp +Use the +.Ql .Fl +macro to render dashes in command-line option. +.It Ar argument +The last +.Ar argument +is required, because it is not in brackets. +.It Ar more +means that the user can optionally specify additional arguments at the end. +The ellipses +.Pf ( Ar ... ) +indicate one or more of this parameter is allowed. +.\" Remember to close lists you open with .Bl. +.El +.Sh RETURN VALUE +What the program or function returns if successful. +.Sh ERRORS +Return codes, either exit status or errno settings. +.Sh EXAMPLES +Give some example uses of the program. +.Sh ENVIRONMENT +Environment variables this program might care about. +.Sh FILES +All files used by the program. +Typical usage is like this: +.Pp +.Bl -tag -width "/usr/man/man*/*.*" -compact +.It Pa /usr/man +default man tree +.It Pa /usr/man/man*/*.* +unformatted (nroff source) man pages +.El +.Sh NOTES +Miscellaneous commentary. +.Sh CAVEATS +Things to take special care with, sometimes called WARNINGS. +.Sh DIAGNOSTICS +All the possible error messages the program can print out, +what they mean, and how to correct them if applicable. +.Sh BUGS +Things that are broken or just don't work quite right. +.Sh RESTRICTIONS +Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-) +.Sh AUTHOR +Who wrote it (or AUTHORS if multiple). +.Sh HISTORY +Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this. +.Sh SEE ALSO +Other man pages to check out, like +.Xr man 1 , +.Xr man 7 , +.Xr mandb 8 , +.Xr catman 8 . diff --git a/docs/manpage.example.pod b/docs/manpage.example.pod new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c62de7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/manpage.example.pod @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +=head1 NAME + +foo, bar - programs to do something + +=head1 SYNOPSIS + +A short usage summary. + +B<foo> { B<this>|B<that> } [ B<-flags> ] [ B<-o> I<option> ] I<argument> [ I<more...> ] + +=head1 DESCRIPTION + +Long drawn-out discussion of the program. It's a good idea to break this +up into subsections using "=head2" directives, like these: + +=head2 A Sample Subsection + +=head2 Yet Another Sample Subsection + +References to the foo(1) (or other) manual page should be written normally +as here; B<pod2man> will usually guess the correct formatting. Use S<L><> +(e.g. L<foo(SECTION)>) if you need to force this. + +Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. + +=head1 OPTIONS + +Some people make this separate from the description. + +The following style is typically used to document options: + +=over 8 + +=item B<this>|B<that> + +The user MUST specify either B<this> or B<that> to run the program. The { +and } braces mean one of the enclosed is required. The bar (|) separates +exclusive options (i.e. you cannot have both at once). + +=item B<-o> + +Pass the user-supplied I<option> to B<foo> to change its behaviour. The +fact that I<option> is underlined or in italics means that the user replaces +it with a valid value for this option. The [ and ] brackets mean it isn't +required. + +=item I<argument> + +The last I<argument> is required, because it is not in brackets. + +=item I<more> + +means that the user can optionally specify additional arguments at the end. +The ellipses (...) indicate one or more of this parameter is allowed. + +=back + +=head1 RETURN VALUE + +What the program or function returns if successful. + +=head1 ERRORS + +Return codes, either exit status or errno settings. + +=head1 EXAMPLES + +Give some example uses of the program. + +=head1 ENVIRONMENT + +Environment variables this program might care about. + +=head1 FILES + +All files used by the program. Typical usage is like this: + +=over 8 + +=item F</usr/man> + +default man tree + +=item F</usr/man/man*/*.*> + +unformatted (nroff source) man pages + +=back + +=head1 NOTES + +Miscellaneous commentary. + +=head1 CAVEATS + +Things to take special care with, sometimes called WARNINGS. + +=head1 DIAGNOSTICS + +All the possible error messages the program can print out, what they +mean, and how to correct them if applicable. + +=head1 BUGS + +Things that are broken or just don't work quite right. + +=head1 RESTRICTIONS + +Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-) + +=head1 AUTHOR + +Who wrote it (or AUTHORS if multiple). + +This example was constructed by Colin Watson <S<cjwatson@debian.org>> +from a template provided by Tom Christiansen <S<tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>>. + +=head1 HISTORY + +Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this. + +=head1 SEE ALSO + +Other man pages to check out, like man(1), man(7), mandb(8), catman(8). + +For this example, see pod2man(1) for more details. diff --git a/docs/manpage.example.sgml b/docs/manpage.example.sgml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c460680 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/manpage.example.sgml @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [ + +<!-- Process this file with docbook-to-man to generate an nroff manual + page: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml > manpage.1'. You may view + the manual page with: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml | nroff -man | + less'. A typical entry in a Makefile or Makefile.am is: + +manpage.1: manpage.sgml + docbook-to-man $< > $@ + --> + +<!-- This example was constructed by Colin Watson + <email>cjwatson@debian.org</email>, based on a man page template + provided by Tom Christiansen <email>tchrist@jhereg.perl.com</email> + and a DocBook man page example by Craig Small + <email>csmall@debian.org</email>. + --> + + <!-- Fill in the various UPPER CASE things here. --> + <!ENTITY manfirstname "<firstname>FIRSTNAME</firstname>"> + <!ENTITY mansurname "<surname>SURNAME</surname>"> + <!-- Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. --> + <!ENTITY mandate "<date>DATE</date>"> + <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe with subsection. Other parameters are + allowed: see man(7), man(1). --> + <!ENTITY mansection "<manvolnum>SECTION</manvolnum>"> + <!ENTITY manemail "<email>EMAIL</email>"> + <!ENTITY manusername "USERNAME"> + <!ENTITY manucpackage "<refentrytitle>UCPACKAGE</refentrytitle>"> + <!ENTITY manpackage "PACKAGE"> +]> + +<refentry> + <refentryinfo> + <address> + &manemail; + </address> + <author> + &manfirstname; + &mansurname; + </author> + <copyright> + <year>2002</year> + <holder>&manusername;</holder> + </copyright> + &mandate; + </refentryinfo> + <refmeta> + &manucpackage; + + &mansection; + </refmeta> + <refnamediv> + <refname>&manpackage;</refname> + + <refpurpose>program to do something</refpurpose> + </refnamediv> + <refsynopsisdiv> + <cmdsynopsis> + <command>&manpackage;</command> + + <group choice="req"><arg>this</arg><arg>that</arg></group> + <group choice="opt"><arg>-flags</arg></group> + <group choice="opt"> + <arg>-o <replaceable>option</replaceable></arg> + </group> + <arg>argument</arg> + <arg rep="repeat" choice="opt"><replaceable>more</replaceable></arg> + </cmdsynopsis> + </refsynopsisdiv> + <refsect1> + <title>DESCRIPTION</title> + + <para>Long drawn-out discussion of <command>&manpackage;</command>. + It's a good idea to break this up into subsections, like these:</para> + + <refsect2> + <title>A Sample Subsection</title> + <para></para> + </refsect2> + <refsect2> + <title>Yet Another Sample Subsection</title> + + <para>References to the + <citerefentry> + <refentrytitle>foo</refentrytitle><manvolnum>SECTION</manvolnum> + </citerefentry> (or other) manual page should use the + <markup><citerefentry></markup> element as here. + </para> + + <para>Each paragraph within a section is contained within a + <markup><para></markup> tag.</para> + </refsect2> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>OPTIONS</title> + + <para>Some people make this separate from the description.</para> + + <variablelist> + <varlistentry> + <term><option>this</option>|<option>that</option></term> + <listitem> + <para>The user MUST specify either <option>this</option> or + <option>that</option> to run the program. The { and } braces + mean one of the enclosed is required. The bar (|) separates + exclusive options (i.e. you cannot have both at once.)</para> + </listitem> + </varlistentry> + <varlistentry> + <term><option>-o</option></term> + <listitem> + <para>Pass the user-supplied <replaceable>option</replaceable> to + <command>foo</command> to change its behaviour. The fact that + <replaceable>option</replaceable> is underlined or in italics + means that the user replaces it with a valid value for this + option. The [ and ] brackets mean it isn't required.</para> + </listitem> + </varlistentry> + <varlistentry> + <term><option>argument</option></term> + <listitem> + <para>The last <option>argument</option> is required, because it + is not in brackets.</para> + </listitem> + </varlistentry> + <varlistentry> + <term><option>more</option></term> + <listitem> + <para>means that the user can optionally specify additional + arguments at the end. The ellipses (...) indicate one or more of + this parameter is allowed.</para> + </listitem> + </varlistentry> + </variablelist> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>RETURN VALUE</title> + + <para>What the program or function returns if successful.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>ERRORS</title> + + <para>Return codes, either exit status or errno settings.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>EXAMPLES</title> + + <para>Give some example uses of the program.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>ENVIRONMENT</title> + + <para>Environment variables this program might care about.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>FILES</title> + + <para>All files used by the program. Typical usage is like this:</para> + + <variablelist> + <varlistentry> + <term><filename>/usr/man</filename></term> + <listitem><para>default man tree</para></listitem> + </varlistentry> + <varlistentry> + <term><filename>/usr/man/man*/*.*</filename></term> + <listitem><para>unformatted (nroff source) man pages</para></listitem> + </varlistentry> + </variablelist> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>NOTES</title> + + <para>Miscellaneous commentary.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>CAVEATS</title> + + <para>Things to take special care with, sometimes called WARNINGS.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>DIAGNOSTICS</title> + + <para>All the possible error messages the program can print out, what + they mean, and how to correct them if applicable.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>BUGS</title> + + <para>Things that are broken or just don't work quite right.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>RESTRICTIONS</title> + + <para>Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-)</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>AUTHOR</title> + + <para>Who wrote it (or AUTHORS if multiple).</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>HISTORY</title> + + <para>Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this.</para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1> + <title>SEE ALSO</title> + + <para>Other man pages to check out, like man(1), man(7), mandb(8), + catman(8).</para> + </refsect1> +</refentry> + +<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file +Local variables: +mode: sgml +sgml-omittag:t +sgml-shorttag:t +sgml-minimize-attributes:nil +sgml-always-quote-attributes:t +sgml-indent-step:2 +sgml-indent-data:t +sgml-parent-document:nil +sgml-default-dtd-file:nil +sgml-exposed-tags:nil +sgml-local-catalogs:nil +sgml-local-ecat-files:nil +End: +--> |