// $OpenLDAP$ /* * Copyright 2000-2018 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ #include "LDAPUrl.h" #include #include #include "debug.h" using namespace std; #define PCT_ENCFLAG_NONE 0x0000U #define PCT_ENCFLAG_COMMA 0x0001U #define PCT_ENCFLAG_SLASH 0x0002U #define LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT 389 #define LDAPS_DEFAULT_PORT 636 LDAPUrl::LDAPUrl(const std::string &url) { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_CONSTRUCT, "LDAPUrl::LDAPUrl()" << endl); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_CONSTRUCT | LDAP_DEBUG_PARAMETER, " url:" << url << endl); m_urlString = url; m_Filter = ""; m_Scheme = "ldap"; m_Scope = 0; m_Port = 0; regenerate = false; if (url != "") { this->parseUrl(); } } LDAPUrl::~LDAPUrl() { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_DESTROY, "LDAPUrl::~LDAPUrl()" << endl); m_Attrs.clear(); } int LDAPUrl::getPort() const { return m_Port; } void LDAPUrl::setPort(int port) { m_Port = port; regenerate = true; } int LDAPUrl::getScope() const { return m_Scope; } void LDAPUrl::setScope( const std::string &scope ) { if (scope == "base" || scope == "" ) { m_Scope = 0; } else if (scope == "one" ) { m_Scope = 1; } else if (scope == "sub" ) { m_Scope = 2; } else { throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_SCOPE, "Scope was:" + scope); } regenerate = true; } const string& LDAPUrl::getURLString() const { if (regenerate){ this->components2Url(); regenerate=false; } return m_urlString; } void LDAPUrl::setURLString( const std::string &url ) { m_urlString = url; if (url != "") { this->parseUrl(); } regenerate = false; } const string& LDAPUrl::getHost() const { return m_Host; } void LDAPUrl::setHost( const std::string &host ) { m_Host = host; regenerate = true; } const string& LDAPUrl::getDN() const { return m_DN; } void LDAPUrl::setDN( const std::string &dn ) { m_DN = dn; regenerate = true; } const string& LDAPUrl::getFilter() const { return m_Filter; } void LDAPUrl::setFilter( const std::string &filter ) { m_Filter = filter; regenerate = true; } const StringList& LDAPUrl::getAttrs() const { return m_Attrs; } void LDAPUrl::setAttrs( const StringList &attrs ) { m_Attrs = attrs; regenerate = true; } const StringList& LDAPUrl::getExtensions() const { return m_Extensions; } void LDAPUrl::setExtensions( const StringList &ext ) { m_Extensions = ext; regenerate = true; } const std::string& LDAPUrl::getScheme() const { return m_Scheme; } void LDAPUrl::setScheme( const std::string &scheme ) { if (scheme == "ldap" || scheme == "ldaps" || scheme == "ldapi" || scheme == "cldap" ) { m_Scheme = scheme; regenerate = true; } else { throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_SCHEME, "Unknown URL scheme: \"" + scheme + "\""); } } void LDAPUrl::parseUrl() { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "LDAPUrl::parseUrl()" << std::endl); // reading Scheme std::string::size_type pos = m_urlString.find(':'); std::string::size_type startpos = pos; if (pos == std::string::npos) { throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_URL, "No colon found in URL"); } std::string scheme = m_urlString.substr(0, pos); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " scheme is <" << scheme << ">" << std::endl); if ( scheme == "ldap" ) { m_Scheme = scheme; } else if ( scheme == "ldaps" ) { m_Scheme = scheme; } else if ( scheme == "ldapi" ) { m_Scheme = scheme; } else if ( scheme == "cldap" ) { m_Scheme = scheme; } else { throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_SCHEME, "Unknown URL Scheme: \"" + scheme + "\""); } if ( m_urlString[pos+1] != '/' || m_urlString[pos+2] != '/' ) { throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_URL); } else { startpos = pos + 3; } if ( m_urlString[startpos] == '/' ) { // no hostname and port startpos++; } else { std::string::size_type hostend, portstart=0; pos = m_urlString.find('/', startpos); // IPv6 Address? if ( m_urlString[startpos] == '[' ) { // skip startpos++; hostend = m_urlString.find(']', startpos); if ( hostend == std::string::npos ){ throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_URL); } portstart = hostend + 1; } else { hostend = m_urlString.find(':', startpos); if ( hostend == std::string::npos || portstart > pos ) { hostend = pos; } portstart = hostend; } std::string host = m_urlString.substr(startpos, hostend - startpos); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " host: <" << host << ">" << std::endl); percentDecode(host, m_Host); if (portstart >= m_urlString.length() || portstart >= pos ) { if ( m_Scheme == "ldap" || m_Scheme == "cldap" ) { m_Port = LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT; } else if ( m_Scheme == "ldaps" ) { m_Port = LDAPS_DEFAULT_PORT; } } else { std::string port = m_urlString.substr(portstart+1, (pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos-portstart-1) ); if ( port.length() > 0 ) { std::istringstream i(port); i >> m_Port; if ( i.fail() ){ throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_PORT); } } DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " Port: <" << m_Port << ">" << std::endl); } startpos = pos + 1; } int parserMode = base; while ( pos != std::string::npos ) { pos = m_urlString.find('?', startpos); std::string actComponent = m_urlString.substr(startpos, pos - startpos); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ParserMode:" << parserMode << std::endl); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ActComponent: <" << actComponent << ">" << std::endl); std::string s_scope = ""; std::string s_ext = ""; switch(parserMode) { case base : percentDecode(actComponent, m_DN); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " BaseDN:" << m_DN << std::endl); break; case attrs : DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " reading Attributes" << std::endl); if (actComponent.length() != 0 ) { string2list(actComponent,m_Attrs, true); } break; case scope : percentDecode(actComponent, s_scope); if (s_scope == "base" || s_scope == "" ) { m_Scope = 0; } else if (s_scope == "one" ) { m_Scope = 1; } else if (s_scope == "sub" ) { m_Scope = 2; } else { throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::INVALID_SCOPE); } DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " Scope: <" << s_scope << ">" << std::endl); break; case filter : percentDecode(actComponent, m_Filter); DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " filter: <" << m_Filter << ">" << std::endl); break; case extensions : DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " reading Extensions" << std::endl); string2list(actComponent, m_Extensions, true); break; default : DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " unknown state" << std::endl); break; } startpos = pos + 1; parserMode++; } } void LDAPUrl::percentDecode(const std::string& src, std::string &out) { DEBUG(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "LDAPUrl::percentDecode()" << std::endl); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type startpos = 0; pos = src.find('%', startpos); while ( pos != std::string::npos ) { out += src.substr(startpos, pos - startpos); std::string istr(src.substr(pos+1, 2)); std::istringstream i(istr); i.setf(std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield); i.unsetf(std::ios::showbase); int hex; i >> hex; if ( i.fail() ){ throw LDAPUrlException(LDAPUrlException::URL_DECODING_ERROR, "Invalid percent encoding"); } char j = hex; out.push_back(j); startpos = pos+3; pos = src.find('%', startpos); } out += src.substr(startpos, pos - startpos); } void LDAPUrl::string2list(const std::string &src, StringList& sl, bool percentDecode) { std::string::size_type comma_startpos = 0; std::string::size_type comma_pos = 0; std::string actItem; while ( comma_pos != std::string::npos ) { comma_pos = src.find(',', comma_startpos); actItem = src.substr(comma_startpos, comma_pos - comma_startpos); if (percentDecode){ std::string decoded; this->percentDecode(actItem,decoded); actItem = decoded; } sl.add(actItem); comma_startpos = comma_pos + 1; } } void LDAPUrl::components2Url() const { std::ostringstream url; std::string encoded = ""; url << m_Scheme << "://"; // IPv6 ? if ( m_Host.find( ':', 0 ) != std::string::npos ) { url << "[" << this->percentEncode(m_Host, encoded) << "]"; } else { url << this->percentEncode(m_Host, encoded, PCT_ENCFLAG_SLASH); } if ( m_Port != 0 ) { url << ":" << m_Port; } url << "/"; encoded = ""; if ( m_DN != "" ) { this->percentEncode( m_DN, encoded ); url << encoded; } string qm = ""; if ( ! m_Attrs.empty() ){ url << "?"; bool first = true; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = m_Attrs.begin(); i != m_Attrs.end(); i++) { this->percentEncode( *i, encoded ); if ( ! first ) { url << ","; } else { first = false; } url << encoded; } } else { qm.append("?"); } if ( m_Scope == 1 ) { url << qm << "?one"; qm = ""; } else if ( m_Scope == 2 ) { url << qm << "?sub"; qm = ""; } else { qm.append("?"); } if (m_Filter != "" ){ this->percentEncode( m_Filter, encoded ); url << qm << "?" << encoded; qm = ""; } else { qm.append("?"); } if ( ! m_Extensions.empty() ){ url << qm << "?"; bool first = true; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = m_Extensions.begin(); i != m_Extensions.end(); i++) { this->percentEncode( *i, encoded, 1); if ( ! first ) { url << ","; } else { first = false; } url << encoded; } } m_urlString=url.str(); } std::string& LDAPUrl::percentEncode( const std::string &src, std::string &dest, int flags) const { std::ostringstream o; o.setf(std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield); o.setf(std::ios::uppercase); o.unsetf(std::ios::showbase); bool escape=false; for ( std::string::const_iterator i = src.begin(); i != src.end(); i++ ){ switch(*i){ /* reserved */ case '?' : escape = true; break; case ',' : if ( flags & PCT_ENCFLAG_COMMA ) { escape = true; } else { escape = false; } break; case ':' : case '/' : if ( flags & PCT_ENCFLAG_SLASH ) { escape = true; } else { escape = false; } break; case '#' : case '[' : case ']' : case '@' : case '!' : case '$' : case '&' : case '\'' : case '(' : case ')' : case '*' : case '+' : case ';' : case '=' : /* unreserved */ case '-' : case '.' : case '_' : case '~' : escape = false; break; default : if ( std::isalnum(*i) ) { escape = false; } else { escape = true; } break; } if ( escape ) { o << "%" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)(unsigned char)*i ; } else { o.put(*i); } } dest = o.str(); return dest; } const code2string_s LDAPUrlException::code2string[] = { { INVALID_SCHEME, "Invalid URL Scheme" }, { INVALID_PORT, "Invalid Port in Url" }, { INVALID_SCOPE, "Invalid Search Scope in Url" }, { INVALID_URL, "Invalid LDAP Url" }, { URL_DECODING_ERROR, "Url-decoding Error" }, { 0, 0 } }; LDAPUrlException::LDAPUrlException( int code, const std::string &msg) : m_code(code), m_addMsg(msg) {} int LDAPUrlException::getCode() const { return m_code; } const std::string LDAPUrlException::getAdditionalInfo() const { return m_addMsg; } const std::string LDAPUrlException::getErrorMessage() const { for ( int i = 0; code2string[i].string != 0; i++ ) { if ( code2string[i].code == m_code ) { return std::string(code2string[i].string); } } return ""; }